ECE540S Optimizing Compilers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ECE540S Optimizing Compilers


A Basic Block (BB) is a maximal section of 'straight-line' code which can only ... that follow it up to but not including the next leader or exit constitute one BB. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ECE540S Optimizing Compilers

ECE540SOptimizing Compilers
  • http//
  • Lecture 03, Jan. 14, 2002

My Contact Information
Michael Voss Office SF2002E Email Phone (416) 946
8031 Admin TBD, SF2002
Your Information
  • Name
  • Email Address (I wont hunt you down)
  • Department (ECE, CS, )
  • Degree Objective
  • Year (not 2002 ok, 1st 2nd etc..)
  • (R)egistered, (A)uditing, (U)nsure

Updated Grading Information
  • Fighting the good fight
  • Will let you know soon

Control Flow Analysis Where do we go from here?
References Muchnick, Chapter 7. The Dragon
Book (Aho ), pp. 602-608.
Purpose of Control Flow Analysis
  • Determine the control structure of a program
  • determine possible control flow paths
  • find basic blocks and loops
  • Intraprocedural within a procedure
  • Interprocedural across procedures
  • Whole program
  • Maybe just within the same file

cc c file1.c cc c file2.c cc o myprogram
file1.o file2.o -l mylib
All about Control flow analysis
  • Finding basic blocks
  • Creating a control flow graph
  • Finding dominators
  • dominators, proper dominators, direct dominators
  • Finding post-dominators
  • Finding loops

Youll need to do this for the first assignment!
Basic Blocks
  • A Basic Block (BB) is a maximal section of
    straight-line code which can only be entered
    via the first instruction and can only be existed
    via the last instruction.

S1 read L S2 n 0 S3 k 0 S4 m 1 S5 k k
m S6 c k gt L S7 if (c) goto S11 S8 n n
1 S9 m m 2 S10 goto S5 S11 write n
Basic Blocks (continued)
  • Identify basic blocks in two steps
  • Identify leader instructions in the program
  • entry point of the program.
  • target of branch instructions.
  • instructions immediately following branch
  • Each leader and all instructions that follow it
    up to but not including the next leader or exit
    constitute one BB.

S1 read L S2 n 0 S3 k 0 S4 m 1 S5 k k
m S6 c k gt L S7 if (c) goto S11 S8 n n
1 S9 m m 2 S10 goto S5 S11 write n
Basic Blocks (continued)
  • Identify basic blocks in two steps
  • Identify leader instructions in the program
  • entry point of the program.
  • target of branch instructions.
  • instructions immediately following branch
  • Each leader and all instructions that follow it
    up to but not including the next leader or exit
    constitute one BB.

S1 read L S2 n 0 S3 k 0 S4 m 1 S5 k k
m S6 c k gt L S7 if (c) goto S11 S8 n n
1 S9 m m 2 S10 goto S5 S11 write n

Basic Blocks (continued)
  • Identify basic blocks in two steps
  • Identify leader instructions in the program
  • entry point of the program.
  • target of branch instructions.
  • instructions immediately following branch
  • Each leader and all instructions that follow it
    up to but not including the next leader or exit
    constitute one BB.

S1 read L S2 n 0 S3 k 0 S4 m 1 S5 k k
m S6 c k gt L S7 if (c) goto S11 S8 n n
1 S9 m m 2 S10 goto S5 S11 write n

Basic Blocks (continued)
  • Identify basic blocks in two steps
  • Identify leader instructions in the program
  • entry point of the program.
  • target of branch instructions.
  • instructions immediately following branch
  • Each leader and all instructions that follow it
    up to but not including the next leader or exit
    constitute one BB.

S1 read L S2 n 0 S3 k 0 S4 m 1 S5 k k
m S6 c k gt L S7 if (c) goto S11 S8 n n
1 S9 m m 2 S10 goto S5 S11 write n

Basic Blocks (continued)
  • Identify basic blocks in two steps
  • Identify leader instructions in the program
  • entry point of the program.
  • target of branch instructions.
  • instructions immediately following branch
  • Each leader and all instructions that follow it
    up to but not including the next leader or exit
    constitute one BB.

S1 read L S2 n 0 S3 k 0 S4 m 1 S5 k k
m S6 c k gt L S7 if (c) goto S11 S8 n n
1 S9 m m 2 S10 goto S5 S11 write n
BB 1

BB 2

BB 3

BB 4
Control Flow Graphs
  • The Control Flow Graph (CFG) of a program is a
    directed graph G(N, E) whose nodes N represent
    the basic blocks in the program and whose edges E
    represent transfers of control between basic

S1 read L S2 n 0 S3 k 0 S4 m 1 S5 k k
m S6 c k gt L S7 if (c) goto S11 S8 n n
1 S9 m m 2 S10 goto S5 S11 write n
BB 1
BB 2
BB 3
BB 4
Control Flow Graphs (continued)
  • Given G (N, E) and a basic block b Î N.
  • The successors of b, denoted by succ(b), is the
    set of basic blocks that can be reached from b by
    traversing one edge succ(b) n Î N
    (b,n) Î E
  • The predecessors of b, denoted by pred(b), is the
    set of basic blocks that can reach b by
    traversing one edge pred(b) m Î N
    (m,b) Î E
  • An entry node in G is one which has no
  • An exit node in G is one which has no successors.

Control Flow Graphs (continued)
  • A branch node in G is one which has more than one
  • A join node is one which has more than one
  • CFGs are usually sparse E O(N). Indeed,
    when only binary branching is allowed, E 2N.

Example (CFG)
i 1 L1 if (i gt n) goto L6 t1 0 j
1 L2 if (j gt n) goto L5 tmp tets if (tmp lt
0) goto L3 t1 t1 ts goto L4 L3 t1 t1
te L4 j j1 goto L2 L5 i i 1 goto
L1 L6 t1 0
Example (CFG)
i 1 L1 if (i gt n) goto L6 t1 0 j
1 L2 if (j gt n) goto L5 tmp tets if (tmp lt
0) goto L3 t1 t1 ts goto L4 L3 t1 t1
te L4 j j1 goto L2 L5 i i 1 goto
L1 L6 t1 0

Example (CFG)
i 1 L1 if (i gt n) goto L6 t1 0 j
1 L2 if (j gt n) goto L5 tmp tets if (tmp lt
0) goto L3 t1 t1 ts goto L4 L3 t1 t1
te L4 j j1 goto L2 L5 i i 1 goto
L1 L6 t1 0

join nodes?
Example (CFG)
i 1 L1 if (i gt n) goto L6 t1 0 j
1 L2 if (j gt n) goto L5 tmp tets if (tmp lt
0) goto L3 t1 t1 ts goto L4 L3 t1 t1
te L4 j j1 goto L2 L5 i i 1 goto
L1 L6 t1 0

Example (CFG)
i 1 L1 if (i gt n) goto L6 t1 0 j
1 L2 if (j gt n) goto L5 tmp tets if (tmp lt
0) goto L3 t1 t1 ts goto L4 L3 t1 t1
te L4 j j1 goto L2 L5 i i 1 goto
L1 L6 t1 0

Example (CFG)
branch node
i 1 L1 if (i gt n) goto L6 t1 0 j
1 L2 if (j gt n) goto L5 tmp tets if (tmp lt
0) goto L3 t1 t1 ts goto L4 L3 t1 t1
te L4 j j1 goto L2 L5 i i 1 goto
L1 L6 t1 0

BB 1
BB 2
BB 3
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Example (CFG)
branch node
i 1 L1 if (i gt n) goto L6 t1 0 j
1 L2 if (j gt n) goto L5 tmp tets if (tmp lt
0) goto L3 t1 t1 ts goto L4 L3 t1 t1
te L4 j j1 goto L2 L5 i i 1 goto
L1 L6 t1 0

BB 1
BB 2
BB 3
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
  • Let G(N, E) denote a CFG. Let n, n Î N.
  • n is said to dominate n, denoted n dom n, iff
    every path from Entry to n contains n.1 dom 1
    1 dom 2 1 dom 3 1 dom 4 2
    dom 2 2 dom 3 2 dom 4 3 dom 3
    4 dom 4.
  • n is said to properly dominate n, denoted by n
    domp n, iff n dom n and n ¹ n.1 domp 2 1
    domp 3 1 domp 4 2 domp 3 2 domp 4.
  • n is said to directly dominate n, denoted by n
    domd n, iff n domp n and there is no n b N
    such that n domp n domp n.1 domd 2 2
    domd 3 2 domd 4.

Dominators (continued)
  • The set of (proper/direct) dominators of a node n
    is the set of CFG nodes that (properly/directly)
    dominate n. That is DOM
    (n) m m dom n DOMp(n)
    m m domp n DOMd(n)
    m m domd n
  • The set of dominators of a node is unique.
  • The direct dominator of a node is unique. (Why?).
  • The dominance relation is a partial ordering
    that is, it is reflexive, anti-symmetric and
  • reflexive x dom x.
  • anti-symmetric x dom y and y dom x implies x
  • transitive x dom y and y dom z implies x dom z.
  • (Prove as an exercise).

Dominators (continued)
  • The relation domd can be represented by a tree
    called the dominator tree (DT) whose root is
    Entry, whose nodes are N, and whose edges are
    direct dominance relations.
  • The set of dominators of a node are on the path
    from the node to the root of the DT.

Algorithm for Finding Dominators
  • DOM(Entry) EntryDOM(v) N " v Î N - Entry,
    Exitchanged true
  • while (changed) changed false
    for each v Î N - Entry, Exit
    oldDOM DOM(v) if
    (DOM(v) ! oldDOM) changed true

Algorithm for Finding Dominators
  • Will this algorithm terminate? Why?
  • This algorithm is not the most efficient for
    large CFGs. An almost linear-time algorithm can
    be found inT. Lengauer and R. Tarjan, A Fast
    Algorithm for Finding Dominators in a Flowgraph,
    ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
    Systems, vol. 1, no. 1, pages 121-142, July,
  • Also, algorithms exist for incrementally
    re-building dominance relations. See Alstrup
    and P. Lauridsen, A Simple Dynamic Algorithm for
    Maintaining a Dominator Tree, Technical Report
    96/3, Dept. of Computer Science, University of
    Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 1996.

Finding Direct Dominators
  • The direct dominator of a node n is the proper
    dominator of n that does not properly dominate
    any other proper dominator of n
  • Initialize a set with the proper dominators of a
  • Remove from the set nodes that properly dominate
    other nodes in this set, for they cannot be the
    direct dominator!

DOMd (1) Entry DOMd (2) 1 DOMd (3)
2 DOMd (4) 2
Algorithm for Finding Direct Dominators
  • Initialize a set with the proper dominators of a
  • Remove from the set nodes that properly dominate
    other nodes in this set, for they cannot be the
    direct dominator!

for each n Î N-Entry DOMd(n) DOM(n)
- n for each n Î N-Entry for each
s Î DOMd(n) for each t Î DOMd(n) -
s if (t Î DOMd(s))
DOMd(n) DOMd(n) - t

Example (dominators)
DOM (Entry) Entry DOM (1)
Entry,1 DOM (2) Entry,1,2 DOM (3)
Entry,1,2,3 DOM (4) Entry,1,2,3,4 DOM
(5) Entry,1,2,3,4,5 DOM (6)
Entry,1,2,3,4,5,6 DOM (7)
Entry,1,2,3,4,5,7 DOM (8)
Entry,1,2,3,4,5,8 DOM (9)
Entry,1,2,3,4,9 DOM (10) Entry,1,2,10)
Lets find the direct dominators
Example (direct dominators)
DOMd (1) Entry DOMd (2) Entry,1 DOMd
(3) Entry,1,2 DOMd (4) Entry,1,2,3 DOMd
(5) Entry,1,2,3,4 DOMd (6) Entry,1,2,3,4,5
DOMd (7) Entry,1,2,3,4,5 DOMd
(8) Entry,1,2,3,4,5 DOMd (9) Entry,1,2,3,4
DOMd (10) Entry,1,2)
BB 1
BB 2
BB 3
BB 10
BB 4
BB 5
BB 9
DOMd (1) Entry DOMd (2) 1 DOMd
(3) 2 DOMd (4) 3 DOMd (5) 4 DOMd
(6) 5 DOMd (7) 5 DOMd (8) 5 DOMd
(9) 4 DOMd (10) 2)
DOMd (1) Entry DOMd (2) 1 DOMd
(3) 2 DOMd (4) 3 DOMd (5) 4 DOMd
(6) 5 DOMd (7) 5 DOMd (8) 5 DOMd
(9) 4 DOMd (10) 2)
BB 7
BB 6
BB 8
Entry 1,2,3 Þ Entry,1,2,3 1
Entry,2,3 Þ 1,2,3 2 1,3 Þ
2,3 3 2 Þ 3
  • Let G(N, E) denote a CFG. Let n, n Î N. Then
  • n is said to post-dominate n, denoted n pdom
    n, iff every path from n to Exit contains n.1
    pdom 1 2 pdom 1 4 pdom 1 2 pdom 2 4
    pdom 2 3 pdom 3 2 pdom 3 4 pdom 3
  • 4 pdom 4.
  • n is said to properly post-dominate n, denoted
    by n pdomp n, iff n pdom n and n ¹ n.2
    pdomp 1 4 pdomp 1 4 pdomp 2 2 pdom 3
  • 4 pdomp 3.
  • n is said to directly post-dominate n, denoted
    by n pdomd n, iff n pdomp n and there is no
    n Î N such that n pdomp n pdomp n.2 pdomd
    1 2 pdomd 3 4 pdomd 2.

Post-Dominators (continued)
  • The set of (proper/direct) post-dominators of a
    node n is the set of CFG nodes that
    (properly/directly) post-dominate n. That is
    PDOM(n) m m pdom n
    PDOMp(n) m m pdomp n
    PDOMd(n) m m pdomd n
  • The set of post-dominators is unique. (Why?).
  • The direct post-dominator of every node is
    unique. (Why?).
  • The post-dominance relation is also a partial
    ordering that is, it is reflexive,
    anti-symmetric and transitive
  • reflexive x pdom x.
  • anti-symmetric x pdom y and y pdom x implies x
  • transitive x pdom y and y pdom z implies x pdom
  • (Prove as an exercise).

Post-Dominators (continued)
  • The relation pdomd can be represented by a tree
    called the post-dominator tree (PDT) whose root
    is Exit, nodes are N and edges are direct
    post-dominance relations.
  • The set of post-dominators of a node are on the
    path from the node to the root of the PDT.
  • Post-dominators in G are dominators in G-1.

Example (post-dominators)
Example (post-dominators)
PDOM (10) Exit,10 PDOM (9)
Exit,10,2,9 PDOM (8) Exit,10,2,9,4,8 PDO
M (7) Exit,10,2,9,4,8,7 PDOM (6)
Exit,10,2,9,4,8,6 PDOM (5)
Exit,10,2,9,4,8,5 PDOM (4)
Exit,10,2,9,4 PDOM (3) Exit,10,2,9,4,3 P
DOM (2) Exit,10,2 PDOM (1)
Make sure you can find this
Lecture 4 January 17, 2001
Grading Scheme
  • Final Exam 35
  • In-Class Midterm 25
  • Project 40
  • Control Flow Analysis 10
  • Data Flow Analysis 10
  • Optimizations 20
  • 15 for working, 5 from competition
  • Pending approval by ECE Exam Committee

Accounts You Will Need
  • ECF Unix Account (skule.ecf)
  • If you need one, go to GB154
  • ugsparc account
  • If you need one, let me know your name and 9
    digit student id
  • I will hand out the 1st assignment next week, so
    be prepared with accounts

Regarding Project Work
  • All work must be done independently
  • You can talk to each other
  • Dont write anything down
  • Dont copy files, cut and paste from files
  • It is VERY unlikely that two people code anything
    the same way
  • I will be automatically comparing your code with
    other code that is turned in (including code
    from previous offerings of this course).

Control Flow Review
  • How to find basic blocks
  • How to construct a control flow graph
  • Dominators, proper dominators, direct dominators
  • Post-dominators, proper post-dominators, direct
  • dominators in G-1 are post-dominators in G

Finding Loops in the CFG
Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
BB 1
BB 2
BB 3
BB 8
BB 4
BB 5
BB 8
BB 6
BB 7
BB 3
BB 8
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
BB 8
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.

Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
  • A traversal of a graph visits each node once and
    only once.
  • Many traversal orders (depth-first,
    breadth-first, minimum cost, etc).
  • A Depth-first traversal visits the descendants of
    a node before visiting its siblings.
  • It is performed using a stack.
  • It is not unique! (why?)

DFS can use call stack
struct node struct node left struct node
right int preorder int postorder int
pre_cnt 0, post_cnt 0 void visit (struct
node n) if (n NULL n-gtpreorder ! 0)
return n-gtpreorder pre_cnt visit(
n-gtleft ) visit( n-gtright ) n-gtpostorder
post_cnt void dfs() visit(root_node)
Depth-first Traversal of Graphs
BB 1
An ancestor in the DFST always has a smaller
order number than its descendant.
BB 2
BB 3
A node with a smaller order number is not
necessarily a ancestor of one with a higher order
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
To process an ancestor before a descendant,
process the nodes in their depth-first order.
BB 8
  • Depth-first spanning tree (DFST).
  • Depth-first order of nodes.

  • Goal find loops in CFG irrespective of input
  • DO, while, for, goto, etc.
  • Intuitively, a loop is the set of nodes in a CFG
    that form a cycle.
  • However, not every cycle is a loop.
  • A natural loop has a single entry node h Î N
    and a tail node t Î N, such that (t,h) Î E loop
    can be entered only through h the loop contains
    h and all nodes that can reach t without going
    through h.

Natural Loops
  • A natural loop must have a single entry point,
    called the header.
  • this entry point dominates all nodes in the loop
  • There must be at least one way to iterate the
  • i.e. at least one path back to the header
  • We find natural loops by finding back edges
  • back edge e (t,h) Î E where h dom t
  • Given a back edge e, we define the natural loop
    of the edge to be h plus the set of all nodes
    that can reach t without going through h.
  • Natural loops are suitable for improvement

Finding Loops
  • find the dominators of each node in CFG.
  • identify back edges.
  • find the nodes of the loop associated with each
    back edge.

Finding Back Edges
  • Perform depth-first traversal of CFG (N,E).
  • A retreating edge e (t,h) Î E is a back edge if
    h dom t.
  • A retreating edge is always a back edge in a loop
    written using structured constructs (i.e., no
  • The CFGs of such programs are said to be
    reducible graphs.
  • One can use gotos to obtain irreducible flow
  • We will only consider reducible CFGs , so we can
    just look for a retreating edge e (t,h) Î E.

Reducible Graphs
  • The forward edges form an acyclic graph in which
    every node can be reached from the initial node
    of G.
  • The retreating edges consist only of edges whose
    heads dominate their tails (back edges).
  • Exclusive use of structured control-flow
    statements produce programs with reducible CFGs
  • such as if-then-else, while-do, continue, break
  • Programs written using goto statements by
    programmers with no prior knowledge of structured
    program design are almost always reducible.

Algorithm for Finding the Nodes in the Loop
Stack S Empty Set Loop h insert_on_stack
(t) while (S is not empty) m pop (S)
for each pred(m)
insert_on_stack (p) insert_on_stack
(a) if (a Ï Loop) loop loop U
a push_on_stack (a)
For possibly irreducible CFGs, check for
predecessors outside of the set. If so, not
natural loop!
Example (loops)
Iterate over all edges and use DT to determine
back edges. or Find retreating edges using
DFT. or Both (possibly irreducible CFGs)
Example II (loops)
BB 1
BB 3
BB 2
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Example II (loops)
BB 1
Loop BB 3, BB 8
BB 3
BB 2
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 8
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Example II (loops)
BB 1
Loop BB 3, BB 8
BB 3
BB 2
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Example II (loops)
BB 1
Loop BB 3, BB 8, BB 7
BB 3
BB 2
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 7
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Example II (loops)
BB 1
Loop BB 3, BB 8, BB 7
BB 3
BB 2
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Example II (loops)
BB 1
Loop BB 3, BB 8, BB 7, BB 5
BB 3
BB 2
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 5
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Example II (loops)
BB 1
Loop BB 3, BB 8, BB 7, BB 5, BB 6
BB 3
BB 2
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 6
BB 7
BB 5
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Example II (loops)
BB 1
Loop BB 3, BB 8, BB 7, BB 5, BB 6
BB 3
BB 2
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 5
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Example II (loops)
BB 1
Loop BB 3, BB 8, BB 7, BB 5, BB
6, BB 4
BB 3
BB 2
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 4
BB 5
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Example II (loops)
BB 1
Loop BB 3, BB 8, BB 7, BB 5, BB
6, BB 4
BB 3
BB 2
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 5
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Example II (loops)
BB 1
Loop BB 3, BB 8, BB 7, BB 5, BB
6, BB 4
BB 3
BB 2
BB 4
BB 5
BB 6
BB 7
BB 8
BB 9
BB 10
Done !
Irreducible CFG
  • BB1 dom BB3
  • entry at BB2
  • not natural
  • BB2 dom BB4
  • natural loop
  • rare in real apps

Reducible! Since for all retreating edges h dom
t. BB3 -gt BB1 is therefore natural.
Control Flow Analysis Review
  • Found Basic Blocks, CFG, Dominators,
  • Found natural loops by finding back-edges.
  • In a reducible control flow graph back-edges
    define natural loops.
  • Irreducible graphs are rare in practice and so
    can be mostly ignored.

Identifying Non-Natural Loops in Irreducible
Vugranam C. Sreedhar and Guang R. Gao and
Yong-Fong Lee, Identifying loops using DJ
graphs, ACM Transactions on Programming
Languages and Systems, 18(6), pages 649-658, 1996.
Postorder DFS does not work!
Loop Pre-Headers
  • Several optimizations require that code be moved
    before the header.
  • It is convenient to create a new block called the
  • The pre-header has only the header as successor.
  • All edges that formerly entered the header
    instead enter the pre-header, with the exception
    of edges from inside the loop.

Nested (Natural) Loops
  • If two loops have different headers then either
    one must be nested within the other, or they are
    disjoint (why?).
  • The header of the outer loop dominates the header
    of the inner loop.
  • The innermost loop is the one that contains no
    other loops.
  • If two loops share the same header, then it is
    difficult to tell which is the inner loop. In
    this case, they are treated as one loop for
    optimization purposes.

i 1 BB 1 if ((i 10) 0)
goto BB 3 elsif (i gt 100)
goto out BB 2 ---- i goto BB 1 BB
3 ---- i goto BB 1 out
BB 1 if (i lt j) goto BB 2 elsif (i gt j) goto
BB 3 else goto out BB
2 ---- i goto BB 1 BB 3 ---- i-- goto
BB 1 out
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