Title: Polymers in Our Lives
1Polymers in Our Lives
Much of nature's artistry depends on the ability
to spin complexity from simplicity by linking
small, mobile, and easily transportable molecules
into chains and webs.
2Polymers in Nature
3Rubber is also a natural polymer
4Nature's Building Block
- Wood - Grass - Very similar to starch
5Humankind's Use of Polymers
As well as making use of natural polymers such
as wood and silk, humans have learned to make
polymers by a variety of methods.
6Formation of Rubber
7Not All Insulating
Dr. Hideki Shirakawa
- Obtained shiny material when too much catalyst
In conversations with Dr. Alan Heeger, and Dr.
Alan MacDiarmid, discovered that polymer was
able to conduct electricity
Used on photographic paper as antistatic, non
toxic developing agent.
8First Popular Man-Made Polymer
Wallace Caruthers (DuPont) - 1935 - 6,6-Nylon
96,6-Nylon (Wearing the smell of death)