PrayTimer Managing Time To Pray Chapters 13 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PrayTimer Managing Time To Pray Chapters 13


God sent His only Son, Jesus, to show humans how to know the Creator. ... 11:30 He who wins souls is wise ... books, movies, and TV raised awareness along with ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: PrayTimer Managing Time To Pray Chapters 13

PrayTimerManaging Time To PrayChapters 1-3
  • C. Thomas Wright, Ph. D

Chapter OneFollowing Christ in Biblical Prayer
  • Katy and Brian.
  • Satan hates prayer. He prefers that believers do
    anything except pray.
  • Many desire to renew a personal passion for
  • Dont rely just on processes and models to
    program prayer, Zech 46

Biblical Prayer
  • Prayer is popular in the postmodern culture.
  • People pray for five minutes or less a day, rest
    of time we rely on ourselves.
  • George Barna indicates that 83 of North
    Americans pray during a typical week, only 39
    consider themselves born again Christians.

  • 9 out of 10 adults believe they know all of the
    basic teachings very wellEven if exposed to good
    Bible teaching they fail to absorb it because
    they think they know it all.
  • Where then does a person begin to renew a
    personal passion to pray unceasingly?
  • Prayer flows from our personal relationship with

Becoming a Follower of Jesus
  • Believers need to share a clear call for people
    to follow Jesus
  • The followers of Jesus Christ were first called
    Christians in the first century (Acts 1126).
  • The followers of Jesus need to act like Him so
    much that there is no doubt they are Christians.

First,The Creator God Wants a Relationship with
His Creation
  • Creator and creation
  • People are created with the need for a
    relationship with the Creator God.
  • Peace only comes through Him, counterfeits bring
    no satisfaction
  • The Creator God is worthy of our absolute trust
    in His love and justice.
  • Broken relationship prayerlessness

God seeking humankind
  • The rest of the Bible is the story of God seeking
    humankind to restore the relationship between
    Creator and creation.
  • Rom. 125, exchanged truth for a lie
  • Humans are not ultimately satisfied with
    religious rituals and self-centered accumulation
    of wealth.
  • We must meet God on His terms through His Son

  • Confronting the lies of the culture
  • Satan has blinded people from the truth.
  • All of creation points to a Creator.
  • God is taking the initiative to bring His
    creation to relationship with Him.
  • God sent His only Son, Jesus, to show humans how
    to know the Creator.
  • Humans must admit to themselves and to God that
    He is Creator.

Second, Humankinds Problem is Disobeying God and
Not Knowing What God Wants
  • Sin is to disobey God (Rom. 323)
  • Creation points people to the Creator God.
  • The human problem is that our radical
    self-sufficiency wants to instruct the Creator.
  • In spite of the cultural teaching, there is no
    degree of acceptable sin

God is holy
  • Since God is holy, any sin carries the
    consequence of being separated from God. Rom.
  • The culture teaches people to believe they will
    not go to Hell.
  • Hell is horrible
  • Life separated from the purpose and teachings of
    the Creator is horrible.
  • Life in Hell is not Gods choice.
  • Every Christian has the moral imperative to warn
    people away from Hell.

Being good is not enough
  • Many people think that being good is enough to go
    to heaven, it is not.
  • Allowing Jesus to replace good activities with
    internal moral change (holiness) is the only way
    to heaven.
  • Human opinion has become the authority for many
    people. The Bible is the primary way to learn
    what God wants for and from His Creation.
  • Humans must determine what authority they will
    follow. Gods authority must take precedence

  • Confess and repent (Acts 2620)
  • People must admit to God that His way is better
    than our way.
  • We need to admit (confess) that we have disobeyed
  • We need to know what are Gods requirements.
  • Begin a life of obedience to the teachings of
    Jesus (I Sam. 1522)

Third,God Provided the Solution to our Problem
through Jesus
  • Jesus is the only way to God
  • The Creator loves people so much that he sent His
    only Son to pay the penalty for our disobedience
    (John 316, 1 Peter 318, John 146).
  • The individuals response is to accept Gods
    solution through Jesus.
  • Consequences of choosing our way are severe
    because it is not what is best

False religion
  • False religion tries to convince humans that
    changing outward behavior and activities results
    in becoming a moral person on the inside (Matt.
  • Becoming a Christian is more than just changing
    behavior or believing in God (James 219).
  • Relationships changes ritual prayer
  • Confessing Jesus as Lord, Rom. 109-10
  • Salvation

Being sure about your salvation
  • Satan will try to bring doubt and discouragement
    into the believers life.
  • A person that has turned from their sin and
    accepted Jesus cannot lose their salvation. 1
    John 513, Rom 838
  • Growing as a Healthy Christian
  • Every living thing needs nourishment to survive
    and grow (Rom. 121).
  • The service of worship includes immediately
    becoming part of a local church (Rom. 64).

  • Healthy Christians automatically begin to tell
    others about Christ.
  • In Luke 1910 Jesus said that he came to Seek
    and to save that which is lost.
  • Prov. 1130 He who wins souls is wise
  • Make sure that most of your churchs growth is by
    conversion growth.

  • A vibrant prayer life flows from a
    relationship with the Creator God. His enemy,
    Satan seeks to confuse and distort the biblical
    facts about prayer.
  • God has taken the initiative to communicate with
    His creation through prayer

Chapter 2Praying from a Believers Heart
  • Only believers have the relationship with God
    that provides Christ as their mediator. No
    mediator, no access.
  • In a masterpiece of subversion Satan will
    convince unbelievers that their prayer has been

  • Many people accurately recognize there is a
    universal spiritual need to communicate with the
  • Prayer will not be answered separate from Gods
    requirements for prayer and the one praying.
  • Misconceptions about prayer can be corrected by
    carefully studying the biblical instructions for
    prayer and for the person praying.

The Role of Jesus in our Prayer
  • By the blood
  • Heb 1019 reveals we ... enter the holy place by
    the blood of Jesus.
  • Eph 218, Through Him we have access in one
    Spirit to the Father.
  • Made Righteous (Rom. 1010)
  • Humans are made righteous only through Christ.
    Jesus is the only one who can cleanse people of
    unrighteousness (1 John 17)
  • James 516 shows it is righteous prayer that is

  • The requirement for answered prayer is obedience
    to Gods commandments (1 John 322).
  • The great prayer warrior R.A. Torrey wrote Gods
    promises to answer prayer are made to certain
    specific persons, and God is very careful in His
    word to tell us just who these persons are.

  • Here is the source for bold, confident praying
    that is biblical 1 John 514.
  • The believers prayer of petition must be
    according to Gods will even to be heard.
  • Many people have become angry with God because
    they imposed on God expectations that were not

The Holy Spirits Role in prayer
  • The Holy Spirit plays a key roll in the prayer
    life of the believer (Rom 826-27)
  • The prayer of unrepentant people is fruitless.
  • Our human weakness is so great that prayer
    requires the Spirits help. Some prayers deserve
    a No answer.
  • Spirit is our advocate in Divine courts.
  • Not tongues but eager anticipation

  • Prayer is not informing omniscient God, it is
    recognizing that believers are bowing our will to
    Gods will.
  • The intervention of the Holy Spirit brings the
    unbelievers prayer for salvation to God.
  • Many of the answered prayers attributed to
    unbelievers are the result of intercession for
    them by believers.

Works for the good of the believer,
  • Rom. 828 is often misquoted to leave out called
    according to His purpose.
  • Barnes-Refers to those accepted call as true
  • The human definition of good is much too secular
  • Believers must come as Paul did in 2 Cor. 1210
    to be content with weaknesses, with insults,
    with distresses, with persecutions, with
    difficulties for Christs sake. What will we

Gods expectations for PrayerMatt. 66-13
  • Not just an external activity
  • Jesus warns believers that prayer must be more
    than mere external activity. There is a
    difference in popular prayer and biblical prayer.
  • A spiritual discipline
  • Matt. 66 emphasizes the important discipline of
    personal prayer.

Beware of imitation prayer
  • In verse 7 Jesus rejects the misguided devotion
    of meaningless repetition the word means
    babbling and results in imitation prayer.
  • This prayer from a believers heart
  • Focus prayer on the Father, vs 8
  • Prayer is an act of worship to the Father, in the
    name of the Son through the power of the Holy
  • Technically can pray for any of the Trinity but
    the N.T. prays to the Father.

Verse 9 Jesus Contrast false prayer with
Spirit-led prayer
  • Not a formula for repetition but a model in form,
    content and spirit
  • Our relationship with abba Father comes through
    our accepting the Lordship and sacrifice of
  • Humans prefer to live in godless self indulgence
    and then expect Him to respond to our petitions.
  • Lenski- Only a true child can address Him as

  • Hallowed be they name-respected and treated as
    holy. Not profaned.
  • Thy Kingdome Come-Preferring the reign and rule
    of Christ as citizens
  • Thy Will be done- Praying for His will over our
    will. Never an attempt to bend the will of God to
    our desires.
  • These are foreign concepts to the attempted
    prayer of an unbeliever

Seek Gods influence, Matt 611-13
  • Ask God to influence every part of our lives
  • We must acknowledge that our prayer flows from a
    life transformed by dependence on the grace and
    love of the Creator.
  • Prayer, like faith, without works is dead. Gods
    sovereignty and human responsibility prevents
    prayer from becoming an excuse for our laziness.

Forgiven and Forgiveness
  • And forgive us ... as we also have forgiven ...
    Forgiveness for our sin only comes from Christ.
    So is the ability to forgive. Intimate tone, not
    as strangers shouting.
  • Delivered from temptation
  • Lead us not into temptation. The word for
    temptation in verse 13 is not to seduce us to sin
    but to test the believers strength, loyalty and
    ability for service. James 112-18

Powerful, effective prayer requires a
relationship with the Creator
  • The Way
  • -Jesus clearly tells humankind that access to God
    is only through the Son (John 141-12).
  • -Prayer that does not go to the Father is
    powerless (I Kings 18 20-39).
  • -False gods cannot answer prayer.
  • -Elijah shows answered prayer is to be a witness
    to unbelievers.

  • Jesus prayed to be excused from pain of the cross
    but in Matt. 2642 He prayed Thy Will be done
    because the salvation of Humankind was the good
    to come out of the pain.
  • Seeing believers not afraid of death was crucial
    in Sauls conversion (Acts 7-8)
  • The work of the Holy Spirit is so crucial that
    those outside of Christ have no hope of effective

  • All of the artificial tolerance of the culture
    bristles at these biblical truths. Prayer is a
    gift to those who are in Christ. And even those
    who are in Christ must pray according to His will
    and teachings to have effective prayer. The Holy
    Spirit takes the prayer of repentance from the
    unbeliever to the throne.

Chapter Three, Spiritual Warfare and the Biblical
  • North America is now more pagan, Satans
    influence has grown along with the need for
    biblical spiritual warfare.
  • Recent books, movies, and TV raised awareness
    along with inaccuracies.
  • The biblical teachings on SW are more extensive
    than this brief overview. The last part of the
    chapter alerts believers to some decoys used by

The focus of spiritual warfare
  • The conversion of lost people to a relationship
    with Jesus Christ. In Matt 1017-20 Jesus
    emphasizes salvation over their spiritual
  • Acts presents many examples of SW but emphasis is
    conversion of the lost, Acts 2618
  • 2 Cor. 43-4 Satan has blinded people
  • Luke 1910, seek and save the lost

  • Identification and Protection from Satans plan.
  • Gods enemy, Satan is also the enemy of all
    humankind, He is evil one, thief and murderer,
    John 1010
  • Accepting responsibility for Biblical authority
    and activity.
  • The Bible provides clear instruction about the
    believers biblical authority and activity in
    spiritual warfare.

Satans plan
  • Satans first tactic is to tell people that God
    and the spiritual world are not real or reject
    organized religion.
  • A second Satanic tactic is to provide fake
    examples or incomplete definitions of salvation,
    revival, and prayer. This allows him to lure
    sincere people into cults and false, counterfeit

  • Third, he has confused some believers so
    thoroughly that they will not participate in any
    kind of spiritual warfare.
  • A very effective tactic is to provide decoys that
    drain energy, time and other resources from the
    legitimate battle. Christians must be careful to
    participate only in biblical SW.

Discerning false teaching
  • Studying the word of God will identify false
  • Many naïve and trusting persons have been lead
    astray by unintentional and intentional false
  • 1 John 41 says do not believe every spirit but
    test the spirits to see whether they are from
    God because many false prophets have gone out
    into the world.

  • The Bible is the definitive source for
    understanding and practicing prayer and spiritual
  • People must be very careful that their theology
    and practice comes only from the Bible.

Spiritual Warfare in the Bible
  • Five biblical principles that are foundational to
    understanding and responding to warfare in the
    spiritual and physical realms. The principles
    overlap and are best understood when taken

First, God is in control
  • The first principle to understanding spiritual
    warfare is that God is in control.
  • Satan is constantly trying to question Gods
    sovereignty (Gen. 3, Matt. 4)
  • Job 16, Luke 2232, Satan must come to God for
    permission to sift believers. Do not let
    Satans accusations steal your joy.

Second, Jesus is Gods Son and has Authority
over Satan and his Demons.
  • 1 Cor 1523-28 teaches that Christ alone who will
    dethrone the powers and place all things in
    subjection under His feet. This is not our task.
  • Col. 215, Jesus disarmed the rulers and
    authorities with the resurrection
  • Satan is desperate to renew His dominion with
    false gods

  • Jesus Binds Satan.
  • Matt. 12 22-29 shows what Jesus did and
    completed by binding the strong man.
  • There is absolutely no evidence that the
    followers of Christ are to become involved in
    binding Satan and his demons.
  • Matt. 1818, (whatever you bind on earth) The
    church is to carry out on earth the decisions
    already made in heaven.

  • Demons can be caste out and their activity
  • Demons can possess people and animals but there
    is no evidence of possessing inanimate objects.
  • No evidence a Christian can be owned or directly
    controlled by a demon (influenced yes).
  • Be careful not to blame Satan or God for our bad

  • Mark 51-9 Demoniac, only place name asked for so
    not prescriptive. A lot of sincere people are
    wasting time researching the names of local
    demons to bind them.
  • Mark 10 no demons cast out
  • Jesus makes this very important point.
    Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the
    spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your
    names are recorded in heaven.

Third, Satan is the Enemy of God and Humankind
  • Satan and his demons are fallen angels.
  • In Luke 1018 Jesus describes watching Satan
    fall from heaven like lightning.
  • 2 Peter 24 shows judgement of Satan
  • They have power
  • Satan tempts and influences people.
  • Satan, his demons, and his followers are working
    against God and His people (Matt 41-11).

  • The followers of Satan can hinder Christians
    without Satans direct involvement.
  • Christians can be influenced to work against the
    Kingdom too
  • Satan has already been defeated.
  • Rev. 201-10 describes Satans final and total
    defeat. Satan, his human followers and the
    angels that followed him, are consigned to the
    lake of fire for punishment

Fourth, There is a Battle Between Good and Evil
  • The battle between good and evil predates the
    creation of humankind (see Rev. 127-12).
  • Satans purpose is to disobey God and lead others
    to do so too.
  • The Bible warns believers that there is a
    personal and cultural war between good and evil.

Gen. 31-8 shows Satans purpose is to disobey
God and lead others to do so.
  • Life can only be understood by acknowledging that
    good and evil are at war with each other.
  • The culture tries the impossible task of
    explaining evil in secular terms.
  • Life can only be understood by acknowledging that
    good and evil are at war with each other.

Fifth,the Difference Between Warfare in the
Heavenly Realm and the Physical Realm
  • Angels are the key warriors in the heavenly
  • The current popularity of angels has led to many
    false perceptions about their work and nature.
  • 2 Peter 24-11 Angels are not spiritual remains
    of humans.

  • Rev 127-12 graphically describes the fall of
    Satan. No human prayer cavalry turned the tide.
  • Daniel 1013-20 shows another spiritual battle to
    which humans were not directly involved. Daniel
    does not discern, map, bind or pray against a
    territorial spirit.
  • God and His angels are in warfare in the heavenly
    realm that is unseen and usually unknown by

The believers involvement is limited to the
physical realm.
  • Believers need to be confronting Satans
    influence on a personal and cultural level
  • There are at least five key components to
    spiritual warfare in the physical

  • 1. The primary component of physical realm SW is
  • John 1715, Jesus prayed for followers to be kept
    from the evil one.
  • 1 Tim. 21-8, intercessory prayer
  • 2. Resist the devil and his influence.
  • -James 47-8, submit, resist, draw near
  • -Eph. 21-2, Satan fosters disobedience
  • 3. Lift up Jesus.
  • -John 1231-32, lift Him up more than ourselves
    or Satan

  • 4. Work Through the local Church
  • -Matt. 1818, Eph. 310 show primary role of
    church in support, direction, accountability, and
  • 5. Overcoming strongholds with the
    power of the gospel.
  • -2 Cor 104, the weapons of our warfare are
    defined in 1 Cor 117-25 as the power and wisdom
    of God
  • -Strongholds in vs. 5 are speculations and lofty
    things questioning Gods will

The Decoy Tactics of Satan
  • Decoys divert resources to unbiblical emphases
    and events. Need to reassign these resources to
    the legitimate battle
  • Spiritual Warfare Movement (SWM)
  • The most popular decoy is SWM
  • Stories told are convincing, exciting, and
    frightening but based on personal opinion and
    experiences, not the Bible
  • appeals to pragmatists

  • endorses Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare
  • In the Movements limited appeals to scripture
    the connection between the references they cite
    and the doctrine for which they seek biblical
    support is often oblique and but superficially
  • Wagner admits to limited scriptural support for
    his beliefs

  • Understanding the characteristics of animism
    shows how clearly it has infiltrated SWM. Kraft
    denies it.
  • Characteristic of animists is that they assign a
    spirit to inanimate objects like stones,
    buildings and bridges where bad events have
  • The real focus of the Bible is the story of
    humans and their response to God.
  • SWM works outside biblical teaching

  • Spiritual mapping
  • Another popular invention of SLSW is spiritual
  • Wagner sees spiritual mapping as researching,
    discovering and naming the ruling angel.
  • In Acts Pauls Journeys indicate no mapping or
    warfare prayer.
  • What better decoy than to think we are doing
    evangelism when we are not?

  • Understanding and practicing biblical spiritual
    warfare is important in the post-modern culture.
    Not everyone involved in Spiritual Warfare
    Movement is familiar with all of its teachings
    and theological error.
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