Introduction to Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Theory


Power dissipation, circuit density, and speed ... A small city with 1,000 homes each using 3 KW would require the same amount of power; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Theory

Introduction to Quantum Computing andQuantum
Information Theory
  • Dan C. Marinescu and Gabriela M. Marinescu
  • Computer Science Department
  • University of Central Florida
  • Orlando, Florida 32816, USA

  • The material presented is from the book
  • Lectures on Quantum Computing
  • by Dan C. Marinescu and Gabriela M. Marinescu
  • Prentice Hall, 2004
  • Work supported by National Science Foundation
    grants MCB9527131, DBI0296107,ACI0296035, and

  • I. Computing and the Laws of Physics
  • II. A Happy Marriage Quantum Mechanics
  • Computers
  • III. Qubits and Quantum Gates
  • IV. Quantum Parallelism
  • V. Deutschs Algorithm
  • VI. Bell States, Teleportation, and Dense Coding
  • VII. Summary

Technological limits
  • For the past two decades we have enjoyed Gordon
    Moores law. But all good things may come to an
  • We are limited in our ability to increase
  • the density and
  • the speed of a computing engine.
  • Reliability will also be affected
  • to increase the speed we need increasingly
    smaller circuits (light needs 1 ns to travel 30
    cm in vacuum)
  • smaller circuits ? systems consisting only of a
    few particles subject to Heissenberg uncertainty

  • If there is a minimum amount of energy dissipated
    to perform an elementary operation, then to
    increase the speed, thus the number of operations
    performed each second, we require a liner
    increase of the amount of energy dissipated by
    the device.
  • The computer technology vintage year 2000
    requires some 3 x 10-18 Joules per elementary
  • Even if this limit is reduced say 100-fold we
    shall see a 10 (ten) times increase in the amount
    of power needed by devices operating at a speed
    103 times larger than the sped of today's devices.

Power dissipation, circuit density, and speed
  • In 1992 Ralph Merkle from Xerox PARC calculated
    that a 1 GHz computer operating at room
    temperature, with 1018 gates packed in a volume
    of about 1 cm3 would dissipate 3 MW of power.
  • A small city with 1,000 homes each using 3 KW
    would require the same amount of power
  • A 500 MW nuclear reactor could only power some
    166 such circuits.

Talking about the heat
  • The heat produced by a super dense computing
    engine is proportional with the number of
    elementary computing circuits, thus, with the
    volume of the engine. The heat dissipated grows
    as the cube of the radius of the device.
  • To prevent the destruction of the engine we have
    to remove the heat through a surface surrounding
    the device. Henceforth, our ability to remove
    heat increases as the square of the radius while
    the amount of heat increases with the cube of the
    size of the computing engine.

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  • I. Computing and the Laws of Physics
  • II. A Happy Marriage Quantum Mechanics
  • Computers
  • III. Qubits and Quantum Gates
  • IV. Quantum Parallelism
  • V. Deutschs Algorithm
  • VI. Bell States, Teleportation, and Dense Coding
  • VII. Summary

A happy marriage
  • The two greatest discoveries of the 20-th century
  • quantum mechanics
  • stored program computers
  • produced quantum computing and quantum
    information theory

Quantum Quantum mechanics
  • Quantum is a Latin word meaning some quantity. In
    physics it is used with the same meaning as the
    word discrete in mathematics, i.e., some quantity
    or variable that can take only sharply defined
    values as opposed to a continuously varying
    quantity. The concepts continuum and continuous
    are known from geometry and calculus. For
    example, on a segment of a line there are
    infinitely many points, the segment consists of a
    continuum of points. This means that we can cut
    the segment in half, and then cut each half in
    half, and continue the process indefinitely.
  • Quantum mechanics is a mathematical model of the
    physical world

Heissenberg uncertainty principle
  • Heisenberg uncertainty principle says we cannot
    determine both the position and the momentum of a
    quantum particle with arbitrary precision.
  • In his Nobel prize lecture on December 11, 1954
    Max Born says about this fundamental principle of
    Quantum Mechanics ... It shows that not only
    the determinism of classical physics must be
    abandoned, but also the naive concept of reality
    which looked upon atomic particles as if they
    were very small grains of sand. At every instant
    a grain of sand has a definite position and
    velocity. This is not the case with an electron.
    If the position is determined with increasing
    accuracy, the possibility of ascertaining its
    velocity becomes less and vice versa.''

A revolutionary approach to computing and
  • We need to consider a revolutionary rather than
    an evolutionary approach to computing.
  • Quantum theory does not play only a supporting
    role by prescribing the limitations of physical
    systems used for computing and communication.
  • Quantum properties such as
  • uncertainty,
  • interference, and
  • entanglement
  • form the foundation of a new brand of theory,
    the quantum information theory where
    computational and communication processes rest
    upon fundamental physics.

Milestones in quantum physics
  • 1900 - Max Plank presents the black body
    radiation theory the quantum theory is born.
  • 1905 - Albert Einstein develops the theory of the
    photoelectric effect.
  • 1911 - Ernest Rutherford develops the planetary
    model of the atom.
  • 1913 - Niels Bohr develops the quantum model of
    the hydrogen atom.
  • 1923 - Louis de Broglie relates the momentum of a
    particle with the wavelength
  • 1925 - Werner Heisenberg formulates the matrix
    quantum mechanics.
  • 1926 - Erwin Schrodinger proposes the equation
    for the dynamics of the wave function.

Milestones in quantum physics (contd)
  • 1926 - Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac show the
    equivalence of Heisenberg's matrix formulation
    and Dirac's algebraic one with Schrodinger's wave
  • 1926 - Paul Dirac and, independently, Max Born,
    Werner Heisenberg, and Pasqual Jordan obtain a
    complete formulation of quantum dynamics.
  • 1926 - John von Newmann introduces Hilbert spaces
    to quantum mechanics.
  • 1927 - Werner Heisenberg formulates the
    uncertainty principle.

Milestones in computing and information theory
  • 1936 - Alan Turing dreams up the Universal
    Turing Machine, UTM.
  • 1936 - Alonzo Church publishes a paper asserting
    that every function which can be regarded as
    computable can be computed by an universal
    computing machine''.
  • 1945 - ENIAC, the world's first general purpose
    computer, the brainchild of J. Presper Eckert
    and John Macauly becomes operational.
  • 1946 - A report co-authored by John von Neumann
    outlines the von Neumann architecture.
  • 1948 - Claude Shannon publishes A Mathematical
    Theory of Communication.
  • 1953 - The first commercial computer, UNIVAC I.

Milestones in quantum computing
  • 1961 - Rolf Landauer decrees that computation is
    physical and studies heat generation.
  • 1973 - Charles Bennet studies the logical
    reversibility of computations.
  • 1981 - Richard Feynman suggests that physical
    systems including quantum systems can be
    simulated exactly with quantum computers.
  • 1982 - Peter Beniof develops quantum mechanical
    models of Turing machines.
  • 1984 - Charles Bennet and Gilles Brassard
    introduce quantum cryptography.
  • 1985 - David Deutsch reinterprets the
    Church-Turing conjecture.
  • 1993 - Bennet, Brassard, Crepeau, Josza, Peres,
    Wooters discover quantum teleportation.
  • 1994 - Peter Shor develops a clever algorithm for
    factoring large numbers.

Deterministic versus probabilistic photon behavior
The puzzling nature of light
  • If we start decreasing the intensity of the
    incident light we observe the granular nature of
    light. Imagine that we send a single photon.
    Then either detector D1 or detector D2 will
    record the arrival of a photon.
  • If we repeat the experiment involving a single
    photon over and over again we observe that each
    one of the two detectors records a number of
  • Could there be hidden information, which controls
    the behavior of a photon? Does a photon carry a
    gene and one with a transmit'' gene continues
    and reaches detector D2 and another with a
    reflect'' gene ends up at D1?

The puzzling nature of light (contd)
  • Consider now a cascade of beam splitters. As
    before, we send a single photon and repeat the
    experiment many times and count the number of
    events registered by each detector.
  • According to our theory we expect the first beam
    splitter to decide the fate of an incoming
    photon the photon is either reflected by the
    first beam splitter or transmitted by all of
    them. Thus, only the first and last detectors in
    the chain are expected to register an equal
    number of events.
  • Amazingly enough, the experiment shows that all
    the detectors have a chance to register an event.

State description
A mathematical model to describe the state of a
quantum system
are complex numbers
Superposition and uncertainty
  • In this model a state
  • is a superposition of two basis states, 0
    and 1
  • This state is unknown before we make a
  • After we perform a measurement the system is no
    longer in an uncertain state but it is in one of
    the two basis states.
  • is the probability of observing
    the outcome 1
  • is the probability of observing
    the outcome 0

Multiple measurements
Measurements in multiple bases
Measurements of superposition states
  • The polarization of a photon is described by a
    unit vector on a two-dimensional space with
    basis 0 gt and 1gt.
  • Measuring the polarization is equivalent to
    projecting the random vector onto one of the two
    basis vectors.
  • Source S sends randomly polarized light to the
    screen the measured intensity is I.
  • The filter A with vertical polarization is
    inserted between the source and the screen an the
    intensity of the light measured at E is about
  • Filter B with horizontal polarization is inserted
    between A and E. The intensity of the light
    measured at E is now 0.
  • Filter C with a 45 deg. polarization is inserted
    between A and B. The intensity of the light
    measured at E is about 1 / 8.

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The superposition probability rule
  • If an event may occur in two or more
    indistinguishable ways then the probability
    amplitude of the event is the sum of the
    probability amplitudes of each case considered
    separately (sometimes known as Feynmann rule).

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The experiment illustrating the superposition
probability rule
  • In certain conditions, we observe experimentally
    that a photon emitted by S1 is always detected by
    D1 and never by D2 and one emitted by S2 is
    always detected by D2 and never by D1.
  • A photon emitted by one of the sources S1 or S2
    may take one of four different paths shown on the
    next slide, depending whether it is transmitted,
    or reflected by each of the two beam splitters.

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A photon coincidence experiment
A glimpse into the world of quantum computing and
quantum information theory
  • Quantum key distribution
  • Exact simulation of systems with a very large
    state space
  • Quantum parallelism

Quantum key distribution
  • To ensure confidentiality, data is often
    encrypted. The most reliable encryption
    techniques are based upon one time pads whereby
    the encryption key is used for one session only
    and then discarded.
  • Thus, there exists the need for reliable and
    effective methods for the distribution of the
    encryption keys. The problem rests on the
    physical difficulty to detect the presence of an
    intruder when communicating through a classical
    communication channel.
  • To date, secure and reliable methods for
    cryptographic key distribution have largely
    eluded the cryptographic community in spite of
    considerable research effort and ingeniousness.

Quantum key distribution setup
  • Alice and Bob are connected via two communication
    channels, a quantum and a classical one. Eve
    eavesdrops on both.
  • The photons prepared by Alice may have
    vertical/horizontal (VH) or diagonal polarization
  • The photons with vertical/horizontal (VH)
    polarization may be used to transmit binary
    information as follows a photon with vertical
    polarization may transmit a 1 while one with a
    horizontal polarization may transmit a 0.
  • Similarly, those with diagonal (DG) polarization
    may transmit binary information, 1 encoded as a
    photon with 45 deg. polarization, and 0 encoded
    as a photon with a 135 deg. polarization.
  • Bob uses a calcite crystal to separate photons
    with different polarization. Shown is the case
    when the crystal is set up to separate vertically
    polarized photons from the horizontally polarized
    ones. To perform a measurement in the DG basis
    the crystal is oriented accordingly.

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The quantum key distribution algorithm of Bennett
and Brassard (BB84)
  • Alice selects n, the approximate length of the
    encryption key. Alice generates two random
    strings a and b, each of length (4 )n. By
    choosing sufficiently large Alice and Bob can
    ensure that the number of bits kept is close to
    2n with a very high probability.
  • A subset of length n of the bits in string a
    will be used as the encryption key and the bits
    in string b will be used by Alice to select the
    basis (VH) or (DG) for each photon sent to Bob.

BB84 (contd)
  • Alice encodes the binary information in string a
    based upon the corresponding values of the bits
    in string b.
  • For example, if the i-th bit of string b is
  • 1 then Alice selects Vertical-Horizontal (VH)
    polarization. If VH is selected, then
  • a 1 in the i-th position of string a is sent as
    a photon with vertical polarization (V), and
  • a 0 as a photon with horizontal (H)
  • 0 then Alice selects Diagonal (DG) polarization.
    If DG is selected, then
  • a 1 in the i-th position of string a is sent as
    a photon with a 45 deg. polarization, and
  • a 0 as a photon with 135 deg. polarization.
  • Both Alice and Bob use the same encoding
    convention for each of the bases.

BB84 (contd)
  • In turn, Bob picks up randomly (4 )n bits to
    form a string b. He uses one of the two basis
    for the measurement of each incoming photon in
    string a based upon the corresponding value of
    the bit in string b.
  • For example, a 1 in the i-th position of b
    implies that the i-th photon is measured in the
    DG basis, while a 0 requires that the photon is
    measured in the VH basis.
  • As a result of this measurement Bob constructs
    the string a.

BB84 (contd)
  • Bob uses the classical communication channel to
    request the string b and Alice responds on the
    same channel with b. Then Bob sends Alice string
    b on the classical channel.
  • Alice and Bob keep only those bits in the set a,
    a for which the corresponding bits in the set
    b, b are equal. Let us assume that Alice and
    Bob keep only 2n bits.

BB84 (contd)
  • Alice and Bob perform several tests to determine
    the level of noise and eavesdropping on the
    channel. The set of 2n bits is split into two
    sub-sets of n bits each.
  • One sub-set will be the check bits used to
    estimate the level of noise and eavesdropping,
  • The other consists of the \it data bits used
    for the quantum key.
  • Alice selects n check bits at random and sends
    the positions and values of the selected bits
    over the classical channel to Bob. Then Alice and
    Bob compare the values of the check bits. If more
    than say t bits disagree then they abort and
    re-try the protocol.

State space dimension of classical and quantum
  • Individual state spaces of n particles combine
    quantum mechanically through the tensor product.
    If X and Y are vectors, then
  • their tensor product X Y is also a vector,
    but its dimension is
  • dim(X) x dim(Y)
  • while the vector product X x Y has dimension
  • dim(X)dim(Y).
  • For example, if dim(X) dim(Y)10, then the
    tensor product of the two vectors has dimension
    100 while the vector product has dimension 20.

Quantum computers
  • In quantum systems the amount of parallelism
    increases exponentially with the size of the
    system, thus with the number of qubits. This
    means that the price to pay for an exponential
    increase in the power of a quantum computer is a
    linear increase in the amount of matter and space
    needed to build the larger quantum computing
  • A quantum computer will enable us to solve
    problems with a very large state space.

  • I. Computing and the Laws of Physics
  • II. A Happy Marriage Quantum Mechanics
  • Computers
  • III. Qubits and Quantum Gates
  • IV. Quantum Parallelism
  • V. Deutschs Algorithm
  • VI. Bell States, Teleportation, and Dense Coding
  • VII. Summary

One qubit
  • Mathematical abstraction
  • Vector in a two dimensional complex vector space
    (Hilbert space)
  • Diracs notation
  • ket ? column
  • bra ? row vector
  • bra ? dual vector (transpose and complex

Ortonormal basis
One qubit
are complex numbers
A bit versus a qubit
  • A bit
  • Can be in two distinct states, 0 and 1
  • A measurement does not affect the state
  • A qubit
  • can be in state or in state or in
    any other state that is a linear combination of
    the basis state
  • When we measure the qubit we find it
  • in state with probability
  • in state with probability

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Other states of a qubit
A different basis for one qubit
Qubit measurement
The Boch sphere representation of one qubit
  • A qubit in a superposition state is represented
    as a vector connecting the center of the Bloch
    sphere with a point on its periphery.
  • The two probability amplitudes can be expressed
    using Euler angles.

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Two qubits
  • Represented as vectors in a 2-dimensional Hilbert
    space with four basis vectors
  • When we measure a pair of qubits we decide that
    the system it is in one of four states
  • with probabilities

Two qubits
Measuring two qubits
  • Before a measurement the state of the system
    consisting of two qubits is uncertain (it is
    given by the previous equation and the
    corresponding probabilities).
  • After the measurement the state is certain, it is
  • 00, 01, 10, or 11 like in the case of a
    classical two bit system.

Measuring two qubits (contd)
  • What if we observe only the first qubit, what
    conclusions can we draw?
  • We expect that the system to be left in an
    uncertain sate, because we did not measure the
    second qubit that can still be in a continuum of
    states. The first qubit can be
  • 0 with probability
  • 1 with probability

Measuring two qubits (contd)
  • Call the post-measurement state when we
    measure the first qubit and find it to be 0.
  • Call the post-measurement state when we
    measure the first qubit and find it to be 1.

Measuring two qubits (contd)
  • Call the post-measurement state when we
    measure the second qubit and find it to be 0.
  • Call the post-measurement state when we
    measure the second qubit and find it to be 1.

Bell states - a special state of a pair of qubits
  • If and
  • When we measure the first qubit we get the
    post measurement state
  • When we measure the second qubit we get the
    post mesutrement state

This is an amazing result!
  • The two measurements are correlated, once we
    measure the first qubit we get exactly the same
    result as when we measure the second one.
  • The two qubits need not be physically constrained
    to be at the same location and yet, because of
    the strong coupling between them, measurements
    performed on the second one allow us to determine
    the state of the first.

  • Entanglement is an elegant, almost exact
    translation of the German term Verschrankung used
    by Schrodinger who was the first to recognize
    this quantum effect.
  • An entangled pair is a single quantum system in a
    superposition of equally possible states. The
    entangled state contains no information about the
    individual particles, only that they are in
    opposite states.
  • The important property of an entangled pair is
    that the measurement of one particle influences
    the state of the other particle. Einstein called
    that Spooky
  • action at a distance".

The spin
  • In quantum mechanics the intrinsic angular
    moment, the spin, is quantized and the values it
    may take are multiples of the rationalized Planck
  • The spin of an atom or of a particle is
    characterized by the spin quantum number s ,
    which may assume integer and half-integer values.
    For a given value of s the projection of the spin
    on any axis may assume 2s 1 values ranging from
    - s to s by unit steps, in other words the
    spin is quantized.

More about the spin
  • There are two classes of quantum particles
  • fermions - spin one-half particles such as the
    electrons. The spin quantum numbers of fermions
    can be
  • s1/2 and
  • s-1/2
  • bosons - spin one particles. The spin quantum
    numbers of bosons can be
  • s1,
  • s0, and
  • s-1

The Stern-Gerlach experiment with hydrogen atoms
Physical embodiment of a qubit
  • The electron with tow independent spin values,
    1/2 and -1/2
  • The photon, with tow independent polarizations,
    horizonatla and vertical

The spin of the electron
  • The electron has spin s 1 /2 and the spin
    projection can assume the values ½ referred
    to as spin up, and -1/2 referred to as spin

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Light and photons
  • Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation the
    wavelength of the radiation in the visible
    spectrum varies from red to violet.
  • Light can be filtered by selectively absorbing
    some color ranges and passing through others.
  • A polarization filter is a partially transparent
    material that transmits light of a particular

  • Photons differ from the spin 1/2 electrons in two
  • (1) they are massless and
  • (2) have spin 1.
  • A photon is characterized by its
  • vector momentum (the vector momentum determines
    the frequency) and
  • polarization.
  • In the classical theory light is described as
    having an electric field which oscillates either
    vertically, the light is x-polarized, or
    horizontally, the light is y-polarized in a plane
    perpendicular to the direction of propagation,
    the z-axis.
  • The two basis vectors are hgt and vgt

Vertically and horizontally polarized photons
Polarization filters
  • A polarization filter is a partially transparent
    material that transmits light of a particular
  • If we set the axis of a polarization filter to
    let pass y-polarized light, then all photons in
    the state vgt will be absorbed in the filter and
    only the photons in state hgt will pass through.
    If the axis of the polarization filter is set to
    let pass x-polarized light, then all photons in
    state hgt will be absorbed and only photons in
    state v gt will pass through.
  • When the polarization filter is set at angle with
    respect to the coordinate system of the incoming
    beam of light the emerging photons are in a
    superposition state

The effect of a polarization filter
Communication with entangles particles
  • Even when separated two entangled particles
    continue to interact with one another.
  • Particle 2 and particle 3 in an anti-correlated
    state (spin up and spin down).
  • Then if we measure particle 1 and particle 2 and
    set them in an anti-correlated state, then
    particle 1 ends up in the same state particle 3
    was initially.

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Classical gates
  • Implement Boolean functions.
  • Are not reversible (invertible). We cannot
    recover the input knowing the output.
  • This means that there is an iretriviable loss of

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One qubit gates
  • Transform an input qubit into an output qubit
  • Characterized by a 2 x 2 matrix with complex

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One qubit gates
  • I ? identity gate leaves a qubit unchanged.
  • X or NOT gate? transposes the components of an
    input qubit.
  • Y gate.
  • Z gate ? flips the sign of a qubit.
  • H ? the Hadamard gate.

One qubit gates
Identity transformation, Pauli matrices, Hadamard
Tensor products and outer products
CNOT a two qubit gate
  • Two inputs
  • Control
  • Target
  • The control qubit is transferred to the output as
  • The target qubit
  • Unaltered if the control qubit is 0
  • Flipped if the control qubit is 1.

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The two input qubits of a two qubit gates
Two qubit gates
Two qubit gates
Final comments on the CNOT gate
  • CNOT preserves the control qubit (the first and
    the second component of the input vector are
    replicated in the output vector) and flips the
    target qubit (the third and fourth component of
    the input vector become the fourth and
    respectively the third component of the output
  • The CNOT gate is reversible. The control qubit is
    replicated at the output and knowing it we can
    reconstruct the target input qubit.

Fredkin gate
  • Three input and three output qubits
  • One control
  • Two target
  • When the control qubit is
  • 0 ? the target qubits are replicated to the
  • 1 ? the target qubits are swapped

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Toffoli gate
  • Three input and three output qubits
  • Two control
  • One target
  • When both control qubit
  • are 1 ? the target qubit is flipped
  • otherwise the target qubit is not changed.

Toffoli gate is universal. It may emulate an AND
and a NOT gate
Controlled H gate
Generic one qubit controlled gate
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  • I. Computing and the Laws of Physics
  • II. A Happy Marriage Quantum Mechanics
  • Computers
  • III. Qubits and Quantum Gates
  • IV. Quantum Parallelism
  • V. Deutschs Algorithm
  • VI. Bell States, Teleportation, and Dense Coding
  • VII. Summary

A quantum circuit
  • Given a function f(x) we can construct a
    reversible quantum circuit consisting of Fredking
    gates only, capable of transforming two qubits as
  • The function f(x) is hardwired in the circuit

A quantum circuit (contd)
  • If the second input is zero then the
    transformation done by the circuit is

A quantum circuit (contd)
  • Now apply the first qubit through a Hadamad gate.
  • The resulting sate of the circuit is
  • The output state contains information about f(0)
    and f(1).

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Quantum parallelism
  • The output of the quantum circuit contains
    information about both f(0) and f(1). This
    property of quantum circuits is called quantum
  • Quantum parallelism allows us to construct the
    entire truth table of a quantum gate array having
    2n entries at once. In a classical system we can
    compute the truth table in one time step with 2n
    gate arrays running in parallel, or we need 2n
    time steps with a single gate array.
  • We start with n qubits, each in state 0gt and we
    apply a Welsh-Hadamard transformation.

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  • I. Computing and the Laws of Physics
  • II. A Happy Marriage Quantum Mechanics
  • Computers
  • III. Qubits and Quantum Gates
  • IV. Quantum Parallelism
  • V. Deutschs Algorithm
  • VI. Bell States, Teleportation, and Dense Coding
  • VII. Summary

Deutschs problem
  • Consider a black box characterized by a transfer
    function that maps a single input bit x into an
    output, f(x). It takes the same amount of time,
    T, to carry out each of the four possible
    mappings performed by the transfer function f(x)
    of the black box
  • f(0) 0
  • f(0) 1
  • f(1) 0
  • f(1) 1
  • The problem posed is to distinguish if

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A quantum circuit to solve Deutschs problem
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  • By measuring the first output qubit qubit we are
    able to determine performing
    a single evaluation.

  • I. Computing and the Laws of Physics
  • II. A Happy Marriage Quantum Mechanics
  • Computers
  • III. Qubits and Quantum Gates
  • IV. Quantum Parallelism
  • V. Deutschs Algorithm
  • VI. Bell States, Teleportation, and Dense Coding
  • VII. Summary

Quantum circuit to create Bell states
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  • I. Computing and the Laws of Physics
  • II. A Happy Marriage Quantum Mechanics
  • Computers
  • III. Qubits and Quantum Gates
  • IV. Quantum Parallelism
  • V. Deutschs Algorithm
  • VI. Bell States, Teleportation, and Dense Coding
  • VII. Summary

Final remarks
  • A tremendous progress has been made in the area
    of quantum computing and quantum information
    theory during the past decade. Thousands of
    research papers, a few solid reference books, and
    many popular-science books have been published in
    recent years in this area.
  • The growing interest in quantum computing and
    quantum information theory is motivated by the
    incredible impact this discipline could have on
    how we store, process, and transmit data and
    knowledge in this information age.

Final remarks (contd)
  • Computer and communication systems using quantum
    effects have remarkable properties.
  • Quantum computers enable efficient simulation of
    the most complex physical systems we can
  • Quantum algorithms allow efficient factoring of
    large integers with applications to cryptography.
  • Quantum search algorithms speedup considerably
    the process of identifying patterns in apparently
    random data.
  • We can guarantee the security of our quantum
    communication systems because eavesdropping on a
    quantum communication channel can always be

Final remarks (contd)
  • It is true that we are years, possibly decades
    away from actually building a quantum computer
  • requiring little if any power at all,
  • filling up the space of a grain of sand, and
  • computing at speeds that are unattainable today
    even by covering tens of acres of floor space
    with clusters made from tens of thousands of the
    fastest processors built with current state of
    the art solid state technology.

Final remarks (contd)
  • All we have at the time of this writing is a
    seven qubit quantum computer able to compute the
    prime factors of a small integer, 15. Building a
    quantum computer faces tremendous technological
    and theoretical challenges.
  • At the same time, we witness a faster rate of
    progress in quantum information theory where
    applications of quantum cryptography seem ready
    for commercialization. Recently, a successful
    quantum key distribution experiment over a
    distance of some 100 km has been announced.

  • Quantum computing and quantum information theory
    is truly an exciting field.
  • It is too important to be left to the physicists
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