Title: So Then, How Should Men Lead
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2So Then,How Should Men Lead?
- God has established
- a role for women
- that does not include
- being a pastor
- and teaching
- or leading men
- in the church.
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8God Has Given Us a Mandate for Men to Lead
1. Man is to Lead in the Home Ephesians
9Christ is the Head of the Man
Man is the Leader of the Woman (Wife)
Man Leads the Family with His Wife (Helpmeet)
10God Has Given Us a Mandate for Men to Lead
1. Man is to Lead in the Home
2. Man is to Lead in the Church
111 Timothy 211-14 11 Let a woman learn in
silence with all submission. 12 And I do not
permit a woman to teach or to have authority
over a man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam
was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was
not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell
into transgression .
121 Corinthians 1434-35 34 Let your women keep
silent in the churches, for they are not
permitted to speak but they are to be
submissive, as the law also says. 35 And if they
want to learn something, let them ask their own
husbands at home for it is shameful for women to
speak in church.
133. Three Vital Areas in Which Men Must Lead
A. Godliness
- B. Giving
- To His Wife Eph. 525-33
- To His Children Eph. 64, Deut. 61-9
- To Other Men Titus 22, 6-8
- To the Church Heb. 1023-25 2 Tim. 21-2
- To the Lost Acts 18
143. Three Vital Areas in Which Men Must Lead
A. Godliness
B. Giving
C. Goal Setting
- Having a vision and purpose for what God can and
will do.
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163. Three Vital Areas in Which Men Must Lead
C. Goal Setting Having a vision and purpose for
what God can and will do.
1. Achieving goals involves our will Roman 12
2. Achieving goals requires we identify areas in
which we need to grow or improve.
17How Are We Doing?
- It is not enough to agree with Scripture that
women are not to be pastors.
- We must also ask What are we doing to help men
to be godly, giving, goal-focused leaders