Title: Africa c' 1690
1Africa c. 1690
2Spices, Gold, Horses and Slaves
- Both West African, European and East Africans
supplied gold to the Muslims in return for
goods-- horses/spices. Without gold, they sold
slaves to the Muslims. - Italians sold Slavs from the Black Sea to the
Muslim world as all of North Africa was
controlled by Muslims. Slav becomes slave.
3The Fist Day of the Yam Custom
Thomas E. Bowdich, Mission from Cape Coast Castle
to Ashantee (London, 1819), between pp. 274 and
275 (reprinted Frank Cass, 1966).
4Portuguese Exploration
- 1400s. Portuguese had no access to the gold or
the slave trade and so set up a maritime end-run
around Africa-- Muslim world. Canary Islands,
Maedera. - Backdoor into the Trans Saharan Trading Ports.
Cape Verde-- just south of the desert. Access to
Gold-- cuts in on the gold trade of Mali.
5Sailing the Atlantic
- In the Mediterranean, it was easy- short
distance, easy to navigate, not a great deal of
supplies needed. In Atlantic, different story. - Wind off the coast of Africa constantly blow
offshore-- impossible with technology of the time
to sail up-wind. Had to sail out into the
Atlantic thats where they discovered the
islands-- and sail back in. - Trying to figure out how to deal with-- large
number of people, with large number of supplies,
for long period of time. Scurvy.
6Lateen vs Square Rigged Sails
7Arrival of Europeans in Africa
Musée national des Arts d'Afrique et d'Oceanie
8Triangular Trade
9The Development of the Slave Trade
- 1. Africans had to be willing to sell people.
- 2. Europeans had to have a need to buy people.
- 3. Europeans had to have means of carrying people.
10A Meeting of Slavers and Africans
11King of Benin
Pieter van der Aa, La Galerie Agréable du Monde
(Leide, 1729) taken from D. O. Dapper,
Description de lAfrique . . . Traduite du
Flamand (Amsterdam,1686), p. 311
12Fullani Slave Coffle,West Africa 1793
National Maritime Museum, London (neg. no.D7596)
13Slave Trade Roots
14Goree Warehouses, Liverpool
Liverpool Record Office, Liverpool Libraries and
Information Services
15Coasts of Africa c. 1730
16Slavers Revenging their Losses
David Livingstone, The Last Journals of David
Livingstone, in Central Africa (New York, 1875),
facing p. 58
17Slave Coffle, Dahomey c. 1850
Frederick E. Forbes, Dahomey and the Dahomans
being the journals of two missions to the king of
Dahomey, and residence in his capital, in . . .
1849 and 1850 (London, 1851), vol. 1, facing p.
18African Economies
- African economies did not operate on the gold
standard-- they sold gold. They would accept
what the Europeans saw as commodities. What they
bought is as important as what they sold. - Most accounts regard what Africans bought as
useless or as mislead-- in Africa it was the
copper standard. They were imported money.
19Trade Routes
20Monetized Commodities
21Trade Beads
Photo taken by Dylan Kibler( Mel Fisher Maritime
Heritage Society) slide, courtesy of David
Moore, North Carolina Maritime Museum
22Percentages of Trade
- 50 textiles.
- 20 booze-- Portuguese Wine, French Brandy,
Dutch Gin, English Gin, Cashasha-- Sugar Cane
Brandy (Rum). - 10 firearms powder-- (cheap guns-- often
discharged in face.) Muzzle loading, flintlock. - 20 metal ware-- copper wire, bronze bracelets,
mirrors, copper bowls and tools, nails, hoes and
23El Mina
Based on Jean Barbot, A Description of the Coasts
of North and South Guinea and D. O. Dapper,
Description de lAfrique . . . Traduite du
Flamand (Amsterdam,1686), in Thomas Astley (ed.),
A New General Collection of Voyages and Travels
(London, 1745-47), vol. 2, plate 61, facing p.
24Cape Coast Castle
25Interior Cape Coast Castle
A. W. Lawrence, Trade Castles and Forts of West
Africa (Stanford Univ. Press, 1964), plate 37
from a drawing by Henry Greenhill, 1682
26Gate of No Return
Michael Tuite photographed in Ghana (Aug. 1999).
27March of the Slaves
Chambon, Le Commerce de lAmerique par Marseille
28Canoes Battling Surf, Dahomey
Henri Morienval, La Guerre du Dahomey (Paris,
1898), p. 63
29Embarkation Canoe
The Illustrated London News (April 14, 1849),
vol. 14, p. 237.
30Slave Ships
- Small, very small by modern standards-- if you
had too big a ship then you would be losing more
slaves then selling. Size and speed
relationship. - 100 slaves was a viable cargo, 300 typical.
(Later- 400-800). - Trade off is between carrying people ad getting
them across alive.
31Decks of the French Slave Ship Aurore, 1784
Published in the exhibition catalog Les Anneaux
de la Memoire Nantes-Europe-Afriques-Ameriques,
Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne, Nantes, France,
Dec. 1992-Feb. 1994 original source not
32Decks of French Slaver
Color lithograph by Pretexat Oursel, 19th cent.,
original in Musée dHistoire de la Ville et du
Pays Malouin, Saint Malo, France. Published in
the exhibition catalog Les Anneaux de la Memoire
Nantes-Europe-Afriques-Ameriques, Chateau des
Ducs de Bretagne, Nantes, France, Dec. 1992-Feb.
33The Middle Passage
- Give people enough exercise-- small number of
people on deck with armed crew (very dangerous).
- Sheer confinement-- likened to being buried
alive. No sanitary facilities-- small pox and
dysentery the major killers - Fast voyage 30 days to South America, average 40
days. Delayed beyond planned voyage-- astronomic
increase in death rates. - 90-120 days for North America-- often stopped in
34Estimated Numbers/Death Rate
- Conservative Estimates place the number of
Africans transported at 13-15 million. - Conditions on the slave ships were terrible, but
the estimated death rate of around 13 is lower
than the mortality rate for seamen, officers and
passengers on the same voyages.
35Deck of the Wildfire
June 2, 1860 issue of Harper's Weekly, The Slave
Deck of the Bark "Wildfire"
36Below Decks
Johann Moritz Rugendas, Voyage Pittoresque dans
le Bresil. Traduit de lAllemand (Paris, 1835)
reprinted, Viagem Pitoresca Altraves do Brasil
(Rio de Janeiro, 1972).
37Iron Shackles
Published in Anthony Tibbles (ed.), Transatlantic
Slavery Against Human Dignity (London HMSO,
1994), p. 154, fig. 140.
38Thrown Overboard
Library Company of Philadelphias copy (also in a
1969 reprint edition of another 1862 printing by
Negro Universities Press bottom of p. 193).
39Revolt on Deck
William Fox, A Brief History of the Wesleyan
Missions on the West Coast of Africa (London,
1851), facing p. 116.
40Slave Uprising
Isabelle Aguet, A Pictorial History of the Slave
Trade (Geneva, Editions Minerva, 1971), plate 64,
p.71 original source not identified.
41Trans-Atlantic exports by region1650-1900
- Region Number of slaves
- accounted for
- Senegambia 479,900 4.7
- Upper Guinea 411,200 4.0
- Windward Coast 183,200 1.8
- Gold Coast 1,035,600
10.1 - Blight of Benin 2,016,200 19.7
- Blight of Biafra 1,463,700 14.3
- West Central 4,179,500 40.8
- South East 470,900 4.6
- Total 10,240,200
42Trans-Atlantic Imports by Region1450-1900
- Region Number of slaves
- accounted
for - Brazil 4,000,000 35.4
- Spanish Empire 2,500,000 22.1
- British West Indies 2,000,000 17.7
- French West Indies 1,600,00 14.1
- North America 500,000 4.4
- Dutch West Indies 500,000 4.4
- Danish West Indies 28,000 0.2
- Europe (and Islands) 200,000 1.8
- Total 11,328,000 100.0