Title: 10-Minute Overview of North American Tracking R
110-Minute Overview of North American Tracking RD
- Amsterdam LC Tracking Review
- March 30, 2003
- Bruce Schumm/UC Santa Cruz
Three main RD thrusts
- Simulation
- Gaseous Tracking (TPC)
- Solid-state Tracking (mstrips, Si drift)
Support for Detector RD
- Re-direction of effort of base program
(discretionary) - Generic RD programs (ADR program of US DOE)
- UCLC/LCRD consortia of (Natl Sci Foundation/Dept
of Energy) University Groups 1M in limbo
3North American L Tracker
4North American SD Tracker
Refine Tracker Requirements
- SUSY (central at Michigan, forward at UCSC)
Explore Alternatives (not yet fully underway)
- TPC vs silicon drift
- All-axial central m-strip tracking
- Forward tracking scenarios
- With GEANT-based background included
Tracking/Calorimeter Interface Issue
- Track-cluster matching
- Calorimeter-assisted VEE finding
6Unique Hardware Proposals
Scintillating fiber intermediate tracking layers
- Timing
- Pattern recognition
Negative-ion TPC
- Low diffusion, high gain (single e- detection)
- Good quenching
7Gaseous Tracking
Several Canadian and US groups
- Explore readout choice and design
- Gas selection (neutron backgrounds, diffusion)
- Compact electronics
Test chambers
- Carleton
- Victoria
- Cornell (in production)
GEM Production
- MIT (Microsystems Technology Laboratory)
- Louisiana Tech (proposed m-machining, laser
8Solid-state Tracking
Long Shaping-Time m-strip (Funded DOE ADR
- Ultra-thin (momentum resolution, energy-flow)
- ASIC under development at UC Santa Cruz
- Long (2m) ladders under development at UCSC
Silicon Drift RD (Wayne State, Brookhaven)
- Intrinsically 3-dimensional
- Proven (STAR VTX detector at RHIC)
- Longer, thinner sensors low-power readout
Mechanical Issues
- Space frame
- Interferometric position monitoring (Michigan)
9Solid State Tracking II
Some New Developments
SiLC Group International RD consortium to
address all aspects of Si tracking at a LC
(exclusive of CCDs)
- Large-area central tracker
- Si Envelope
- Forward tracking planes
SLAC effort (with UCSC, others?) to flesh out
long shaping-time central tracking option
(TDR-level study)
gt Simulation as well as hardware RD
Tracking RD still considered to be wide-open
Working towards wrapping up general RD phase in
3 years choose between gaseous, solid-state
options (maybe two detectors?)
Funding remains tentative awaiting release of
300-400 K for basic RD
Most of activity happening in context of strong
and growing international consortia