Title: ASP and ADO Continued
1ASP and ADO Continued
- Paging Results Sets and
- Using Action Queries To Maintain Data
2What is Paging?
- ADO has a feature that easily allows programmers
to query a database and divide the results into
equal size pieces that can be retrieved as a set.
This is called paging. - ADO Provides the following 3 properties
- PageSize To set how many rows are in each page,
set before recordset is opened - PageCount Determined after the recordset is
opened calculates the total number of pages
including the partial page of records at the end - AbsolutePage This is used to set which page is
brought back to the client. Pages start at 1 and
goto PageCount. - In most cases a self referencing form is desirable
3Title Search Start Page
Title search example start page. One text box and
three check boxes. The default is Title. Check
boxes were chosen as being more intuitive
for users as opposed to a combo box or radio
4Title Search Results
This is the 2nd page notice the URL. This URL
was constructed for the 'Next 2' Hyperlink
5Opening a recordset for use in paging
set rs server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.ActiveConnection cDSN 'Defined
above rs.CursorType adOpenStatic 'Notice
this type rs.LockType adLockReadOnly
'Readonly (for speed) rs.cursorLocation
adUseServer 'so pages can be computed rs.PageSiz
e cRECMAX 'Number of Records/Page rs.Source
mySQL rs.Open 'Now adjust page number to be
correct if PAGE lt 1 then PAGE 1 if PAGE gt
rs.PageCount Then PAGE rs.PageCount 'Then set
the desired page If rs.RecordCount ltgt 0 Then
rs.AbsolutePage PAGE 'Display Records... (See
next slide)
6Spinning the paged records
If rs.RecordCount 0 Then response.write
"ltpgtNo matching records, lta href'TitleSrch.Asp
'gtSearch Againlt/agtltpgt" Else Response.Write
"lttable width'100' Border'0'
cellspacing'0' cellpadding'4'gt" 'Write
out Column Names '... 'Write out all rows
values For J 1 To cRECMAX 'Catch the last
page where there are fewer then cRECMAX
records if rs.Eof Then exit for end
if 'Write out the row '... rs.Movenext
Next Response.Write("lt/tablegt") End if
7Setting up the passed parameters
'Notice that we create the local variables from
BOTH the 'querystring() and form() Arguments.
trim(request.querystring("SEARCH")) 'The numeric
ones demonstrate a trick for converting to a
number quickly FLAGcInt("0" Trim(request.form("
FLAG") trim(request.querystring("FLAG")))) PAGE
cInt("0" Trim(request.form("PAGE")
trim(request.querystring("PAGE")))) C1cInt("0"
Trim(request.form("C1")) Trim(request.querystrin
g("C1")) ) C2cInt("0" Trim(request.form("C2"))
Trim(request.querystring("C2")) ) C3cInt("0"
Trim(request.form("C3")) Trim(request.querystrin
g("C3")) ) 'If no flags are selected default to
title. If (C1 C2 C3) 0 then C11 'Create a
QueryString for use in the paging hyperlinks
myRETURN MakeReturn(SEARCH,C1,C2,C3)
'... 'F(X) To make the arguments for the
hyperlinks (called the return in this
example) Function MakeReturn(SearchText, F1, F2,
F3) MakeReturn "ampC1" F1 "ampC2"
F2 "ampC3" F3 "ampSEARCH"
SearchText Exit Function End Function
8Notes on parameter passing
- Every link to a page needs to include
- Page desired (1 - Page Count)
- All of the search parameters (e.g. Search, C1-C3)
- A flag that indicates the results page is needed
- In this design, a function MakeReturn() creates
the query string for the search parameters that
can be appended to each of the hyper links
generated thus allowing the query to be
re-executed each time with the same criteria and
different pages. - This may seem wasteful, but the operation is
actually fairly cheap providing the parameters
used in the query are indexed.
9Creating Hyperlinks
- We desire a hyperlink as on slide 4 of
- http//www.valtara.com/csc96c/aspsamples/1TitleSrc
h.Asp?FLAG1Page2C11C21C31SEARCHcomp - To get that we compose a querystring for the
hyperlink using code like this - myReturn MakeReturn()
- Response.Write ". . .lta href'TitleSrch.Asp?FLAG1
ampPage" cStr(myPage1) myReturn "'gt . .
1. notice the server expanded the hyperlink in
the code generated when it got sent back to the
10Creating the page navigation
Function DoNav(myReturn,myPage,MaxPage) dim
sret sRet "" sRet sRet "lttable border'0'
cellpadding'3' cellspacing'0'
width'100'gtlttrgt" sRet sRet "lttd
bgcolor'FFCC00' align'left'gtlta
href'TitleSrch.asp?FLAG0'gt ltfont
color'000000'gtNew Searchlt/fontgtlt/agtlt/tdgt" sRet
sRet "lttd bgcolor'FFCC00' align'left'gtlta
href'TOP'gtltfont color'000000'gtTop of
Pagelt/fontgtlt/agtlt/tdgt" if myPage gt 1 then sRet
sRet "lttd bgcolor'FFCC00' align'left'gtlta
myReturn "'gtltfont color'000000'gtFirst
Pagelt/fontgtlt/agtlt/tdgt" else sRet sRet "lttd
bgcolor'FFCC00' align'right'gtnbsplt/tdgt" end
if sRet sRet "lttd bgcolor'FFCC00'
align'left'gtmyPage " myPage " of lta
cStr(MaxPage) myReturn "'gtltfont
color'000000'gt" MaxPage "lt/fontgtlt/tdgt" if
myPage gt 1 then sRet sRet "lttd
bgcolor'FFCC00' align'right'gtlta
cStr(myPage-1) myReturn "'gtltfont
color'000000'gtPrevious " cRECMAX
"lt/fontgtlt/agtlt/tdgt" else sRet sRet "lttd
bgcolor'FFCC00' align'right'gtnbsplt/tdgt" end
if if myPage lt MaxPage Then sRet sRet "lttd
bgcolor'FFCC00' align'right'gtlta
cStr(myPage1) myReturn "'gtltfont
color'000000'gtNext " cRECMAX
"lt/fontgtlt/agtlt/tdgt" else sRet sRet "lttd
bgcolor'FFCC00' align'right'gtnbsplt/tdgt" end
if sRet sRet "lt/trgtlt/tablegt" DoNav
sRet exit function End Function
11Notes about page navigation
- We go through all of that trouble to present the
user with only the relevant navigation links. - What is missing is a routine to count the number
of actual records on the last page and display
that instead of the number of records per page. - The page size of 2 is to force paging for the
example. Obviously, bigger would be better. - The server side cursor used this was is fairly
light weight and the technique is highly
12Achieving the green bar effect
- Set a variable to the back color attribute
desired, in this case force the default back
color to show in each cell - bColor ""
- As each record is written determine if it is an
even record and set the back color attribute to
the desired contrast color by creating an
attribute string - if j mod 2 0 then bColor"bgcolor'FFFFCC'"
- Then insert that value into each of the ltTDgts
written - Response.write "lttd " bColor " valign
13Maintaining Databases
- Action queries are our friends
- The web is episodic in nature, so too should be
our data access - IIS 4 is built on MTS that provides connection
pooling. The upshot of this is that connection
objects normally very expensive to create are
quite cheap and fast. - Thus, the connection objects execute method
provides a good way to modify records in the
database using the SQL update, insert and delete
15Authors Table Maintenance Example
Notice we hyperlink the display with the PK of
the table so that when a record is clicked on
the record is passed to the next page.
16Editing the author record
Again we pass the action in the embedded hyperlink
17The ADO Connection Object
- Provides a facility to
- send SQL action queries back to the server and
see how many records were affected - create fire hose queries
- execute stored procedures
- Created via the usual mechanism
- Set CNServer.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
- As usual what is created should be destroyed
- Set CN Nothing
18The connection object needs the DSN as before.
- For example this is the DSN for this class
- const cDSN "DriverSQL ServerServer130.86.76.1
69DatabasepubsUIDstudentPWDstudent" - To open a connection object is very simple
- Set CN Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
- CN.Open cDSN
- Again, if an object has an OPEN close should be
applied - CN.Close
19Using a parameter to indicate the correct editing
- In the class examples the 'ACTION' querystring
parameter indicates what the form should do. - It is important to carefully check the passed
parameters and be aware of case sensitivity
issues. - The code on the next slide shows the case
statement that powers up each of the actions. - Some of the actions are less then intuitive, they
are written to reflect the episodic nature of the
20The select statement for the actions
AUID trim(Request.QueryString("AUID")) if
len(AUID) 0 then 'Redirect method must be used
before lthtmlgt element 'unless buffer property
used first Response.Redirect("AspADO1.Asp") en
d if ACTION ucase(trim(Request.QueryString("ACTI
ON"))) '... Select case ACTION case
"DELETE" 'Delete Record case "NEW" 'Add
Record case "SAVENEW" 'Save Newly Added
Record case "SAVE" 'Save Edited Record
case else 'Show Record To Be Edited End Select
21Editing a record
- The code on the next slide demos how to take a
recordset open one specific record and fill a
form with the existing values. - Note use of the 'name' and 'value' attributes.
- The code on the page after that, shows how once
the user hits the UPDATE button what code is
behind updating the database using the form
22Making of the Editing Form
'Create a form to edit in response.write("ltform
action'AspADO2.asp?AUID" AUID
"ACTIONSAVE' method'POST'gt")
response.write("ltpgtAuthor ID " AUID
"lt/pgt") response.write("ltpgtFirst Name ltinput
type'text' name'First' Value'"
rs.fields("au_fname").value "'gtltbrgt") response.w
rite("Last Name ltinput type'text' name'Last'
Value'" rs.fields("au_lname").value
"'gtlt/pgt") response.write("ltinput type'submit'
name'Submit'gt") response.Write("lt/formgt")
response.write("ltpgtlta href'AspAdo2.asp?AUID"
23The "SAVE" code
'Create and open a connection object Set CN
Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") CN.Open
cDSN mySQL "Update Authors Set AU_FNAME '"
Request.Form("FIRST") "', AU_LNAME '"
Request.Form("LAST") "' where (AU_ID '"
AUID "')" CN.Execute mySQL,RA if RA 1 then
Response.Write("ltpgtRecord Saved. Author ID "
AUID "lt/pgt") else Response.Write("ltpgtRecord
NOT Saved, Contact support! Author ID "
AUID "lt/pgt") end if CN.Close Set CN
This is an example for how the SAVE mechanism
works. Notice, proper disposal of objects when
done with them.
- Since each time the page is visited the
connection is re-created the form is stateless
with respect to the server. - Statelessness is the most scale-able solution.
- Combined with paging, the overall load on the
server is minimal. - This example uses two forms, it could all be
implemented in one form, but it would be a very
complex one. - Ideally, the first form should be a paged search.