Title: Mumps Case Definition and Investigation
1Mumps Case Definition and Investigation
- L. Alice Allie Clay, R.N.
- IDEP Surveillance Nurse
- IDEP Training February 2008
- To describe what information is necessary
- for case ascertainment
- To have a better understanding of case
- investigation and ascertainment of
- Mumps
3Mumps, Oh NOOOOOOOOO!!!
4Reportable by law
- Healthcare Providers/Facilities responsibilities
- Report suspected cases of mumps to your
local health department - immediately
- Laboratory responsibilities
- 1. Report positive lab reports immediately
to - healthcare provider the infection
control - practitioner
- 2. Report positive lab reports immediately
to the local - health department
- Local Health Departments
- Notify your regional epidemiologist IDEP
immediately - when you have a suspected case of mumps
5Mumps Clinical Case Definition
- Illness with
- Acute onset of unilateral or bilateral
- tender, self-limited swelling of the
- parotid and/or salivary gland(s)
- Lasting _at_ least 2 days, and without
- other apparent cause
6Clinically Compatible Illness
- Infection with mumps virus may present
- as aseptic meningitis, encephalitis,
- hearing loss, orchitis, oophoritis, parotitis
- or other salivary gland swelling, mastitis
- or pancreatitis
7Laboratory Criteria for Diagnosis
- Isolation of mumps virus from a clinical
- specimen, (culture) or
- Detection of mumps nucleic acid (e.g.,
- standard or real time RT-PCR assays), or
- Detection of mumps IgM antibody, or
8Laboratory Criteria contd
- Demonstration of specific mumps anti-
- body response in absence of recent
- vaccination, either a four-fold increase
- in IgG titer as measured by quantitative
- assays, or a seroconversion from
- negative to positive using a standard
- serologic assay of paired acute and
- convalescent serum specimens
9Case Classification
- Suspected
- Case with clinically compatible illness OR
- Meets the clinical case definition without lab
testing OR - A case with lab tests suggestive of mumps without
clinical information - Probable
- A case that meets the clinical case definition
without lab - confirmation AND
- 2. Is epi-linked to a clinically compatible
case -
10Case classification contd
- Confirmed A case that
- 1. meets the clinical case definition or
- has clinically compatible illness,
- 2. is laboratory confirmed or is
- epi-linked to a confirmed case
11Mumps Outbreak Recognition
- An outbreak may be defined as two or
- more cases in a county
- OR
- one or more cases in a congregate setting
- (e.g., school or workplace).
12Outbreak Notification
- Notify your regional epidemiologist IDEP
- immediately
- Immediately identify all suspect or confirmed
cases - Initiate control measures to prevent spread of
disease - Isolate (droplet precautions) all symptomatic
suspect cases for 5 days after onset of parotitis
13Interpretation of Laboratory Results
- Isolation of mumps virus from a clinical
- specimen, or
- Detection of mumps DNA by PCR, or
- Detection of mumps IgM antibody, or
- A four-fold rise in IgG antibody
14What would you do if you receive a lab report on
- Laboratory Corporation of
America - Patient Name/Address
PAT. ID 234563 - Mary Smith
Spec. 12345 - PO Box 334
Spec. Date 01/02/08 - Great Scott, WI 26543
Report Date 02/04/08 - DOB 04/04/2002 Submitter
Great Scott General Hospital - Age 5 yrs
1222 Holley Court - Sex Female
Great Scott, WI 26543 - Specimen Blood
- Test Name Mumps antibodies IgM
Results 1.21 -
(Negative lt0.80) -
(Borderline 0.80-1.20) -
(Positive gt1.20)
15Does it meet the lab criteria?
16Does it meet the lab criteria?
- - Check lab criteria for diagnosis
17What is the next step before initiating a
case investigation?
18What is the next step before initiating a case
- Refer to Mumps Protocol
- Begin ascertainment of the case
19How do you ascertain a case?
20How do you ascertain a case?
- Three pieces of information needed to determine
if you have a Mumps case - Clinical information
- Lab report
- Epi-link
21What information would you obtain from
the provider?
22What information would you obtain from a provider?
23What information to obtain from a provider contd
24Lab Information needed
25Lab Information needed contd
26What information would you obtain from
the patient/parent?
27What information would you obtain from the
28What would you obtain from the patient/parent
29What Epi-Link information do you need to obtain?
30Epi-Link information contd
31When investigation is completed
- Document public health action
- Check case classification
- Print the report for your files or per your
- LHD policy procedure
- Mail or fax lab report(s) to IDEP
- Submit completed WVEDSS report electronically
- to your regional epidemiologist
- Clinical information, Laboratory report(s),
- and Epi-link information is the three
- main pieces of information needed to
- determine if you have a Mumps case
- Follow your Mumps Protocol
- IDEP Mumps site
- http//www.wvdhhr.org/idep/a-z/a-z-mumps.asp
- CSTE site on mumps http//www.cste.org/PS/2007ps/
2007psfinal/ID/07-ID-02.pdf -
34Thank You
- L. Alice Allie Clay, R.N.
- lillieclay_at_wvdhhr.org
35(No Transcript)