Title: Survivor Island
1Welcome to
Survivor Island
T. Trimpe 2006 http//sciencespot.net/
Each class will be split into several tribes of 3
to 4 students. Tribes will work together
during the immunity and reward challenges to earn
points or rewards. Inappropriate behavior or
disruptive behavior will result in a loss of
points or the elimination of the tribe from the
competition. Tribes will be assigned colors and
will create their own name. (Names must be
Lets get started ... Pick your tribe and your
team color by sitting at the correct island.
Create a tribe name, fill out your totem pole,
and add your name to the table sign.
3Immunity Challenges
Immunity challenges will relate to topics we have
studied this year. The theme of each challenge
will be revealed in each Survivor Mail
announcement. Teams will earn points based on
the number of correct answers they have on each
challenge. The team with the highest score
earns immunity and will wear an immunity necklace
until the next immunity challenge.
Teams can lose points for bad behavior or failure
to return immunity necklaces! The team with the
highest score will earn immunity, which means
they cannot lose those points at the next Tribal
4Reward Challenges
Challenges will relate to a wide range of
topics. Teams will earn rewards for their
efforts, such as free gum-chewing passes, candy,
soda, treasure chest items, and more! The team
with the highest score will earn the reward and a
bonus of 10 points for their teams score.
Reward points cannot be lost at the next Tribal
5Tribal Council
The winner of an immunity challenge will be
announced at the start of the next class and
tribal council will be held. All tribes will
vote for one team to lose the points that were
earned on the last immunity challenge. Each
tribe will have only one vote during each tribal
council. Tribes cannot lose points from previous
immunity challenges or points earned from reward
6Survivor Rules
Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. The
teachers decision is final! Play fair! Cheating
and dishonest behavior will result in a loss of
points or possible elimination from the
game. Alliances are ok, but be careful that they
dont hurt you in the long run!
Survivor Prize Package The top scoring team from
each class will win a class award and be entered
into a drawing for a super duper Survivor Prize
7Are you ready for the challenge?