Abstract%20Data%20Types%20Operation%20contracts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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(better) A SalesLineItem was created. (worse) Create a SalesLineItem. Why? ... Open curtains and take a second picture. Compare the before and after pictures, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Abstract%20Data%20Types%20Operation%20contracts

Abstract Data Types Operation contracts
  • CSE432

Abstract Data Types
  • What does abstract mean?
  • From Latin to pull outthe essentials
  • To defer or hide the details
  • Abstraction emphasizes essentials and defers the
    details, making engineering artifacts easier to
  • I dont need a mechanics understanding of whats
    under a cars hood in order to drive it
  • Whats the cars interface?
  • Whats the implementation?

Floating point numbers as ADTs
  • You don't need to know how much about floating
    point arithmetic works to use float
  • Indeed, the details can vary depending on
    processor, even virtual coprocessor
  • But the compiler hides all the details from
    you--some numeric ADTs are built-in
  • All you need to know is the syntax and meaning of
    operators, , -, , /, etc.
  • See multimedia ADT for digits (properties)

ADT properties operations
  • An ADT describes a set of objects sharing the
    same properties and behaviors
  • The properties of an ADT are its data
    (representing the internal state of each object
  • double d -- bits representing exponent
    mantissa are its data or state
  • The behaviors of an ADT are its operations or
    functions (operations on each instance)
  • sqrt(d) / 2 //operators functions are its
  • Thus, an ADT couples its data and operations
  • OOP emphasizes data abstraction

Design by contract
  • ADT is a formal description, not code
  • Independent of any programming language
  • Why is code independence a good idea?
  • Promotes design by contract
  • Suppler/client responsibilities specified
  • So they can be enforced, if necessary
  • E.g., a contract for writing a book
  • Contract specifies the book that the author will
  • Also specifies the royalties the publisher will
    pay, etc.

Generic Queue ADT
  • An ADT specification has six parts
  • First 3 deal with syntax NAME, SETS and
  • NAME QueueltIgt
  • SETS
  • I set of all items (generic type)
  • Q set of all Queues
  • B set of Boolean (elements T and F)
  • N set of natural numbers, including 0
  • NAME specifies an identifier for the type
  • Generic parameter, ltIgt, may specify elements of
  • SETS specifies types of all parameters in

SIGNATURES section (see umprobsoyou are
  • Queue() -gt Q front(Q) -/-gt I
  • isEmpty(Q) -gt B enqueue(Q, I) -gt Q
  • length(Q) -gt N dequeue(Q) -/-gt Q
  • SIGNATURES specifies the operations or services
    provided by ADT
  • Notation of mathematical functions, with one or
    more inputs and producing one result
  • isEmpty(Q) -gt B Given a Queue (domain), produces
    a Boolean (range)
  • Functions have no side effects at all
  • front(Q) given a Q, returns an item (no change)
  • enqueue(Q, I) returns a NEW Queue
  • dequeue(Q) returns another Queue
  • Functional approach may seem inefficient, but
    facilitates semantics
  • Implementation should preserve the abstract
    behavior of ADT
  • Syntax is relatively easy to specify semantics
    is a bit harder.

Full vs. partial functions
  • Queue() -gt Q front(Q) -/-gt I
  • isEmpty(Q) -gt B enqueue(Q, I) -gt Q
  • length(Q) -gt N dequeue(Q) -/-gt Q
  • -gt denotes a full function over the set Q
  • Always produces the specified output
  • -/-gt denotes a partial function over the set Q
  • May not always produce the specified output
  • Instead, its result may be undefined
  • When is front undefined? When is enQueue
  • Answering these questions about partial functions
    is semantics
  • Specifically, the preconditions
  • A partial function is undefined if any of its
    preconditions do not hold

Exercise Stack ADT syntax
  • Define the NAME, SETS and SIGNATURES of an ADT
    for stacks (assume unlimited size)
  • NAME Stackltigt
  • SETS
  • I set of all items
  • S set of all Stacks
  • B set of Boolean
  • Stack() -gt S push(S) --gt I
  • isEmpty(S) -gt B pop(S) -/gt Q
  • top(S) -/-gt I

Semantics of ADTs
  • 3 more sections for semantics of ADTs
    variables, preconditions, and postconditions
  • iI q, rQ nN bB
  • front(q) -gt isEmpty (q) false
  • dequeue(q) -gt isEmpty (q) false
  • VARIABLES -- declares instances of SETS, needed
  • How are the variables used in PRECONDITIONS?
  • What is the scope of these variables?

  • Specify constraints on any partial functions,
    indicating when they fail
  • front(q) -gt isEmpty (q) false //What does this
    constraint tell you?
  • PRECONDITIONs very explicit about the when a
    partial function fails
  • Formalizes design by contract analogous to
    written business contracts
  • Inspires confidence between clients and suppliers
    of products
  • ADT specifies a contract between the supplier and
    client of an ADT
  • Supplier warrants that ADT will produce the
    specified behavior
  • so long as client provides the expected inputs
  • so long as client doesnt violate the
    pre-conditions, behaviors will work
  • if the client violates the contract (any
    pre-condition), the behavior fails
  • Yet even the failure is predictable and can be
    handled predictably
  • Thus PRECONDITIONS also set up exception handling
  • Note no need to include trivial preconditions,
    e.g., isEmpty(q) -gt true.

Exercise Stack ADT preconditions
  • Define preconditions (and variables) for Stack
  • NAME Stackltigt
  • SETS
  • I set of all items
  • S set of all Stacks
  • B set of Boolean
  • Stack() -gt S push(I,S) --gt S
  • isEmpty(S) -gt B pop(S) -/gt S
  • top(S) -/-gt I
  • sStack iItem
  • top(s) -gt isEmpty(s) false
  • pop(s) -gt isEmpty(s) false

  • Define effects of functions, i.e., what they
  • Queue() (qList List())
  • isEmpty(q) null(qList)
  • length(q) length(qList)
  • front(q) head(qList)
  • enqueue(q,i) (qList append(qList, i))
  • dequeue(q,i) (qList tail(qList, i))
  • What are we assuming already exists in these
  • List ADT has already been defined
  • Why is constructive semantics a good fit for OOP?
  • Reusing List implies a constructive semantics,
    building from other ADTs, already defined
  • What does first postcondition tell you?
  • What does second postcondition tell you?

Axiomatic semantics
  • Defines relations between operations strictly in
    terms of universal axioms (self-evident truths)
  • Axioms define an ADT independently of other ADTs
  • Constructive approach builds new ADTs based on
    knowledge of existing ones
  • The buck has to stop somewhere e.g., the List
    ADT uses an axiomatic semantics

List postconditions (axioms)
  • null(List()) true //How is this self-evident?
  • null(prepend(list1,i)) null(append(list1,i))
    false //Explain?
  • length(List()) 0
  • length(append(list1, i)) length(list1)1
  • tail(append(list1,i)) if null(list1) then
  • else append(tail(list1),i))

Constructive semantics(See umprobso, Queue of
  • Explain rest of Queues postconditions
  • front(q) head(qList)
  • enqueue(q,i) (qList append(qList, i))
  • dequeue(q,i) (qList tail(qList, i))
  • Why would this be harder with axioms?
  • (See umprobso, axiomatic)

Exercise Stack ADT postconditions
  • Define postconditions for Stack ADT
  • NAME Stackltigt
  • SETS
  • I set of all items
  • S set of all Stacks
  • B set of Boolean
  • Stack() -gt S push(S) --gt I
  • isEmpty(S) -gt B pop(S) -/gt S
  • top(S) -/-gt I
  • sStack iItem
  • Stack() (sList List())
  • isEmpty(s) null(sList)
  • top(s) head(sList)
  • pop(s) (sList front(sList))
  • push(s,i) (sList prepend(sList, i))

Inheritance and ADTs
  • See Employee example
  • How does inheritance affect name section?
  • NAME Employee SUPERTYPES Person
  • How does inheritance affect other sections?
  • Employee inherits functions for name, address,
    etc, from Person
  • Inherits both syntax (SIGNATURES) and semantics
  • Only redefine functions in Employee if they do
    something different
  • Employee just supplies new constructor,
  • Semantics can benefit further from reuse implied
    by inheritance
  • Constructor for Employee invokes constructor for
  • Could add notation abstract to specify abstract

Why define ADTs?
  • Makes contract between designer and programmers
  • Eliminates vagueness about what functions
    (operations or methods) do
  • Eiffel provides assertions to support programming
    by contract
  • Assertions have been added to Java
  • Sets up unit testing

Domain Model and Operation Contracts
  • A Domain Model is a visual representation of
    conceptual classes in a domain of interest.
  • Operation Contracts describe detailed system
    behavior of operations
  • In terms of state changes to objects in the
    Domain Model, after a system event has executed

Example Operation Contract from Larman enterItem
Contract CO2 enterItem
  • Operation enterItem(itemID
    ItemID, quantity integer)
  • Cross References Use Cases Process Sale
  • Preconditions There is a Sale Underway.
  • Postconditions -A SalesLineItem instance sli
    was created (instance creation) -sli was
    associated with the current Sale (association
    formed) -sli.quantity became quantity
    (attribute modification) -sli was associated
    with a ProductSpecification, based on
    itemID match (association formed)

How does it differ from an ADT spec?
  • Describe changes in the state of objects in the
    Domain Model
  • Include instances created, associations formed or
    broken, and attributes changed
  • Postconditions are not actions to perform
  • Rather, they are declarations about Domain Model
    objects that are true when the operation has

Writing Postconditions Past Tense
  • Express postconditions in the past tense, to
    emphasize they are declarations about a state
    change in the past.
  • (better) A SalesLineItem was created.
  • (worse) Create a SalesLineItem.
  • Why?

The Spirit of Postconditions The Stage and
  • System and its objects are presented on a
    theatre stage
  • Before the operation, snapshot of the stage.
  • Close the curtains on the stage, and apply the
    system operation
  • Open curtains and take a second picture
  • Compare the before and after pictures, and
    express as postconditions the changes in the
    state of the stage
  • (A SalesLineItem was created).

Writing Contracts Leads to Domain Model Updates
  • New conceptual classes, attributes, or
    associations in the Domain Model are often
    discovered during contract writing
  • Enhance the Domain Model as you make new
    discoveries while thinking through the operation

Guidelines Contracts
  • To make contracts
  • Identify system operations from SSDs
  • For system operations that are complex and
    perhaps subtle in their own results, or which
    are not clear in the use case, construct a
  • To describe the postconditions, use - instance
    creation and deletion - attribute
    modification - associations formed and broken

System Sequence Diagram and ADT assignment
  • Your assignment (on Blackboard)
  • Improve your domain analysis
  • Per my comments
  • Develop a System Sequence Diagram for the ATM
  • Develop ADT design/Operation contracts for the
    Fruit problem
  • Extra credit design user interface ADTs for
  • loosely coupled to problem domain ADT
  • Due September 30
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