Title: Global Tivoli User Group Council GTUG
1Global Tivoli User Group Council(GTUG)
A new future
- Formed in 2001 (5 user groups represented)
- First Annual Face-to-Face meeting 2002
- JTUG AP joined 2003
- Tivoli-ug website launched 2003
- GTUG Newsletter first published 2005
- 23 regional groups initially registered
- 97 regional groups currently registered
- Executive (founding) Sponsor Bill Kribbs (VP
Tivoli Support, Services Education) - Program Manager Danyel Otteson
The mission is to extend the effectiveness of
Tivoli user groups by providing operational
feedback for the improvement of Tivoli's products
and services by working proactively with Tivoli
on planning, strategy and development
prioritization, as well as expanding Tivoli user
group networking capabilities globally.
- Condense local user groups' feedback into the
underlying fundamental issue(s) regarding Tivoli
products or non-Tivoli products that Tivoli
integrates with, product certification, support,
documentation, training, professional services,
sales and marketing. This information will be
pro-actively used to influence Tivoli to improve
their products and services, through the Tivoli
Board of Advisors and/or other avenues that may
be available. - Act as a pre-funding/pre-development/pre-deployme
nt operational sounding board for plans Tivoli
has for products, services, sales, etc., and
provide input into Tivoli's overall strategy. - Extend the networking capabilities of the local
users groups to share information and provide a
common communication point from Tivoli to its
4Tivoli User Council structure
- Each regional group may have a representative on
the GTUG Council - A 7 Member Committee governs
- 23 active members
- All members are under CDA and a Tivoli User
Agreement form (protects IBM with regards to
feedback) - Main focus is Automation (monitoring) due to
history of formation
5- Types of Tivoli User Groups
- 56 Regional /General User Groups - which focus on
the Availability/Monitoring/Application
Management/Server, Network Device Management
products. Some of these groups do focus on all
Tivoli products. - 21 Storage User Groups - focus on the Storage
management products - 9 Security User Groups - focus on the Security
pillar of products - 3 Maximo User Groups - focus on the Maximo
product line - 3 Other User Groups - focus on specific Tivoli
products - http//www.tivoli-ug.org/groups.php
- Tivoli supports by
- Sponsorship of meals
- Tivoli speaker support
- Facility hosting
- Giveaways/Trinkets
- THE Premium website
- sponsor
Europe/Middle East/Africa 22 user groups 2,364
North America 50 user groups 5,714 members
Global 3 user groups 378 members
Asia Pacific 15 user groups 1,919 members
Latin America 7 user groups 920 members
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7What we do..
- 2 hour Conference call once a month
- 1st hour GTUG business Product Requirements
- 2nd hour Guest Tivoli speaker who is asking for
feedback/validation or GTUG has asked for a topic
to be presented on - Administer www.Tivoli-ug.org web site
- Respond to emails
- Monitor peer-to-peer
- Monitor TIE
- Surveys, top of mind
- Annual 3 day Face-to-Face meeting
- Tivoli Product Specialists presentations
- GTUG feedback to Tivoli
- Network with peers
8Recent Meeting Topics
- Security Integration
- IBM Support Assistant Update
- Tivoli Netcool Update
- TEC - Omnibus Migration
- Remote Control Roadmap
- Tivoli Certification
- TIM/TAM Integration
- Tivoli Product Naming
9GTUG Conference Call
- Wednesday January 9, 2008
- AGENDA (central time zone indication below)
- 700 - 705 Welcome, Introductions
- 705 745 Announcements, Action Items, Beta and
POT Updates, GTUG Requirements
Update/Review - 745 - 830 Automate Mgnt of Patches to Tivoli
Products Pres, Rob Filosa, Tivoli - 830 - 900 Consumability Update (continuation of
Julys presentation) Sandra Tipton, Tivoli - 900 Wrap up...closing
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12What have we done
- Requirements accepted for product release or
action by Tivoli - TPM agents and coexistence with Tivoli endpoints
- Single sign-on functions for all products
integrated with TEP - Entitlements
- Authentication Methods
- Central user and profile management for all
Tivoli tools - 20 enhancements for Tivoli endpoints
- Passport Advantage improvements
- Education better meeting customer needs
- Certification, Education, etc for meetings
- Creation constant funding for www.tivoli-ug.org
- Why does it work?
- .combined global voice!
13So what is next
- Create a Council that truly represents the entire
Tivoli product suite - Grow the existing proven structure
- Get all User groups involved!!
14Proposed Structure
15Proposed Structure
- Representatives would be invited from regional
groups to a council relevant to their expertise. - GTUG Council Committee would have a
representative from each Specific council. - 1 GTUG Council meeting per month 1 hour
- GTUG council would be responsible for planning,
reqs, support, education, marketing, etc (e.g.
issues affecting all Tivoli products). - Specific council meetings 1 every 2 months or as
required 1.5 hour - Specific councils would be for issues relevant to
groups (e.g. storage, security).
16GTUG Council Benefits
- Combined Global voice for product requirements
- Direct access to experts within IBM/Tivoli
- While under CDA, receive information about future
products and strategy - Provide feedback into IBM/Tivoli
- Global networking capabilities
- Existing proven structure to make change
17- For more information or to contact the GTUG
council please send an email to our IBM liaison
into the GTUG council - Danyel Otteson
- dotteson_at_us.ibm.com