Title: I love my mum because..
1I love my mum because..
2She gets me up in time for school Kate 5D
She gives me lots of hugs and kisses Samantha
3Because she gets up each morning with a happy
face Joshua 7O
Because she still takes care of me and she loves
the Eagles too! Miss Green
Because she makes me breakfast Eylish 1P
4She provided me with a chance for a good
education James 6W
Because she calls me Sweetie Pie. Davin 2C
5Because she makes me feel happy when I look at
her Jake 7O
She always tries her hardest to make me happy
Taylor 6W
6Because she has a beautiful smile Lauren 6W
Because she cleans up the house without
complaining Breanna 6W
7Because she doesnt act like she knows
everything Sally 6W
Because she makes me Nesquik before bed Natalie
8Because she always volunteers to help Julian
9She doesnt make choices for herself but for the
family around her Jack 6F
Because she always keeps a promise and never
quits on me Kathleen 4W
10Because she has pretty hair Laura 6BJ
Because she supports me in most things that I
do Ryan 6BJ
Because she cooks good pasta Elena PPB
11 Shes a great singer and shes real pretty
Aleisha 3F
My mum gives me hugs and kisses to make me feel
safe Georgie KS
12Because she makes sure I am safe before she goes
to sleep Joel 6BJ
Because she helps me remember things Michael 1P
Because she doesnt make me late and she lets my
Dad have a day off Craig 2C
13She has a large heart that is open for all of
us Emily 6F
Because she gives me time Jessica PPB
Because she always gives me good adviceGracie
14Because she makes me breakfast Eylish 1P
Shes great at loving people. She loves
everyone! Kainna 6W
Because she never gives up James Cooper 6w
15Because she listens to people when they need
listening to Taylor 6W
Because she trusts me Kade 6BJ
Because she still makes me her yummy chicken
soup Mrs Johnson
16Because she puts the family before herself
Patrick 6W
Because she makes cakes Janine PPL
Because she cuddles me at night
Tom 6W
17Because she is glamorous Rebecca 6BJ
Because she does my plaits Karolina PPL
Because she cooks food for 7 people every night
Nathan 6BJ
18I love my mum because she gives me cuddles when I
am sad Ms Croker
I love my Mum because she always listens to me
and helps me out no matter what! She also gives
really good hugs! Mr Cavanagh
19Thats why we love you
Thanks Mum.
Happy Mothers Day