Title: Dawn Wright
1Trans-Atlantic Workshops on Coastal/Marine
Mapping and Informatics
Dawn Wright Oregon State University
2Coastal Marine Resources Centre
3Cork to Dublin
4Trinity College Dubin
National Bank of Ireland
Oscar Wilde in Merrion Sq.
Windmill Lane Studios
5Dublin to Galway and Points South
6Complementary Projects
mida.ucc.ie Official Launch Today!
7National Science Foundation Office of
International Science and Education
8Intellectual Merit, Workshop Goals
- Mapping plays a critical role in issues of
national sovereignty, resource management,
maritime safety, and hazard assessment. - Significant capacity, varying approaches
- Little done to compile/assess efforts
- Best practices?
- Widespread solutions needed
- Access to and documentation of data
- Integration of tools
- Decision support for coastal mgmt via atlases
- Semantic interoperability
- Linkage of topography with bathymetry
9Workshop 1Potentials and Limitations of
Coastal Web Atlases
- Present and discuss atlases from Europe and U.S.
- Identify and discuss common issues
- Design and usability of web sites
- Access to data and metadata
- Institutional support and funding
- Design and integration of tools
- Decision support
- More
- Conclusions/prelim recommendations
- Launch MIDA
- Workshop web portal
- Executive report and way forward to Workshop 2
10Workshop 2Building a Common Approach to
Disseminating and Managing Coastal Data
- North America (NA) and Europe
- Improve searches between NA and Europe portals
- Initial, common ontologies and thesauri
- Semantic interoperability between different data
sets - Spatialization of text items
- Final recommendations
- Large, collaborative proposals to submit to
funding agencies
11Future Funding?
- NSF Intl Research Education and EU Framework 6
- CoCoNet and CoPraNet
- Information Society (EU version of NSF Digital
Government) and Marie Curie Fellowship - Irish and American RA or postdoc funding
12Workshop 2 Oregon State University 16-20 July 2007
13Photo by Liz ODea, CMRC