Title: K0 beam line for the E391a experiment
1K0 beam linefor the E391a experiment
- May 27, 2005
- Takao Inagaki (KEK)
3(No Transcript)
4Collimation scheme
5KL spectrum and n and?profiles
6- Telescope for the profile measurement
7Profiles (meas. vs MC)
8Sizable vacuum effect
9Detectors for energy spectra
SLSD ( lead glass)
10?spectra measured by SLSDlead glass
11Neutron and ? spectra by Cerberus
12C4 suppressor of thermal neutron flux
13Profiles and spectra of the halo
Measured by Cerberus
14Decay vertex distribution for 2?sample at
trigger bias
15How are the halo neutrons generated?
- Scattering at C2
- Hadronic Shower at C6
- Main source of
- lower-energy tail events
- 25 events
- Multiple Scattering
- Main source of
- higher-energy edge events
- The profiles and spectra including the absorber
effects were rather well reproduced by a MC
simulation using GEANT(G-FULKA) code. - Beam-line design becomes science from art.
- Further improvement
- suppress the second step scattering
- decrease n/KL ratio
18(No Transcript)
19How are the halo neutrons generated?
It consists of two kinds of source.
- From first look of e391 data, we have to reduce
20How are the halo neutrons generated?
- Multiple Scattering,
- 1st scattering is in the Pb absorber.
- No. of event is rather large.
- 20 of halo events
Scattering at Vacuum window.
21Summary for halo-neutrons
- Source of halo neutrons
- 1. Multiple scattering
- typical case
- (a) C2?C6?halo
- (b) Pb abs ? C6 ? halo (20)
- 2. Hadronic shower at C6 (ex, C2?C6?shower) (
25 ) -
- Possible way
- 1. Position of trimming collimator relative to
Pb abs. - 2. Active veto-counter at C6.
- Test of New Collimation Scheme