Title: Welcome to the Life of
1Welcome to the Life of Lindsay Towle
Click here to Begin the Story
2- She was a very intelligent individual, but after
she graduated from Quinnipiac University with a
degree in Management, she had many different
options. She can go to work or take some time
off and travel to foreign countries. What should
she do?
3- During her travels she met people and they gave
her the opportunity to take a risk and make a lot
of fast easy money in another country. Should
she continue to travel or take the risk?
4After going with her new friends, they decided
that they best way for them to make fast money
was to rob a bank. Not long after they entered
the bank, the whole police squad showed up. She
was the only one that did not get away. She is
currently serving up to 25 years in prison. Her
new cellmate is Martha Stuart. Needless to say,
she is eating well!
5- She gets a great job working for a fortune 500
company in North Carolina. She meets a nice man
that purposes to her. Should she accept?
6- Lindsay accepted his proposal. They moved in
to a 4 bed-room house in the suburbs, and had a
little boy. They were able to work during the
week and take family trips on the weekends. -
They lived happily ever after!!!
- She got the opportunity to go to all the exotic
locations that she had only read about and seen
in magazines. She worked for several small
organizations, but eventually found her calling
in a tourist business. She married a local man,
and they had two children together. -
- After only eight years of working, she was able
to retire and watch her children grow up.
8- She became obsessed with working long hours and
weekends. She eventually saved a million
dollars, and by the time she was 50, she was able
to retire and travel. However, she was all by
herself and always felt very lonely.
9- She dies at the age of 70 with cancer and all
her money ends up getting donated to an
10Thank you for making the life of Lindsay
Towle! THE END