Title: The Long QT Syndrome Overview and Management
1The Long QT Syndrome Overview and Management
- Developed by Arthur J. Moss, M.D.
- Founder and Director
- International Long QT Registry
- Rochester, NY
2Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD)
- Affects 325,000 each year in U.S. alone
- Only 5 of victims survive
- Causes of SCD may include structural heart
disease or a genetic channelopathy - Recognition of risk factors can help identify
those at risk of SCD
3Risk Factors for SCD in Young People
- Structural congenital heart disease - before and
after corrective surgery - Congenital coronary anomalies
- Myocarditis
- Hypertrophic and other cardiomyopathies
- Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome (WPW)
- Channelopathies such as Long QT Syndrome
4Long QT Syndrome
- Uncommon genetic disorder (13,000))
- ECG evidence QTc interval prolonged
- gt 450ms in males
- gt 460ms in females
- Hallmark arrhythmia Torsade de pointes VT
- Primary symptom Syncope
- Peak risk of SCD children and young adults
5LQTS Historical Aspects
- 1957 1st LQTS family reported
- 1971 1st LQTS Rx (left stellate ganglionectomy
Moss McDonald) - 1958-1970 25 LQTS cases reported
- 1979-2007 International LQTS Registry
- 1995-2007 10 LQTS loci and hundreds of
mutations identified
6LQTS Clinical Features
- Symptoms
- Palpitations
- Syncope
- Seizures
- Sudden death
- ECG Signs
- Prolonged QTc
- Torsade de pointes
- T-wave alternans
7LQTS Identification of Risk
- Aborted cardiac arrest
- Family history of unexplained syncope or sudden
death lt 50 years of age - History of seizures or congenital deafness
- Prolonged QTc on ECG
- Positive genetic test
8LQTS Identification of Risk
- Most common presenting symptom unexplained
syncope - Syncope on exertion in pediatric patients should
be considered malignant until proven otherwise
Abrupt Onset
Slow Onset
Abrupt Onset
Abrupt Offset
Slow Offset
Slow Offset
Seizure disorder
Vasovagal, Orthostatic Hypertension
Aortic Stenosis,HCM, Myxoma
Bradycardia Tachycardia
10Causes of Arrhythmic Syncope
- Very rapid ventricular tachycardia (VT) or TdP,
with hypotension - Atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter with very
rapid ventricular response as in WPW - AV block
- Sinus arrest
11Holter ECG Recording in LQTS Patient with Syncope
(representative strips of ECG recording, part 1
of 2)
Torsades de pointe
12Holter ECG Recording in LQTS Patient with Syncope
(representative strips of ECG recording, part 2
of 2)
13LQTS ECG Patterns
Circ 199285Suppl II140-I144
14What Should You do with the ECG?
- Do not rely on computer interpretation
- Obtain independent review of the ECG
- Have experienced cardiologist manually measure
QTc interval - If the ECG is suspicious for LQTS, refer patient
for cardiac evaluation Pediatric cardiologist
or electrophysiologist
15LQTS Phenotype-Genotype
- 10 genotypes hundreds of mutations
- Clinical differences among LQT1, LQT2 LQT3
genotypes - Clinical variability within a genotype
- Clinical variability among members of a family
with the same gene mutation suggests presence of
modifier genes
16T-wave Morphology in LQTS by Genotype
Moss AJ, et al. Circulation 1995922929-2934
17Probability of Cardiac Events
Circ 200110389-95
18Triggering Events for Syncope or SCD
- 3 main factors contributing to syncope or SCD
- Exercise (LQT1), especially swimming
- Emotions or emotional stress (LQT2)
- Events occurring during sleep or at rest, with
or without arousal (LQT2 or LQT3)
Circ 200110389-95Mayo Clin Proc.
19Triggers for Syncope in LQTS
Circ 200110389-95
20Drugs in Long QT
- Certain drugs may provoke life-threatening
arrhythmias in LQTS patients - Examples
- Antiarrhythmic procainamide, quinidine,
amiodarone, sotalol - Antibiotic/antifungal erythromycin, Avelox,
Bactrim, Septra, clindamycin, gatifloxacin - Psychotropics Haldol, Risperdal, Thorazine,
tricyclics - Other epinephrine, diuretics, albuterol,
21Drugs in Long QT
- LQTS patients should avoid all nonessential
medications - Prescription
- Over-the-counter
- Dietary and herbal supplements
- For more information see www.qtdrugs.org
22Treatments Options
- Beta blockers
- Pacemakers
- Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs)
- Left stellate ganglionectomy
- Gene-specific therapy
23Management by Genotype
- LQT1 and LQT2 benefit most from ß-blocker
therapy - Benefit of ß-blocker therapy less clear
in LQT3. - ICDs indicated
- patient presents as SCD survivor or aborted
cardiac arrest - ß-blockers not effective in preventing cardiac
24Limitations of ?-blockers in LQTS
- SCD can occur despite ?-blockers Rx
- Long-term compliance with daily therapy is
problematic - Usual side effects of ?-blockers
25ICD Experience in LQTS
- ICD indicated for all patients with documented
VT, ventricular fibrillation (VF) or aborted
cardiac arrest - Prevents SCD in patients with prior cardiac
events - Provides a back-up for patients on ?-blocker
therapy who continue to be symptomatic
26ICD Discharge following TdP and VF
Torsade de pointes
VF, ICD shock, sinus rhythm
NEJM 2000342398
27Pacemaker Experience in LQTS
- Reduces frequency of syncope in pts. with
bradycardia-triggered events - Most useful when combined with ?-blocker therapy
- Does not prevent SCD in long-term therapy
- Appears most useful in patients with LQT3 and
Circ. 19991002431-2436
28LQTS Studies in Progress
- LQTS Registry risk-factor identification
- Trigger factors
- New gene identification LQTX?
- Exercise stress testing for diagnosis and risk
stratification - Modifier genes
- Mutation-specific therapy
- LQTS and ICDs
29Case Study 1
- 13 year old female presents with syncope while
swimming - QTc prolongation on ECG (gt 500ms)
- Beta-blocker therapy initiated
- No further cardiac events noted over 5 years
- Can you withdraw beta-blocker therapy?
- Is an ICD indicated?
30Case Study 1 - Discussion
- In most cases, once started therapy should be
considered life-long. - QTc is significant removing therapy is very
risky. - Females with LQTS at higher risk of SCD than
males. - Patient should not be in competitive sports, and
no unsupervised swimming. - Risk of SCD exists some might consider ICD
31Case Study 2
- Young male athlete diagnosed with LQTS
- Beta-blockers prescribed
- Patient stops drugs because he feels better
without them - What should the physician do?
32Case Study 2
- Options
- Implant ICD
- Encourage patient to continue ß-blocker
- Both ICD and ß-blocker
- ICD without ß-blocker not recommended necessary
to decrease event rate. - Screen other family members with ECG
33Case Study 3
- 15 year old male
- ECG as part of routine physical
- QTc 450ms
- Asymptomatic
- No family history
- Question Is this LQTS?
34Case Study 3
- 2-3 of males at this age have QTc gt 450ms 10
of males with LQTS have QTc in 420 450ms
range. - Get ECGs from parents and siblings
- Cardiology/EP consult
- Genetic testing to clarify
- Unexplained syncope with exertion in children and
young adults should be considered serious until
proven otherwise. - ECGs should be obtained on the patient and read
by a cardiologist or pediatric cardiologist if
patient is a child. - ECGs should be obtained on all immediate family
members. - Referral to a cardiac specialist if suspicious
for LQTS.
36Long QT Resources
- Cardiac Arrhythmias Research and Education
(C.A.R.E.) Foundation www.longqt.org - International Registry for Drug-Induced
Arrhythmias, including drugs to use with caution
or avoid in Long QT patients www.qtdrugs.org
37Cardiac Arrhythmias Research and Education
(C.A.R.E.) Foundation, Inc. (800)
404-9500 care_at_longqt.org www.longqt.org