Title: CNM Portal
1GTA InfoVista Training
Click to Begin
- Take all the time you like to read or study
images, and advance to the next page whenever you
are ready. - Whenever you see the information icon in the
top corner, it indicates that this slide is
general information that may be helpful to you,
but it is not specific to this application. - Moving through these lessons may be accomplished
with the left mouse button and the keyboard
cursor arrows. - You may use the keyboard left cursor arrow to
back up and review previous information or to
restart a page. - Whenever the arrow is visible in the bottom right
corner, you may click your mouse button to
Click your mouse to go to the next page
- CNM Portal Management
- System Requirements
- Login
- Interface
- InfoVista Tabs
- Time Navigator
- Device Navigator
- Naming Convention
- Network Metrics
- Working with Reports
- Hands-On Practice
- InfoVista Summary
- Contact Information
InfoVista is a very powerful network performance
monitoring application that will allow you to
quickly and easily track down congestion,
bottlenecks, and other issues.
4CNM Portal Management
- Portal management, including InfoVista access, is
administered by the GTA Network Management Team. - This includes
- Establishing new users
- Resolving user issues
- Changing user entitlements (these define
permissions) - For a new portal ID, email mplsportalsupport_at_gta.g
a.gov - To report trouble, call the Command Center at
(404) 656-7378.
5System Requirements
- Some elements of the CNM Portal are more
intensive and may overload your system depending
on your processor, memory, operating system, and
other software updates. A 1Ghz CPU with 512mb
of RAM (or more) is preferable. - If you experience significant lag or long wait
times, try closing email and other applications. - Ensure that you have the latest Java update
updating Java can make a tremendous difference in
using InfoVista, since all of the reports and
functions are Java-based.
6System Requirements
- Current Java files are crucial to the operation
of InfoVista. - New Java updates are released frequently.
- Use this website to check what version of Java
you have - http//java.com
- As of April 2007, the latest version of Java from
Sun is 1.6.0_01. - The latest Java version is also available here
- http//java.com
Check with your sysadmin to make sure its okay
before you update Java on your machine!
7Portal Access
- You will log onto the system via a web browser,
through the CNM Portal.
? ? ? ? ? ?
Note All portal applications will time out
after a period of inactivity. In this case, you
will be required to log in again.
Note If you do not already have a user ID and
password, contact information is available at the
end of this presentation.
8InfoVista Interface
- To access InfoVista from the CNM Portal, click on
the network management tab and select View
Performance Reports.
- InfoVista will launch just below the Portal
interface tabs.
9Interface Tab Overview
The InfoVista tabs control access to the metrics
and reports
Main page tab Starting point for InfoVista,
with contact information.
CPE tab Metrics for CPE devices displaying CPE,
WAN Interface, Frame Relay metrics.
CPE Top Bottom tab Top bottom 10 CPE
devices rated by CPU usage and load.
Access tab Metrics displaying latency, jitter,
and packet loss for access lines and routes.
Access Top Bottom tab Top bottom 10 access
routes rated by latency.
If you have fewer than 10 sites, all of them will
be displayed on the top bottom tabs
10Main Page Tab
- The Main Page is the first window displayed when
InfoVista is launched. - Current information is posted on the main page as
seen here.
11CPE Tab
- When the CPE tab is selected, a sub-menu allows
for selection of Device or Interface, depending
on your primary concern or focus - Metrics for a device, or
- Metrics for an interface
12CPE Tab Device Metrics
- If Device is selected from the menu, the Device
Navigator is loaded into the top and the panes to
the right of it are populated with
device-specific data. The Interface Navigator is
loaded at the bottom of the page.
Device Navigator
Interface Navigator
13CPE Tab Device Metrics
- The CPU Usage and Memory Usage metrics are
displayed in the CPE Device section. The
thresholds for those metrics are - Thresholds for each metric will depend upon the
data type that is represented.
14CPE Tab Interface Metrics
- If Interface is selected, the Interface Navigator
will be loaded to the top position and the panes
to the right will display interface-specific
metrics and data with the Device Navigator at the
Interface Navigator
Device Navigator
15CPE Tab Interface Metrics
- The Interface section of the CPE Tab displays
information using green, orange, and red
LED-style indicators to allow quick and easy
viewing of the page.
- Each device indicator has the percentage next to
it indicating usage and load metrics. More
detailed reports are available by clicking on any
device or interface name. - Thresholds for CPE metrics are
16CPE tab Router Performance Report
The CPE tab page contains several types of
information. By breaking it into sections, we can
examine each part of it separately.
First, lets take a look at the Router
Performance Pane.
Youve already previewed each of the tabs with an
overview of their functionality. The time
navigator and the device navigator are used to
designate the time period and the target device
for a report. They will be covered in more detail
shortly. For now, lets remove all of those so
we can get a better look at each of the CPE panes
containing devices and metrics.
17CPE tab Router Performance Report
The default Router Performance Report pane
displays the top 10 CPE devices measured by CPU
Click on any device name for more detailed
information on that CPE. Well select
GTAGDOC2005. The report is generated, and it
shows hourly CPU and memory usage over a 1 day
period. Well look more into understanding
reports later, but this covers the very basics of
generating a performance report on a CPE device.
Memory usage is also displayed. These two
metrics provide a snapshot of the daily system
18CPE tab WAN Interface Report
The WAN Interface Report lists metrics on each
interface, including
In Avg Traffic Average amount of incoming
traffic on the selected circuit
Out Avg Traffic Average amount of outgoing
traffic on the selected circuit
Out Peak Traffic Peak amount of outgoing traffic
on the selected circuit
In Peak Traffic Peak amount of incoming traffic
on the selected circuit
Speed The highest amount of traffic throughput
in megabytes per second
Availability The percentage of time that the WAN
interface is available
Saturation The percentage of maximum
traffic-handling capacity utilized.
Error Out Percentage of errors in outgoing
traffic for the day
Error In Percentage of errors in incoming
traffic for the day
Since the information is a bit crowded and could
be difficult to read, click the FULL SCREEN link
at the bottom.
IN PEAK is the highest amount of traffic on this
interface. This is important with congestion or
bogging down issues!
19CPE tab WAN Interface Report
Time Navigator functionality is available to
easily change the date or duration of these
Report graphs are generated for each metric.
Each report displays time across the bottom and
performance on the left side.
To use, save, or email these reports, click the
Formats menu and select the desired output format
PDF, text , excel, or XML file.
Click on any device name to generate a report
More on this in Use Your Report page later in
this presentation
20CPE tab Frame Relay pane
The Frame Relay pane indicates a daily average
for inbound and outbound traffic, measured in
percent according to total capacity.
Click on the device name to generate a
report. GTADTAE4001 shows in inbound average of
41.3 percent for the day. The graph report
indicates much more detail, showing actual
inbound traffic volume from 10 to 90 for that
21CPE Top Bottom tab
The CPU devices are rated on a daily average of
CPU usage measured in percent.
The CPE Top Bottom tab displays a quick
reference listing of the top and bottom 10 CPE
devices rated by CPU and memory usage.
Daily CPU usage in percentage
Daily Memory usage in percentage
Top 10 devices by CPU usage
Bottom 10 devices by CPU usage
If you have fewer than 10 sites, all of them will
be displayed on the top bottom tabs
22CPE Top Bottom tab
The reporting period may be modified as desired
using the time navigator along the top.
CPU usage in percent
This is an hourly graph, but it can be modified
to display daily or longer time periods.
Metrics are displayed for the device showing CPU
and memory utilization.
t i m e i n h o u r s
Similar to the CPE tab, select any device to see
more details on usage metrics for that device.
23Access tab
The Access tab contains metrics displaying
latency, availability, jitter, and packet loss
for the access lines routes.
- CoS categories include
- BE Best Effort
- PB Priority Business
- IA Interactive
- RT Real Time
The BE annotation after the site name indicates
the Class of Service (CoS) level. BE is Best
24Access tab
As with the CPE tab, you can double-click any
level to update the right pane for that region,
agency or site. Select any line to generate
reports for that instance.
25Access Top Bottom tab
The Access Top Bottom tab contains a listing of
the top 10 and bottom 10 access routes based on
Latency metrics.
If you have fewer than 10 sites, all of them will
be displayed on the top bottom tabs
26Access Top Bottom tab
As with the Access tab, select the device name to
generate a graphic report.
This list displays the bottom 10 Access lines for
usage (average) in the time shown.
This list displays the top 10 Access lines for
usage during the time period shown.
This list displays the Packet Delivery percentage
during the same time period.
This list displays the Availability percentage
during the same time period.
This lists the Latency (average) for the same
time period shown above.
This list displays the Availability percentage
during the same time period.
This lists Packet Delivery (average) for the same
time period shown above.
This lists the Latency (average) for the same
time period shown above.
27Class of Service (CoS)
- On both the Access tab and on the Access Top
Bottom tab, you may have noticed the CoS
abbreviations after the route identifier. - The CoS abbreviations indicate
- BE Best effort
- PB Priority business
- IA Interactive
- RT Real time
28Class of Service (CoS)
- Class of Service (CoS) describes 4 levels that
indicate service priority. The customer
subscribes to a CoS level depending on their
business needs and requirements. - Best effort
- Business priority
- Interactive
- Real time
- As long as traffic congestion is not a problem,
all 4 levels will move data traffic freely along
the network.
Lowest priority Highest priority
Whenever traffic slows due to increased demand or
a service degradation, traffic priority is given
to the higher CoS level.
Best Effort
Business Priority
Real Time
29Class of Service (CoS)
- So it works like this. Assuming no congestion or
latency issues, all traffic will be transmitted
over the network normally. - Best effort
- Business priority
- Interactive
- Real time
- If something were to slow the network, traffic in
the lowest priority level would wait while the
higher priorities are transmitted. - If traffic flow is still impeded, the next level
would be delayed. - If traffic flow is not improved, the next level
would then be delayed. At this point, Real Time
would be the only level being transmitted. - As soon as all Real Time traffic is transmitted,
the next lower priority (Interactive) would be
sent, and then the next lower priority. - Once the congestion issue is resolved, all
traffic would begin flowing normally again.
30Time Navigator
Youll need the Time Navigator and the Device
Navigator in order to locate the correct
information prior to generating a report.
- Both the CPE tab and the Access tab contain the
Time Navigator. - The final reports and graphs also contain Time
Navigator functionality.
The Time Navigator designates the date for any
generated reports, and also specifies the time
period length for the report.
31Time Navigator
The purpose of the Time Navigator is to specify
the date and time period prior to generating a
performance report. The report date and time may
be specified using these controls
- Navigation arrows
- Time period
- Calendar icon
- Time interval menu
- GO button
The navigation arrows will increase or decrease
the time by the amount displayed in the time
interval menu. If the time interval menu is set
to Daily, each arrow click will change the date
by one day. If the time interval menu is set to
Monthly, each arrow click will change that date
by one month. Each arrow click will ALSO refresh
the display if a graph has already been
generated, slowing the application considerably
while waiting to reload it.
The GO button is used to generate the report
after entering a date directly into the field via
keyboard. If the time period is altered using the
navigation arrows or the calendar function,
InfoVista will begin to create the report when
the new date is selected.
The calendar function is convenient for adjusting
the reporting period by larger amounts. Click
the calendar icon, use the left right arrows at
the top to display the desired month, and then
click on the desired date to generate the report.
The time period may be directly entered into this
field using the keyboard, or it may be changed
with the navigation arrows to move it forward or
back by the interval shown, or a new date may be
selected using the calendar function. Once set,
any generated report will contain data for this
time period until the time navigator is reset or
modified again.
The time interval menu selects the time period
for a report whether it will cover an hour, a
day, or a month time period. As the time
interval menu is selected, the time period on the
left will change to reflect the new time
32Time Navigator
As the time period is selected on the right side,
the time period field on the left side will
change to match that time increment.
- By selecting Monthly, InfoVista will change the
left field again to allow for monthly choices. - InfoVista has 4 time periods
- Hourly
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Within the Time Navigator, some fields will
change as you make your selections.
Lets look through the time period options, and
watch the time/date field on the left side as it
Whether we want to look at performance metrics
for yesterday, last week, or last month, the Time
Navigator is the first stop to select the date
for reporting metrics.
The default time period is Daily. The date field
to the left displays the date, and allows the
date to be entered or altered. If we click the
time period menu and change it to Weekly, the
date field on the left will change to allow
selection by weeks.
33Device Navigator
- Just as the Time Navigator selects the time
period to examine metrics or create a report, the
Device Navigator selects the target device or
access route for any generated performance
- Both the CPE tab and the Access tab contain the
Device Navigator.
34Device Navigator
If youre familiar with Windows Explorer, youll
notice that the Device Navigator is similar in
appearance and in function. Click on to view
additional detail within an agency, and click on
to close or hide it. Just like in Windows
Explorer, use the tree on the left pane to
navigate or drill down to the desired location or
Select the symbol to view devices below.
Select the next symbol to view additional
and select the desired target device.
35Device Navigator
Lets look closely at GTAGDOC1001 in the Device
Navigator. The target site location 001 shows a
(4) after it. This indicates that there are 4
devices or interfaces at that location. Click on
001 (4) and you can see a list showing those
device or interface names in the lower section.
The CPE router is always listed first, if there
is one. In this case, it is followed by an ATM
interface and 2 virtual access lines.
Double-click on any agency level or device name
and the metrics panes on the right side will be
updated for that selected agency level or device
36Naming Convention
The device name will start with GTA as the first
three letters
So it works like this
Each device requires a unique name to identify it
on the network
State Level (GTA)
We will examine GTAGDOC1003 and see how the name
is derived
The next four letters are derived from the Agency
Agency (GDOC)
GTA Region (1)
The next single number indicates the GTA Region
Site (003)
The number after the site location 003, indicates
the number of routes or devices at that location.
That means that 003(2) has two managed routes
or devices at that location that we will be able
to monitor using the CNMP applications.
The last three numbers indicate the specific Site
location (003)
37What Do All These Metrics Mean To Me?
- Latency The time delay for a packet of data to
get from one point to another point. - Packet Loss The percentage of packets sent that
will be lost (out of 100) in transmission. - Jitter The variation in the time between
packets arriving critical in VoIP applications,
but less important for email, data, etc.
Latency is typically expressed in milliseconds,
(ms) and measures the transmission time to travel
to the destination and return. Contributors to
latency include the transmission medium (wire,
fiber, etc.), packet size, hardware involved, and
other variables.
Packet loss may be an indication of network
congestion or other factors.
Jitter is frequently caused by packet
transmission delays.
Latency shown here is 72 milliseconds
38Understanding Metrics Indicators
- In InfoVista, colored indicators make it quick
and easy to recognize problems, changes, or
alerts at a glance. - Green indicates that the system is functioning
well and is within the expected parameters. - Orange indicates a reading just out of range
frequently a device or interface may be going
down or coming back up. - Red indicates a reading way out of range
possibly a device or interface that is
overloaded, non-functional or not responding. - How quickly could you spot a problem area on
this page?
39Quick Report
- The right-click menu allows quick and easy access
to regional or site reports, directly from the
Device Manager - Right-click to select any region, site, or
device, and then select the Router Performance
report to update the metrics in the right pane
with current data.
The right pane is updated with metrics from DFCS
Region 1.
40Performance Reports
- InfoVista reports are labeled with captions
clearly stating what type of data is being
displayed in each report.
Indication of Report Type
41Performance Reports
- While each of these reports may appear different,
they are all interpreted in much the same manner. - Performance is measured up the left side of the
while time (GMT) is indicated across the bottom.
To convert time from GMT to EST, subtract 5
hours. That means 1000 indicated was really 5
AM local time.
Subtract 4 hours for daylight savings time
42Performance Reports
- This graph starts at 0000, or midnight (GMT),
and the CPU usage is at 16. - As time progresses, the CPU usage percentage
drops, and then later begins to climb again.
CPU Usage
Subtracting 5 hours from the GMT time shown (to
EST) shows an increase in activity from 5 am to 5
43Time Conversion
Remember, all reports are displayed in Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT). This means you have to
subtract 5 hours for Eastern Standard Time (EST),
or 4 hours for Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT
is Spring Summer).
If you notice any spikes or unusual activity at
odd hours, this could indicate a network security
problem Time to notify someone!!
44Time Conversion
This table displays GMT, EST, and EDT time
differences compared to normal clock time.
This line indicates 0900 on the report.
InfoVista reports are GMT, so start with the GMT
0900 is 9 am, but thats still in GMT. Subtract
5 hours for EST (4 am), or Subtract 4 hours for
daylight savings time (EDT) making it 5 am.
45Performance Reports
- This report looks different, but is interpreted
exactly the same way - The time progression is across the bottom (24
hours on this report) - and the performance data is displayed on the
left side.
So the lowest performance for this time period is
at 1800 GMT (1 PM EST) with 86 of the packets
successfully delivered.
46Performance Metrics in Reports
- At the top of the report, there is a modified
version of the Time Navigator. - Once a report has been generated, you can modify
the time period or report date forward or back to
view adjacent dates and view performance metrics
without closing the window and then starting
over. - We have the same navigation arrows, calendar, and
GO button as the Time Navigator. There is also
an additional field that defines the time span of
the report- whether it covers a day, week, or
longer. - The timeline on this report is set to begin at
noon and display 1 day of data. - You can set the start date and time, set the
duration, and then view a report on any time
period for which data is available.
InfoVista reports span a period of time that is
indicated across the bottom of the graph.
Whether it measures hours, days, or weeks, older
time is on the left side, with more recent events
on the right side.
InfoVista reports have other things in common as
well... such as scalability.
If we examine the router performance report to
the right, CPU usage is being measured. The
highest value on the scale displayed along the
left side is 36. That indicates 36, although
the highest CPU spike actually reached only 32.
InfoVista sized the scale to fit the data. If
the CPU were to suddenly spike again and rise to
65, the next time this data is polled, InfoVista
would resize the graph so the new spike would
fit. The left side would be renumbered so it
would range above 65 at the top, and all the
data would still fit within the graph. The graph
will auto-adjust to fit the lowest and highest
47Customizing Report Results
- As the time period and the duration are modified,
any new reports that are generated will display
performance metrics for that new timeline. - Here we can see reports with the timelines set
to - Hourly, covering a 1 day period
- Daily, covering a 1 week period
- Weekly, covering a 2 month period
This allows report time periods to be customized,
showing hour-by-hour performance peaks, or weeks
and even months at a time to see larger trends
that would not be readily visible while viewing
hourly or daily metrics.
48Use This Report
Once a report has been generated, the controls
across the top of the report include the Formats
menu, which allows the report to be saved in a
variety of file types, and Time Navigator
49Save This Report
- Reports are a visual medium, and must be
versatile to in order to be useful whether to be
emailed, printed, archived, or posted online. - Click the Formats button at the top left corner
of a report and select the desired file type. - The Formats button allows the report to be saved
in several formats including - PDF file
- Plain text file (comma delimited)
- Excel spreadsheet
- XML code for a web page
- The output file will be generated in a new
window. - Save the new file as you would any other file,
and then email, print, post to a webpage, or
archive on a network drive.
50InfoVista Summary
- As a network performance monitoring tool,
InfoVista can help to diagnose network traffic
issues by displaying CPE router and traffic
statistics in out of a site that may be
experiencing lag or latency issues. - Available information spans time periods from
monthly for understanding larger trends, all the
way down to hourly for examining data traffic in
and out of a specific location or along a
specific route. - A quick glance at InfoVista may be all you need
to verify the congestion or latency issues that
are being experienced.
51Contact Information
- Contact GTA TCC / NOSC for help with user ID
password - For your Portal ID, send an email to
MPLSPortalSupport_at_gta.ga.gov or call (404)