Title: Chapter%204:%20Gathering%20Data
1Chapter 4Gathering Data
- Section 4.1
- Should We Experiment or Should We Merely Observe?
2Learning Objectives
- Population versus Sample
- Types of Studies Experimental and Observational
- Comparing Experimental and Observational Studies
3Learning Objective 1Population and Sample
- Population all the subjects of interest
- We use statistics to learn about the population,
the entire group of interest - Sample subset of the population
- Data is collected for the sample because we
cannot typically measure all subjects in the
4Learning Objective 2Type of Study
Observational Study
- In an observational study, the researcher
observes values of the response variable and
explanatory variables for the sampled subjects,
without anything being done to the subjects (such
as imposing a treatment)
5Learning Objective 2Observational Study
Sample Survey
- A sample survey selects a sample of people from a
population and interviews them to collect data. - A sample survey is a type of observational study.
- A census is a survey that attempts to count the
number of people in the population and to measure
certain characteristics about them
6Learning Objective 2Type of Study Experiment
- A researcher conducts an experiment by assigning
subjects to certain experimental conditions and
then observing outcomes on the response variable
- The experimental conditions, which correspond to
assigned values of the explanatory variable, are
called treatments
7Learning Objective 2Example
- Headline Student Drug Testing Not Effective in
Reducing Drug Use - Facts about the study
- 76,000 students nationwide
- Schools selected for the study included schools
that tested for drugs and schools that did not
test for drugs - Each student filled out a questionnaire asking
about his/her drug use
8Learning Objective 2Example
- Conclusion Drug use was similar in schools that
tested for drugs and schools that did not test
for drugs
9Learning Objective 2Example
- This study was an observational study.
- In order for it to be an experiment, the
researcher would had to have assigned each school
to use or not use drug testing rather than
leaving this decision to the school.
10Experimental Design????
- Observational Studies????
- An observational study observes individuals and
measures variables of interest but does not
attempt to influence the responses. - Designed experiments????
- An experiment deliberately imposes some treatment
on individuals in order to observe their
11Learning Objective 3Comparing Experiments and
Observational Studies
- An experiment reduces the potential for lurking
variables to affect the result. Thus, an
experiment gives the researcher more control over
outside influences. - Only an experiment can establish cause and
effect. Observational studies can not. - Experiments are not always possible due to
ethical reasons, time considerations and other
12Example 3.2
- ??1364???????????????????????????????????????????
?????????????? - ??????????????????
- ?????????????????,?????????????
- ????????????????
- ???????????????
- ???????????????
- ?????????????????????????????????
- ???????????
- ??????????????????????
14Do smaller classes benefit students?
- ????????,????????????
- ????????????,?????????
- ????????
- ???STAR program
- 6385 ????regular class (22-25) with one
teacher, regular class with a teacher and a
full-time teachers aid, small class (13-17)
15Where can we find observational data?
16(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
- Sampling??
- GSS???????3000?
- ????????2000?
- Census??
- ????
- ????
- ??????
24(No Transcript)
- A sample may be more accurate than a
census??????????,?? - Accuracy and precision??????????????
- Census of a large population increase the
likelihood of nonsampling errors because of the
increased volume of work. ???????????90??????????
- EXgtBureau of the Census uses samples to check the
accuracy of the U.S. Census. - Speed of response???????????
- Cost
- Destructive sampling ?????
- ????????????????????,????????????(sampling
27Chapter 4Gathering Data
- Section 4.2
- What are Good Ways and Poor Ways to Sample?
28Learning Objectives
- Sampling Frame Sampling Design
- Simple Random Sample (SRS)
- Random number table
- Margin of Error
- Convenience Samples
- Types of Bias in Sample Surveys
- Key Parts of a Sample Survey
29Learning Objective 1Sampling Frame Sampling
- The sampling frame is the list of subjects in the
population from which the sample is taken,
ideally it lists the entire population of
interest - The sampling design determines how the sample is
selected. Ideally, it should give each subject
an equal chance of being selected to be in the
30Learning Objective 2Simple Random Sampling, SRS
- Random Sampling is the best way of obtaining a
sample that is representative of the population - A simple random sample of n subjects from a
population is one in which each possible sample
of that size has the same chance of being selected
31Learning Objective 2SRS Example
- Two club officers are to be chosen for a New
Orleans trip - There are 5 officers President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer and Activity Coordinator - The 10 possible samples are
- (P,V) (P,S) (P,T) (P,A) (V,S)
- (V,T) (V,A) (S,T) (S,A) (T,A)
- For a SRS, each of the ten possible samples has
an equal chance of being selected. Thus, each
sample has a 1 in 10 chance of being selected and
each officer has a 1 in 4 chance of being
32Learning Objective 3SRS Table of Random Numbers
Table of Random Numbers
- Table E on pg. A6 of text
33Leaning Objective 3Using Random Numbers to
select a SRS
- To select a simple random sample
- Number the subjects in the sampling frame using
numbers of the same length (number of digits) - Select numbers of that length from a table of
random numbers or using a random number generator - Include in the sample those subjects having
numbers equal to the random numbers selected
34Learning Objective 3Choosing a simple random
- We need to select a random sample of 5 from a
class of 20 students. - List and number all members of the population,
which is the class of 20. - The number 20 is two-digits long.
- Parse the list of random digits into numbers that
are two digits long. Here we chose to start with
line 103, for no particular reason.
22 36 84 65 73 25 59 58 53 93 30 99 58 91 98 27
98 25 34 02
3522 36 84 65 73 25 59 58 53 93 30 99 58 91 98 27
98 25 34 02
24 13 04 83 60 22 52 79 72 65 76 39 36 48 09 15
17 92 48 30
1 Alison 2 Amy 3 Brigitte 4 Darwin 5 Emily 6
Fernando 7 George 8 Harry 9 Henry 10 John 11
Kate 12 Max 13 Moe 14 Nancy 15 Ned 16 Paul 17
Ramon 18 Rupert 19 Tom 20 Victoria
- Choose a random sample of size 5 by reading
through the list of two-digit random numbers,
starting with line 2 and on. - The first five random numbers matching numbers
assigned to people make the SRS.
The first individual selected is Amy, number 02.
Thats it from line 2. Move to line 3 Then Moe
(13), Darwin, (04), Henry (09), and Net (15)
- Remember that 1 is 01, 2 is 02, etc.
- If you were to hit 09 again before getting five
people, dont sample Ramon twiceyou just keep
36Learning Objective 4Margin of Error
- Sample surveys are commonly used to estimate
population percentages - These estimates include a margin of error which
tells us how well the sample estimate predicts
the population percentage - When a SRS of n subjects is used, the margin of
error is approximately
37Learning Objective 4Example Margin of Error
- A survey result states The margin of error is
plus or minus 3 percentage points - This means It is very likely that the reported
sample percentage is no more than 3 lower or 3
higher than the population percentage
38Sampling Design
Sample designs
- Nonprobability samples
- Voluntary Response Sample
- Convenience
- Judgment
- Quota
- Snowball
- Probability samples
- Simple random
- Systematic
- Stratified
- Proportionate
- Disproportionate
- Cluster
- Multistage
There are no appropriate statistical techniques
for measuring random sampling error from a
non-probability sample. Thus projecting the data
beyond the sample is statistical inappropriate.
39Comparisons of sampling techniques
40Learning Objective 5Convenience Samples Poor
Ways to Sample
- Convenience Sample a type of survey sample that
is easy to obtain - Unlikely to be representative of the population
- Often severe biases result from such a sample
- Results apply ONLY to the observed subjects
41Convenience Sampling
- ???? (haphazard or accidental sampling), relying
on available subjects - EXgt man-on-the-street interviews, talk to friend
about their political sentiment - EXgt professor uses students as sample
- EXgt every tenth student entering the university
library. - EXgt Survey over sea Chinese for international
42Convenience Sampling
- Advantages Very low cost, extensively used, No
need for list of population. - It is justified only if the researcher wants to
study the characteristics of people passing the
sampling point at specified times or if less
risky sampling methods are not feasible.
43Convenience Sampling
- Problems
- (1) no way of knowing if those included are
representative. - (2) Variability and bias of estimates cannot be
measured or controlled. - (3) Projecting the results beyond the specific
sample is inappropriate. - Should be use only for exploratory design to
generate ideas and insights. - you should alert readers to the risks associated
with this method.
44Learning Objective 5Convenience Samples Poor
Ways to Sample
- Volunteer Sample most common form of
convenience sample - Subjects volunteer for the sample
- Volunteers do not tend to be representative of
the entire population
- ???call in??????????????????,?????????
46Judgment Samples (Purposive Samples)????
- hand-picked sample elements, believed to be
representative of the population of interest - EXgt a fashion manufacturer regularly selects a
sample of key accounts that it believes are
capable of providing the information to predict
what will sell in the fall. - EXgt Dow Jones industrial average select 30
blue-chip stocks out of 1,800 stocks. Highly
correlated with other NYSE indicators on the
daily percentages of price changes - EXgtRepresentative communities in U.S.
presidential election. - EXgt CPI????????
47Snowball sample????
- Locate an initial set of respondents. These
individual are then used as informants to
identify others with the desired characteristics.
- Appropriate when the members of a special
population are difficult to locate.
48Snowball sample????
- EXgt survey users of an unusual product a study
among deaf for product that would allow deaf
people to communicate over telephone. - EXgt ??????(????),homeless, gangsters, migrant
workers, undocumented immigrants. - EXgt network study,????(HIV)
- Bias a person who is known to someone has a
higher probability of being similar to the first
49Quota samples????
- by selecting sample elements in such a way that
the proportion of the sample elements possessing
a certain characteristics is approximately the
same as the proportion with the characteristics
in the population. - Establishing a characteristics matrix What
proportion of the target population is male and
female? what proportions of each gender fall
various age categories, educational level, ethnic
groups,etc. - Once such a matrix has been created and a
relative proportion assigned to each cell in the
matrix, you collect data from people having all
the characteristics of a given cell. - All the persons in a given cell are then assigned
a weight appropriate to their portion of the
total population.
50Quota samples????
- Problems
- The sample could be far off with respect to other
important characteristics. - The quota frame must be accurate, and it is often
difficult to get up-to-date information for this
51Quota samples????
- Biases may exist in the selection of sample
elements within a given cell. The interviewer has
a quota to achieve. The actual choice of elements
left to the discretion of the individual field
worker. Interviewers are prone to follow certain
52Quota samples????
- those who are similar to the interviewers are
more likely to be interviewed, - toward the accessible (first floor, airline
terminals, business district, college campus), - toward household with children, exclude working
people, - against workers in manufacturing (service and
administrative), - against extreme of income (EXgt "mansions" were
skipped because the interviewer did not feel
comfortable knocking on doors that were answered
by servants. ), - against the less educated, against low-status
53Learning Objective 6Types of Bias in Sample
- Bias Tendency to systematically favor certain
parts of the population over others - Sampling Bias bias resulting from the sampling
method such as using nonrandom samples or having
undercoverage - Nonresponse bias occurs when some sampled
subjects cannot be reached or refuse to
participate or fail to answer some questions - Response bias occurs when the subject gives an
incorrect response or the question is misleading - A Large Sample Does Not Guarantee An Unbiased
54Error in survey research
Systematic (nonsampling) error
Random sampling error
Respondent error
Administrative error
Data processing error
Response bias
Nonresponse error
Sample selection error
Deliberate falsification Unconscious
Self-selection bias
Interviewer cheating
Interviewer error
Acquiescence bias
Extremity bias
Interviewer bias
Auspices bias
Social desirability bias
Contamination by others
55Learning Objective 7Key Parts of a Sample Survey
- Identify the population of all subjects of
interest - Construct a sampling frame which attempts to list
all subjects in the population - Use a random sampling design to select n subjects
from the sampling frame - Be cautious of sampling bias due to nonrandom
samples - We can make inferences about the population of
interest when sample surveys that use random
sampling are employed.
56Chapter 4Gathering Data
- Section 4.3
- What Are Good Ways and Poor Ways to Experiment?
57Learning Objectives
- Identify the elements of an experiment
- Experiments
- 3 Components of a good experiment
- Blinding the Study
- Define Statistical Significance
- Generalizing Results of the Study
58Experimental Design????
- A Designed Experiment
- Folic Acid (??) and Birth Defects
- Folic Acid (??) ???????????????????,??????????????
59Experimental Design????
- ?????????,?4753?????????????????0.8mg????????,????
??????? - ???13/1000
- ????23/1000
60Principles of Experimental Design
- Treatment group ????????
- Control group ???(???)????????
- Experimental units subjects ???,?????
- Response variable ????(????)???????????,????????
- Factor ????????????????????,???????
- Level ?? ?????????,?0.8mg ?0mg
61Learning Objective 1Elements of an Experiment
- Experimental units the subjects of an
experiment the entities that we measure in an
experiment - Treatment A specific experimental condition
imposed on the subjects of the study the
treatments correspond to assigned values of the
explanatory variable - Explanatory variable Defines the groups to be
compared with respect to values on the response
variable - Response variable The outcome measured on the
subjects to reveal the effect of the
62Learning Objective 2Experiments
- An experiment deliberately imposes treatments on
the experimental units in order to observe their
responses. - The goal of an experiment is to compare the
effect ofthe treatment on the response. - Experiments that are randomized occur when the
subjects are randomly assigned to the treatments
randomization helps to eliminate the effects of
lurking variables
63Learning Objective 33 Components of a Good
- Control/Comparison group allows the researcher
to analyze the effectiveness of the primary
treatment - Randomization eliminates possible researcher
bias, balances the comparison groups on known as
well as on lurking variables - Replication allows us to attribute observed
effects to the treatments rather than ordinary
64Learning Objective 3Principle 1 Control or
Comparison Group
- A placebo is a dummy treatment, i.e. sugar pill.
Many subjects respond favorable to any treatment,
even a placebo. - A control group typically receives a placebo. A
control group allows us the analyze the
effectiveness of the primary treatment. - A control group need not receive a placebo.
Clinical trials often compare a new treatment for
a medical condition, not with a placebo, but with
a treatment that is already on the market.
65Learning Objective 3Principle 1 Control or
Comparison Group
- Experiments should compare treatments rather than
attempt to assess the effect of a single
treatment in isolation - Is the treatment group better, worse, or no
different than the control group? - Example 400 volunteers are asked to quit
smoking and each start taking an antidepressant.
In 1 year, how many have relapsed? Without a
control group (individuals who are not on the
antidepressant), it is not possible to gauge the
effectiveness of the antidepressant.
66Learning Objective 3Placebo effect
- Placebo effect (power of suggestion) The placebo
effect is an improvement in health due not to
any treatment but only to the patients belief
that he or she will improve.
67Learning Objective 3Principle 2 Randomization
- To have confidence in our results we should
randomly assign subjects to the treatments. In
doing so, we - Eliminate bias that may result from the
researcher assigning the subjects - Balance the groups on variables known to affect
the response - Balance the groups on lurking variables that may
be unknown to the researcher
68Learning Objective 3Principle 3 Replication
- Replication is the process of assigning several
experimental units to each treatment - The difference due to ordinary variation is
smaller with larger samples - We have more confidence that the sample results
reflect a true difference due to treatments when
the sample size is large - Since it is always possible that the observed
effects were due to chance alone, replicating the
experiment also builds confidence in our
69Learning Objective 4Blinding the Experiment
- Ideally, subjects are unaware, or blind, to the
treatment they are receiving - If an experiment is conducted in such a way that
neither the subjects nor the investigators
working with them know which treatment each
subject is receiving, then the experiment is
double-blinded - A double-blinded experiment controls response
bias from the respondent and experimenter
- ???? (double blindness)
- ????????????????? (treatment)
- ??????(?????)????
- ????????? (hidden bias)
- ????????????????????
71Learning Objective 5Define Statistical
- If an experiment (or other study) finds a
difference in two (or more) groups, is this
difference really important? - If the observed difference is larger than what
would be expected just by chance, then it is
labeled statistically significant. - Rather than relying solely on the label of
statistical significance, also look at the actual
results to determine if they are practically
72Learning Objective 6Generalizing Results
- Recall that the goal of experimentation is to
analyze the association between the treatment and
the response for the population, not just the
sample - However, care should be taken to generalize the
results of a study only to the population that is
represented by the study.
73Stanley Milgram ???????
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????
- ??????,??????????????,????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
74Milgram ???????
- ???????????????????,??????,??????,???????,????????
???? - ?????????????,??????????
- ??????????,?????????????
76Milgram ???????
- ????15V,?15-450V,??????????????XXX??
- ????????45V???,???????????,??15V?????,???????
- ?????????,??????,???????????????????
77Milgram ???????
78Milgram ???????
- ??????????450V(MAX)?
- ?????????? 1 ?
- ???????360V,Ultimately 65 of all of the
"teachers" punished the "learners" to the maximum
450 volts. No subject stopped before reaching 300
- ????????????????????
- 40????,????50V
80??(?)?obedience ???to authority ?
- ???????????????,??????????,??????,????????????????
???????,????? - ????????(???)??????????
- 65MAX--gt 20
- ????,?????,?????????(??)?????????????
- ?150V?,???????????????????
- ?210V?,???????????
- ????10?????MAX
- ??????????????,????????????????
- ???????,??????????????????
- ??-- ??????????
- ??? -- ?????
- ????????
- 50 MAX , average 305 V
- ?????????
- ???????????????
- ??Milgram???
- Experimental units subjects???
- Response variable ????????
- Factor ?????
- Level ???
- Control ???
85Chapter 4Gathering Data
- Section 4.4
- What are Other Ways to Conduct Experimental and
Observational Studies
86Learning Objectives
- Sample Surveys Other Random Sampling Designs
- Types of Observational Studies Prospective and
Retrospective - Multifactor Experiment
- Matched pairs design
- Randomized block design
87Learning Objective 1Sample Surveys Random
Sampling Designs
- It is not always possible to conduct an
experiment so it is necessary to have well
designed, informative studies that are not
experimental, e.g., sample surveys that use
randomization - Simple Random Sampling
- Cluster Sampling
- Stratified Random Sampling
88Learning Objective 1Sample Surveys Cluster
Random Sample
- Cluster Random Sample
- Steps
- Divide the population into a large number of
clusters, such as city blocks - Select a simple random sample of the clusters
- Use the subjects in those clusters as the sample
89Learning Objective 1Sample Surveys Cluster
Random Sample
- Cluster Random Sample
- Preferable when
- A reliable sampling frame is unavailable
- The cost of selecting a SRS is excessive
- Disadvantage
- Usually need a larger sample size than with a SRS
in order to achieve a particular margin of error
90Learning Objective 1Sample Surveys Stratified
Random Sample
- Stratified Random Sample
- Steps
- Divide the population into separate groups,
called strata - Select a simple random sample from each strata
- Combine the samples from all strata to form
complete sample
91Learning Objective 1Sample Surveys Stratified
Random Sample
- Stratified Random Sample
- Advantage is that you can include in your sample
enough subjects in each stratum you want to
evaluate - Disadvantage is that you must have a sampling
frame and know the stratum into which each
subject belongs
92Learning Objective 1Stratified Random Sample -
- Suppose a university has the following student
demographics - Undergraduate Graduate First Professional
Special - 55 20
5 20
In order to insure proper coverage of each
demographic, a stratified random sample of 100
students could be chosen as follows select a
SRS of 55 undergraduates, a SRS of 20 graduates,
a SRS of 5 first professional students, and a SRS
of 20 special students combine these 100
93Learning Objective 1Comparing Random Sampling
94Learning Objective 2Types of Observational
- An observational study can yield useful
information when an experiment is not practical. - Types of observational studies
- Sample Survey attempts to take a cross section
of a population at the current time - Retrospective study looks into the past
- Prospective study follows its subjects into the
future - Causation can never be definitively established
with an observational study, but well designed
studies can provide supporting evidence for the
researchers beliefs
95Learning Objective 2Retrospective Case-Control
- A case-control study is a retrospective
observational study in which subjects who have a
response outcome of interest (the cases) and
subjects who have the other response outcome (the
controls) are compared on an explanatory variable
96Learning Objective 2Example Case-Control Study
- Response outcome of interest Lung cancer
- The cases have lung cancer
- The controls did not have lung cancer
- The two groups were compared on the explanatory
variable smoker/nonsmoker
97Learning Objective 2Example Prospective Study
- Nurses Health Study
- Began in 1976 with 121,700 female nurses aged 30
to 55 questionnaires are filled out every two
years - Purpose was to explore the relationships among
diet, hormonal factors, smoking habits and
exercise habits and the risk of coronary heart
disease, pulmonary disease and stroke - Nurses are followed into the future to determine
whether they eventually develop an outcome such
as lung cancer and whether certain explanatory
variables are associated with it
98Learning Objective 3Multifactor Experiments
- A Multifactor experiment uses a single experiment
to analyze the effects of two or more explanatory
variables on the response - Categorical explanatory variables in an
experiment are often called factors - We are often able to learn more from a
multifactor experiment than from separate
one-factor experiments since the response may
vary for different factor combinations
99Learning Objective 3Example Multifactor
- Examine the effectiveness of both Zyban and
nicotine patches on quitting smoking - Two factor experiment
- 4 treatments
100Learning Objective 3Example Multifactor
- subjects a certain number of undergraduate
students - all subjects viewed a 40-minute television
program that included ads for a digital camera - some subjects saw a 30-second commercial others
saw a 90-second version - same commercial was shown either 1, 3, or 5 times
during the program - there were two factors length of the commercial
(2 values), and number of repetitions (3 values)
101Learning Objective 3Example Multifactor
- the 6 combinations of one value of each factor
form six treatments
Factor B Repetitions Factor B Repetitions Factor B Repetitions
1 time 3 times 5 times
Factor A Length 30 seconds 1 2 3
Factor A Length 90 seconds 4 5 6
- after viewing, all subjects answered questions
about recall of the ad, their attitude toward
the commercial, and their intention to purchase
the product these were the response variables.
102Learning Objective 4Matched Pairs Design
- In a matched pairs design, the subjects receiving
the two treatments are somehow matched (same
person, husband/wife, two plots in the same
field, etc.) - In a crossover design, the same individual is
used for the two treatments - Randomly
- assign the two treatments to the two matched
subjects, or - randomize the order of applying the treatments in
a crossover design - The number of replicates equals the number of
pairs - Helps to reduce effects of lurking variables
103Learning Objective 5Randomized Block Design
- A block is a set of experimental units that are
matched with respect to one or more
characteristics - A Randomized Block Design, RBD, is when the
random assignment of experimental units to
treatments is carried out separately within each
104Learning Objective 5Example Randomized Block
- Block gender 3 treatments 3 types of
therapy - The men (as well as the women) are randomly
assigned to the - 3 treatments differences can be compared with
respect to - gender as well as therapy type
105Learning Objective 5Randomized Block Design
- RBD eliminates variability in the response due to
the blocking variable allows for better
comparisons to be made among the treatments of
interest - A matched pairs design is a special case of a RBD
with two observations in each block
106Statistical Designs
- Completely Randomized Design All the
experimental units are assigned randomly among
all the treatments. - Randomized Block Design the experimental units
are assigned randomly among all the treatments
separately within each block. blocks are
another form of control.
107Completely Randomized Design
108Randomized Block Design
109Page 28, Figure 1.5
Completely Randomized Design
110Page 28, Figure 1.6
Randomized Block Design
O1 O2??,?X?,??????????O2
- O1 X1 O2
- History -- Specific events in the external
environment occurring between the first and
second measurements that are beyond the control
of the experimenter and that affect the validity
of an experiment. - EX) Changes (departmental reorganization, a
strike or large layoff, change in the economic
climate) during the course of an OB field
experiment. - EX) Cohort effect --a change in the dependent
variable because members of one experimental
condition experienced historical situations
different from those of members of other
experimental conditions.
- O1 ? O2
- An effect on the results of a research experiment
caused by changes in the experimental subjects
over time. - ??????????? -- Fatigue, bored, sleepy, ageetc.
- EXgt ?????????????????? ??????
113Pretesting and Postesting
Experimental Group
Control Group
Measure dependent variable
Compare same?
Measure dependent variable
- Differences noted between the first and last
measurements on the dependent variable are then
attributed to the independent variable.
Administer experimental stimulus
Remeasure dependent variable
Compare Different?
Remeasure dependent variable
- The effect of pretesting in a before-and-after
study may sensitize the subjects when taking a
test for the second time, thus affecting the
validity of an experiment. - EX) students taking achievement and intelligence
tests for the second time. - Pretesting may increase awareness of socially
approved answers, it may increase attention to
experimental conditions, or it may make the
subject more conscious of the dimensions of a
problem. - EXgt drug intervention , attitude changes
115Pretesting and Postesting
- the subjects might respond differently to the
questionnaires the second time even if their
attitudes remained unchanged. - The very act of studying something may change it.
- An effect on the results of an experiment caused
by a change in the wording of questions, a change
in interviewers, or other changes in procedures
to measure the dependent variable. - Problem of reliability
- EXgt ???????????????(????????)
Selection bias????
- Inappropriate randomization--A sample bias
resulting in differential selection of
respondents for the comparison groups. - ????????????
- EX). ?????????? ,????
Experimental mortality????
- Sample attrition that occurs when some subjects
withdraw from an experiment before it is
completed, thus affecting the validity of the
experiment. - ????????? Problem of drop-out
- EXgt drug-intervention, who drop out from the
intervention? - EXgt a short film teach people how to reduce their
attitudes toward homosexual. - EXgt???????????????????
Diffusion or imitation of treatment????"??"
- Without exposure to the treatment, control group
were accidentally "contaminated". Experimental
group might diffuse the information to the
control group??????? - EXgt?????????
Compensation???? Compensatory rivalry???? Demorali
- EXgt???????????
- EXgt??????????
- EXgt??????????
121Time Series Experiment-the observation windows
Positive impact -- raised the firms market share
Market Share
Positive impact -- it halted a decline in market
No long-run impact
No impact -- the market share growth remained
No impact -- fluctuation after X was introduced.
O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 Time
- The impact of a package change, X, on the firms
market share.