Title: 3rdParty Solutions
13rd-Party Solutions
- How 3rd Party Software and/or Hardware Solutions
Can Make a Difference? - OR
- What are all my options?
2Agent MARCit - Autographics
The only drawback is we can only search by All
Keyword Fields.
3ZMARC - Polaris
Able to search all the indexed Authority Fields
4Events EVanced Solutions
5Collection Agency Manager - Polaris
6Collection Agency Manager, cont.
7Room Reserve EVanced
8allCIRC LAT, Inc.
The cases are empty. When the patron checks out
the case at this device, the disc pops out.
9MediaBank - Libramation
Case with disc is stored in the device. The
patron checks out and returns the disc
here. They have several sizes for varying
Firebox Watchguard Core firewall leased and
monitored by Amdex
Amdex monthy firewall report
12DearReader - email about New Fiction
13PC Cop
PC Cop queries the Polaris database (for card
holders) to see if the barcode PIN are
legitimate and if the patron qualifies (no
overdues, notes, holds, etc.)
14PC Cop
PC Cop uses standard SIP2 protocol to communicate
with Polaris patron database.
ExportExpress can export MARC records with Bib or
item criteria on demand or on a scheduled basis.
ExportExpress can also export patron data.
17WAM (Wireless Access Manager)
WAM uses a standard D-Link DSA-3100
18WAM (Wireless Access Manager)
The wireless user is directed to a login page in
order to access the Internet.
19WAM (Wireless Access Manager)
You configure some settings with the D-Link
software, such as Free Surfing Areas (patron does
not need to log on for these).
20WAM (Wireless Access Manager)
Polaris GISWAM software produces reports on
desired periods.
21Checkpoint/3M RFID
Checkpoint uses SIP2 to communicate with Polaris
22Checkpoint/3M RFID
Exit gates read RFID tag (barcode) and query
Polaris data server as to the status of the item.
If it is not checked out, gates sound an alarm
and list the item on staff computer screen.
23ExpressCheck - Polaris
Can also purchase an overhead sign that attaches
to the unit to advertise programs or provide