Title: GMVV Technical Framework
1GM-VV Technical Framework Introduction
René Jacquart Manfred Roza Constantinos
2GM-VV Documentation Structure
Method Basics Architecture
Method Utilisation Deployment
Method Implementation Execution
Specific Task oriented
Detailed Description Particular Activities Parts
of Process Specific Roles
Why? What? For whom? Rationale Definitions Concep
ts Components
How? When? Who? Roles Responsibilities Process Ac
Specific Product oriented
Product Specification Techniques Tools
3GM-VV Reference Manual Overview
4GM-VV Documentation Structure
Method Basics Architecture
Method Utilisation Deployment
Method Implementation Execution
Specific Task oriented
Detailed Description Particular Activities Parts
of Process Specific Roles
Why? What? For whom? Rationale Definitions Concep
ts Components
How? When? Who? Roles Responsibilities Process Ac
Specific Product oriented
Product Specification Techniques Tools
5GM-VV Reference Manual
- Purpose
- Provide a Comprehensive Source of Information on
the Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics of the
GM-VV - Intended Audience
- MS Sponsors, Program Managers Costumers
- VVA Organization Actors
- Scope
- Foundations and Architecture of the GM-VV
6GM-VV Rationale
- VVA Vision
- Assessment of Confidence in the Proper Use of the
MS - Objectives
- Analysis and Evaluation of MS related to the
Intended Purpose - Assess Impact of Uncertainty and Trustworthiness
of MS - Address and Support for VVA Issues
- MS Problem Owner
- MS Sponsor
- VVA Project Manager
- VV Executioners
7GM-VV Context
Scope and Position within the Four World" View
Real World
Problem World
MS World
Product World
System Requirements
Objectives Needs
Problem Statement
MS Questions
Decisions Actions
MS Enabling Products
Problem Solution
MS Answers
GM-VV Addresses
8GM-VV Context
VVA Needs" View as the Initial Condition
- VVA Needs
- Precise Statement of VVA Project Objectives
- Should Take into Account Project Context
- Problem Owner Objectives
- MS Product Intended Purpose
- Etc
- Should Take into Account Project Constraints
- MS Timeframe, Concurrent v.s. Post-Hoc/Reuse
VVA - Resources (budget, schedule, skills, ...)
- Risk- Benefit Analysis (Negative Outcome of Uses,
...) - Etc
- Input for the GM-VV Activities
9GM-VV Context
Builds upon the Three Pillars" Concept
- Basic Project Management Concept
- Used for Methodology Design
- Identifies the Components Relations
- Organization of VVA Project
- Guidance for Assessment of MS
10GM-VV Context
Actual Application by means of Tailoring
- Adapts the Generic Methodology to Fit a Specific
VVA Project - Takes into Account
- GM-VV Components Itself
- VVA Project Context
- VVA Project Constraints
- Results in
- A Workable Instantiated VVA Process
- An Actual VVA Organization
- Detailed Description of the VVA Products to be
Delivered - VVA Project Planning and Allocation of Resources
11GM-VV Components
Elementary Building Blocks
Acceptance (Decision)
- Supported by
- MP Evidence
- Completeness
- Relevance
- Independence
- Reliability
- Well-Balanced
- Etc.
MS Intended purpose
VVA Project Context Constraints
Cost / Benefits
Simulation Execution Model
Simulation Model
Evidence-Based Argumentation
12GM-VV Methodology Components
VVA Project Organization
GM-VV Products
GM-VV Process Activities
Responsible for
Performed by
- Customer
- Supplier
- VVA Party
- Problem Owner
- Acceptance Leader
- VV Leader
- VV Executioner
- VVA Project Manager
13GM-VV Components
VVA Products Activities
MS Purpose Impact Cost
Decision Utility Risks
MS Corporate Memory
Acceptance Plan
Acceptance Report
Assess the VVA needs achievement
VVA Project Memory
Develop Acceptance Criteria
Develop VV criteria and plan VV
Assess the validity and correctness
VV Plan
VV Report
Items of Evidence
Gather and assess VVA information
14GM-VV Compliancy
By means of Tailoring Requirements
- Adopting the Core Concepts of Acceptance (N,U,V,C
MP) and Evidence-Based Argumentation - Realisation of VVA Project Organisation based on
the GM-VV Organisation Components - Implementation Execution of the Actual VVA
Process based on the GM-VV Activity Model - Production of the Core GM-VV Products
- Acceptance Plan Report
- VV Plan Report
- Items of Evidence
- Documentation and Exchange of all VVA Process
Information according the GM-VV Project Memory
Concept and Templates
15GM-VV User Manual Overview
16GM-VV Documentation Structure
Method Basics Architecture
Method Utilisation Deployment
Method Implementation Execution
Specific Task oriented
Detailed Description Particular Activities Parts
of Process Specific Roles
Why? What? For whom? Rationale Definitions Concep
ts Components
How? When? Who? Roles Responsibilities Process Ac
Specific Product oriented
Product Specification Techniques Tools
17GM-VV User Manual
- Purpose
- Provide a Prescriptive Guidance How-To Utilise
and Deploy the GM-VV for VVA of MS - Cover all Necessary Operational Concepts and
Procedures to do VVA with the GM-VV Components - Intended Audience
- Persons Responsible for VVA Project Management
and Planning - Scope
- Guidance on Designing a VVA Project Organization
- Guidance on Scheduling Execution of VVA
Project Activities - Guidance on Tailoring the GM-VV Components for a
VVA Project
18GM-VV User Manual
VVA Project Organisation Design Guidance
GM-VV Process Activities
GM-VV Products
Responsible for
Objective is Selection and Allocation
Performed by
- Customer
- Supplier
- VVA Party
- Acceptance Leader
- VV Leader
- VV Executioner
- VVA Project Manager
19GM-VV User Manual
VVA Project Organisation Design Guidance
- Trade-Off between VVA Project Context
Constraints - Trust vs. independence vs. costs vs. risks vs.
impact - Depends on MS Product Composition
- Not all MS Components are Equally Critical or
Have Same Impact - Types of VVA Assessment Required
- SVV gt Supplier does all VV for Costumer
- IA gt Supplier does VV but 3rd Party Assess the
work for Costumer - IVV gt 3rd Party does all VV for Costumer
- Party Selection Criteria
- Trustworthiness, Experience, Recognition Level,
- Actor Selection Criteria
- Activity/Task Specific Skills, Knowledge, .
20GM-VV User Manual
Guidance on GM-VV Activity Execution
MS Purpose Impact Cost
Decision Utility Risks
MS Corporate Memory
Acceptance Plan
Acceptance Report
Assess the VVA needs achievement
VVA Project Memory
Develop Acceptance Criteria
Develop VV criteria and plan VV
Assess the validity and correctness
VV Plan
VV Report
Items of Evidence
Gather and assess VVA information
21GM-VV User Manual
Activity Specification Template
- Motivation and Objectives of Activity
- GM-VV Input Product
- High-Level Activity Task Prescription
- Low-Level Prescription of Sub-Tasks to be
Performed - GM-VV Output Product
- Additional Hints Pragmatics to do the Job
22GM-VV User Manual
Tailoring the GM-VV for an Actual VVA Project
- Tailoring Need
- GM-VV is Generic, Requiring Instantiation
Specialisation - Tailoring Objective
- Adapting the GM-VV Components for an Actual VVA
Project - Tailoring Variables Drivers
- MS Intended Purpose
- MS Impact Risks
- VVA Project Budget
- MS and VVA Project Time Constraints
- VVA Actors Skills, Costs Availability
- VVA Tools Availability, Costs Deployment
23GM-VV User Manual
Tailoring Guidance for an Actual VVA Project
- Tailoring Activities
- Tailor Process
- Develop Project Time-Schedule (Gantt Diagram,
etc.) - Selection of Suitable Process Model (Waterfall,
Spiral, etc.) - Map GM-VV Activity Model onto Process Model
- Apply Standard Company Policies, Project Tools,
etc. - Tailor Organization
- Determine Level of Assessment Required (SVV,IA,
etc.) - Assess Pre-Existing and Standard Organizations of
Parties - Design Organisation Utilizing the GM-VV
Organization Components Design Procedures - Selection of Suitable VV Techniques
- Taxonomy based App Domain, Exp. Frame Model
24GM-VV User Manual
Tailoring of the GM-VV Activity Model Examples
MS Purpose Impact Cost
Decision Utility Risks
MS Corporate Memory
Acceptance Plan
Acceptance Report
Assess the VVA needs achievement
VVA Project Memory
Develop Acceptance Criteria
Develop VV criteria and plan VV
Assess the validity and correctness
VV Plan
VV Report
Items of Evidence
Gather and assess VVA information
25GM-VV User Manual
Tailoring of the GM-VV Activity Model Examples
Develop Acceptance Criteria
Develop VV Criteria and plan VV
Assess the VVA needs achievement
Develop Acceptance Criteria
Gather and assess VVA information
Develop VV criteria and plan VV
Assess the validity and correctness
Assess the validity and correctness
Assess the VVA needs achievement
Gather and assess VVA information
26GM-VV User Manual
Tailoring of the GM-VV Activity Model Examples
Develop VV Criteria and plan VV
Develop Acceptance Criteria
Assess the VVA needs achievement
Develop Acceptance Criteria
Gather and assess VVA information
Assess the VVA needs achievement
Develop VV criteria and plan VV
Assess the validity and correctness
Assess the validity and correctness
Gather and assess VVA information
27GM-VV Technical Notes Overview
28GM-VV Documentation Structure
Method Basics Architecture
Method Utilisation Deployment
Method Implementation Execution
Specific Task oriented
Detailed Description Particular Activities Parts
of Process Specific Roles
Why? What? For whom? Rationale Definitions Concep
ts Components
How? When? Who? Roles Responsibilities Process Ac
Specific Product oriented
Product Specification Techniques Tools
29GM-VV Technical Notes
Specification of Products Described in RM/UM
MS Purpose Impact Cost
Decision Utility Risks
MS Corporate Memory
Acceptance Plan
Acceptance Report
Assess the VVA needs achievement
VVA Project Memory
Develop Acceptance Criteria
Develop VV criteria and plan VV
Assess the validity and correctness
VV Plan
VV Report
Items of Evidence
Gather and assess VVA information
30GM-VV Technical Notes
- Technical Notes on GM-VV Products
- Acceptance Plan gt TN Acceptance Plan
- VV Plan gt TN VV Plan
- Items of Evidence gt TN Evidence
- VV Report gt TN VV Report
- Acceptance Report gt TN Acceptance Report
- VVA Project Memory gt TN Project Repository
- Technical Notes on Special Topics
- TN Argumentation Framework
31GM-VV Technical Notes
Internal Product Data-Model View
- TN GM-VV ltProductgt Coverage
- Global Product Specification
- Data-Model Specification (XML Scheme/DTD)
- Textual Product Template
- Basis are the DMSO VVA Product Templates
32GM-VV Technical Notes
TN Argumentation Framework
- Coverage
- Specification of Argumentation Objects
- Specification of Relationships
- Application of the AIF Concepts Format
33GM-VV RPG Overview
34GM-VV Documentation Structure
Method Basics Architecture
Method Utilisation Deployment
Method Implementation Execution
Specific Task oriented
Detailed Description Particular Activities Parts
of Process Specific Roles
Why? What? For whom? Rationale Definitions Concep
ts Components
How? When? Who? Roles Responsibilities Process Ac
Specific Product oriented
Product Specification Techniques Tools
35GM-VV User Manual
Pragmatics of Activities Described in the RM/UM
MS Purpose Impact Cost
Decision Utility Risks
MS Corporate Memory
Acceptance Plan
Acceptance Report
Assess the VVA needs achievement
VVA Project Memory
Develop Acceptance Criteria
Develop VV criteria and plan VV
Assess the validity and correctness
VV Plan
VV Report
Items of Evidence
Gather and assess VVA information
- Recommended Practice Guides on GM-VV Activities
- Develop Acceptance Criteria gt RPG Generate
A Criteria - Develop VV Criteria and Plan gt RPG
Generate VV Criteria Plan - Gather Assess VVA Info gt RPG Generate
IoE - Assess Validity Correctness gt RPG Generate
VV Report - Assess VV Needs Achievement gt RPG Generate A
Report - Technical Notes on Special Topics
- RPG Tailoring GM-VV
- RPG Assessment of VVA Project under Risk
- RPG VV Techniques and Tools Guidance
RPG GM-VV ltActivitygt Coverage
- High-Level Activity Overview
- Contextual Relation Ship to UM
- Motivation Global Objectives
- Sub-Task Specification Pragmatics
- Detailed Sub-Task Prescriptions
- Intermediate Products
- Transversal Sub-Tasks Pragmatics
- Relationship to other Larger Context Activities
- Techniques Tools Pragmatics