RiskSharing and Labor Supply Elasticity by Rachel Soloveichik - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RiskSharing and Labor Supply Elasticity by Rachel Soloveichik


Lottery winners not necessarily richer than lottery losers ... F=w0 (1-r)aZ. Income effect is (1-r) of uncompensated income effect. r=1 full risk-sharing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: RiskSharing and Labor Supply Elasticity by Rachel Soloveichik

Risk-Sharing and Labor Supply Elasticityby
Rachel Soloveichik
Cargo System in Mexico
  • Individuals provide public goods for community
  • Administration and maintenance done without pay
  • Rich people throw huge parties for community
  • Cancian finds the largest party in the village he
    studied costs 10x annual earnings for unskilled
  • Men expected to exhaust their savings and go into
  • Significant redistribution from rich to poor
  • Different from Government programs
  • Does not distort labor supply
  • Leisure is taxed as well as earned income
  • Rich people get status in return for payments

Why is Cargo System Important?
  • Can increase social welfare
  • Expected utility higher if cargo system transfers
    resources from rich to poor without distorting
  • Social institutions substitute for insurance
  • Risk-sharing changes behavior
  • Income must be adjusted for risk-sharing
  • Lottery winners not necessarily richer than
    lottery losers
  • Different price elasticity with and without
  • Two elasticities have different economic
  • Elasticity may change even when technology and
    preferences are fixed, if risk-sharing changes

Outline of Paper
  • Discuss how risk-sharing changes labor supply
  • Develop a model of labor supply with partial
  • Use my model to predict labor supply elasticity
    estimated with IV and OLS
  • Test my predictions with data from 2000 Mexican

Two Price Elasticities
  • Frisch elasticity, EF
  • Changes prices, holds marginal utility of
    consumption constant.
  • Marshallian elasticity, EM
  • Changes prices, holds non-labor income constant.
  • EF and EM similar for goods with small income
    share, like cellphones

What Does Each Price Elasticity Mean?
  • Increasing price has two effects
  • Substitution effect people buy less of the more
    expensive good.
  • Income effect total consumption falls
  • EF is only the substitution effect, EM is both.
  • EF used for short-term elasticity
  • Lifetime income effect from price for one day is
  • EF also applies for insured price changes.
  • Effect of prices changes for only one person in a
    large group is small.
  • Intuitively, smoothing across states of the world
    and time is similar

Labor Supply Elasticity With Respect to Wages
  • Substitution Effect
  • Cost of leisure is foregone income
  • Leisure is more expensive for people with high
  • Income Effect
  • Leisure is a normal good
  • High wages increase total income
  • Economic theory clear EF gt0
  • Economic theory ambiguous for EM
  • Substitution effectgt0
  • Income effectlt0
  • Empirically estimated at close to 0

What Determines Lifetime Wages?
  • Ln(w) a0aS
  • a0 is ability
  • Assumed to be fixed at birth
  • Unobservable
  • S is schooling
  • Endogenous
  • Exogenous shocks, Z
  • Mandatory schooling laws at 16
  • College tuition at 18
  • Z uncorrelated with ability
  • Economists use Z as an instrument for S

Model of Education with Risk-Sharing
  • Education Sso Z
  • so is initial schooling endowment for community
  • Z random individual schooling shock
  • Cov(Zj,Zk)0
  • Cov(Z,s0)0 Cov(Z,a0)0 E(Z)0
  • Ln(w) a0a(s0Z)
  • Schooling shocks are equivalent to wage shocks
  • w?ea0as0 (1aZ)w0(1aZ)
  • Main Assumption
  • Full risk-sharing within communities, so marginal
    utility of consumption is independent of Z
  • No risk-sharing across communities

Consumption and Labor Supply Equations 1
  • U(c,h)dln(c)(1-d)ln(1-h)
  • Budget constraint cw(1-h)F wt
  • Total time available is 1, h is fraction spent
  • F is full income, including the value of leisure
  • t is transfer income, can be positive or negative
  • Solve to get cFd
  • Income effect ?c/?Fdgt0
  • Solve to get h1-F(1-d)/w
  • Income effect ?h/?F-(1-d)/wlt0
  • Substitution effect ?h/?w F(1-d)/w2gt0

Consumption and Labor Supply Equations 2
  • Full risk-sharing within a community
  • ?F?w, so F?w0
  • F ?w0(1aZ)t?w0, so t?-aw0Z
  • h 1-w0 (1-d)/w0(1aZ)? da(1-d)Z
  • Only substitution effect, no income effect for Z
  • No risk-sharing across communities
  • Cov(t,s0)0
  • Cov(h,s0)0
  • Income and substitution effects exactly cancel

Transfer Income
  • Direct test of risk-sharing model
  • Transfer income is observable
  • A few datasets ask about transfers directly
  • Other datasets have spending and income, so
    transfers can be computed indirectly

Variables of Interest
  • Log wages, ln(w)
  • ln(w) a0a(s0Z)
  • Hours worked, h
  • hda(1-d)Z
  • h h/E(h) ? 1a(1-d)/dZ
  • Relative transfer income, t
  • t t/c-a/dZ

OLS Regressions
  • Wages
  • aOLSCov(ln(w),S)/Var(S)aCov(a0,s0)/Var(s0)
  • Biased upwards if Cov(a0,s0) gt 0
  • Biased downwards if Cov(a0,s0)lt0
  • Labor supply
  • hOLSCov(ln(h),S)/Var(S) a(1-d)/dVar(Z)/Var(S)
  • Var(Z) and Var(S) are known population constants
  • Relative transfer income
  • tOLSCov(t,S)/Var(S) -a/dVar(Z)/Var(S)

IV Regressions
  • Wages
  • aIV Cov(ln(w),Z)/Cov(S,Z)a
  • Unbiased estimate of a
  • Labor Supply
  • hIVCov(ln(h),Z)/Cov(S,Z) a(1-d)/d
  • Relative transfer income
  • tIVCov(t,Z)/Cov(S,Z)-a/d

Predictions under Imperfect Risk-Sharing
  • Within community risk-sharing of r
  • Fw0(1-r)aZ
  • Income effect is (1-r) of uncompensated income
  • r1 full risk-sharing
  • aOLS and aIV unchanged
  • hOLSra(1-d)/dVar(Z)/Var(S)
  • hIVra(1-d)/d
  • tOLS-ra/dVar(Z)/Var(S)
  • tIV-ra/d

Predictions from Risk-Sharing Model
  • In Mexico, Var(Z)/Var(S).2
  • 20 of variation in OLS is smoothed
  • Test if hIVgt hOLSgt0 and tIVlt tOLSlt0

Outline of Empirical Work
  • Discuss Data
  • Describe Instruments used
  • Regression of Hourly Wages on Education
  • Regression of Labor Supply on Education
  • Regression of Transfer Income on Education

Data from 2000 Mexican Census
  • Data set is non-Indian men 20-74
  • Large age range to get elastic labor supply
  • Exclude men in school for labor supply and
    transfer income
  • Dataset contains
  • Earned income last month
  • Cash transfer income received last month
  • Average 4.6 of total household income
  • Reduce inequality within a family by at most 17
  • Non-cash transfers not observed
  • Hours worked last week
  • Calculate wages for workers with positive
    earnings and hours
  • Demographic information

OLS Estimates of Education
  • Four levels of school
  • Primary grades 1-6. Will be designated S1
  • Lower Secondary grades 7-9. Designated S2
  • Upper Secondary grades 10-12. Designated S3
  • College grades 12. Designated S4
  • Different effects for each schooling level in OLS
  • Not clear which schooling level IV should be
    compared to
  • Report separate coefficients for each level

Description of Instruments
  • First instrument uses school calendar age 6-17
  • Second instrument uses weather age 6-17
  • Both instruments use within community variation
  • Why two instruments?
  • More robust test of model
  • Similar results for both instruments

Calendar Changes An Instrument for Education
  • Two school calendars before 1966
  • Type A schools started in February and ended in
  • Type B schools started in September and ended in
  • Calendars synchronized 1966 -1970
  • Type A states lost one month of school each year,
    and Type B states unchanged
  • Gray is Type A.
  • Type A states are temperate
  • Type B states are tropical

Type A Primary School Statistics
  • From Department of Education official reports
  • Drop-out rates calculated from enrollment and
    graduation, negative number indicate migration
    into cities.
  • Cutting school year by 11 in 1966 increases
    failure by 5 and drop-out in rural areas by 5

First Stage for Calendar IV
S g1CaleU1 g2CaleU2 g3CaleU3 Age fixed
effects state fixed effects
  • Cale is of shortened school years ages 6-17
  • Assume people go to school in their birth state
  • Dummies for 3 separate urbanization categories
  • U1 is lt50 rural
  • U2 is 50-65 rural
  • U3 is gt 65 rural
  • Errors are clustered by state-age cohort

Temperature Changes as an Instrument for Education
  • Plants grow faster in warmer temperatures
  • Each crop stage requires a fixed amount of labor,
    so warm months require more labor
  • Total amount of labor per year is fixed.
  • Children attend more school if peak labor demand
    during school vacations.
  • Deschennes and Greenstone find weather changes
    have little effect on profits
  • So, temperature affects education only through
    substitution effect, no income effect.

First Stage for Temperature IV
Sg1VaceU1 g2SchooleU1g3VaceU2g4SchooleU2
g5VaceU3g6Schoole U3Age fixed effects state
fixed effects
  • Vace is mean C during school vacations ages 6-17
  • Schoole is mean C during school year ages 6-17
  • U1, U2 and U3 same as before
  • Errors are clustered by state-age cohort.

Predictions from Model
  • Hourly wages Ln(w)aS
  • Ambiguous
  • aIV gt aOLS if Cov(s0,a0)lt0
  • aIV lt aOLS if Cov(s0,a0)gt0
  • Labor Supply ln(h) hS
  • hIVgthOLSgt0
  • hIV is larger for men with better risk-sharing
  • Transfer Income t tS
  • tIVlttOLSlt0

Regression of Hourly Wage on Education
OLS Regression Ln(w) a1S1 a2S2a3S3a4S4 IV
Regression ln(w) aS
  • Regression includes age fixed effects and state
    fixed effects
  • IV and OLS estimate similar returns to education.
  • Consistent with Cov(a0,s0) small

Labor Supply Predictions
  • Risk-sharing of r
  • hIV ar(1-d)/d
  • hOLS .2ar(1-d)/d
  • a is the return to schooling, estimated at 5-9
  • Why is hIVgt hOLS?
  • IV estimates only rEF (1-r)EM
  • OLS estimates .2rEF (1-.2r)EM
  • EF, the Frisch elasticitygt EM, the Marshallian

Regression of Relative Labor Supply on Education
OLS Regression h h1S1 h2S2 h3S3 h4 S4 IV
Regression h hS
  • Regression includes age fixed effects and state
    fixed effects
  • h is hours worked/average hours for age
  • Reject hIVhOLS for both instruments
  • Cannot reject that .2hIVhOLS for primary and
    lower secondary

Incomplete Risk-sharing for Movers
  • Cargo system provides local public goods
  • No transfers between men who move and old
  • Cargo system enforced through social pressure
  • No punishment for men outside community who
  • Insurance impossible for already resolved risks
  • Community joined as an adult cant insure against
    education shocks in childhood
  • Predictions
  • hIV large for men currently living in birth
  • hIV small for men who moved since birth

Labor Supply Elasticity By Location
How Large is the Frisch Labor Supply Elasticity
with Respect to Wages?
  • Model of risk-sharing for wage shocks
  • Ln(w)aS, so schooling shocks are equivalent to
    wage shocks
  • aIV 5-9, use 7 as true a
  • hIV 7-14 for men in birth state
  • EF is hIV/xaIV
  • 1-2 if x1
  • Higher if xlt1

Explanation for Puzzle in Returns to Education
  • Previous returns to education literature
  • Ln(Y) bS ae Y is income, Y hw
  • Economists want b
  • Survey of literature by Card finds bIV gt bOLS
  • Economists expect bIV lt bOLS
  • Assume Cov(a,S)gt0
  • Not explainable by measurement error
  • My model
  • True return to education is a
  • bOLS 30 larger than a bIV 100-200 larger than
  • Other authors find hIV gt hOLS
  • Duflo finds hIV 10 and hOLS 3 for labor force
  • Angrist and Kruger find hIV 3 and hOLS 1.5 for
    weeks worked

Transfer Income Predictions
  • Model predicts t-a/dse
  • tIV -a/d
  • tOLS -.2a/d
  • a and d estimated from wage and labor supply
    equations, can calculate total transfers required
  • Transfers only partially observed
  • Only observe cash transfers received
  • Cannot observe cash transfers sent
  • Cannot observe indirect transfers from cargo
  • Will test if tIVlt tOLSlt0, not tIV -a/d

Regression of Income from Transfers on Education
OLS Regression t t1S1t2S2t3S3t4S4 IV
Regression t tS
  • Regression includes age fixed effects and state
    fixed effects
  • t transfers received/total income
  • Reject tIVtOLS for 3 out of 4 specifications

How Much Risk-Sharing Do Cash Transfers Provide?
  • tIV for transfers received is -.9 to -.3
  • Assume tIV for net transfers is doubled
  • Assume aIV 7
  • Risk-sharing from cash transfers depends on labor
    supply elasticity
  • Assume functional form from model
  • Utility of leisure and utility of consumption
  • Holding labor supply fixed, 10-30 risk-sharing
  • EF is 1, 5-15 risk-sharing
  • Compare with 17 risk-sharing estimated from size
    of household transfers

Alternative Explanations
  • Measurement Error in Schooling
  • Effects of schooling are different in urban and
    rural communities
  • Habit Formation

Measurement Error in Schooling
  • Biases OLS towards 0, so IV ?OLS
  • Labor supply effects require 80 error in
    measured schooling
  • aIV ? aOLS, indicating low measurement error
  • Cannot explain labor supply differences between
    movers and stayers

Urban and Rural Differences
  • Instruments used have largest impact on rural
  • IV estimates effects of schooling in rural areas
  • OLS estimates weighted average of effects in
    urban and rural areas
  • Might explain non-linear OLS
  • Education correlated with urbanization
  • Urban children get much more schooling
  • Test by comparing OLS for urban and rural birth
  • Coefficients for wages, labor supply and transfer
    income similar across areas
  • Non-linearities persist in OLS
  • OLS coefficients for heavily rural areas still
    different from IV

Habit Formation
  • Education teaches good work habits, so drop-outs
    are lazy adults.
  • Rural children who drop out of school are
    working, not watching TV
  • Does not explain differences in transfer income

  • Predictions from Risk-Sharing Model
  • hIVgt hOLSgt0
  • People with more schooling than average for their
    community work more hours
  • hIV small when r is small
  • Schooling shocks have little effect on labor
    supply for men outside the cargo system
  • tIVlt tOLSlt0
  • Redistribution is observable people with more
    schooling than average for their community get
    less cash transfers
  • Empirical estimates suggest hIV is large
  • bIV is 2-3 times aIV
  • A regression that confuses a and b will overstate
    returns to education
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