- (Adapted with permission from ACEP)
2The best interests of patients are served
when emergency physicians practice in a fair,
equitable and supportive environment
3Why is Wellbeing important?
- Happiness and satisfaction Career longevity
- Reasons for Concern
- Burnout Studies
- Substance Abuse Data
- Attrition Rate
4Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- Major Stressors
- Diminished Resources
- Difficult Patients
- Difficult Decisions
- Life in the fish bowl
- Isolation
- Single coverage practices
- Rural practices
- Perceived lack of control
5Coping Techniques Wellness Strategies
- Essential we learn these
- Wellness in the professional environment
- Wellness in personal life
- Close family and social relationships
- Physical fitness
- Methods of relaxation and renewal
6The foundation of wellness is Attitude
- Service commitment
- Vocation - being a healer and helper
7The accomplishment of wellness is time management
8Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- Typical Physician Profile
- Perfectionistic
- Driven to succeed
- Willing to work long and irregular hours
- Ideals of individual service and sacrifice
9Personality and genetics
- Adaptation
- Know yourself
- know and accept your limits
- denial does not work
- Expectation vs being realistic
- Type A
10Satisfactions and Joys
- Making a difference
- Teamwork
- Focus on and value these
11Stress is inevitable - its unmanaged consequences
Managing ones own stresses is the toughest part
of practicing medicine. Dr. Oscar London
- Feelings of job dissatisfaction due to
work-related stress - Three components
- Depersonalization
- Diminished sense of achievement
- Emotional exhaustion
13Stress Exceed Resources
- Maladaptive coping mechanisms
- Responses
- Physical Emotional Illness
- Adaptive coping mechanisms
- balance restored
- responses resolved
14Burnout Severity
- First degree failure to keep up and gradual loss
of reality - Second degree accelerated physical and emotional
deterioration - Third degree major physical and psychological
15Burnout effects on patient care
- Samkoff and Jacques
- All revealed deleterious effects on mood and
attitude - More errors on repetitive tasks
- Deterioration in performance tests requiring
prolonged vigilance
16Burnout and the Emergency Physician
- Keller and Koenig (1989)
- Surveyed 77 Emergency Physicians
- 60 Medium to High Emotional Exhaustion
- 70 Medium to High Depersonalization
- 34 Low Levels of Personal Achievement
17Burnout and the Emergency Physician
- Gallery (1992)
- Surveyed 763 Emergency Physicians
- 12.4 were likely to leave specialty in one year
- 27 were likely to leave in five years
- 57 planned to leave specialty in ten years
18Burnout and the Emergency Physician
- Goldberg et al (1996)
- Administered Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) to
1,272 emergency physicians over four years at
ACEP Scientific Assembly - 60 rated at moderate to high levels of burnout
19Burnout and the Emergency Physician
- Goldberg et al. (1996)
- Correlates of burnout
- Self-recognition of burnout
- Lack of job involvement
- Negative self-assessment of productivity
- Dissatisfaction with career
- Sleep disturbances
- Increased number of shifts per month
- Dissatisfaction with specialty services
- Intent to leave the practice within 10 years
- Higher levels of alcohol consumption
- Lower levels of exercise
20Burnout in Residency
- Koran and Litt- 280 house staff
- 40- anxiety or depression impaired their
work - 31- social isolation
- 12- increased use of alcohol or drugs
- 46- concerned that a relationship with a
significant other would not survive the
21Stress in EM Residency
- DE Houry, LW Shockley, V Markovchick
- Annals of Emergency Medicine
- 35 (4) 394-397, 2000
22Burnout symptoms
- Somatic
- Headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbance, GI sx
- Cognitive
- Forgetfulness, indecision, poor judgment
- Emotional
- Irritable, depressed, worry
- Spiritual
- Loneliness, inadequacy, absent
23Self Monitoring for Burnout
- Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) addresses 3
general scales - Emotional exhaustion (feelings of being
emotionally overextended and exhausted by ones
work), - Depersonalization (unfeeling and impersonal
response toward recipients of ones service,
care, treatment, or instruction) - Personal accomplishment (feelings of competence
and successful achievement in ones work)
- Maslach C, et al. The Maslach Burnout Inventory.
3rd ed. 1996
24(No Transcript)
25MBI Score Interpretation
- Educating physicians about burnout
- Learning new adaptive coping mechanisms
- assessment and determination of stressors
- specification of life priorities
- sharing and expressing feelings
- Alleviating stress at work
- focusing on positive aspects and small success
- setting daily and weekly goals
- breaks and variation in daily schedule
- utilizing a team approach
27Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- Physician Impairment
- The inability to practice medicine with
reasonable skill and safety due to physical and
mental illness - Emergency medicine is overrepresented with
chemically dependent physicians compared to other
- Initiation of programs to alert physicians to
stresses - Re-evaluation and restructuring medical training
- Offering programs and conferences dealing with
29Impaired Physicians
- Alcohol
- Drugs
- Mental Illness
30Symptoms of Impairment
- Symptoms
- Denial
- Compulsion
- Progression
- Relapse
31Stages of Dependency
- Use Social functions
- Abuse Using the chemical interferes with life
- Addiction Life interferes with using the drug
- Institutionalization and/or insanity
- Recovery
32Recovery and Help
- State specific programs
- Counseling
- Confidentiality
- Disability
- You have it
- Physical and mental
- Trust and sharing
- Boundaries
- Your work and your life
34Life in the Goldfish Bowl
- Unique to emergency medicine
- Team captain
- Interactions with other physicians
35Wellness in the Professional Environment
- Adequate physician and support staffing
- Input on policies and procedures
- Reduction of noise and structural discomforts
- Strategies to deal with difficult patients
- Shift work strategies
- Support groups/CISD
36Frustration and anger
- Overcrowding
- Admitting
- Expectations vs. resources
37Medical Errors
- Admit
- denial does not work
- Apologize
- Constructive learning
- do better next time
38Harassment - towards you
- Still sometimes a gender issue
- EM identity
- still the new guy on the block
39Harassment - by you
- Political correctness
- Everything you say and do will be noticed
- Dont think it cant happen here
- Toward you and your staff
- Society and your patients
- Caring for those affected
41Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- The Difficult or Hateful Patient
- Organic brain syndrome / Dementia
- Language or cultural differences
- Hostile patient/borderline personality
- Overly dependent
- Hypochondriac
- Antisocial/self-destructive
42Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- Keys to Dealing with Difficult Patients
- Recognize your negative feelings toward the
patient and accept them nonjudgementally - Determine that the patient will not make you
sick - share your feelings - Set limits for yourself and the patient - treat
43Shift work
- Circadian rhythms
- Scheduling
- Does it contribute to medical errors?
44Shift work effects
- Infertility
- Increased risk of premature birth retarded
fetal growth - Higher pregnancy loss
- High rates of drug and alcohol abuse
- Chronic hypertension and increased
cardiovascular mortality
45Shift work
- Increased rates of worker accidents and errors
- Increased rates of accidents driving to from
work - Often cited as the main cause of career
dissatisfaction - Chronic fatigue
- Chronic sleep disruption and deprivation
- Increased rates of depression, mood swings and
46Circadian Principle
- 25.1 hr. biologic clock
- Temperature cycle correlates well with level of
alertness - Temperature troughs at 200PM and 300AM
47Circadian Rhythm
Time (h)
University of Virginia Center for Biological
Timing. Available at http//www.cbt.virginia.edu
48Performance Errors
No. of Errors
Mitler MM, et al. Sleep. 1988.
49Vehicle Accident Data
1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100
No. of Accidents
6 AM
6 PM
Mitler MM, et al. Sleep. 1988.
50How Do These Things Happen?
51Medical Errors?
- Smith-Coggins et al (1994)
- Sleep deprived attendings ? Mannequin intubation
and decision-making for four case scenarios - Intubation ? sig faster for rested subjects,
accuracy better earlier in shift regardless of
rest - Decision-making ? higher for rested subjects,
but not stat sig
52Recognizing Fatigue/Sleepiness
- Poor motor skills
- Frontal lobe signs
- Apathy, impoverished speech, flattened affect ?
no motivation, poor communication skills - Impaired memory
- Inflexible thinking and impaired planning skills
? inability to multitask, see big picture - Irritability, moodiness, and disinhibition ?
unprofessional behavior - Intrusive sleepiness
- Microsleeps (5 to 10 seconds) cause lapses in
attention - Nodding off when sedentary
- REM phenomena (hypnagogic hallucinations)
53Am I Getting Enough Quality Sleep?
- How do you monitor the effectiveness of your
sleep? - Self-assessment methods
- Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)
- Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQ)
Johns MW. Sleep. 1991 Buysse DJ, et al. J
Psychiatric Res. 1989
54Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)
0 would never doze 1 slight chance of dozing
2 moderate chance of dozing 3 high chance of
Johns MW. Sleep. 1991
55ESS Interpretation
- An ESS score of 10 points or higher is indicative
of daytime sleepiness - An ESS score of 16 points or higher indicates a
high level of daytime sleepiness - ? Re-evaluate sleep strategies
56Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- Scheduling Strategies
- Isolated night shifts
- Clockwise rotations
- Same shift for extended periods
- Older physicians work fewer nights
57Managing the Lifestyle
- Naps, split sleep, anchor sleep, completion sleep
- Exposure to bright light
- Diet and exercise
- Proper sleep environment
- Stimulants/Melatonin/Modafinil
- Night shift full switch
- Support from family and friends
58Healthy Lifestyle
- Family and friends
- Exercise
- Diet
- Vacations
59Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- Exercise Prescription
- Brisk- raise heart rate to 50-75 of maximum
- Sustained- 30-60 min.
- Regular- 3-4 times a week
- Balance of isometric and isotonic
60Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- Beneficial Effects of a Proper Diet
- Lower cholesterol
- Weight control
- Augment blood pressure control
- Lower incidence of certain cancers
- Retard the aging process?
61Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- Current Dietary Recommendations
- Vitamins
- Fiber
- Minerals
62Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- Family and Social Relationships
- Coombs (1991) reviewed 130 studies on rates of
suicide, alcoholism, psychiatric disorder, etc. - Conclusion A marital partner who provides
mutual companionship and psychic aid buffers
individuals against the physical and emotional
stresses of life.
63Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- The Medical Marriage Maintenance
- Key elements are Time and Attention
- Devote at least 15-30 min per day to discuss
substantive issues - Mutual compromise is necessary and must be
openly discussed - Marital therapy may help in developing
communication skills
64Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- Adverse Effects of Compulsiveness
- Difficulty in relaxing
- Reluctance to take vacation/sick leave
- Chronic feelings of not doing enough
- Difficulty with setting limits
- Guilt feelings and the confusion of healthy
self-interest with selfishness - Inappropriate sense of responsibility
65Infectious Disease Exposure
- Hepatitis B and C
- SARS, Avian Flu
- Meningococcus
- Pertussis
- TB
67Legal Issues
- Malpractice
- Fraud and Abuse
- Medical Errors
68Career planning
- Is there any such thing as security?
- Due process
- Contracts
69Financial planning
70Wellness and the Emergency Physician
- The Concept of Renewal
- A single-minded devotion to career is
impoverishing - By neglecting restorative activities physicians
tend to lose their emotional resilience - We need to establish time for rest,
revitalization, exploration and emotional as well
as intellectual growth.
- ..I have spent the last 12 years and 3 nights
in the Bellevue Hospital ED as the supervising
attending physician..Compared with many people I
know who work in the corporate world, with its
emphasis on earnings, the relentless routine of
the 9 to 7 workweek, computer depersonalization,
the threat of downsizing, and the general
disillusionment, I have always found my job a
recipe for stress relief...
- It is filled with humanity, wonder at the human
condition, constant reminders of what is
important, and social approbation. Its those
corporate jobs that are stressful. - Letter to the editor
New York Times
November 12, 1999
73Author Credit Physician WellnessLily Conrad MD
Michael Wadman MD
74Postresidency Tools of the Trade CD
- 13) Negotiation Ramundo
- 14) ABEM Certifications Cheng
- 15) Patient Satisfaction Cheng
- 16) Billing, Coding Documenting Cheng/Hall
- 17) Financial Planning Hevia
- 18) Time Management Promes
- 19) Balancing Work Family Promes Datner
- 20) Physician Wellness Burnout Conrad /Wadman
- 21) Professionalism Fredrick
- 22) Cases for professionalism ethics SAEM
- 23) Medical Directorship Proctor
- 24) Academic Career Guide Chapter 1-8
Nottingham - 25) Academic career Guide Chapter 9-16 Noeller
- 1) Career Planning Garmel
- 2) Careers in Academic EM Sokolove
- 3) Private Practice Career Options - Holliman
- 4) Fellowship/EM Organizations Coates/Cheng
- 5) CV Garmel
- 6) Interviewing Garmel
- 7) Contracts for Emergency Physicians Franks
- 8) Salary Benefits Hevia
- 9) Malpractice Derse/Cheng
- 10) Clinical Teaching in the ED Wald
- 11) Teaching Tips Ankel
- 12) Mentoring - Ramundo