Title: Tropical Savannah and Arctic Tundra
1Tropical SavannahandArctic Tundra
2The Tropical Savanah is one of the most hottest
places in the world.It is at its hottest in the
summer of course. The tropical savanna is a
biome characterized by tall grasses and
occasional trees. Large regions of tropical
savanna extend through the nations of Botswana,
Namibia, and Kenya in Africa, southern Brazil,
India, and Australia. Surprisingly, the
Everglades of southern Florida in North America
is also a tropical savanna.
3The cold Arcitic Tundra is home to many unique
Animals.It is so cold in the winter that layers
of ice stay until summer and come once more
in Fall.The sun can stay below the horison for
more Than 2 months leaving the Tundra in total
4Shady Elephant
Elephant herd
Animals of the Savanah
5Arctic Tundra Animals
US deer
Arctic Wolf
Musk Ox
Pasque Flower
Plants of the Savanah
Diamond-Leaf Willow
Plants of the Arctic Tundra
Labrador Tea