Title: The Slavery Issue
1The Slavery Issue
2Slavery in History
- Biblical enslavement of Israelites in Egypt
(Exodus Story) - Ancient Greek/Roman societies practiced slavery
- Slavery practiced in Europe for centuries last
slave in France not freed until the French
Revolution in the late 1790s
3The South
- Prior to 1793, the Southern economy was weak
- Unprofitable slave system
- Jefferson (who freed 10 of his slaves), spoke of
freeing slaves and of slavery gradually dying
"We have a wolf by the ears"
4Rise of King Cotton
- Cotton Kingdom developed into a huge agricultural
factory - Western expansion (Louisiana, Mississippi,
Alabama) - Slaves brought into new regions to cultivate
5Eli Whitneys Cotton Gin (1793)
- 50x more effective than picking cotton by hand
- Took a slave a whole day to handpick 1-3lbs of
cotton - Tobacco, rice, and sugar faded out
- Cotton a major export to Britain
- South produced 75 of worlds cotton
- For the South, the from the sale of cotton was
used to by northern goods - Prosperity of both the North South rested on
slave labor for a time
7The Three Souths
- 1. The further North, the cooler the climate,
the fewer the slaves, and the lower the
commitment to perpetuating bondage - 2. The further South, the warmer the climate,
the more the slaves, and the higher the
commitment to perpetuating bondage -
9Further Generalizations
- 3. Mountain whites along Appalachian Mountains
would mostly side w/ Union - 4. Southward flow of slaves (from sales)
continued from 1790 to 1860 - 5. Not a unified South except from outside
interference from the union
10Border South
- Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri
- Plantations scarce
- Tobacco main slave crop
- Unionists won out during the war
- 22 slave owners
11Middle South
- Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas
- Both unionist/disunions at different points
during the war - Many plantations
- 36 slave owners
12Lower South
- South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas - Plantations prevalent
- Disunionists prevail
- 43 slave owners
13The Planter "Aristocracy"
14South an Oligarchy
- Ruled by wealthy plantation owners
- Strong sense of obligation to serve the public
through politics - Chivalry, honor, hospitality, soft-spoken,
courteous yet high-strung - Carried on "cavalier" tradition of early
Virginia reflected in its military academies. - Sought to perpetuate medievalism (feudalism) that
had died out in Europe
15Slaves and the Slave System
- The "Peculiar Institution"
16Plantation System
- Economy dominated by wealthy plantation owners
- Risky Slaves might die of disease, injure
themselves, or run away - One-crop economy caused resentment to the North
who had markets/manufactures - Repelled European immigration
17Plantation slavery
- Nearly 4 million slaves by 1860
- Legal imports of slaves ended in 1808 --
Countless slaves smuggled in despite death
penalty for slavers - Increase due to natural production
- Owners rewarded slave women for many children
- Owners often fathered sizable mulatto population
most remained slaves
18Slave Auctions
- Most revolting aspect of slavery
- Families often separated
- Slaverys greatest psychological horror
- Punishment brutal to send a message to other
slaves not to defy masters authority - Life in the newly emerging western areas
particularly harsh (LA, TX, MS, AL) - Afro-American slave culture developed
19(No Transcript)
20Burdens of Slavery
- Slaves deprived of dignity and sense of
responsibility that free people have, suffered
cruel physical and psychological treatment, and
were ultimately convinced that they were inferior
and deserved their lot in life. - Denied an education since seen as dangerous to
give slaves ideas of freedom
21Burdens of Slavery
- 3. Slaves often sabotaged their masters system
-- Poisoned food, supplies often missing,
equipment often broken, slow work. - 4. Many attempted to escape -- Some success in
Border South next to impossible in Lower South
22Slave Revolts
- Stono Rebellion, 1739 -- South Carolina slaves
fled toward Florida killing whites along way did
not make it. - Gabriel Prosser, 1800 -- Slave blacksmith in VA
who planned a military slave revolt recruited
150 men -- Rebellion did not happen and Prosser
and 26 others were hanged
23Slave Revolts
- 3. Denmark Vesey, a mulatto in Charleston,
devised the largest revolt ever in 1822. -- A
slave informer advised his master of the plot --
Vesey and 30 others publicly hanged
24Nat Turners Revolt -- 1831
- 60 Virginians slaughtered, mostly children and
women - Wave of killing slowed down revolts aim of
capturing armory - Largest slave revolt ever in the South
- Over 100 slaves were killed in response Turner
was hanged.
- Produced anxiety among southern plantation owners
resulting in harsh laws clamping down on the
slave institution
26The White Majority
27Slave Owners
- By 1860, only 1/4 of white southerners owned
slaves or belonged to slave-owning families - 75 of white southerners owned no slaves at all
- Some of the poorest known as "white trash",
"hillbillies", "crackers", "clay eaters" --
Suffered from malnutrition parasites esp.
28Social Structure
- Fiercely defended the slave system as it proved
white superiority - Poor whites took comfort that they were "equal"
to wealthy neighbors - Social status was determined by how many slaves
one owned - Poor Southern whites someday hoped to own slaves
and realize the "American dream."
29The Fear
- Slavery proved effective in controlling
Afro-Americans ending slavery might result in
the mixing of the races and A.A.s competing with
whites for work
30Free A.A.s
31Quick Facts
- About 250,000 in the South by 1860
- In Border South, emancipation from revolutionary
days increased - In Lower South, many free blacks were mulattos
(white father, black mother) - Some had purchased their freedom
- Some owned property
- A few even owned slaves (rare)
32Discrimination in the South
- Prohibited from certain occupations and from
testifying against whites in court - Always in danger of being forced back into
slavery by slave traders - Became a fearful symbol of what might be achieved
by emancipation
33Discrimination in the North
- Numbered about 250,000
- Some states forbade their entrance or denied them
public education - Most states denied them suffrage
- Some states segregated blacks in public
34Discrimination in the North
- Especially hated by Irish immigrants with whom
they competed with for jobs - Much of Northern sentiment against spread of
slavery into new territories due to intense race
prejudice, not humanitarianism - Anti-black feeling frequently stronger in the
North than in the South
35Early Abolitionism
36Early Movements
- First abolitionist movements began around the
time of the Revolution esp. Quakers - Some of these movements focused on transporting
blacks back to Africa
37American colonization Society
- Founded in 1817 to create practical solutions for
free blacks if slavery was ended - Re-colonization was the solution supported by
many prominent Northerners and Southerners who
were afraid that manumission would create a
surplus of free blacks in American society
38Transplanting AAs
- Republic of Liberia established W. African Coast
for former slaves in 1822 - 15,000 freed blacks transported over next four
decades - Most blacks did not wish to be removed to an
unfamiliar environment - Believed they were part of Americas growth had
American culture - By 1860, virtually all southern slaves were
native-born Americans
39Colonization Highly Encouraged
- Colonization appealed to most Northerners and
some anti-slavers (including Lincoln) who
believed that blacks and whites could not coexist
in a free society - Some feared a mongrelization of the white race
- Others thought AAs inferior, did not want them in
large s in their states
40Abolitionists in the 1930s
- Second Great Awakening convinced abolitionists of
the sin of slavery - Abolitionists inspired that Britain emancipated
their slaves in the West Indies in 1833
41Wendell Phillips
- Perhaps most important abolitionist major impact
on politics during the Civil War for emancipation - One of the finest orators of the 19th century
- Product of the Puritanical fervor of the 2nd
Great Awakening.
- David Walker -- Appeal to the Colored Citizens of
the World (1829) -- Advocated bloody end to white
supremacy - Martin Delaney -- One of few blacks to seriously
advocate black mass re-colonization in Africa - William Lloyd Garrison Published the Liberator,
a militant antislavery newspaper, which demanded
that the "virtuous" North secede from the
"wicked" South
43Elijah Lovejoy
- Militant editor of antislavery newspaper in
Illinois - Printing press destroyed four times 4th time
press thrown into a river and Lovejoy was killed
by a mob who burned his warehouse - Became an abolitionist martyr
44Southern Payback
45In the South
- In 1820s, southern antislavery societies
outnumbered northern ones - After 1830s, white southern abolitionism was
46Causes of Southern Concern
- Nat Turners revolt correspond with Garrisons
Liberator - South sensed a northern conspiracy and called
Garrison a terrorist - Georgia offered 5,000 for his arrest and
47Nullification Crisis of 1832
- Gave southerners haunting fears of northern
federally supported abolitionist radicals
inciting wholesale murder in the South - Jailing, whippings, and lynching's of
anti-slavery whites emerged
48Abolition in the Mail
- Increasing abolitionist literature flooded
southern mail - Abolitionist literature banned in the Southern
mail - Federal Gov ordered southern postmasters to
destroy abolitionist materials and to arrest
federal postmasters who did not comply
49Pro-Slavery Campaign
- Defense of slavery as a positive good
- Slavery supported by the Bible (Genesis) and
Aristotle (slavery existed in ancient Greece) - It was good for barbarous Africans who were
civilized and Christianized - Master-slave relationships resembled those of a
50George Fitzhugh
- Most famous of pro-slavery apologists
- Contrasted happiness of their slaves with the
overworked northern wage slaves. - Fresh air in the south as opposed to stuffy
factories - Full employment for blacks
- Slaves cared for in sickness and old age unlike
northern workers
51Gag Resolution" -- 1836
- Southerners drove it through Congress
- All antislavery appeals in Congress to be ended
without debate antislavery petitions also
prohibited -- Seen by northerners as a threat to
the 1st Amendment - Rep. John Quincy. Adams waged a successful 8-year
fight against it repealed in 1844 - (Banning of antislavery materials in the mails
was a separate issue)
52Abolitionist Impact in the North
53The Northern View
- Abolitionists, esp. Garrison, were unpopular in
many parts of the North - Northerners brought up to revere the
Constitution, which slavery was protected - Ideal of Union (advocated by Webster others)
had taken deep root Garrisons pleas to disunite
was seen as dangerously radical
54Northern Dependence
- North dependent on the South for economic
well-being - Northern bankers owed by southern planters about
300 million - New England mills fed by southern cotton
55Northern Response to Radicals
- Mob outbursts
- 1835, Garrison dragged through the streets of
Boston with a rope tied around him - Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy killed
- Ambitious politicians avoided abolitionists
(e.g., Lincoln) abolitionism was political
57Northern Psyche
- Many saw slavery as unjust, undemocratic, and
barbaric - Many opposed extending slavery to the newly
acquired territories - "Free-soilers" swelled their ranks during the