Macros - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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is cute but brittle. Pattern variables are defaults. No hygiene escapes ... Offers constraint-based pattern matching and code quotes all with automatic hygiene ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Macros

  • Jonathan Bachrach
  • MIT AI Lab

  • Syntactic extension to core language
  • Defines meaning of one construct in terms of
    other constructs
  • Their declarations are called macro definitions
  • Their uses are called macro calls

unless Example
  • Definition
  • (ds (unless ,test ,_at_body) (if (not ,test)
  • Call
  • (unless done? (go))
  • Expansion
  • (if (not done?) (go))
  • Evaluation

Macro Motivation
  • From now on, a main goal in designing a language
    should be to plan for growth.
  • Guy Steele, Growing a Language, OOPSLA-98,
    invited talk
  • Power of abstraction where neither functional nor
    object abstraction will suffice, affording
  • Clarity
  • Concision
  • Implementation hiding
  • People are lazy
  • do the right thing

Mathematical Notation
  • Continually inventing new abbreviations
    appropriate for expressing new concepts
  • Many mathematical concepts become usable only
    after someone invents a suitable notation to
    express them.

Proper Macros
  • Macros control the evaluation of their arguments
  • Four basic types of control
  • Transformation pick apart before eval
  • Binding vars directly in code
  • Conditional Evaluation e.g., unless
  • Multiple Evaluation e.g., do

Useful Macros
  • With macros
  • (with-open-file (s dump direction output)
    (princ 99 s))
  • Conditional evaluation
  • (nif x p z n)
  • Iteration
  • (forever (yell))
  • Anaphoric macros
  • (aif (big-long-calculation) (foo it))

Improper Macros
  • General Rule It is inelegant to use a macro
    where a function would do.
  • Example 1 versus while
  • Specific Rule dont use macros for inlining.
  • Caveat sometimes macros are used when function
    calls would be awkward (e.g., closures)

  • WSYWIG specification of lists
  • Permits the writing a template of desired list
    with substitutions in place of the variable parts
    of the list
  • Evaluation
  • yields a list
  • turned off by default
  • turned on with unquote
  • Unquote - ,expr - inserts value of expr
  • Splicing - ,_at_expr - splices in value of expr
  • Example
  • (let ((x 1) (y (2 3))) (,x ,_at_y)) gt (1 2 3)

Pattern Matching
  • An intuitive and accessible way of expressing a
  • Permits the writing out of the general shape of
    the expected input, but with pattern bindings in
    place of the variable parts of the code
  • Proto uses quasiquote notation for patterns
  • Default is to match exactly and recursively
  • Unquote - ,name - matches one expr bound to name
  • Splicing - ,_at_name - matches zero or more exprs
    and binds them to name
  • Example
  • (mif ((,x ,_at_y) (1 2 3)) (lst x y)) gt (1 (2 3))

for Example
  • (for (e (1 2 3)) (println out e))
  • gt
  • (let ((c (1 2 3)))
  • (rep loop ((s (ini-state c)))
  • (unless (fin-state? S c)
  • (let ((e (cur-elt s c)))
  • (println out e)
  • (rep (nxt-state s c)))))))
  • (ds (for (,name ,collection) ,_at_body)
  • (let ((c ,collection))
  • (rep loop ((s (ini-state c)))
  • (unless (fin-state? s c)
  • (let ((,name (cur-elt s c)))
  • ,_at_body
  • (rep (nxt-state s c)))))))

TestSuite Macros
  • Want test-suite thats
  • Concise to write tests
  • runs to completion
  • records intelligent failure messages
  • (test-group whales
  • (test-eqv (moby) 37)
  • )
  • (ds (test-eqv ,input ,output)
  • (do-test-eqv group-name
  • ,(to-str input)
  • (fun () ,input) (fun () ,output)))
  • (dm do-test-eqv (group-name doc input-thunk
  • (unless ( (input-thunk) (output-thunk))
  • (sig (cat group-name " " doc))))

Declarative Data
  • Defining tables can be awkward
  • (deftab t (jb gt boy) (kk gt girl))

Declarative Data Examples
f(list(x, y, z))
Studies course Math101 title
Mathematics 101 2 points fall term
exclusions Math101 ltgt MathA Math102
ltgt MathB prerequisites (Math101,
Math102) lt (Math201, Math202, Math204)
(CS101,CS102) lt (CS201, CS203)
  • Parse into sexprs
  • Recursively expand macros top-down
  • Create IR
  • Optimize IR
  • Emit code

Scope of Macros
  • Macros usually are limited to known positions
  • In lisp,
  • Particular forms
  • Head named lists
  • Symbols
  • In particular contexts
  • Avoids macro calls in parameter specs, let

Evaluation with Macros
  • Preparation for Macros
  • (run (prepare expression))
  • Preparation can be split into many phases
  • Lexical e.g., read macros
  • Syntactic
  • Good design dictates that
  • run and prepare are strictly separated
  • Their relation is clarified
  • And most importantly that experiments can be

  • Multiple worlds
  • Preparation produces a result often stored in a
  • Preparation and running typically execute in
    distinct processes
  • Expression being prepared is only means of
    communicating between preparer and evaluator
  • Unique world
  • All computations cohabit same memory
  • Communication can be neither limited nor

Exogenous Mode
  • macroexpand is provided independently of
    expression to prepare, for example, by
    preparation directives
  • (dm prepare (expression directives)
  • (let ((macroexpand (generate-macroexpand
  • (really-prepare (macroexpand expression))))
  • Macro expansion might either occur as
  • A cascade using piping
  • A synthesis of a new compiler
  • Ensures separation between macro expansion and
  • No connection between language of macro expander
    and the language that is being prepared

Endogenous Mode
  • All information necessary for expansion must be
    found in the expression to prepare
  • (dm prepare (expression)
  • (really-prepare (macroexpand expression)))
  • Macro expansion algorithm preexists
  • Finds macro definitions as well as calls
  • Use eval rather than invent a special language
  • Complicated because requires an evaluator inside
    the macro expander
  • Must not confuse language for writing macros with
    the language that is being prepared
  • There are actually two different evaluators or at
    least evaluation contexts

Protos Endogenous Macros
  • Can side-effect macro evaluator with ct special
  • (ct (dm map-boot-forms (f) ))
  • ct forms can then be used during the expansion of
    subsequent macros
  • (ds (define-parents)
  • (seq ,(map-boot-forms (fun (x) ))))
  • ct forms can be stripped from resulting image if
    in compilation setting
  • Experiments can be more faithfully repeated
    because ct world is insulated from rt world

Macro Expansion
  • Classic Mode
  • Result returned by expander can include more
    macro calls
  • Result is re-expanded until it no longer contains
    any macro calls
  • Expansion Passing Style
  • Expander must return an expression without macro
  • Pass expander macroexpand function as argument
  • Easy to express local macros

Macro-Defining Macros
  • Patterns in code signal need for abstraction
  • Same applies to macros
  • Example
  • (ds (mvbind ,_at_args) (multiple-value-bind
  • (alias mvbind multiple-value-bind)
  • (ds (mvbind ,_at_args)
  • (let ((name multiple-value-bind)) (,name
  • (ds (,short ,_at_args)
  • (let ((name ,long)) (,name ,_at_args))
  • (ds (,short ,_at_args) (,,long ,_at_args))
  • (ds (alias ,short ,long)
  • (ds (,short ,_at_args) (,,long ,_at_args)))

Self Generating Code Quote
Fragment f Fragment f ??f ?f
Fragment f ??f ?f
Based on Mike McMahons self generating
quasiquote solution published in Alan Bawdens
quasiquote paper.
(let ((let '(let ((let ',let)) ,let))) (let
((let ',let)) ,let))
Unexpected Captures
  • (ds (apair ,key ,value ,alist)
  • (let ((f pair)) (f (f ,key ,value) ,alist)))
  • (let ((pair lst)
  • (f f))
  • (apair false f ()))
  • Captures
  • Definition pair
  • Call f

Simple Hygiene Solutions
  • Renaming for call captures
  • Use gensym for bindings introduced by macro
  • Call Example
  • (ds (apair ,key ,value ,alist)
  • (let ((f (gensym))
  • (let ((,f pair)) (,f (,f ,key ,value)
  • Package prefixing for definition captures
    (doesnt work though for local macros)
  • Definition Example
  • (ds (apair ,key ,value ,alist)
  • (let ((f protopair)) (f (f ,key ,value)

Semi-automatic Hygiene
  • Explicitly mention the words whose meaning is to
    be frozen
  • (ds (apair ,key ,value ,alist)
  • (let ((f (gensym)))
  • (with-aliases ((cons pair))
  • (let ((,f ,cons))
  • (,f (,f ,key ,value) ,alist)))

Automatic Hygiene
  • Variables record definition (e.g., module) origin
  • Expansion variables record hygiene context which
  • Is unique number
  • Is created afresh during each macro expansion
  • After expansion
  • Names are renamed such that names connect if they
    have both same name and hygiene context
  • If free then use module origin to start lookup
  • Example
  • (ds (apair ,key ,value ,alist)
  • let ((f pair)) (f (f ,key ,value) ,alist))

Hygiene Escapes
  • There are important macros that arent hygienic
    there is a need to escape hygiene
  • (ds (loop ,_at_body)
  • lab (exit) (rep again () ,_at_body (again)))
  • (let ((i 0))
  • (loop (if ( i 10) (exit 37)) (set i ( i 1))))

R5RS Macros Examples
  • (define-syntax or
  • (syntax-rules ()
  • ((or) f)
  • ((or test) test)
  • ((or test1 test2 ...)
  • (let ((x test1)) (if x x (or test2 ...))))))
  • (define-syntax let
  • (syntax-rules ()
  • ((let ((name val) ...) body1 body2 ...)
  • ((lambda (name ...) body1 body2 ...) val
  • ((let tag ((name val) ...) body1 body2 ...)
  • ((letrec ((tag (lambda (name ...)
  • body1 body2 ...)))
  • tag)
  • val ...))))

R5RS Macros
  • syntax-rules is not procedural
  • Two environments
  • is cute but brittle
  • Pattern variables are defaults
  • No hygiene escapes
  • Local syntax
  • Other Scheme macro systems exist

Code Walking
  • Think of macros as compiler extensions
  • Macros are still limited (no with-slots nor
  • Cant access lexical context
  • Cant build up form dependent information
  • Code walking is a framework that makes this
  • Current state of the art is AST/OO walkers
  • See LiSP

Conventional Syntax Macros
  • Power of macros has been limited to Lisp family
    of languages because Lisp has
  • a very regular syntax based on lists
  • a large library of list fabs and xforms
  • Has been some recent work towards remedying this

Grammar Extensions
  • Programmable Syntax Macros
  • by Weise and Crew and
  • Growing Languages with Metamorphic Syntax
  • by Brabrand and Schwartzbach
  • User writes new rewrite rules
  • Example
  • Syntax ltstmgt unless (ltexp Egt) ltstm S1gt
  • if (!ltEgt) ltSgt

Grammar Extensions Critique
  • Advantages
  • Can ensure that expansions produce admissible
    code fragments
  • Disadvantages
  • Users need to know grammar (e.g., nonterminals)
  • Limited to rewrite rules only and thus awkward to
    write more complicated macros

Dylan Macros
  • Simple regular conventional syntax
  • Converts surface syntax to SST form
  • Offers constraint-based pattern matching and code
    quotes all with automatic hygiene
  • Rewrite rule only but allows auxiliary rules that
    take arguments
  • Simple Example
  • define macro unless
  • unless ?testexpression ?body
  • gt if (?test) ?body
  • end macro

Sophisticated Dylan Example
  • define macro iterate
  • iterate ?name (?bindings) ?body end
  • gt local method ?name (?_at_vars ?bindings )
    ?body end
  • ?name(?_at_inits ?bindings )
  • vars
  • gt
  • ?variable ?expression, ...
  • gt ?variable, ...
  • inits
  • gt
  • ?variable ?expression, ...
  • gt ?expression, ...
  • end macro

Dylan Macro Critique
  • Advantages
  • High level
  • Surface syntax
  • Hygiene support
  • Disadvantages
  • Rewrite rule only
  • No guarantees about producing admissible code

Procedural Macro Motivation
  • Analysis and rewriting no longer constrained
  • Simplified pattern matching and rewrite rule
  • Can package and re-use syntax expansion utilities
  • Pattern matching engine is extensible

Java Syntactic Extender
  • Builds on Dylan macros having constraint-based
    pattern matching and code quotes
  • Adds procedural macros
  • Macros are classes
  • Uses CLASSPATH to find them
  • Example
  • public syntax unless
  • case unless (?testexpression)
  • ?statement
  • return if (!?test) ?statement

JSE Assert Example
  • assert(moby() 37)
  • public syntax assert
  • case assert(?expression)
  • return if (?expression) System.out.println(
  • case assert(?expression, ?messageexpression
  • return if (?expression) System.out.println(
  • public class assertSExpander implements
  • public Expansion expand (Fragment fragments)
    throws SyntaxMatchFailure
  • syntaxSwitch (fragments)
  • case assert(?expression)
  • return if (?expression) System.out.println("
  • case assert(?expression, ?messageexpression)
  • return if (?expression) System.out.println(?

JSE Parallel forEach Example
  • public syntax forEach
  • case forEach (?clauses) ?statement
  • Fragment inits
  • Fragment preds true
  • Fragment nexts
  • return ?(loop(clauses, statement, inits,
    preds, nexts))
  • private Fragment loop
  • (Fragment clauses, Fragment statement,
  • Fragment inits, Fragment preds, Fragment
    nexts) throws MatchFailure
  • syntaxSwitch (clauses)
  • case
  • return ?inits while (?preds) ?nexts
  • case ?type ?name in ?cexpression, ...
  • Fragment newInits ?inits Iterator i
  • Fragment newPreds ?preds i.hasNext()
  • Fragment newNexts ?nexts ?name
  • return ?(loop(..., statement, newInits,
    newPreds, newNexts))

Open Problems
  • Conventional syntax macros
  • More flexibility in macro shapes
  • Provable admissibility

Reading List
  • Bawden Quasiquotation in Lisp
  • Queinnec Lisp In Small Pieces
  • Graham Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp
  • Kelsey, Clinger, and Rees R5RS
  • Clinger Hygienic Macros through Explicit
  • Shalit The Dylan Reference Manual
  • Braband and Schwartzbach Growing Languages with
    Metamorphic Syntax Macros
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