Title: Von Braun Center Huntsville, AL
1General Information
Von Braun Center - Huntsville, AL 10-11 February
Hotel Accommodations Our host hotel is Holiday
Inn Huntsville-Downtown, 401 Williams Avenue SW,
Huntsville, AL 35801, Phone 256-533-1400 Governm
ent Per Diem Rate Group Name American
Helicopter Society Government Group Code
GHS Price 84.00 Taxes (12 state/local
tax and 1 lodging fee.) Corporate Discount Rate
Group Name American Helicopter Society
Corporate Group Code CHS Price 99.00
Taxes(12 state/local tax and 1 lodging
fee.) Special rates available thru
01/08/2009 Conference Registration ALL
Community Local Redstone Arsenal Government
personnel can access the conference and short
course(s) in TIP to generate a DD 1556 for
training purposes. Catalog F92TSMC. This form
will not reserve a space in the conference. The
official registration form on the website must be
used for payment processing. Sponsorships
Available The 2009 AHS Specialists Meeting on
CBM offers optimum exposure to an elite technical
community responsible for directing the path
forward for CBM. The official registration form
is on the website. Dress/Parking/Event Location
All events will take place at the South Hall, Von
Braun Center. Speakers, Panelists, and Chairs
Class A Uniform and/or Business Attire.
Attendees Class B Uniform and/or Business
Attire. Parking lots and south hall parking
garage - there is no charge for parking however,
you must identify yourself as a participant of
the AHS Specialists Meeting on CBM. Exhibit The
2009 AHS Specialists Meeting on CBM offers high
return on minimal time and money investment.
Hands on, technical, and commodity oriented
demonstrations are highly encouraged. High
exposure to senior level executives and all
attendees, the Conference Breaks, Lunches and
Tues. Evening Social will be held in the Exhibit
Hall. Look on the website for registration
forms. 2009 Special Events In addition to the
AHS social event to be held on the evening of
February 10th in the South Hall, Von Braun
Center, all meeting attendees are welcome to
participate in the Army Aviation Association of
America (AAAA) Joseph P. Cribbins Aviation
Product Symposium (APS) Social on February 11th.
SideBar Availability This is a great
opportunity for your organizations to come
together and meet, whether it is your quarterly
meeting, problem solving meeting, etc. We offer
FREE space to groups to meet during conference
week, but the space must be reserved in advance.
Contact Rob King at Rob.L.King_at_us.army.mil or
(256) 313-9016.