Title: Oklahoma Newborn Screening Program, A Public Health Partnership
1Oklahoma Newborn Screening Program, A Public
Health Partnership Responsibility as defined by
Rule, Policy, or Parent Education
Birth Hospital and Pediatrician, or Home Birth
Inform Parents, Collect Adequate Sample,
Complete Demographics
including the planned Medical Home, Mail
No Screen
Medical Home and Parent Ensure Retest
Medical Home, Short-term Follow-up Program, and
Parent Ensure Retest
Genetic Program Refer children with genetic
disorders identified by public/private
Short-term Follow-up Program Notify parent of
family to family support services, and
collaborate with medical home to ensure referral
to a pediatric sub-specialists for medical
management and counseling.
Short-term Follow-up Program Refer to Long-term
Follow-up Program for family to family support
services, and case management to ensure the child
is maintained in a medical home with access to
pediatric sub-specialty.
2Oklahoma Newborn Screening ProgramCurrent and
Planned Computer Data Flow
Screen (hearing and blood spot) Received by Mail
Data record initiated by OSDH Lab into Neometrics
(MSDS) database
Integrated Data System - Web-enabled
Dotted lines Data Plan
MSDS Database management system for lab testing
and reporting CMS Case management system
(follow-up) generates letters, patient chart,
statistical reports for abnormal and
unsatisfactory screen results, including hearing
Voice Response System (VRS) Automated phone and
fax reporting system of MSDS