Is transparency is fundamental to quality in health care? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Is transparency is fundamental to quality in health care?


Mike Richards, Cancer Tzar, Radio ... of the patients are young men with gun shot wounds--people who ... me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Is transparency is fundamental to quality in health care?

Is transparency is fundamental to quality in
health care?
  • Richard Smith
  • Editor, BMJ

What I want to talk about
  • What is transparency?
  • The problem of the absence of transparency
  • Why the drive to transparency?
  • What is the relationship between transparency and
  • Ingredients of trust in 2004

What I want to talk about
  • Things to be transparent about in health care
  • Examples from intensive care
  • Data on performance
  • Admission to intensive care
  • Honesty with individual patients
  • Conclusions
  • An example from literature of the danger of

Defining transparency
  • Transparency the quality of being transparent
  • Able to be seen through, clear, pellucid
    pervious to rays easily detected, understood
    obvious, evident ingenuous, frank shining

The importance of transparency
  • What isnt transparent is assumed to be biased,
    corrupt, or incompetent until proved otherwise.
  • What have they got to hide?

Examples are, I suggest, endless
  • Whether Tony Blair had his young son vaccinated
    against MMR
  • Failure on the part of regulatory authorities to
    disclose the risk that some antidepressants,
    particularly in high dose, might increase the
    risk of suicide
  • Conflicts of interest not disclosed in relation
    to the Lancet paper on a possible link between
    MMR and autism
  • The legal reasons for going to war in Iraq

Quotes in the discussion on the drive for
transparency and the relationship between
transparency and trust come from Onora ONeills
A question of Trust, published by Cambridge
University Press in 2002
Why the drive for transparency?
  • Every day we read of untrustworthy action by
    politicians and officials, by hospitals and exam
    boards, by companies and schools.
  • Mistrust and suspicion have spread across all
    areas of life

Why the drive for transparency?
  • We believe that increased accountability will
    help--and accountability depends in large part on
    information and transparency
  • The efforts to prevent abuse of trust are
    gigantic, relentless, and expensive their
    results are always less than perfect.

Why the drive for transparency?
  • Increased transparency is much easier in the age
    of the internet
  • Its increasingly difficult to hide anything
  • Plus people and patients are fed up with being

The doctor patient relationship 1871
  • Your patient has no more right to all the truth
    you know than he has to all the medicines in your
    saddlebags...He should get only just so much as
    is good for him.
  • Oliver Wendell Holmes

The doctor patient relationship 2004
  • The whole structure of medicine has been based
    on the assumption that physicians have the
    current information and patients do not. The
    bottom line is, the consumer will have virtually
    all the information the professionals have. This
    is comparable to the way communism fell. Once
    people start getting in good communication you
    wont be able to play the game in the same way.
  • Tom Ferguson, 1995

What is the relationship between transparency and
  • There can be no such thing as complete
  • At some point we just have to trust
  • As transparency has advanced trust seems to have
  • If we want to restore trust we need to reduce
    deception and lies rather than secrecy

What is the relationship between transparency and
  • Increased transparency may lead to increased
    deception because people may be careful in what
    they write or say if they know everything is to
    be made public--using evasions, hypocrisies, and
  • They may also resort to spin

What is the relationship between transparency and
  • Well placed trust grows out of active inquiry
    rather than blind acceptance
  • People need information they can check and assess
    its accuracy for themselves
  • This is demanding

Ingredients of trust in 2004
  • If you start from a position of trust, then an
    absence of evidence of being deliberately
    deceived or misinformed
  • Accurate, understandable, interpretable, unspun,
    checkable information
  • Capacity to understand, interpret, and check the

Ingredients of trust in 2004
  • Repeated checking of the information without any
    discovery of deliberate deception
  • Prompt admission of error by the trusted source

Things to be transparent about in health care
  • The inadequacy of our evidence base
  • Our ignorance and impotency
  • The dangers of modern health care
  • The inevitability of rationing care
  • The processes of licensing of drugs and equipment
  • Conflicts of interest
  • How policy decisions are made

Things to be transparent about in health care
  • Decisions on allocation of resources--at all
  • Performance of doctors, nurses, other health
    professionals, practices, hospitals
  • Colleagues who are dangerous
  • How the GMC and other similar bodies make their
  • Peer review
  • Do not resuscitate decisions

Things to be transparent about in health care
  • The problems of screening
  • Drug side effects
  • What happens to peoples removed organs
  • Later testing of stored body specimens without
  • The costs of different interventions
  • Uncertainty in relation to individual patients
    and populations

All this may not be universally popular
  • Humankind cannot bear very much reality
  • TS Eliot.

Transparency about performance
  • Measurement should be for learning not
    judgement--therefore it should be private
  • Measuring performance is hard and easily gamed
  • But it cannot now be avoided, and politicians
    believe that the use of league tables and targets
    will improve performance---although I hope too
    that they recognise the ease with which they can
    induced perverse behaviour--like not operating on
    the most sick

Find me the best doctor
  • Finding a good doctor is as hard as finding a
    good lover
  • The data are poor, and all you have to go on is
  • And, as Mark Twain said, Once you have a
    reputation for being an early riser you can sleep
    into noon every day.

Find me the best doctor
  • Ask the editor of the BMJ
  • I know who publishes a lot--but what is the
    relationship between publication and performance?
    More likely perhaps to be inverse than direct
  • The doctor who doctors go to--but doctors
    families are famously looked after

Find me the best doctor
  • The data available right now on performance are
    non-existent on most aspects of care, weak on
    some, and positively misleading on many

Statistical inanities
  • Eventually everybody will receive the best
    possible care for their cancer
  • Mike Richards, Cancer Tzar, Radio 4, March 2004
  • By 2010 we expect everybody to be above
  • Education expert

But what is a good doctor?
  • Is it technical skills, a way with people, or
    some deep--almost spiritual--understanding of
    life, death, and the ways of God?
  • Do you want your doctor to resemble a plumber, a
    stand up comedian, a priest, or a philosopher?
  • Probably you want different competencies for
    different circumstances

Measuring and disclosing performance
  • If we arent sure what a good doctor is how can
    we possibly measure performance in a transparent,
    meaningful, checkable way

Who will be admitted to intensive care?
  • Not everybody who might conceivably benefit from
    intensive care can get it
  • So who should?
  • Who should decide?
  • Should there be explicit criteria?

What might the criteria be for admitting patients
to intensive care?
  • Capacity to come out alive
  • Capacity to benefit
  • Age
  • Clinical need--how does that relate to capacity
    to benefit?
  • Worthiness--dependent children, importance of
  • Cause of problem--caused, for example, by medical

Transparency in admission to intensive care
  • Baraganwath Hospital has explicit criteria that
    are mostly about the capacity to benefit
  • The result is that many of the patients are young
    men with gun shot wounds--people who may be
    thought unworthy

Transparency in admission to intensive care
  • Lack of transparency may lead to anxieties about
    unfairness (bias or corruption)
  • Explicit criteria allows society wide debate on
    how limited resouces should be allocated

Being transparent with patients
The bogus contract the patient's view
  • Modern medicine can do remarkable things it can
    solve many of my problems
  • You, the doctor, can see inside me and know
    what's wrong
  • You know everything it's necessary to know
  • You can solve my problems, even my social
  • So we give you high status and a good salary

The bogus contract the doctor's view
  • Modern medicine has limited powers
  • Worse, it's dangerous
  • We can't begin to solve all problems, especially
    social ones
  • I don't know everything, but I do know how
    difficult many things are
  • The balance between doing good and harm is very
  • I'd better keep quiet about all this so as not to
    disappoint my patients and lose my status

The new contract both patients and doctors know
  • Death, sickness, and pain are part of life
  • Medicine has limited powers, particularly to
    solve social problems, and is risky
  • Doctors don't know everything they need decision
    making and psychological support

The new contract both patients and doctors know
  • We're in this together
  • Patients can't leave problems to doctors
  • Doctors should be open about their limitations
  • Politicians should refrain from extravagant
    promises and concentrate on reality

The doctor and the patient
  • The patient is old, sick, vulnerable, anxious,
    and worried
  • He asks the doctor a question the doctor is very
    uncertain about the answer
  • The question might be What is causing this pain?
    Might it be cancer? Could it kill me?

What should the doctor do?
  • Share her uncertainties, which are likely to be
    many and complex?
  • Evade the question Lets just wait and see
  • Say something reassuring Im sure that
    theres no need to worry.

Remember that in circumstances of uncertainty
the alternative to sharing the uncertainty may be
false certainty, which might be called lying
and deception is inimical to trust
  • What isnt transparent is assumed to be biased,
    corrupt, or incompetent until proved
  • There is a need for greater transparency in most
    parts of health care--we cannot have high quality
    care without it
  • Transparency can never be complete

  • We need both trust and transparency
  • Greater transparency can lead to greater
    trust--but it might undermine it through
    promoting half truths and spin
  • Perhaps more important than the pursuit of
    complete transparency is the energetic avoidance
    of deception
  • We might all benefit from a new, more open, more
    adult contract between doctors and patients

The dangers of transparency Mr DArcy proposes
to Elizabeth Bennet
  • You must allow me to tell you how ardently I
    admire and love you.
  • But disguise of every sort is my abhorrence.

The dangers of transparency Mr DArcy proposes
to Elizabeth Bennet
  • but there were feelings beside those of the
    heart to be detailed, and he was not more
    eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of
    pride. His sense of her inferiority--of its being
    a degradation--of the family obstacles which
    judgement had always opposed to inclination were
    dwelt on with a warmth that...was very
    unlikely to recommend his suit.
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