Title: Evening in the Palace of Reason
1Evening in the Palace of Reason
- Musical Offering, Time Line, and Places of
2Luneburg, home of Bach (age 15), 1700
Berlin, Monbijou Castle (Freds childhood)
Kothen, home of Bach (age 32), 1717
Leipzig, home of Bach 1723-85 (ages 38-65), 1747
(age 62)
Kustrin, Katte beheaded, 1730 (Fred, age 18)
Potsdam, court of Frederick the Great, 1747.
Ascended, 1740 (age 28). Birthplace, 1712.
Muhlhausen, home of Bach (age 22), 1707
Eisenach, birthplace of Bach, 1685
Muhlberg, court of Augustus the Strong of Saxony
Ohrdruf, home of Bach (age 9), 1694
Dresden, court of Augustus the Strong, King of
Poland, where Fred visited.
Arnstadt, home of Bach (age 18), 1703
Weimar, home of Bach (age 23), 1708
Fred, 1712-86 (74 yrs)
Bach, 1685-1750 (65 yrs)
Gaines map
3Environments in Childhood
- J. S. Bach and
- Frederick the Great
4Eisenach, Wartburg Castle
City where Bach was born, 1685
5Frederick the Great at age 4
Pesne, Prince Friederich
6This portrait of Frederick the Great and his
sister Wilhemine dates from about 1716 when he
was about 4 years old
Pesne, Frederick
7Monbijou Palace, Berlin
Frederick the Greats childhood home (palace of
his mother Queen Sophia Dorothea)
Monbijou Palace, Charlottenburg
8Monbijou Palace, Berlin.
Oil on Canvas, 1735. Frederick, age 23
9Hunting Lodge of Frederick the Greats Father
Southeast of Berlin
Koenigs Wusterhausen Schloss
10Frederick the Great, age 24 (ca. 1735)6 years
after Katte is beheaded.
Pesne, Portrait
11Environments in Adulthood
- J. S. Bach and
- Frederick the Great
12St. Blasius Church in Mühlhausen
Bach became church organist at age 22, 1707
St. Blasius Church
13Church of St. Thomas, Leipzig
Bachs last post, as Kapellmeister (ages 38-65),
1723-1750 Wrote for 3 other churches in Leipzig
St. Paul Church, New Church, and St. Nicholas
Church Collegium Musicum Director, Univ. of
14Life changes for Frederick
- 1733, age 21, Frederick marries Elisabeth
- 1740, ascends to throne
- 1740-42, First Silesian War
- 1744-45, Second Silesian War
- 1747, meets J.S. Bach, opens Sanssouci
- 1756-63, Seven Years War
- 1778, War of the Bavarian Succession
15Frederick the Greats reign, 1740-1785
Growth of Brandenburg-Prussia
16Wife of Frederick the Great, Queen Elisabeth
Christine von Braunschweig-Bevern. Painting dates
ca. 1739.
Pesne, Elisabeth
17Rheinsberg Chateau, ca. 1740
One of Freds homes, renovated about 1740
NW of Berlin
18Sanssouci, Potsdam final burial
Frederick the Greats summer palace and the place
where his remains were interred in 1991
19New Palace at Sanssouci
Frederick the Great met Bach in 1747, just as
Sanssouci had opened.
20Voltaire is in red jacket, next to Frederick the
Great. The setting is a room in the palace at
Menzel, Voltaire
21Flute Music by Teacher of Frederick the Great
- Affettuoso, 1st movement of a Trio Sonata by
22Frederick the Great playing flute at a concert in
palace at Sanssouci
Menzel, Flute Concert
23Frederick the Great, age 68 (1780). Oil on canvas.
24Works Cited
- Amiens. The Wartburg in Eisenach. Photograph.
2003. Wikimedia Commons. 9 Aug. 2005. 12 Nov.
2007 lthttp//commons.wikimedia.org//.php?titleIma
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Photograph. 2004?. galenfrysinger.com. 25 Oct.
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New York City Harper, 2005. - Graff, Anton. Friedrich II. (the Great), King of
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Wikimedia Commons. 4 Nov. 2007. 12 Nov. 2007
25Works Cited (continued)
- Menzel, Adolph Von. Flute Concert by Frederick
the Great in Sanssouci. Oil on canvas. ca.
1850-52. Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin. Wikemedia
Commons. 20 May 2005. 11 Nov. 2007
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Braunschweig-Bevern, Wife of Frederick the Great.
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e.jpgoldid2901391gt. - - - -. Frederick the Great with Sister
Wilhelmine. Oil on canvas. ca. 1716. Wikimedia
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26Works Cited (continued)
- Pesne, Antoine. Portrait of the Young Friedrich
II of Prussia. Painting. 1736. Wikemedia Commons.
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e1736.jpgoldid8333714gt. - - - -. Prince Friederich Wilhelm of Prussia, age
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