Title: The Stack Chapter 5
1The StackChapter 5
- Lecture notes for SPARC Architecture, Assembly
Language Programming and C, Richard P. Paul -
- by Anu G. Bourgeois
- Addresses are 32 bits wide
- Therefore, 232 bytes in memory
- Each location is numbered consecutively
- Memory data types
- Byte 1 byte Halfword 2 bytes
- Word 4 bytes Doubleword 8 bytes
3Data types
- All memory references must be aligned
- x byte quantities must begin in an address
- divisible by x
4Memory Allocation and the Stack
- Program loaded into low memory
- usually starts around 0x2000 for SPARC
- Automatic variables near top of memory
- the Stack
- Stack has LIFO property
- Register o6 holds the address of the last
element placed on the stack - the stack pointer sp
5More about the stack
- The stack grows downward to increase stack
space, subtract from stack pointer - sub sp, 64, sp
- The stack must be
- double word aligned
Top of stack
sp -gt
the stack
6Aligning the Stack
- The address in sp must be divisible by 8
- Clear lowest three bits by using the and
operation - Add a chopped negative to increase size
- add sp, -94 0xfffffff8, sp
- add sp, -94 -8, sp
- Results in 96 being subtracted from sp
- Lets see how
7Example for aligning the stack
- Want to add 94 bytes to the stack
- 94 is not divisible by 8
- -9410 01000102 (size to increase)
- 0100010
- and 1111000 (aligning size) 0100000
- 2s Comp 1100000 -96 (aligned)
8The Frame Pointer
- The value for sp is not constant
- So it is difficult to reference a variables
location by using sp - The frame pointer, fp i6, stores a copy of
sp before it is changed - The save instruction performs addition and
updates fp
9Example using fp
- Want to add 92 extra bytes and store five
4-byte variables -
save sp, (-92 (54))) -8, sp
10Addressing Stack Variables
- Load and Store operations are the only
instructions that reference memory - Both instructions take two operands
- One memory, and one register
- Can access memory using different data types
(byte, half word, word, double word)
11Load Instructions
12Load Instruction Format
- ld memory, register
- ld fp 4, l1 !a0 into l1
- ld fp 8, l2 !a1 into l2
- ld fp 16, l4 !a3 into l4
Note Memory argument can be a register, register
immediate, or register register
13Store Instructions
st register, memory
st l1, fp 4 !l1 into a0
14Problems with Stack Variable Offsets
- Define the constants symbolically
- define(a0_s, -4) ld fp a0_s, l1
- define(a0_s, -8) ld fp a1_s, l2
- define(a0_s, -12) ld fp a2_s, l3
- but still have to compute the offsets
15An Example Using Macros
define(local_var, define(last_sym,
0)) define(var, define(last_sym,
eval(last_sym-2))1 last_sym) local_var var
(a0_s, 4) !a0_s -4 var(a1_s, 4) !a1_s
-8 .global main main save sp, (-92
last_sym) -8, sp ld fp a0_s,
l1 ld fp a1_s, l2
16Defining Stack Variable Offsets
- Define macros to compute the offsets and make the
definitions - define(local_var, define(last_sym, 0))
- define(var, define(last_sym,
- eval(last_sym - 2))1 last_sym)
17But we still have problems
local_var var(a_s, 4) !a_s -4 var(b_s,
4) !b_s -8 var(ch_s, 1) !ch_s -9 var(c_s,
2) !c_s -11 var(d_s, 4) !d_s
-15 ldsh fp c_s, o0 ! -11 ld fp
d_s, o1 ! -15
18Aligning Variables
define(var, define(last_sym,
eval((last_sym-2) -2)) 1 last_sym)
a_s -4 b_s -8 ch_s -9 c_s -12 d_s
sp -gt fp -16
fp -12
fp -9
fp - 8
fp - 4
19One-Dimensional Arrays
- A one-dimensional array (vector) is a block of
memory into which a of variables, all of the
same type, may be stored - Array address address of first element
- pointer to the array
- The ith element can be accessed at
address_of_first_element i byte_size_of_array_
20Integer Array in C
int ary5
21If-Else Macro
- Takes 4 arguments
- If 1st string argument 2nd
- Then value is 3rd argument
- Else value is 4th argument
- Example ifelse(a,b,c,d)
- d since a ? b
22Declaring Arrays
define(var, define(last_sym,
eval((last_sym ifelse(3,,2,3)) -2)) 1
- This checks to see if a 3rd argument is present
- If not, then subtracted from last_sym is 2nd
- If so, then 3rd argument subtracted
- var(a_s, 4) vs. var(ary_s, 4, 4 5)
fp 36
local_var var(a_s, 4) var(c1_s, 1) var(ary_s, 4,
4 5) var(c2_s, 1) var(d_s, 4) a_s -4 c1_s
-5 ary_s -28 c2_s -29 d_s -36
fp 29
fp 28
fp 28 4
fp -28 8
fp -28 12
fp -28 16
fp -5
fp 4