BMIS 289: Spring 2003 Gonzaga University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BMIS 289: Spring 2003 Gonzaga University


This is because we will later execute the command object and receive a recordset ... INNER JOIN Director ON Movies.MovieID = Director.MovieID ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: BMIS 289: Spring 2003 Gonzaga University

BMIS 289 Spring 2003Gonzaga University
  • Class 11
  • SQL Command Objects

Tonights Agenda
  • Final Projects
  • Program 9
  • Command Object
  • Connection.Execute
  • SQL
  • Conditional Selects
  • Joins
  • Update, Insert, Delete
  • Adding Deleting Using Recordsets
  • Queries/Stored Procedures
  • Program 10

Final Project Milestone Dates
  • April 10th You should have a full outline and
    flow chart for your project done by now.
  • April 17th First version of your code done. Do
    initial testing to locate as many bugs as
  • April 24th Second version of your code done.
    Final testing to verify correctness and locate
    any last bugs. Begin working on presentation.
  • May 1st Final project presentations.
  • May 8th Final Exam due back (email to me).

Program 9
  • 2 database filters and searches.
  • Things to consider
  • If no records are found for the search or filter
    we should indicate so.
  • Display all resulting records in an HTML table.
  • Use error trapping to gracefully handle
    unexpected errors.

Program 9 Cont.
  • How I organized the program
  • Main.asp Contains all the forms for searching
    and filtering.
  • Search.asp The search forms post to this page,
    it performs the record searches.
  • Filter.asp The filter forms post to this page,
    it performs the record filters.
  • Main.asp contains only HTML forms. You can have
    multiple forms on one page that post to separate
    ASP pages by differing the Action attribute of
    each forms ltFORMgt tag.

Program 9 Cont.
  • Search.asp
  • Uses On Error Resume Next to trap unanticipated
  • To determine which search to perform I capture
    both search form fields and then check if one is
    empty. If it is then I do the other search,
    otherwise I will search on the first field (the
    one we checked).
  • Build search criteria and then use the Find
    method to perform the search.
  • If record returned then output result (using a
    customized version of RecToTable function),
    otherwise report no records found.

Program 9 Cont.
  • Filter.asp
  • Uses On Error Resume Next to trap unanticipated
  • To determine which filter to perform I first
    capture the Country form field and check if
    its empty. If it isnt then I setup variables
    for a Country filter, otherwise I setup
    variables for the Freight Charge filter.
  • Build filter criteria and then set the Filter
    property to perform the filter.
  • If filter returned records then output results
    (using RecToTable function), otherwise report no
    records found.

Program 9 Cont.
  • Things to note about program 9
  • Searching/Filtering a large set of records can
    take a long amount of time.
  • Since users generally get impatient after more
    than a few seconds of waiting we should be
    careful to not grab more data than we need.
  • Using Find and Filter we still have to
    retrieve an larger recordset before we can narrow
    it down to a few specific records.

ADO Object Model
  • Primary ADO Objects
  • Connection the actual link between the ASP code
    and a database.
  • Command allows you to run commands against a
  • Recordset contains all the records returned from
    a specific action on a database.

The Command Object
  • The Command object is the third major ADO object
    and is used to execute various commands against a
    data store.
  • For example, we are used to opening a table into
    a recordset like this
  • A command object gives us alternative ways of
    performing actions against a database. Orders, strConnect, adOpenStatic,
adLockReadOnly, adCmdTable
The Command Object Cont.
  • The basic steps for using a command object
  • Declare the command object.
  • Give it some sort of command text
  • The actual instructions that will be sent to the
    database and processed by it.
  • Set the command objects connection.
  • Execute the command, if it is suppose to return
    records then ADO will return a recordset.
  • Some commands do not fetch records, such as ones
    to insert new records or delete existing ones.

Basic Command Object Example
lt!-- include filedatastore.asp --gtlt!--
include fileRecToTable.asp --gt ltDim rs, conn,
cmdSet conn Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connecti
on")Set cmd Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"
)conn.Open GetDBConnectionStringcmd.CommandText
"SELECT FROM Moviesset cmd.ActiveConnection
connset rs cmd.Execute(, ,
adCmdText)Response.Write RecsToTable(rs)rs.close
set rs nothingconn.closeSet conn
nothingSet cmd nothinggt
Breaking It Down
  • The first include file contains the database
    connection string.
  • The second include file contains a function that
    returns the HTML that outputs the contents of a
    recordset as an HTML table.
  • The first three lines of ASP code declare some
    variables and instantiate ADO connection and
    command objects.

Breaking It Down
Dim rs, conn, cmdSet conn Server.CreateObject("
ADODB.Connection")Set cmd Server.CreateObject("
  • Note that the recordset object is not
    instantiated (set equal to anything).
  • This is because we will later execute the command
    object and receive a recordset object back from
  • Creating an empty recordset now would be a waste
    of server resources.

Breaking It Down
  • After the objects are instantiated the connection
    to the database is opened
  • Once the connection is opened the command
    objects CommandText property is set
  • Command text represents the actual instructions
    the database should use to perform an operation.

conn.Open GetDBConnectionString
cmd.CommandText "SELECT FROM Movies"
Breaking It Down
  • The syntax of the commands you send to the
    database depends on what database you are sending
    the command to.
  • For example, the commands sent to an Oracle
    database may vary from those sent to an Access
  • By and large, though, nearly every relational
    database accepts standard SQL commands.
  • SQL is a standardized language for retrieving
    records from a database (as well as deleting,
    adding, and updating them).
  • SELECT FROM Movies simply means retrieve
    every field of every record from the Movies
  • We will talk more about SQL a little later.

Breaking It Down
  • After setting the command text we need to attach
    the command object to a specific connection.
  • This is accomplished by setting the command
    objects ActiveConnection property
  • ActiveConnection is really nothing more than a
    connection object.
  • We are just setting the commands connection to
    an existing connection object.

set cmd.ActiveConnection conn
Breaking It Down
  • Now we want to actually execute the command and
    retrieve the records it produces.
  • The command object has a method called Execute,
    which does just that.
  • The Execute method
  • sends the command objects command text to the
    database (the one on its ActiveConnection)
  • the database performs the command
  • the results are returned back to the ASP page.
  • In our example the call to Execute looks like

set rs cmd.Execute(, , adCmdText)
  • Cmd.Execute RecordsAffected, Parameters, Options
  • RecordsAffected returns the number of records
    that were changed, added, or deleted by the
    command text (optional).
  • Parameters an array of parameters passed to the
    command (used with stored procedures and
  • Options ADO constants that indicate what type of
    command is being executed (e.g. adCmdText).

Breaking It Down
  • The call to the Execute method in the command
    object looks like this
  • Note that we left the first two arguments empty
    (ie we passed nothing in).
  • When the Execute method returns a recordset the
    default settings for cursor and locktype are
    forward-only and read-only respectively.
  • Since our command text is a SQL statement we set
    the Options argument to adCmdTxt.
  • Our SQL statement is requesting that records be
    returned, so the Execute method will return a

set rs cmd.Execute(, , adCmdText)
Breaking It Down
  • After retrieving the records they are outputted
    by calling the function RecsToTable, located in
    the include file RecToTable.asp.
  • The function returns HTML as a string, so it is
    directly outputted

Response.Write RecsToTable(rs)
Breaking It Down
  • Finally, the page is finished by closing the
    connection and destroying the objects

rs.close set rs nothing conn.close Set conn
nothing Set cmd nothing
Why Use The Command Object?
  • It seems that we could write less code by just
    doing everything through Recordset.Open, so why
    bother with the command object?
  • For simple commands, like extracting data from a
    data store, it is probably best to forgo
    explicitly creating a command object.
  • More complex commands, like stored procedures or
    Access queries, will require us to use the
    command object.

SQL Introduction
  • SQL Structured Query Language
  • It is a universal language used to manage
    relational databases.
  • It is a declarative language, and not a
    procedural language like Visual Basic or C.
  • In a declarative language we describe to the
    computer what we want and it handles the details
    of making it happen.
  • In a procedural language we have to write the

SQL Introduction Cont.
  • Think of SQL in this manner
  • If you could actually talk to a database
    directly, and it could take actions based on what
    you said, you might say something like Give me
    all the employee records with a first name of
    Colin, please.
  • The database would then return all the employee
    records it had with a first name of Colin.
  • SQL works in exactly the same way, but instead of
    vocally communicating to the database we interact
    through written SQL statements.

Types of SQL Statements
  • There are four basic types of SQL statements
  • SELECT used to retrieve data from a table.
  • INSERT used to add data to a table.
  • UPDATE used to change records already in a
  • DELETE used to remove data from a table.
  • The statement types that are underlined are known
    as action queries, meaning theyre SQL statements
    that do not return records.
  • SQL statements are also known as queries (in
    Microsoft Access).

SELECT Statements
  • Basic Syntax
  • Suppose we had an Employee table and we wanted to
    get every employees first name and last name out
    of it
  • IF we wanted to get every field from the Employee

SELECT ltfield(s)gt FROM lttablegt
SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees
Conditional Selects
  • The previous SELECT statements will grab every
    record from the indicated table.
  • Often, we only want to grab certain records from
    the database, such as in a filter or a search.
  • To do this we add conditions to our SELECT

SELECT ltfield(s)gt FROM lttablegt WHERE ltconditionsgt
Conditional Selects Cont.
  • Suppose we wanted to grab all records from an
    Employees table with the first name of Colin
  • We can create more complex conditional selects
    using the OR and the AND operators

SELECT FROM Employees WHERE FirstName Colin
SELECT FROM Employees WHERE FirstName
Colin AND LastName Fukai
Conditional Selects Cont.
  • More Examples
  • Notice that we use single-quotes around strings
    in conditional selects. This is because the
    entire SQL statement will be surrounded by
    double-quotes when we pass it as command text

SELECT FROM Orders WHERE Freight gt 30.00
SELECT FROM OrdersWHERE OrderDate 03/12/01
OR OrderDate 04/12/01
  • Note the use of ORDER BY in the last SQL
    statement in the previous slide.
  • This clause is used to sort the returned records
    if a specific order.
  • By default, the field(s) the records are ordered
    by are in ascending order.
  • You can optionally sort descending

  • You can also order by more than one field at a
  • This SQL sorts the records primarily by birthdate
    in descending order, then each date is sorted by
    the persons last name ascending.

SQL Joins
  • Databases usually have more than one table. This
    is for the sake of efficiency and logic.
  • Imagine if Gonzaga used only one table to hold
    all the information it needed.
  • It would have hundreds (maybe thousands) of
    fields, lots of repetitive data, and would take
    massive amounts of hard disk space to store.
  • To create a more efficient database Gonzaga would
    probably divide tables based on things like
    Faculty, Student, NonFaculty, Class, School,
    Grades, Schedule, etc.
  • When we want to get a set of data from more than
    one table we need to JOIN the tables in our SQL

SQL Joins Cont.
  • See page 575-578 for example
  • Storing movie data in this fashion is inefficient

SQL Joins Cont.
  • This would be more efficient

SQL Joins Cont.
  • Suppose we wanted to display all the movies
    directed by Quentin Tarantino or Francis

SELECT Movies.Title, Director.DirectorName FROM
Movies INNER JOIN Director ON Movies.MovieID
Director.MovieID WHERE (Director.DirectorName
LIKE 'Quentin Tarantino' OR Director.DirectorName
LIKE 'Francis Coppola')
SQL Updates
  • This statement is used to make changes to
    existing records.
  • For example, suppose we wanted to change an
    employees age

UPDATE lttablegt SET ltfield_namegt ltoperatorgt
ltvaluegt WHERE ltconditiongt
UPDATE Employees SET Age 32 WHERE EmpID
SQL Inserts
  • This statement is used to add new records to a
  • Make sure your list of fields and list of values
    are in the same order!
  • Example

INSERT INTO lttablegt (ltfieldsgt) VALUES (ltvaluesgt)
INSERT INTO Employees (Name, Age) VALUES (Colin
Fukai, 22)
SQL Deletes
  • This SQL statement is used to delete records
  • Example
  • Note that this statement deletes whole records,
    not just particular fields.
  • To clear certain fields within a record you must
    UPDATE the field to equal nothing.

DELETE FROM lttablegt WHERE ltconditiongt
DELETE FROM Employees WHERE EmpID 34562
  • Note that the connection object has the same
    Execute method as the command object
  • The functionality is virtually identical to the
    command objects Execute method.
  • Using the connection Execute method is most
    useful for executing SQL statements that are
    hard coded into your ASP code.

Conn.Execute CommandText, RecordsAffected,
Parameters, Options
Adding Data Using A Recordset
  • Instead of SQL, you can use the Recordset object
    to create new records.
  • To indicate you want to create a new record you
    call the AddNew method of the Recordset object.
  • This method creates a blank record and moves the
    recordset cursor to it.
  • You then set each of the new records fields
    equal to some value.
  • Finally, you call the Update method of the
    recordset object to commit the new record to the

Dim objRSSet objRS Server.CreateObject("ADODB.R
ecordset")objRS.Open "Employees",
GetDBConnectionString, adOpenStatic,
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableobjRS.AddNewobjRS("F
irstName") KatieobjRS("LastName")
FukaiobjRS("JobTitle") Apprentice Coffee
GirlobjRS("Salary") 50000objRS("HireDate")
09/18/2000objRS.UpdateobjRS.CloseSet objRS
NothingResponse.Write "Finished!"
  • Notice how we opened a static recordset and set
    an optimistic lock.

Canceling A New Record
  • The Update method is what actually commits the
    new record to the database.
  • You can cancel this new record any time before
    the update by calling the CancelUpdate method
    of the recordset object

objRS.AddNewobjRS(Name) Colin
FukaiobjRS(Age) 22objRS.CancelUpdate
Deleting Records Using The Recordset
  • You can also delete records using the Recordset
  • This statement deletes the record that the cursor
    is currently pointing to.
  • You want to be careful using this method, because
    it can be very easy to accidentally delete all
    the records in the recordset (especially when
    used in a loop).
  • It is usually best apply a filter before deleting
    records (if you are deleting multiple records) so
    we only delete the records we want to

objRS.Filter Name Colin FukaiWhile Not
objRS.EOF objRS.Delete objRS.MoveNextWend
Queries Stored Procedures
  • Very often, we find ourselves using the same SQL
    queries over and over again.
  • Hard coding these queries on every page we need
    them on can be cumbersome.
  • It would be nice to write the query once, store
    it in the database, and then call that query from
    our ASP pages whenever we need it.
  • In Microsoft Access these are called Access
    Queries, and in Microsoft SQL Server they are
    called Stored Procedures.

  • Typically, Access queries and stored procedures
    have parameters that allow you to customize them.
  • For example, your database may have a query that
    returns all employees with a specific first name.
  • In this case the parameter is the employees
    first name.
  • Whatever value is passed in as the first name
    will dictate which employee record(s) get
    returned back.

How Parameters Work
  • First you build a collection of parameter
  • Each parameter object represents one particular
    parameter in the Access query or SQL Server
    stored procedure.
  • The collection of parameter objects is then
    passed into the query.
  • The query is then executed against the command
  • See page 586 for an example.

How Parameters Work Cont.
  • Create a command object to work with stored

Dim objCmdSet objCmd _ Server.CreateObject(ADO
ltquery_namegtobjCmd.CommandType adCmdStoredProc
How Parameters Work Cont.
  • Now we need to create a parameter and append it
    to the command objects parameter collection.
  • To create parameters we use the command objects
    CreateParameter method

Set objParam _ objCmd.CreateParameter(Name,
Type, Direction, Size, Value)
How Parameters Work Cont.
  • Name the name of the parameter, as defined in
    the query or stored procedure.
  • Type the data type of the parameter value.
  • Direction used to specify if the parameter is
    used to send data to the query, return data from
    it, or both.
  • Size used to specify the maximum size of the
    parameters value.
  • Value used to specify the value of the
  • Note that all these method parameters are
    optional. Typically, though, you will want to
    provide the parameters Name and Value.

How Parameters Work Cont.
  • Once you have created a parameter object you must
    append it to the command objects parameter
  • Important the order in which you append the
    parameters is very important. The order of the
    parameters in the parameter collection must be
    the same as they appear in the stored database
    query (at least for Access).

objCmd.Parameters.Append objParam
How Parameters Work Cont.
  • After you have appended all the needed parameters
    to the command objects parameter collection you
    just execute the stored query
  • If the stored query returns records then you will
    want to set a recordset equal to it

Set objRS objCmd.Execute
Introduction To Flash
  • Flash is a client-side web technology that
    delivers compact, optimized animations to a
    client web browser.
  • It is used to create rich, interactive web pages
    that contain complex graphics and animations.

Introduction To Flash
  • How Does Flash Work?
  • Designer/Programmer creates a Flash file (.swf)
    using the Flash Design software (from
  • Designer/Programmer embeds the Flash file into a
    web page and copies both the page and Flash file
    to the server.
  • Client browses to page and downloads the embeded
    Flash file.
  • The Flash file is rendered using a special Flash
    plugin program that must be downloaded and
    installed by the client.
  • Client watches/interacts with content in the
    Flash file.

Introduction To Flash
  • A Flash file itself is essentially no more than a
    slide show that allows interactivity (input) with
    the user.
  • So rather than just watch the movie a client
    may interact with it.
  • When you create a Flash animation you are really
    drawing/creating the multimedia slides that make
    up the animation, and optionally adding
    interactive elements.

Introduction To Flash
  • Advantages of Flash
  • Flash is very compact. It is optimized to be
    delivered across the Internet.
  • A large amount of graphic information can be
    embedded into a Flash file and not greatly
    increase its size.
  • The Flash format uses vector graphics to store
    graphic information.
  • Flash is available on many platforms.

Introduction To Flash
  • Disadvantages of Flash
  • Flash files require the Flash reader (plugin) in
    order to function. Without the plugin Flash will
    not be viewable.
  • Flash files compact graphics quite a bit, but in
    the end the graphics still have to be rendered on
    the client and the client must have the
    horsepower to handle that.
  • Some images (like photographs) do not work well
    as vector graphics so larger, bitmap images must
    be used.

Introduction To Flash
  • The Flash Interface

Introduction To Flash
  • The Flash Interface
  • Stage This is where most of the editing occurs.
    Here you design/draw the cards that will make
    up the Flash animation.
  • Toolbox Tools for creating/editing cards on the
  • Properties Settings to modify the elements on
    the cards.
  • Timeline This is how the designer controls how
    the animation flows in the Flash file.
  • Layers Layers are used to simplify the editing
    of complex images on a card.

Introduction To Flash
  • Tonight well go over the basic illustrating
  • We will see next time how to create animations
    and how to mix ASP and Flash together to create
    dynamic web applications with a rich user

Program 10
  • Build a company database
  • Employees
  • Jobs
  • Select, Insert, Delete, Update records
  • Due April 24
  • This is our last regular class program
  • Continue work on your final project!

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