Introduction __________________________ The Web and Web Programming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction __________________________ The Web and Web Programming


Go to your login home directory and set up a directory public_html. ... ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction __________________________ The Web and Web Programming

Introduction __________________________The Web
and Web Programming


Basic Ideas of the Web
  • Certain machines on the internet have direct
    access to (usually on their disks) a large number
    of documents of varying formats but with
    content others are interested in. Call these web
    server machines. Document formats are identified
    by file name suffixes like file.doc or
  • Goal is to allow users on remote computers across
    an internet to see these documents displayed
    according to their format.
  • To accomplish User program on users remote host
    becomes a client of a web server must contact
    the web server
  • User program has to somehow identify which web
    server machine it wants to get to and which
    document on that machine it wants.
  • Then it has to set up a connection to that
    machine, ask for the document and wait till the
    server machine sends it back a copy
  • Then the users program must display the document
    according to its appropriate format.
  • Users application program that does all this is
    called a web browser

Web Browser-Server Model
Web Server Disk Storage Document resides here
3. Web Server retrieves Web Page from disk storage
Web Server Machine
Web Server Application
Internet (WWW)
2. Client Requests Web Page from Server (GET
HTTP Spoken Here
4. Server downloads web page to client as body
part of reply to GET
Client Machine
Client Browser
Web Page
5. Browser visually renders document User sees
1. User on client machine inputs request to see
document (web page) with a GIVEN URL
Web Document Content and Formatting
  • We will be interested in the creation of
    documents to be served up on the web
  • We will focus on the content and formatting of
    these documents
  • We will use HyperText Markup Language to
    accomplish the content structuring and formatting
    of these documents.
  • We will explore the differences between content
    structure and presentation of a document.
  • We will learn to use programming concepts to
    provide dynamic behaviors for these documents we
  • Allowing changing appearance and user interaction
  • Expanding this, we will put elements into these
    documents to interact with server programs and
    databases, etc.

Document Format and Browsers
  • There are many different formats of documents on
    the Internet
  • But there is one common universal format that all
    browsers can read and render this is the
    text-based hypertext markup language
  • HTML is written to an open standard specification
    so document writers know how to create
    documents in it, and browser writers know how to
    interpret and render it
  • HTML written in SGML, a broader markup language
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML) has come on the
    scene to allow simpler creation of markup
    languages to structure document content.
  • HTML has been re-written completely in XML,
    adhering to XML rules, and it is called XHTML.
    We will write in XHTML
  • HTML uses combination of markup tags and
    attributes to structure document content and lay
    it out for rendering
  • Files structured with HTML have the suffix .html
    or .htm
  • Example HTML http//
    OG/FTPclients.html See its source

Separation of Content versus Presentation
  • HTML originally mixed everything up together
    both stuff to structure data and information used
    for rendering appearance
  • Most current HTML files reflect this mix
  • But HTML and XML have been moving in the
    direction of separating these creating
  • Markup tags for document content structuring
  • Style sheets for rendering layout (presentation)
  • HTML 4.0 and beyond and XHTML have rich support
    for this separation with improved markup and rich
    style sheet capabilities

Dynamic Pages and Scripting
  • HTML 4.0 added elements allowing the creation of
    dynamic web pages ability of a web page to
    change on rendered and to respond to user inputs
  • XHTML supports all these
  • Scripting to idea of putting programming
    elements into web pages. Browser equipped with
    an interpreter to run scripts (simple programs)
    embedded in a web page
  • Scripts written in some language like JavaScript
    (or a generalization of it) or VBScript

Web Pages on the Web Server
  • You can create HTML pages anywhere, like just as
    files on your own computer, and you can view them
    with a browser
  • But for others to see your HTML pages across the
    Internet, your pages need to exist on a web
    server somewhere
  • In this class, you are required to use some web
    server, to have your own web page on that server,
    and to have your class homework assignments
    accessible on that web page.
  • You need to tell me the URL of your web page.
  • Here at Metro we have a web server
  • Each of you should have an account on that server
    and an activated Unix login on
  • uses the Apache web server and has
    a simple scheme where each login-user can set up
    a web page on their disk space on clem.
  • Go to your login home directory and set up a
    directory public_html.
  • Then when you put a file test.html in your
    public_html directory, then you can access it
    with a browser using the URL
  • http//

Getting Web Pages to the Server
  • There are various tools to get documents uploaded
    to web server
  • The most common is the ftp tool that exists in
    most DOS command windows
  • You can use this simple command line tool to put
    files up on a server (in a given directory) or
    get a file from the server, or see the contents
    of a directory on the server
  • is a Unix machine
  • Useful interactive commands
  • ls (ls .html, etc.), pwd, cd
  • help, put, get, quit
  • An example interactive ftp session is at
  • To get a GUI oriented FTP client, see

Comments on File Types Image Issues
  • File types usually indicated by file name suffix
    (.html, .htm, .doc, .xls, .pl, .cpp, .gif, .jpg)
  • HTML files are text oriented most others have
    their own unique binary encoding.
  • In this class we will work mostly with HTML
    files. But most browsers can pull in plugins to
    be able to render many different file types
  • All browsers can render image files.
  • Image files in binary coded format not text
    oriented like HTML.
  • Common Image file binary formats all use
    compression to save in file
  • Graphical Interchange Format (gif) 256 colors
    all mapped to these (dithering), loses some 3D
    richness, loses no quality in compression
  • Joint Photographic Experts Group format (jpg)
    better 3D and color complexity, loses quality in
  • Portable Network Graphics (PNG) combines the
    better elements of the above two. Solves
    transparency problems with alpha-value (making
    image transparent against any background).
  • Interlacing or Progressive Encoding in
    rendering, image appears gradually from rough
    image preview to improved image

Colors in HTML
  • Some colors in HTML can be referenced by name
    red, blue, etc. Your textbooks Appendix E gives
    a list of named colors, both the standard set
    (page 1330) and the extended set whose
    support varies by browser.
  • The only officially supported named W3C colors
    are at http//
  • Also the Microsoft-supported colors are
    graphically seen at
  • http//
  • But the most reliable way to specify colors is by
    providing a RGB number color specified as
    mix of amounts of red, green, and blue (always in
    that order). The three numbers are given as pairs
    of hex digits that can each take on any value
    from 00 up to FF. These three hex pairs are
    preceded by a sign
  • Examples all red is FF0000, all blue is
    0000FF, all green 00FF00, white FFFFFF, black
    000000, a light blue BBBBFF. Try your own
  • Some more examples at http//

Getting Started Activities
  • Determine the web server you will use for this
    class. Determine what facility you will use to
    upload files to it.
  • Set up a web page on some web server you can
    use a simple format that says your name and
    announces that it is your web page.
  • Send me email telling me the URL of your web
  • Your web page will have links to HTML files for
    each of our homework assignments.
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