Resistance and Resilience of Lakes to Perturbations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Resistance and Resilience of Lakes to Perturbations


Mittelbach, G. G, Turner, A. M., Hall, D. J., Rettig, J. E., and Osenberg, C. W. Goal: ... Roland A. Kapp Kathleen R. Matthews and Orlando Sarnelle. Goal: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Resistance and Resilience of Lakes to Perturbations

Resistance and Resilience of Lakes to
  • Resistance is the degree to which a system is
    altered when the environment changes

Resilience is the degree and rate of a systems
return to its previous configuration once the
disruption is removed
Why is knowing how do natural communities react
to perturbations important?
  • Allows us to predict how biodiversity will be
    effected by
  • Increased changes in habitat
  • Invasion of ecosystems by exotic species
  • If effects of can be reversed
  • Largest problem in determining reactions of
  • Small temporal scales
  • Small spatial scales
  • Difficulty in extrapolating the above to entire
    landscapes and ecosystems

Research in the 1970s
Focused on particular species with ecosystems and
small scale response by these species Hall, D.
J., and E.E Werner. 1977. Seasonal distribution
and abundance of fish in the littoral zone of
Michigan lake. Transactions of the American
Fisheries Society 106 545-555 Hall, D. J., E.E
Werner, J.F. Gilliam, G.Ggt Mittelbach, D. Howard,
C.G. Doner, J.A. Dickerman and A.J. Stewart 1979.
Diel foraging behavior and prey selection in the
golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas). Canadian
Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
421608-1613 Haney, J.F., and D.J hall. 1975
Diel vertical migration and filter-feeding
activities in Daphnia. Archive fur hydobiologie
75 413-441
1980s and 1990s research explosion
Attempts in identifying specific interactions
that govern overall dynamics of
community Introduction of the idea of cascading
effects within lake communities Henrikson, L.,
H. Nyman, H. Oscarson, and J. Stenson. 1980.
Trophic changes, without changes in external
nutrient loading. Hydrobiologia 68
257-263. Power, M.E., W.J. Matthews, and A.J
Stewart. 1985. Grazing minnows, piscivorous bass
and stream algae dynamics of a strong
interaction. Ecology 66 1448-1456. Carpenter,
S.R., J.F. Kitchell, J.R. Hodgson, P.A. Cochran,
J.J Elser, M.M Elser, D.M. Lodge, D. Kretchmer,
X. He and C.N. von Ende. 1987. Regulation of lake
primary productivity by food-wed structure.
Ecology 681863-1876 Kerfoot, W.C., and A. Sih
1987. Predation. Direct and indirect impacts on
aquatic communities. University Press of New
England, Hanover, New Hampshire,
USA. Reinertsen, H., A. Jensen, J.I. Koksvik, A.
Langelaand, and Y.Olsen. 1990. Effects of fish
removal on the limnetic ecosystem of a eutrophic
lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Science 47166-173. Elser, J.J and S.R.
Carpenter. 1999. Predation-driven dynamics of
zooplankton and phytoplankton comunities in a
whole-lake experiment. Oecologicia
76148-154. Carpenter, S.R. and J.F Kitchell.
1993. The trophic cascade in lakes, Cambridge
University Press, New York, New York, USA
What does all this mean?
  • Knowing resistance of lakes allows us to
  • Gives models for how similar lakes will be
  • Predict effects of biodiversity on other lakes
  • Can help us avoid disruption of lakes in the
    first place by knowing what factors affect them
    the most
  • Knowing the resilience behavior of lakes can
  • Give us models on how to reverse disruption
  • Give us models on how to improve disrupted

Perturbation and Resilience A Long-term,
Whole-Lake Study of Predator Extinction and
ReintroductionMittelbach, G. G, Turner, A. M.,
Hall, D. J., Rettig, J. E., and Osenberg, C. W.
  • Goal
  • To report the responses of fish and zooplankton
    dynamics to the removal and reintroduction of a
    top predator in the system
  • Study Area
  • Wintergreen Lake located on the W.K. Kellogg
    Biological Station in southwest Michigan
  • Observations from 1951 -1988 were used and new
    data was collected in 1989, 1991 and 1993 by
  • Study lake was
  • Hypereutrophic (due to the number of ducks and
    geese in area)
  • Shallow (6.3 max depth and 2.5 m mean depth)
  • A Hard water lake

  • Between 1930 and 1965 sporadic fish surveys
    showed the sunfish dominating the community
    biomass, particularly the bluegill sunfish, and
    largemouth bass being the most abundant predator.
  • Winterkills between 1976 and 1978 eliminated
    bluegill and bass from the lake
  • Shortly after golden shiners a zooplanktivorous
    fish took over as the dominant species in the
  • A shift in zooplankton assemblage was soon seen,
    from large bodied Daphnia to small bodied
  • In the fall of 1986, 700 large mouthed bass we
    reintroduced into the pond.

  • 1. Fish abundance was determined by
  • Previous data from studies using mark recapture
    techniques (1951, 1987 and 1988)
  • Using mark recapture techniques (1989, 1991 and
    1993) by researches
  • 2. Zooplankton abundance was estimated by
  • taking 3 vertical hauls from the deepest part of
    the lake
  • Sampling at least once a month from early April
    or May until October from 1984- 1993

Fish Populations Over Time
  • Stocking of bass showed
  • A rapid increase in bass density
  • Fast decline of other species
  • Elimination of golden shiners by 1993

Zooplankton Response to Fish Community Structure
  • Prior to winterkills
  • Daphnia pulicaria and Daphnia galeata mendotae
    dominated the zooplankton community but would
    diminish in numbers in July
  • Other cladocerans were rare
  • Small cladocerans were essentially absent
  • After winterkills and increased golden shiners
  • Daphnia pulicaria and Daphnia galeata mendotae
  • Other cladocerans and small claocerans took their
  • After bass introduction
  • Steady return to former state
  • Slowly small species were limited to certain
    parts of the year and eventually disappeared
  • Daphnia pulicaria reappeared in the fall of 1991
  • Daphnia galeata mendotae reappeared in 1992.
  • Daphnia pulicaria and Daphnia galeata mendotae
    remained throughout the summer and fall of 1992

  • Reintroduction of bass and the subsequent decline
    in planktivorous fish caused
  • A10 fold increase in cladoceran biomass
  • More than a 2 fold increase in average
    cladoceran body size
  • This was caused by
  • The replacement of smaller species by the larger
  • An average increase in size within a species
  • Copepods showed only a small increase in size and
    no increase in biomass over time.
  • Water quality was found to improve dramatically
    with increased daphnia biomass

General Conclusions and Implications
  • The changes in species composition within the
    lake was predicted by cascading trophic
    relationships and size-selective predation
  • Trophic cascading is supported by
  • Dramatic increase in zooplankton biomass and
    body length with increased predation on
    plankivores fish by the bass
  • Increases in water quality is associated with
    decreased phytoplankton by increased zooplankton.
  • The lake exhibited high resilience with its
    return to almost its initial state after the
    disruption of the lack of bass was rectified.
  • However there were some small difference which we
    attributed to the lack of bluegill
  • No decrease in Daphnia during midsummer

Resistance and Resilience of Alpine Lake Fauna to
Fish IntroductionsRoland A. Kapp Kathleen R.
Matthews and Orlando Sarnelle
  • Goal
  • To report the responses of amphibians, benthic
    macro-invertebrates and zooplankton to fish
    introduction and later fish disappearance on a
    large coarse scale
  • Study Area
  • In the Sierra Nevada of eastern California and
    contained parts of the Inyo and Sierra National
    Forests, as well as, Kings Canyon Nation Park
  • Studies between 1995 and 1997
  • Included 533 lakes over 0.5 ha in size and
    usually under 10 ha
  • All the lakes where
  • At 2800m or higher
  • Naturally fishless
  • Generally Oligotrophic
  • Cold
  • Ice free for 4 months of the year

Between 1900 and 1960 about 60 of these lakes
were stocked with trout to create recreational
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Golden trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss
Brown trout, (Salmo trutta)
Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Stocking stopped in 1977 in some of the lakes
found within park boundaries, and some of the
resident populations have died off
  • 1. Lakes were divided into 3 categories
  • Never Stocked
  • Stocked-now fishless (subdivided into 5-10,
    11-20 and gt20 year categories)
  • Stocked-fish-present (either through further
    stocking or natural reproduction)
  • Visual surveys and gill nets were used to verify
    presence and absence
  • 2. Visual Counts of larval and adult amphibians
    preformed and s/m of shoreline calculated
  • Mountain yellow-legged frogs (Rana muscosa) were
    the only common amphibian species in the area

  • 3. Benthic macro-inverts where collected from a
    subset of the lakes by
  • 15 - 1m sweeps in each direction of the littoral
  • 4. Zooplankton was collected for all of the lakes
  • 3 vertical tows from the deepest part of the lake

5. Comparisons then done between lake category
amphibian, benthic macro-invertebrates, and
zooplankton abundance and occurrence.
Mountain Yellow-legged Frog Response to Stocking
  • Significant difference in occurrence and
    abundance between never stocked lakes and
    fish-present lakes.
  • Overall no significant difference in occurrence
    and abundance between never stocked lakes and
    now- fishless lakes.
  • Amount of time fishless has an effect on
    occurrence and abundance of frogs
  • 5-10 years fishless 0 of lakes had frogs
  • 11-20 years 20 of lakes had frogs
  • gt20 years 28 had frogs

Benthic Macro-invertebrate Response to Stocking
  • Expected
  • Majority of clinger/swimmer taxa decreased
    significantly in occurrence in fish-present lakes
    compared to never stocked lakes.
  • Particularly the larger sized taxa
  • Borrowing and distasteful taxa were
    relatively unaffected by the presence of fish.
  • Oligochaeta increased in abundance with
  • No significant difference in any of the
    micro-invertebrates in never stock lakes and
    fish-absent lakes
  • Unexpected
  • Increase of mosquito larva (culux).
  • Possibly due to elimination of invertebrate
    predators by fish
  • Limnephilus was not significantly reduced in
    occurrence and abundance like the other 4
    caddisfly families.
  • Possibly due to differences in what they used to
    make their cases.

Zooplankton Occurrence Response to Stocking
  • 6 crustacean species were common throughout the
  • The 2 largest were found to be much less often
    in fish-present lakes then in never stocked lakes
  • The other 4 were found similar proportions
  • 5 common rotifers were found
  • 3 were of similar occurrence in fish-present
    lakes and never stocked lakes
  • 2 were more common in the fish-present lakes the
    un-stocked lakes and only one of those was more
    then marginally significant
  • For both crustaceans and rotifers there was no
    significant different in occurrence between never
    stocked lakes and fishless lakes.

Zooplankton Abundance Response to Stocking History
  • The 2 larger taxa and 3 of the smaller taxa of
    crustaceans showed similar patterns of abundance
    as occurrence
  • Cyclopoda was much more abundant in the
    fish-present lakes then the never stocked lakes
  • 3 species of rotifers much more common in the
    fish-present lakes then the never stocked lakes.
  • The remaining two were not significant different
    between fish-present and never stocked lakes
  • Again there was no statistical difference between
    never stocked lakes and fish-absent lakes.

General Conclusions and Implications
  • None of the faunal types were able to
    significantly resist introduction of trout
  • Given enough time all of the faunal types seemed
    to be able to recover
  • Benthic and zooplankton had their greatest
    recovery rate in 5-20 years
  • Mountain yellow-legged frogs took much longer to
  • Since the mandate of National parks and national
    forest wilderness areas is to protect natural
    process, the discontinued stocking has helped to
    allow the fauna to recover.
  • This positive feedback argues for stronger fish
    removal from the other lakes.
  • Mountain yellow-legged frog are of declining
    status, and thus the removal of trout may help to
    alleviate this.
  • Their long recovery time suggests the sooner
    this is done the better, as does the decreasing
    viability of the zooplankton egg bank with time.

General Conclusions
  • Generally lakes are not very resistant to fish
    introduction, but common species are strongly
  • Disturbances cause sweeping changes throughout
    the community that may be detrimental, overall
    particularly to endangered species.
  • In national parks the focus is to maintain
    biodiversity and minimize unnatural disruption,
    removal of exotic species and other disruptions
    would be important to maintain the natural
  • The suggestion of fast removal of the
    disturbances may be very important for sensitive
    species, such as amphibians.
  • Changing in community structure can also be used
    to our advantage in certain areas.
  • Increased water clarity is associated with
    increased large daphnia.
  • Thus in areas with water quality issues it may be
    beneficial to introduce fish which prey upon
    zooplanktivorous fish.
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