Title: Brewing Statistics Winter 2004
1Brewing StatisticsWinter 2004
2Statistics brought to you by
- The Institute for Brewing Studies and
beertown.org - M. Shanken Communications, Inc. featuring fine
magazines Impact, Market Watch, Wine Spectator,
Cigar Aficionado, and Food Arts - Various corporate brewery web sites
- 1 Barrel 2 U.S. Kegs
- 1 Barrel 31 US Gallons
- 1 Barrel 1.17 Hectoliters
- 1 Hectoliter 26.4 Gallons
- 15,000 barrels 465,000 gallons
- 2,000,000 barrels 62 million gallons
- All tables in this presentation are in millions
of hectoliters unless otherwise noted!
4U.S. Beer Market - 2000
5U.S. Top Beer Brands - 2000
6U.S. Top Beer Brands - 2000
7U.S. Top Five Imports - 2000
8U.S. Top Five Advertisers - 2000
9Advertising Expenditures - 2000
10Advertising Expenditures - 2000
11Top 10 World Brewers - 2000
12Top 10 World Brewers - 2000
13Top 10 World Brands - 2000
14Top 10 World Brands - 2000
15Top 10 Beer Markets - 2000
16Top 10 Beer Markets - 2000
17U.S. Brewing Facts
18U.S. Brewing Facts
- As of November 2001, 49 states and Washington
D.C. have brewpubs (still illegal in Montana) - Since 1999, all 50 states have breweries
- 1 in 3.5 brewpubs fail
- 1 in 3 microbreweries fail
- In 2000, 81 brewpubs and 21 micros opened
- In 2000, 69 brewpubs and 31 micros closed
19World Per Capita Consumption
- In liters per person for 2000 (Top 5)
- Germany 123.9
- United Kingdom 97.5
- United States 83.5
- Spain 70.5
- South Africa 58.7
20World Per Capita Consumption
- In liters per person for 2000 (Rank 6-10)
- Japan 56.0
- Mexico 50.5
- Brazil 48.6
- Russia 38.2
- World Average 21.7
- China 17.2
21U.S. Breweries per Capita
- As of May 2001 (Top 5)
- Vermont 1 / 38,052
- Alaska 1 / 39,183
- Maine 1 / 41,127
- Colorado 1 / 46,250
- Oregon 1 / 46,868
22U.S. Breweries per Capita
- As of May 2001 (Rank 6-10)
- Montana 1 / 50,122
- Wyoming 1 / 70,540
- Washington 1 / 76,547
- New Hampshire 1 / 77,237
- New Mexico 1 / 86,621
23U.S. Breweries per Capita
- As of May 2001 (Others)
- Washington D.C. 1 / 114,411
- California 1 / 164,425
- Alabama 1 / 889,420
- Budweiser, Busch, Natural Michelob
- ODouls non-alcoholic
- Killarney's Red Lager
- Hurricane and King Cobra Malt Liquor
- Red Wolf
- ZiegenBock (Texas only)
- Pacific Ridge Pale Ale (N. California)
- Alliance Partners Redhook Widmer
25Miller Brewing
- SABMiller (was Philip Morris Company)
- Miller High Life, MGD, Lite
- Sharps non-alcoholic
- Milwaukee's Best
- Red Dog, Icehouse, Southpaw Light
- Henry Weinhard's
- Hamm's
- Olde English 800, Mickeys
- Leinenkugel's Original Premium
26Coors Brewing
- Original Coors, Coors Light, N/A
- George Killians
- Keystone
- Blue Moon Belgian-style White
- Recently purchased Carling and Grolsch brands
from Bass / Interbrew