Budget Proposals 20052006 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Budget Proposals 20052006


Freeze government fees that have direct impact on people's livelihood, such as ... Revive the selling of HOS and PRH in an orderly manner ... Women ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Budget Proposals 20052006

Budget Proposals 2005/2006
  • Democratic Party
  • 15, Nov, 2004

  • Current economic situation
  • Budget Objective
  • 1. Balanced budget by prudent and flexible
    financial management
  • 2. Revitalize our economy
  • 3. Improve infrastructure, planning, stabilize
    land supply
  • 4. Create new jobs improve livelihood
  • 5. Care for the disadvantaged eradicate poverty
  • Response to the questions raised by FS

Current economic development
  • Estimated economic growth
  • 2004/2005
  • Government7.5
  • Banking and investment sector6.5 to 8
    (Appendix 1)
  • 2005/2006
  • Banking and investment sector 4 to 5
  • Unemployment Rate
  • 6.8

1. Balance Budget by prudent and flexible
financial management
  • Postpone the target date to balance the books to
  • Revenue
  • A. Re-appropriate additional investment income of
    the Exchange Fund
  • B. Securitize government Assets
  • C. Government bonds to finance infrastructure
  • D. Increase non-livelihood related Government
    fees Charges
  • E. Naming right of public facilities for
    additional income
  • F. Urge UN to repay the handling fee of Vietnam
    boat people
  • G. Tax

A. Re-appropriate additional investment income of
the Exchange Fund
  • Appropriate extra investment income of HKEF to
    general revenue account
  • Allocation of existing investment income of HKMA
  • Treasurys share ? Government revenue
  • Investment Income Ex Treasurys share?
    Accumulated surplus
  • Suggest
  • Increase the amount transferred to government
    general revenue with maximum not exceeding 30

A. Transfer investment income of HKEF to general
  • Records of HKMAs investment income over the past
    3 years
  • According to DPs suggestion, Governments share
    will be 30 billion every year

A. Re-appropriate investment income of HKEF to
general revenue
B. Securitize government fixed assets
  • Set up Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) for
    government fixed assets, like multi-storey
    government car parks
  • revenue from government multi-storey car parks in
    2002 164 millions
  • Float the following government-own-enterprises
  • Hong Kong Airport Authority
  • 40 billions
  • Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation
  • Revenue after tax in 2003 379 millions
  • 6 billions
  • Tradelink
  • MTR Corporation
  • After merging of MTRC and KCRC, the total assets
    of the new company will be increased

C. Government bonds as financial tools
  • Singapore
  • Official foreign reserves S175 billions
  • Estimated budget deficit in 2004/05 S700
  • Government outstanding debt S72.7 billions
  • T-bills S19.2 billions
  • Government bonds S53.5 billions
  • Reasons to issue government bonds
  • Establish a liquid government bond market -
    benchmark for corporate debt market
  • Provide an investment alternative with little or
    no risk of default for investors
  • Encourage the development of skills relating to
    fixed income financial services in Singapore

C. Government bonds as financial tools
  • Taiwan
  • Foreign Exchange Reserves US235 billions
  • Estimated budget deficit in 2004/05 NT270.1
  • Government outstanding debtNT3448.3 billions
  • 33.54 of GDP

C. Government bonds as financial tools
  • no conflict between fiscal reserves and issuance
    of government bonds
  • issue 80 billions in the coming 4 years
  • make a total outstanding debt at 100 billions
  • Pros
  • increase the short-term government revenue
  • stimulate the development of retails bonds market
  • income earned by issuing new bonds can be used to
    pay the fully yielded bonds
  • fund the infrastructure, for example, cross
    border railways and Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macau

D. Government fees charges
  • Freeze government fees that have direct impact on
    peoples livelihood, such as water fee and
    tuition fee
  • Increase Government fees that are not directly
    related to peoples livelihood, such as gun
    license according to cost recovery principle
  • Should be dealt with case by case

E. Naming right of public facilities for
additional revenue
  • Offer the naming right of public facilities to
    the public by auction
  • Examples of public facilities
  • Government buildings
  • Culture Centre
  • Sport stadiums
  • Parks and etc

F. Urge UN repay handling fee of Vietnam boat
  • Take appropriate action to urge the United
    Nations to repay 1.162 billion for handling
    Vietnamese boat people

G. Tax
  • Reduce salary tax
  • Revert, in 2 phases from 05/06, the measures
    introduced to increase salary tax in 03/04 back
    to that in 02/03, that is
  • personal allowance 108,000
  • tax bands 35,000
  • marginal tax rates 2, 7, 12, 17

G. Tax
  • Introduce a progressive profit tax structure with
    two tax bands
  • Abolish the standard rate of 15 of salary tax
  • Introduce Green taxes, such as recycling taxes
    e.g. tyre tax
  • Study the pros and cons of abolishing estate duty
  • Introduce a progressive three-bands rates
  • Rates charges are according to the ratable value
    of the premises
  • Ratable value lt 5000 Rates charges 4.5
  • 5000 lt Ratable value lt 15000 Rates charges5
  • Ratable value gt 15000 Rates charges5.5
  • Sales tax should be introduced at the current
    economic and fiscal situation
  • Introduce unemployed dependent parents allowance
    for parents above 55

2. Revitalize our economy
  • Strive for a level playing field for business
  • introduce fair competition law
  • Reform the Competition Policy Advisory Group
    into the Fair Trading Committee
  • Introduce competition in public utilities markets
  • Set up an Energy Authority to formulate
    long-term energy policy of Hong Kong
  • Introduce more competition in electricity, gas
    LPG and petroleum market, in order to lower the
  • Open sky
  • Open up the fifth air right, allow overseas
    airlines to use HK airport as both transfer and
    terminal station in order to reduce the cargo and
    passenger charges

2. Revitalize our economy (Cont)
  • Develop Tourism
  • Support the Concept Plan for Lantau, provided
    that the existing eco-system will not deteriorate
  • Harmonize with PRD governments on measures to
    facilitate cross-border tourism
  • grant visa-fee access to overseas visitors in
    Hong Kong to PRD region
  • improve the cross-border infrastructure and
  • Develop the third international theme park

2. Revitalize our economy (Cont)
  • Industrial development
  • Enhance the strength brought by CEPA
  • Collaborate with PRD governments to promote CEPA
    and strengths of PRD by organizing PRD trade
    fair, in order to attract foreign direct
  • Traditional industries
  • Develop the Shenzhen River lagoon area as
    industrial estate and border industrial zone to
    attract investors to set up factories
  • Develop high value added industries
  • enhance the protection of intellectual property,
    so as to promote the development of high value
    added industries, such as technology,
    communications and bio-technology
  • Innovation industry
  • 200 tax concession on RD

2. Revitalize our economy (Cont)
  • Strengthen the financial infrastructure
  • Lobby Beijing on QDII to relax the rules
    restricting Mainland residents from investing in
  • Establish a statutory scheme of derivative action
  • Small shareholders can seek redress from the
    Court on behalf of the company for market
    misconduct committed by the management and
    directors of the company
  • Introduce a demerit points system for authorized
    sponsors and empower the HKEX to make
    retrospective claims from those who breach
    listing rules

2. Revitalize our economy (Cont)
  • Information Technology
  • Establish the Software Centre of Excellence to
    enhance the competitiveness of local software
  • Develop the second phase of action plan for the
    Digital Content Industry to accelerate
    production, distribution and marketing of Digital
    Content applications, both in domestic and
    overseas markets
  • Offer 200 tax concession to high-tech based
    spin-off companies to stimulate RD activities in
    Hong Kong

Recommendations on 2005/2006 expenditures
3. Improve infrastructure, planning and stabilize
lands supply
  • Lands and infrastructure
  • Work with PRD to set up infrastructure to tie in
    with the PRD development
  • Stabilize the provision of lands
  • Maintain the Application List scheme as the
    land auction policy in the meantime
  • Planning
  • Reduce the plot ratio of newly developed town and
    downtown areas, so as to lower the population
  • Review the land use of the waterfront area to
    avoid damaging the view of the Victoria Habour
  • Review the land use of the West Kowloon
    Reclamation zone

3. Improve infrastructure planning, Stabilize
lands supply
  • Transportation
  • Build Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge. Railways
    should be included in the project so as to
    connect the railway system of West PRD region
  • Set up Bridges and Tunnels Authority, acquire
    Tai Lam Tunnel and Route 3, manage the use of
    tunnels and expressways in order to ease the
    traffic congestion problem.
  • Maritime facilities
  • Construct Container Terminal 10 to strengthen the
    competitiveness of local logistic sector

4. Jobs livelihood
  • Jobs creation
  • Seize the opportunity of the construction of Hong
    Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge to generate jobs for
    local workers
  • Set up a support system to help young people to
    enter the job market. Measures include practical
    training within the university curriculum,
    cadetship places for secondary school leavers
  • Allocate resources to upgrade the quality of
    middle-aged workers.
  • Provide more subsidies to young people for
    continuing education

4. Jobs livelihood (Cont)
  • Housing
  • Prioritize property development plans along
  • Revive the selling of HOS and PRH in an orderly
  • Reserve adequate resources for the re-housing
    needs of urban renewal projects and clearance of
    rooftop dwellers
  • Allocate more resources to Building Management
    Resources Centres to provide professional
    assistance on building management, formation of
    owners corporations and repair works
  • Subsidize voluntary agencies to assist setting up
    of owners corporations and provide knowledge of
    building management

4. Jobs livelihood (Cont)
  • Education
  • Implement small class teaching to upgrade the
    quality of education
  • promote curriculum reforms to encourage
    pluralistic development and creativity
  • Stop further reduction of university funding and
    continue to subsidize associate degrees and
    post-graduate courses
  • Allocate more resources for minorities and new
    arrival children, to help them assimilate into
    the local mainstream education system

4. Jobs livelihood (Cont)
  • Medical and Health
  • Shorten the waiting time for specialist
    out-patient services
  • Grant half fee remission to the aged and
    chronically ill patients of public health
    services, and prevent them from delaying to seek
    medical services because of financial
  • Around 200 millions
  • Oppose pegging medical fees with costs or impose
    itemized charging. We strive for a review of the
    privately purchased medical items
  • Endow seed funds to improve primary health care
    services, including out-patient services, so as
    to reduce public health expenditure in the long
  • Review the health care financing system and work
    out feasible policy options, in order to resolve
    the problem of a worsening budget deficit in the
    public health care sector

4. Jobs livelihood (Cont)
  • Youth
  • provide venues and opportunities, including
    setting up public access channels for young
    people to express themselves and develop
    pluralism as well as creativity.
  • Improve subsidized business starter program to
    enable more young people to develop creativity
    and start their own businesses
  • Provide adequate social workers to help young
    people to resist the temptation of unhealthy
    influences from peers to take drugs
  • Promote life value education to nurture young
    people to treasure their own lives as well as
    others, to avoid violence and suicide
  • Women
  • Set up a maintenance council to collect, deliver
    and recover unpaid maintenance to ensure that
    divorced women and their children get the
    maintenance they deserve

4. Jobs livelihood (Cont)
  • Civil Servants
  • Reduce surplus civil servants by Voluntary
    Retirement Scheme
  • Make the Audit Commission an independent body and
    accountable to the Legislative Council to ensure
    effective monitoring of government departments
  • Review the policy on civil service pay and
    benefits and ensure that the provision of various
    allowances is justified and in line with present
    day circumstances

4. Jobs livelihood (Cont)
  • Environmental protection
  • Provide tax concessions, industrial lands and
    related measures, for instance, Recycling Park,
    low rent policy and long term tenant, to promote
    the development of recycling industry

4. Jobs livelihood (Cont)
  • Human Rights Judicial System
  • Promote international treaties and local laws, so
    as to protect people of different genders, races
    and sexual inclination from being discriminated
    and ensure they enjoy equal opportunities
  • Relax the means test to enable needy peoples
    access to legal services
  • Allocate more resources to the Judiciary to avoid
    unreasonable delay and lengthy court proceedings
    and litigation
  • Strengthen the training of bilingualism and the
    use of Chinese in court and other legal services
  • Enhance human rights and civil education by
    providing more resources to NGOs

5. 5. Care for disadvantaged eradicate poverty
  • Social Welfare
  • Oppose cutting of CCSA of elderly and disabled
  • Establish a poverty line
  • Set up an inter-departmental working group to
    work out a comprehensive policy for eliminating
  • Convene a Summit meeting on eradicating poverty
  • Formulate a 10-year plan for the development of
    Hong Kongs social welfare policy

5. Care for disadvantaged eradicate poverty
  • Elderly Children
  • Retirement Protection Scheme
  • Elderly at the age of 60 or above will be
    entitled to an allowance to ensure a reasonable
    standard of living
  • Help poor children and prevent cross generation
  • Establish a Children Development Subsidy to
    subsidize children of CSSA recipient families an
    extra 3000 to participate in extra-curricula
    activities. The estimated budget is 300 million
  • Revive child care allowance, subsidies for
    eye-glasses for CSSA children recipients. It will
    cost about 30 million

Response to the questions raised to the public
  • Q3 4. Goods Services Tax
  • Q5. Estate Duty
  • Q6. Capital Gains Tax
  • Q7. World-wide Tax
  • Q8. Duty on Alcoholic Beverages
  • Q9. Green taxes
  • Q10. Tunnel Tolls

Q3 4. Goods Services Tax
  • Should not introduce this tax NOW, because it
  • affect the economic rebound at the moment,
    especially for the retail sector
  • make the tax structure of Hong Kong more

Q5. Estate Duty
  • The government can study the pros and cons of
    canceling this duty, whether
  • the measure can attract investment in Hong Kong?
  • the extra income from the measure will reach 1.5
    billion, in order not to increase the burden of
    tax payers?
  • So that both targets are achieved

Q6. Capital Gains Tax
  • DP has reservation because it will
  • make the tax structure of Hong Kong more
  • affect the normal development of the property

Q7. World-wide Tax
  • DP believes that it is not feasible because
  • tax rate of Hong Kong is already very low.
    World-wide tax will not increase the tax income
    of HK
  • administrative cost will be increased
  • the tax structure of Hong Kong will become

Q8. Duty on Alcoholic Beverages
  • Should remain the same

Q9. Green Taxes
  • Overseas countries
  • tax on electronic products (Belgium)
  • tax on plastic bags (Ireland)
  • tax on waste (various countries)
  • Others
  • Ozone depletion chemicals (US)
  • Extraction of underground water (Holland)
  • Solid waste
  • Aircraft noise
  • Hong Kong can consider introducing appropriate
    green taxes
  • Suggest the government to commission a
    comprehensive study on green tax in other

Q10. Tunnel Tolls
  • increase in tolls cannot solve the traffic
    congestion problem of HK Habour Tunnel
  • From the perspective of traffic management
  • Maintain the existing fare level
  • Set up a Bridges and Tunnels Authority and manage
    the traffic by fare adjustment

Appendix 1 Economic Growth
Appendix 1 Economic Growth
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