Title: DPI Instructional Media
1DPI Instructional Media Technology
TeamProgram UPDATE - March 2009
- Department of Public Instruction
- Instructional Media Technology Team
- Nancy Anderson Stuart Ciske Steve Sanders
Donna Steffan Amy French
2IMT Staff Responsibilities
- Steve Sanders - 608.266.3856 - stephen.sanders_at_dpi
.wi.gov - Distance Education - E-Rate - CITSC -
Instructional Technology Certification - WADEN - Nancy Anderson - 608.267.9287 -
nancy.anderson_at_dpi.wi.gov - School Library Issues - Common School Fund -
Library Media Certification - WEMTA Liaison -
Reading First - Stuart Ciske - 608.267.9289 - stuart.ciske_at_dpi.wi.
gov - ESEA Monitoring - Intel - Program Eval Needs
Assessments - Info Tech Planning - Donna Steffan - 608.267.1282 - donna.steffan_at_dpi.w
i.gov - EETT Competitive - Information Tech Planning
Thinkfinity - ECB Liaison - Amy French - 608.261.6327 - amy.french_at_dpi.wi.gov
- ESEA Consolidated - Formula Program Plan ESEA
End-of-Year Report
3IMTT Update
- ITL Standards Update
- Budget and Resources
- Professional Development Virtual Resources
- Open Q A
- Informational slides at end of presentation
4Information Technology Literacy Standards
- ITL Standards Update
- Grade 8 Literacy Reporting
- Title II D Onsite Monitoring
5ITL Standards Update
- Process from Fall 2008 Regionals
- Great discussion and feedback from all 4 regional
meetings - Two main themes
- Adopt ISTE 2007 Student Standards as replacement
- Tweak/wordsmith our current ITLS to match ISTE
and add from AASL standards
621st Century Learning
- This is a story about the big public
conversation the nation is not having about
education whether an entire generation of kids
will fail to make the grade in the global economy
because they cant think their way through
abstract problems, work in teams, distinguish
good information from bad, or speak a language
other than English. -
- How to Build a Student for the 21st Century,
TIME Magazine, Dec. 18, 2006
7Recommendations for Revising StandardsADP/P21
Leadership and Design Teams
- The standards should reflect consistent content
and formatting - vertically aligned
- grade band standards
- grade level (PK-8) and course (9-12) expectations
- Identify power or essential standards for
classroom instruction and assessment. - Show within each grade band the grade-by-grade
progress that is targeted for each power
standard. - Integrate 21st century skills and foster cross
curricular connections among disciplines. -
8Infusing Standards with 21st Century Skills
- English Language Arts
- Media and Technology
- Use a variety of technologies to acquire,
analyze, evaluate, and create media,
independently and collaboratively
9Infusing Standards with 21st Century Skills
- Mathematics
- Statistics and Probability
- Work with data in the context of real-world
situations by using technology such as a graphing
calculators or spreadsheets to generate displays,
summary statistics, presentations, and
qualitative graphs - Recognize when arguments based on data confuse
correlations with causation use understanding of
sampling bias to evaluate research claims
10PreK-2 Grade Band Standard Numbers and Number
Sense (Number and Algebra)Children begin to
understand the meaning of whole numbers as they
learn to quantify things in their environment,
talk about counting, and represent the quantities
using drawings or written numerals. They explore
a variety of number relationships that lay the
foundation to computational fluency and base-ten
11Every student in your schoolor district must be
- A critical thinker
- A problem solver
- An innovator
- An effective communicator
- An effective collaborator
- A self-directed learner
- Information and media literate
- Globally aware
- Civically engaged
- Financially and economically literate
- What will it take to make this
12For more information and to provide feedback
onrevision of Wisconsins Model Academic
StandardsEnglish Language Arts and Mathematics
- Paul Sandrock
- Assistant Director
- Content and Learning Team
- s.paul.sandrock_at_dpi.wi.gov
- 608-267-3726
13Budget Resource Alignment
- EETT / Recovery Funds
- Common School Funds
- LMS Staffing Data 2008-09
FY09 (2009-10) Funding projected 3.5 M (1.7
over 08-09) NORMAL time frame
ARRA/Recovery Funding projected 9.17 M FORMULA
FY10 (2010-11) Funding projected same as
09-10 NORMAL time frame
- DPI Recovery http//dpi.wi.gov/recovery
- Ed Tech / Title IA / Title I School Improvement
- Construction Money
- Qualified School Construction Bonds
- Qualified Zone Academy Bonds
- Wisconsin Recovery http//www.recovery.wi.gov
- Program Search
- Education
- Miscellaneous (Broadband)
- Improve student achievement through school
improvement and reform - Rigorous college and career ready standards and
high quality assessments - Establish PK-16 and career data systems to track
progress and foster continuous improvement - Increase teacher effectiveness and improve
equitable distribution of highly-qualified
teachers for all students - Provide intensive support and effective
interventions for lowest performing schools - http//www.ed.gov/policy/gen/leg/recovery/implemen
Note FY08 Formula Competitive include previous
year carryovers, FY09 and FY10 do not
18Common School Fund
- http//dpi.wi.gov/sfs/comsch.html
- 2009-10 Information
- Workgroup reconvening
- What can be purchased
- No carryover
- Be Seen Be Heard - Meet Your State Leaders
- Tuesday 8-845 Exhibit Hall B
- Tia Nelson Tom German
- Board of Commissioners for Public Lands
19LMS Staffing Data 2008-09
20Professional Development Virtual Resources
- Thinkfinity
- Wisconsin Intel Project
- Technology Planning Workshops
- Ask?Away / BadgerLink / WISCAT
- http//www.thinkfinity.org/
- FY08 trained
- 142 new field trainers
- 793 unique end-users
- FY09 Plans
- Certified training
- Aug. 17 18
- WI Online course end-users
- Continue national online training
- Rebuild WINSS
22Intel Teach Program
- Two Funding Sources
- 43,500 grant for 2009 from Intel Ed Foundation
- 150,000 EETT grant for 08-09
- Build Capacity
- Courses/Offerings
- Essentials 10 Course
- Thinking with Technology Course
- Leadership Forum
- http//dpi.wi.gov/imt/intel.html
23Intel Teach Program
- Plans for 2009
- Re-certify past MTs via web
- MT sessions (4 days)
- Essentials 10 Feb 09
- Teach with Tech Mar 09
- Teach with Tech June 09 (TENT)
- Essentials 10 Sept/Oct 09 (TENT)
- Essentials 10 Nov 09 (TENT)
- Leadership Forum curriculum revamped
- Host 1-2 leadership ML events in Fall 2009
- Examine need/capacity for pre-service classes at
24Info Technology Planning
- Key Dates -- Plans Expiring June 30, 2010
- December 2009
- Draft Complete by Form 470 Submission --
- Plan Dates
- 2010-11, 11-12, 12-13
- (7-1-2010 to 6-30-2013)
- 24/7 365 Reference Service
- Live Chat or email
- Quick authoritative answers
- Bibliography of links sent at end of session
- FY08 Piloted by high schools
- FY09 PD available for all school districts
- Contact Martha Berninger martha.berninger_at_dpi.wi.g
ov - http//dpi.wi.gov/rl/qp_form.html
- New Resources July 2009
- Expect new/expanded features
- Federated Searching
- Authentication
- TeachingBooks
- Access Process
- Ongoing Growth
- New PD program
- Contact David Sleasman --david.sleasman_at_dpi.wi.gov
- Resource Sharing
- Required by state statute -- Local Policy sets
ILL rules - Annual Membership
- 200 per library login code per year / Can pay
with CSF - Upload current db to join update holdings w/new
uploads - Features
- Union/Virtual Catalog Federated Searching
- Customize locally
- Design SPLASH page / Scoping library search
groups / Enter Local Calendar - New PD program
- Contact David Sleasman david.sleasman_at_dpi.wi.gov
28Points to Ponder
- How are districts using multiple resources and
programs to foster best practices PK-12? - In what ways can IMTT support your efforts at
implementing Thinkfinity, Intel and other
programs in your district?
29Upcoming Events
- http//dpi.wi.gov/calendar/calendar.aspx
- April is School Library Media Month
- Apr 12-18 National Library Week
- http//www.ala.org/
- May 11-17 Natl Childrens Book Week
- http//www.bookweekonline.com/
- June 28-July 1 NECC 09 in Washington, DC
- July 9-15 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL
- Oct 20-23 Wisconsin Library Association Annual
Conference in Appleton, WI
30Gr. 8 Tech Literacy REPORTING
- What kind of data/information do I need?
31Gr. 8 Tech Literacy REPORTING
32Title IID/EETT On-Site Monitoring
- 2009-10
- CESAs 1, 6, 8, 11 Milwaukee, Racine and Green
Bay - 2008-09
- Milwaukee, Madison Kenosha
- CESA 3
- Richland, River Valley, Weston IIIA Consortium
- CESA 4
- Alma, Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton, Sparta IIIA and
IID Consortia - CESA 7
- Gibraltar, Sheboygan, Two Rivers IIIA
Consortium - CESA 9
- Athens, Rib Lake, Rhinelander IIIA Consortium
33Info Tech Plan Expiration Dates
- Draft Complete by Form 470 Submission
- Very Important! -- SLD has audited
- DPI required to provide records of certification
34Info Technology Planning
- Q What NEEDS ASSESSMENT tools replace enGauge?
- A It Depends! What data are you seeking?
- Flexibility to use tools of your choice
- Data can come from a variety of sources
- Still be responsible for the same areas of
emphasis - Student Proficiency Educator Proficiency
Teaching Learning Practices Access to
Resources/Tools Systems Support/Leadership - Making the Grade Reviewing Staff Student Tech
Assessments PPT and handout is available at
35Student Learning Through Wisconsin School Library
Media Centers
- http//dpi.wi.gov/imt/lmsstudy.html
- Brochures (in PDF)
- Your Child's Library Media Center What Parents
Should Know (available in Spanish) - Measuring Up Characteristics of Quality School
Libraries (available in Spanish) - Powerful Partnerships School Library Media
Specialist You - Single Page Handouts (in PDF)
- Key Study Findings
- Executive Summary
- Summary Findings of Study
- Study Final Reports (in PDF)
36Title IID/EETT On-Site Monitoring
- What do I need to have on hand for monitoring?
- Documentation/Evidence of
- Current Certified Tech Plan
- Providing high quality professional development
to foster the integration of technology INTO the
curriculum - Full integration (PK-12) of technology throughout
the curriculum based on Wisconsin Model Academic
Standards (WMAS) - Grade 8 Literacy plan, documents and data
- Expenditures align to ESEA Consolidated Plan
37Title IID/EETT Formula
- DPI training session archive
- http//media2.wi.gov/DPI/Catalog
- click on Instructional Media and Technology in
left menu
39Microsoft Settlement
- Original Settlement
- Verification letters currently being sent
- Vouchers will start when letters complete
- First Cy Pres
- Goes to schools with 33 1/3 or more students
eligible for free or reduced lunch in 2005 - Will have short application
- Watch for announcement on lists
40Technology Media Email Lists
- http//dpi.wi.gov/imt/listserv.html
- ltlist namegt_at_lists.dpi.wi.gov
- WiPK-12 General PK-12 education discussion list
- WEMTA WEMTA members/others educ media issues
- WeTECH PK-12 educational technology
- WiErate E-rate issues and activities
- Channel Weekly issues/activities for
school/public libraries