Title: Growing Resilient Students
1Growing Resilient Students
2Anne Williams ABMP Education Program Director
3Session Overview
- Retention and business success
- Building resilience in students
- ABMP tools to support student success
4Retention is Your Business
- Investment in enrollment
- Younger students
- School business more competitive
- Retention key to business success
5Retention Win Win
6 First Day of School
- Excited
- Ready to change
- Motivated
7 First Day of AP
- This is too hard!
- A quiz next week?!
- I dont know how!
- Get me out of here!
8What You Told Us
What are the common obstacles that students face
while in school?
- Motivation and commitment
- Coping with personal issues
- Finances
- No study skills
- Poor time management
- Poor attendance, get behind, and fail classes
9Suggestions for New Students
- Help students transition
- Teach study skills
- Teach time management
- Bonding is important
- Vision early and often
Research on 1st Year College
10What are Core Study Skills?
- How to
- Plan ahead and manage time
- Read a text book
- Take text lecture notes
- Organize study sessions
- Prepare for an exam
- Build concentration skills
- Stay motivated and positive
11Suggestions for Ongoing Students
Research on 1st Year College
- Teach goal setting
- Celebrate success
- Teach emotional intelligence
12Teach Emotional Intelligence
- Self-awareness
- Self-assessment
- Crisis management
- Problem solving
- Positive thinking
- Tolerance for others
13ABMPs Student Success Goals
- Understand massage school needs
- Support school student success
- Create meaningful resources
- Design resources for use in a variety of programs
14ABMP Student Membership
Knead to Know Student Newsletter
Massage Year Planner
Online Resources
Student Success Guide
Massage Bodywork Magazine
15Student Success Guide
- Transitioning
- Goal Setting Affirmations
- Time-Management
- Core Study Skills
- Motivation Concentration
- Exam Preparation
- Classroom Dynamics
16Massage Year Planner
- Monthly goals
- Affirmations
- Daily study plans
- Assignment calendar
- Monthly self-evaluation
- Challenges tips
17Student Online Resources
- Goal-Setting Resources
- Time-Management Resources
- General Study Aids
- AP and Kinesiology Review
- Research Paper Resources
- Sample Resumes/Cover Letters
- Free website e-mail
18Student Success Curriculum
- Learning objectives
- Resources equipment
- Lecture outline
- PowerPoint presentation
- Fun activities
- Assignments
- Tips
- Milestones
19How to Use the Curriculum
- Master-student program
- Student success workshop
- Orientation
- Selected classes
- Study lab tutoring
20Benefits of Student Retention Strategies
- Prepared students
- Less classroom conflict
- Greater self-responsibility
- Improved emotional intelligence
- Skilled graduates
- Thriving massage professionals
- School business success
21Next Steps
- Identify student obstacles
- Evaluate student orientation
- Evaluate the first week of school
- How do you prepare students for the challenges of
your program? - Think about ways you motivate ongoing students
- Add study skills, time management and emotional
intelligence content - ABMP can help!
- Melanie Gourley Melanie_at_abmp.com
- California, Delaware, District of Columbia,
Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia. - Kathy Laskye Kathy_at_abmp.com
- Alabama, Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri,
Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North/South Dakota,
Tennessee, Utah, Wisconsin. - Taffie Lewis Taffie_at_abmp.com
- Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho,
Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Montana, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island,
Texas, Vermont, Wyoming. - Jennifer Argenbright Jennifer_at_abmp.com
- Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana,
Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Puerto
Rico, South Carolina, Virgin Islands, Washington.