Title: Corporate Overview
1Corporate Overview
2Cardinal Technology Inc.
- Established in 1993
- Founded by Larry Baumgart
- Business offices
- United States
- 17224 161st Ave. SE, Renton, Washington, 98058
- Canada
- 574 East Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia,
V5T 1X5
3Cardinal Technology Inc.
- Consultants
- Trainers
- Engineers
- Integrators
- Installers
- Provisioners
4Cardinal Technology
- Sales, Marketing and Business Development
Consulting - Network Design and Engineering Services
- Turn-key rural regional solutions
- Project Management
- Training
- To enable anyone to provide high-speed Internet
accesseasily and economicallyin underserved
areas worldwide. - To establish product and service delivery
networks with minimal capital investment.
7Latin Stem Communi
- Communicatio onis F. communicating, imparting
- Communico are (1) to share out, give a share
in hence to communicate, impart a matter,
without object, to take counsel, confer with a
person. (2) to join, unite. (3) to take a
share in, participate. - Communio (1) ire to fortify thoroughly.
- Communio (2) onis f. sharing, mutual
participation - Communis e shared, common, universal, public
loca, public places loci, commonplaces
of persons, approachable, affable. N. as subst.
commune, common property, esp. in plur.
state, commonwealth in commune, for the
public good, also in general. Adv. Communiter,
jointly, generally. - Communitas atis f.community, fellowhsip sense
of fellowship, affability.
8What is Broadband?
- High Speed
- Megabits Millions of bits per second
- at least in one direction
- Always on
- Continuous connection to the outside world
- Bidirectional
- High speed from the home as well as to the home
- Can see the home from the outside
9What is Broadband Access forRural Remote Areas
- FCC defines Broadband as 200 Kbps at least in one
direction - Industry Canada (Broadband Task Force)
- 1.5 Mbit/s two-way for households
- 10 Mbit/s two-way for institutions
- 1 Gbit/s for major institutions such as hospitals
10Bridging the Digital Divide
- Funding
- Applications
- Horizontal applications
- Vertical Application
- Infrastructure
- DSL, Cable, Fiber, Wireless (terrestrial,
satellite) - Facilities
- Methodology
12Funding Alternatives
- a self-sustaining business case
- government or private subsidization
- or a combination of the aforementioned
13Funding Programs
- Rural Utility Services
- Community Connect Broadband Grant Program
http//www.usda.gov/rus/telecom/index.htm - National Telecommunications and Information
Administration - Technology Opportunity Program (TOP)
http//www.ntia.doc.gov/top/index.html - Universal Service Fund Administrative Company
- E-Rate http//www.sl.universalservice.org/
- Rural Health Care http//www.rhc.universalservice
.org/ - Olympic Public Safety Communications Alliance
Network (OPSCAN) Project
14Funding Programs
- Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBS)
- Rural Business Enterprise Grants (RBEG) Program
15Funding Programs
- BRAND initiative
- Canadas Infrastructure Program
- Co-operative Development Initiative
16Additional Funding Alternatives
- First Nations SchoolNet Program
- additional 6.4 million over the next year to
continue providing First Nations schools with
computers, Internet access, technical support and
training - http//www.schoolnet.ca/aboriginal
- Economic Measures Fund
- fund provides 10 million a year for a period of
three years to conclude economic measures
agreements with First Nations
17Broadband Applications
18Why Broadband Access?
- Economic development
- Education
- Health
- Preservation of Information assets culture,
language, genealogy - Entertainment
19Its About Services
- Consumers want services not boxes
- Technology now allows cost effective new
services - VOD, E-mail, Web Browsing, E-Commerce,
VoIP, Video Phone, Games, High speed data to the
PC, Advertising
Set Top Box
CATV - Telcos
Information Society
Digital Cities
Digital Cash
Smart Cities
- Vertical Applications
- Community (Municipal)
- Health
- Utility
- Schools
- Enterprise
- Horizontal Applications
- Voice, Video, and Data
- Community Media Centre
- Radio
- Television
22Vertical Applications
- Telemedicine
- Tele-education
- Tele-culture
- E-government
- E-commerce
- Entertainment
- Personal Communications
- Warfare
- Tele-working
- Police Enforcement
- Libraries
23Horizontal Applications
- Video on Demand
- Asset Tracking
- Unified Messaging
- Backup and Recovery
- Security Monitoring
- Automatic Meter Reading
- Energy Conservation
- Interactive TV
24Shared Service Provisioning
- Application Service Provisioning
- Utility Computing
- Outsourcing
- Time-sharing
25Broadband Advantages
- Able to share 3rd party software securely amongst
regional communities (ASP) - Eliminates support issues such as hardware
- Reduces costs through VoIP regionally
- Software support easily facilitated
27Smart Refrigerators
28Home Hospital
Melanoma Monitor
Smart Socks
Source Popular Science 7/00
29Smart Beds
Source Popular Science 7/00
30Remote Heart Surgery
Source Popular Science 7/00
31Broadband Infrastructure
32Regional Network Infrastructure
- Three Tiers of Deployment
- Backhaul (Interconnection to outside world)
- POPs (Community Interconnection)
- Last Mile (Residential, Business, Institution
Connection) - How? Who?
- Fiber
- Wireless (satellite, terrestrial, FSO)
- Cable
- Copper (DSL, PLC)
- Internet Eighth continent
- Intranet Internal Interface
- Extranet External Interface
- LAN Local Area Networking
- MAN Municipal Area Networking
- WAN Wide Area Networking
34Getting To Your Home
- Local loop describes connection from telephone
office to your home - Sometimes called POTS (Plain Old Telephone
Service) - Legacy infrastructure is copper
- Other available connections include
- Cable TV
- Wireless cellular, fixed, satellite, FSO
- Fiber
- Electric power PLC
35Network Evolution
- Analog
- Broadcast
- Long Distance
- Wired
- Narrowband Voice
- Circuit-Switched
- Domestic
- Many Networks
- Digital
- Interactive
- Any Distance
- Wired Plus Wireless
- Broadband Video, Data, and Voice
- Packet-Based (IP)
- Global
- Integrated Network
36Telephone Standards
- Most common standard is the T-series
- European standards start with E
- The T standard doesnt specify the physical media
- Could use satellite, copper, fiber, etc.
- Specifies data rates, multiplexing is common
28 T1s
37Higher Capacity Circuits
- A trunk denotes a high-capacity circuit
- STS Synchronous Transport Signal
- Refers to electrical signals used in the digital
circuit interface - OC Optical Carrier
- Refers to optical signals over fiber
- Distinction often lost in the field to STS
- C suffix indicates concatenated
- OC-3 three OC-1 circuits at 51.84 Mbps
- OC-3C one 155.52 Mbps circuit
51.840 Mbps
155.520 Mbps
622.080 Mbps
1,244.160 Mbps
2,488.320 Mbps
- 24x7 Support Staff
- Experienced support
- personnel
- Fully Automated NOC
- Email Support Available
39Access Alternatives
Enhanced Copper
Terrestrial Wireless
40Technology Infrastructure
41Technology Infrastructure
- Wireless Terrestrial, Satellite, FSO
42Technology Infrastructure
43Technology Infrastructure
44Technology Infrastructure
- Stakeholders Shareholders
46Business Plan Objectives
- Ubiquitous regional solution
- Open access network
- Physical medium control through media and local
content - Self-sustainability
- Collaborative process
- External predatory pricing practices
- Bundling voice, video, and data
- Right of ways?
- Utility poles
- Cable franchise agreements for access
- Telco franchise agreements for access
- New technology
- Sanswire
- 3G, 4G
- Supplier viability
- Broadstorm
48Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) Costs
- Must be written off within two to three years
- Must be able to be turned off/on remotely
- Must facilitate VoIP
- Must control throttle bandwidth
49Customer Premise Equipment
- Web TV 250
- Set top box 125
- DSL modems 100
- Cable modems 100
- VoIP Equipment 100
50Community Media Centre
- Building Community Through Media
- Use media to share information regionally
- Emergency measures vehicle
- Audio visual studio
- Radio, television over IP
- cable, copper, fibre, or wireless
- Local programming and content
- Single point of failure avoided
- VOD (Video On Demand)
- Video conference centre
- Network operations centre
51Network Management
- Network medium agnostic fibre, copper, cable,
wireless - Application agnostic
- Open Access Network support
- Two tier solution
- Security
- Priority for public safety
- Remote management
- Public hotspots tourism
- Asset tracking
52Success Factors
- Government and Private Sector investment
- Stakeholder Buy-in
- Shareholder Buy-in
53Steps to Success
- Obtain project funding
- Develop a technology strategy with commitment to
political and community needs - Adopt industry standards and leading market
technology - Develop school and education projects
- Provide low cost Internet access
- Provide large scale access to e-mail
- Public access through libraries
- Information Kiosks tourism
- Migrate local community government to web
technology - Increase the availability of online transactions
54Goal Attainment
- Private sector job creation
- Lower government costs
- Break down regional disparity
- Facilitate education and youth objectives
- Create a competitive advantage for all regional
industry segments - Regional investment and ownership
- A practical solution
- Non-profit Cooperative
- Utility Corporation
- Internet Provisioning open access network
- Community Media Centre
- Training
57Community Shareholders
- ISPs
- Cable companies
- Aboriginal Corporations
- Private sector corporations willing to contribute
cash or in kind contributions.
- Co-operative
- Socialistic values
- Visionary
- Stakeholder investment opportunity
- Corporation
- Responsible capitalism
- Attract talent through equity participation
- Shareholder investor opportunity
59Benefits of Aboriginal Control
- Co-operative
- Socialistic values
- Visionary
- Stakeholder investment opportunity
- Additional funding opportunities
- Corporation
- Responsible capitalism
- Attract talent through equity participation
- Shareholder investor opportunity
- No duty or taxation on hardware or software
60Regional Utility Corporation Opportunities
- Enterprise perspective
- Regional emergency measure communication vehicle
- Regional wholesale negotiator
- Lower long distance charges
- Build community relations through media
- Off-net/on-net communications
- Audio visual studio
- Television and radio over the Internet
- Video on Demand
- Web site services
- Eco-tourism digital cameras
61More Regional Utility Corporation Opportunities
- Regional power generation
- Automatic Meter Reading service
- Shared state of art technology hardware and
applications - Application Service Provisioning
- Utility Computing
- Time Sharing
- Security Monitoring
- Asset tracking
- Data backup and recovery service
- CLEC or ILEC status
- Self sustaining Corporation
- Multiple services Data, Video, and Voice
- Funding
- Combination of the above
- No single source of funding
63Cash in Kind Funding Proposal
65Cash Flow
66Return On Investment (ROI)
67Costs and Contributions In Kind
68Marketing Plan
- Market summary
- Product definition
- Competition
- Positioning
- Communication Strategies
- Packaging Fulfillment
- Launch Strategies
- Public Relations
- Advertising
- Other Promotion
- Pricing
- Distribution
- Vertical Markets/Segments
- International
- Success Metrics
- Schedule
69Next Steps
- Prioritize objectives
- Identify community champions to coordinate and
communicate activities - Structure work plan with objectives
- Establish working committees
- Finance committee
- Form co-operative
- Form utility corporation
- Set up regular meeting schedule to discuss
progress towards objectives
- Vision without action is merely a dream
- Action without vision just passes time
- Vision with action can change the world