Title: The Advanced Solution to Wasted Water
1The Advanced Solution to Wasted Water
2What is ARROWTM?
Advanced Reject Recovery Of Water
- A high recovery advanced membrane based process
for water treatment and complete recycle/recovery
of wastewaters - Proprietary Technology marketed under license
with Advanced Water Solutions - US Patent 6,461,514
- US Patent 6,113,797
- US Patent 2,416,668
- Canadian Patent 2,186,963
- Reduce RO reject wastes
- Reduce boiler blowdown
- Optimize water usage
- Replace aging treatment systems (IX, NaZ, Cold
lime softener) - Meet RO quality water specifications with less
- Address increasing stringent discharge
limitations - Achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) requirements
- Comply with water reuse mandates
- Pro-active solutions to deteriorating water
supply quality
- Reduce supply water costs
- Minimize concentrate (reject) disposal
- Reduce pretreatment costs to improve water
recovery - Reduce OM costs (optional service contract
4 New or Retrofit Applications
- Single Stage ARROWTMApplications
- Treatment of low flow rate water and wastewater,
low or high TDS - A Retrofit bolt-on to existing RO treatment to
minimize reject or achieve ZLD
- Two Stage ARROWTM Applications
- High flow, high TDS RO reject recovery
- High flow cooling/boiler blowdown and process
effluents - Recycle of municipal effluents
- High flow, low TDS ground water or surface water
5ARROWTM Capabilities
- Reduce reject volume by gt 95
- Purifies water and wastewater using RO membranes
- Applicable to any flow range
- Small reject can be evaporated in a spray dryer
or solar pond, thus achieving ZLD at relatively
low costs - Can achieve permeate Total Hardness lt 5 ppm CaCO3
- Can achieve permeate TDS lt 25ppm
- Can achieve high purity water grade with
additional downstream polishing
6ARROWTM Benefits
- Uniquely integrated, proven membrane, and
conventional water treatment steps - Can be applied to a wide range of applications
- Compact, skid mounted equipment for fast delivery
- Excellent water quality leading to lower
operating costs and higher efficiency - Relatively low purified water production and
disposal costs - Low capital and operating costs compared to
evaporation or hybrid processes - Minimize disposal costs
7ARROWTM Economics
Single Stage ARROWTM Application (Retrofit)
1. System assumes adding a single stage RO (50
recovery), IX, tanks, controls, and chemical feed
system to existing customer RO system. 2.
Payback calculations do not include installation
and OM costs
8ARROWTM Economics continued...
Two Stage ARROWTM Application (New)
1. Capital costs assumes total package1st stage
RO (75 recovery), 2nd stageRO (50 recovery),
tanks, IX, controls and chemical feed. 2.
Payback calculations do not include installation
and OM costs
9ARROWTM Comparison
ARROWTM Comparison with other ZLD options
Note Approximate comparison is based on a feed
water TDS of 2000 mg/L. Water recovery can be
increased further if TDS is lt 500 mg/L.
() Low chemical usage when utilizing IX
softening. Moderate when using chemical
precipitation. () Simple RO option is used
as a baseline offering limited water recovery.
It is not a Zero Liquid Discharge Option
10Waste Management
From a Slurry to a Cake
Standard RO reject - Saline Liquid ( 25-35 of
feed water)
ARROWTM Reject - Slurry (lt 5 of feed water)
ARROWTM Reject - Spray Dried (1-3 of feed water)
ARROWTM Reject - Evaporated (1-2 of feed water)
11ARROWTM Operating Commercial/Piloting
Name Bruce Power Location Ontario,
Canada Industry Nuclear Power Years Operating
5 Flow, gpm 45 Water Source
Contaminated Service Water ARROW Process
RO/Chem. Precip/MF
Name General Motors Location Saltillo,
Mexico Industry Automotive Years Operating 2
Mo/Pilot Flow, gpm 2 Water Source Ground
water ARROW Process RO/Chem. Precip/MF
Name Kimberly Clark Location Saltillo,
Mexico Industry Pulp Paper Years Operating
5 Mo/Pilot Flow, gpm 2 Water Source Ground
water ARROW Process RO/Chem. Pricip/MF
12Why OBrien Gere?
- Driving for the most economical and
cost-effective strategy - Full-service capabilities
- Design/Fabricate/Construct/Operate
- Beyond end-of-pipe treatment
- Integration of all plant operations to find best
solutions - Team-focussed and relationship oriented
13gt 95 Water Recovery
Simple Effective
ARROWTM Your Solution to Water Management
Potable Industrial Applications
Suitable for ZLD