Dante's%20Commedia:%20Hell,%20Song%202,%20translated%20by%20Terrill%20Shepard%20Soules - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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53 h2 e donna mi chiam beata e bella, Command me anything! I demanded. ... 76 h2 'O donna di virt sola per cui [26] is why the human race outsoars ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dante's%20Commedia:%20Hell,%20Song%202,%20translated%20by%20Terrill%20Shepard%20Soules

The day was going, and the tawny sky
1 h2gt Lo giorno se nandava, e laere bruno 1 The day wasb going, and the dusky air

was taking earthly creatures from their
2 h2gt toglieva li animai che sono in terra was taking the living things that are on earth

weariness, while, alone, the only one, I,
3 h2gt da le fatiche loro e io sol uno from their fatigues, and I alone
was preparing myself for war, to bear
4 h2gt mapparecchiava a sostener la guerra 2 was preparing to sustain the war

the kind of journey, the kind of pity,
5 h2gt sì del cammino e sì de la pietate, alike of the road, and of the woe

that memorys going to retrace without err0r.
6 h2gt che ritrarrà la mente che non erra. which the mind that erreth not shall retrace.
O Muses, O high genius, now assist me!
7 h2gt O muse, o alto ingegno, or maiutate 3 O Muses, O lofty genius, now assist me!

And youwhatever I saw youd transcribe
8 h2gt o mente che scrivesti ciò chio vidi, O mind that didst inscribe that which I saw,

Your greatness will be obvious here, O memory!
9 h2gt qui si parrà la tua nobilitate. here shall thy nobility appear!
I began Poet, now my guide,
10 h2gt Io cominciai Poeta che mi guidi, 4 I began -Poet, that guidest me,

first check my strength, for power enough to
11 h2gt guarda la mia virtù sell è possente, consider my virtue, if it is sufficient,

Is trusting me to the high passage justified?
12 h2gt prima cha lalto passo tu mi fidi. ere to the deep pass thou trustest me.
You say Silvius parent (that is, his father),
13 h2gt Tu dici che di Silvïo il parente, 5 Thou sayest that the parent of Silvius

when he was perishable, went to the deathless
14 h2gt corruttibile ancora, ad immortale while still corruptible went to the immortal

world alertly, each sense as alive as the other.
15 h2gt secolo andò, e fu sensibilmente. world and was there in the body.
But if evil of every kinds Antagonist
16 h2gt Però, se lavversario dogne male 6 And truly if the Adversary of every ill

was courteous, out of consideration for the high
17 h2gt cortese i fu, pensando lalto effetto was then courteous, thinking on the high effect

hed have on doers and deeds to come, well this
18 h2gt chuscir dovea di lui, e l chi e l quale that should proceed from him, and on the Who and the What
cannot seem out of order to a man of intellect.
19 h2gt non pare indegno ad omo dintelletto 7 it seemeth not unmeet to the man of understanding

Who else, to be spiritual and imperial
20 h2gt che fu de lalma Roma e di suo impero for in the empyreal heaven he had been chosen

Romes father, did empyrean heaven select?
21 h2gt ne lempireo ciel per padre eletto for father of revered Rome and of her empire
Both the one and the other, truth to tell,
22 h2gt la quale e l quale, a voler dir lo vero, 8 both which (to say truth indeed)

were set up as the sacred locality
23 h2gt fu stabilita per lo loco santo were ordained for the holy place

where the greatest Peters successor dwells.
24 h2gt u siede il successor del maggior Piero. where the successor of the greater Peter hath his seat.
On this tripfor which you provide the
25 h2gt Per quest andata onde li dai tu vanto, 9 Through this going,whereof thou givest him vaunt,

he learned the things to be the vehicle
26 h2gt intese cose che furon cagione he learned things which were the cause

for his triumph and papal authority.
27 h2gt di sua vittoria e del papale ammanto. of his victory and of the papal mantle.
Later another wentthe Chosen Receptacle,
28 h2gt Andovvi poi lo Vas delezïone, 10 Afterward the Chosen Vessel went thither

for reinforcements for the convictions
29 h2gt per recarne conforto a quella fede To bring thence comfort to that faith

that begin the way to salvations pinnacle.
30 h2gt chè principio a la via di salvazione. which is the beginning of the way of salvation.
But why would I go there? On whose authorization?
31 h2gt Ma io, perché venirvi? o chi l concede? 11 But I, why go I thither? or who concedes it?

I am not Aeneas. I am not Paul.
32 h2gt Io non Enëa, io non Paulo sono I am not Aeneas, I am not Paul

Worthy? Me? Not in myor anyonesopinion.
33 h2gt me degno a ciò né io né altri l crede. me worthy of this, neither I nor others think
Say I decide to give this journey my all.
34 h2gt Per che, se del venire io mabbandono, 12 wherefore if I give myself up to go,

Im afraid once Im there Ill see Ive been
35 h2gt temo che la venuta non sia folle. I fear lest the going may be mad.

Youre so wise you understand what I dont say at
36 h2gt Se savio  intendi me chi non ragiono. Thou art wise, thou understandest better than I speak.
Like someone who unsalutes what hed saluted
37 h2gt E qual è quei che disvuol ciò che volle 13 And as is he who unwills what he willed,

and has a new thought and changes interests,
38 h2gt e per novi pensier cangia proposta, and because of new thoughts changes his design,

so that now the beginnings completely uprooted
39 h2gt sì che dal cominciar tutto si tolle, so that he quite withdraws from beginning,
that was me on the beach of that dark slopes
40 h2gt tal mi fec ïo n quella oscura costa, 14 such I became on that dark hillside

reconsidering it to nothingthe mission
41 h2gt perché, pensando, consumai la mpresa Wherefore in my thought I abandoned the enterprise

that began full of action and zest.
42 h2gt che fu nel cominciar cotanto tosta. which had been so hasty in the beginning.
Your words, if Im correct, are an admission,
43 h2gt Si ho ben la parola tua intesa, 15 If I have rightly understood thy speech,

replied that magnificent souls ghost,
44 h2gt rispuose del magnanimo quell ombra, replied that shade of the magnanimous one,

that timiditys insulted your soul into
45 h2gt lanima tua è da viltade offesa thy soul is hurt by cowardice,
which often interferes till its got a man
46 h2gt la qual molte fïate lomo ingombra 16 Which oftentimes encumbereth a man

then rolls him away from what he has honestly
47 h2gt sì che donrata impresa lo rivolve, So that it turns him back from honorable enterprise,

The beast false shadows spook, no true foot
farther goes.
48 h2gt come falso veder bestia quand ombra. as false seeing does a beast when it is startled.
But so that these fears of yours will subside,
49 h2gt Da questa tema acciò che tu ti solve, 17 In order that thou loose thee from this fear

Ill tell you why I came and what Id comprehended
50 h2gt dirotti perch io venni e quel chio ntesi I will tell thee wherefore I have come, and what I heard

that moment thatover you!I cried.
51 h2gt nel primo punto che di te mi dolvez. at the first moment that I grieved for thee.
I was among the ones who are suspended
52 h2gt Io era tra color che son sospesi, 18 I was among those who are suspended,

when a lady beckoned, saintly and spectacular.
53 h2gt e donna mi chiamò beata e bella, and a Lady called me, so blessed and beautiful

Command me anything! I demanded.
54 h2gt tal che di comandare io la richiesi. that I besought her to command.
Her eyes sent more light than the star.
55 h2gt Lucevan li occhi suoi più che la stella 19 Her eyes were more lucent than the star,

She began to speakto megently and low,
56 h2gt e cominciommi a dir soave e piana, and she began to speak to me sweet and low,

as she alone can, in the voice all angels acquire.
57 h2gt con angelica voce, in sua favella with angelic voice, in her own tongue
O noble Mantuan soul,
58 h2gt O anima cortese mantoana, 20 O courteous Mantuan soul,

whose fame in the world proceeds without flux,
59 h2gt di cui la fama ancor nel mondo dura, of whom the fame yet lasteth in the world,

and will proceed for as far as the world will go,
60 h2gt e durerà quanto l mondo lontana, and shall last so long as the world endureth,
my friend, but not good lucks,
61 h2gt lamico mio, e non de la ventura, 21 A friend of mine and not of fortune,

has been to the desert, and is now on
62 h2gt ne la diserta piaggia è impedito upon the desert hillside is so hindered

his way backtoo many setbacks, no guts.
63 h2gt sì nel cammin, che vòlt è per paura on his road that he has turned for fear,
His sense of direction is so far gone
64 h2gt e temo che non sia già sì smarrito, 22 and I am afraid, through that which I have heard of him in heaven,

my fear is Ive roused to his rescue too late.
65 h2gt chio mi sia tardi al soccorso levata, Lest already he be so astray

Which is what Ive heard heaven say about him all
66 h2gt per quel chi ho di lui nel cielo udito. that I may have risen late to his succor.
Move. Get out your words. Be ornate.
67 h2gt Or movi, e con la tua parola ornata 23 Now do thou move, and with thy speech ornate,

Whatever youve got that could save him, unlock.
68 h2gt e con ciò cha mestieri al suo campare, and with whatever is needful for his deliverance,

Help him, console me. With his rescued state.
69 h2gt laiuta sì chi ne sia consolata. assist him so that I may be consoled for him.
I am Beatrice who makes you walk.
70 h2gt I son Beatrice che ti faccio andare 24 I am Beatrice who make thee go.

I come from where I cannot wait to be again.
71 h2gt vegno del loco ove tornar disio I come from a place whither I desire to return.

Love made me move, and talk.
72 h2gt amor mi mosse, che mi fa parlare. Love moved me, and makes me speak.
When I have returned I will often
73 h2gt Quando sarò dinanzi al segnor mio, 25 When I shall be before my Lord,

sing my Lord your praises at His throne.
74 h2gt di te mi loderò sovente a lui. I will commend thee often unto him.

She was silent. And then I began
75 h2gt Tacette allora, e poi comincia io Then she was silent, and thereon I began
O lady of the power that alone
76 h2gt O donna di virtù sola per cui 26 O Lady of Virtue, thou alone through whom

is why the human race outsoars
77 h2gt lumana spezie eccede ogne contento the human race surpasseth all contained

all within heavens smallest circles zone,
78 h2gt di quel ciel cha minor li cerchi sui, within that heaven which hath the smallest circles!

they please me so, these commandments of yours,
79 h2gt tanto maggrada il tuo comandamento, 27 So pleasing unto me is thy command

that if Id obeyed them already, Im tardy.
80 h2gt che lubidir, se già fosse, mè tardi that to obey it, were it already done, were slow to me.

Merely open to me, whatever they are, your
81 h2gt più non tè uo chaprirmi il tuo talento. Thou hast no need further to open unto me thy will
But do tell me why so uncowardly
82 h2gt Ma dimmi la cagion che non ti guardi 28 but tell me the cause why thou guardest not

descending down into this core here
83 h2gt de lo scender qua giuso in questo centro thyself from descending down here into this centre,

from wideness you want back to so ardently?
84 h2gt de lampio loco ove tornar tu ardi. from the ample place whither thou burnest to return.
Since its your will to know the inner layer,
85 h2gt Da che tu vuo saver cotanto a dentro, 29 Since thou wishest to know so inwardly,

Ill summarize, she answered me,
86 h2gt dirotti brievemente, mi rispuose, I will tell thee briefly, she replied to me,

why it is I fearlessly enter the interior.
87 h2gt perch i non temo di venir qua entro. wherefore I fear not to come here within.
One should only fear things in the category
88 h2gt Temer si dee di sole quelle cose 30 One ought to fear those things only

Able to Harmthat have a hurtful touch.
89 h2gt channo potenza di fare altrui male that have power of doing harm,

Nothing else is scary.
90 h2gt de laltre no, ché non son paurose. the others not, for they are not dreadful.
Im made by God, thanks be to His mercy, such
91 h2gt I son fatta da Dio, sua mercé, tale, 31 I am made by God, thanks be to him, such that

that Im somebody your misery doesnt upset.
92 h2gt che la vostra miseria non mi tange, Your misery toucheth me not,

Nor do this firestorms flamesthey cant get
93 h2gt né fiamma desto ncendio non massale. nor doth the flame of this burning assail me.
In heaven, a woman of refinement wept
94 h2gt Donna è gentil nel ciel che si compiange 32 A gentle Lady is in heaven who hath pity

so long over this blocked life I send you to,
95 h2gt di questo mpedimento ov io ti mando, for this hindrance whereto I send thee,

it broke rules up there too strict to accept.
96 h2gt sì che duro giudicio là sù frange. so that stern judgment there above she breaketh.
She called in Lucy, with something for her to do.
97 h2gt Questa chiese Lucia in suo dimando 33 She summoned Lucia in her request,

He needs you now, she saidyour faithful
98 h2gt e disse--Or ha bisogno il tuo fedele and said, Thy faithful one now hath need

one. And so I entrust him to you.
99 h2gt di te, e io a te lo raccomando--. of thee, and unto thee I commend him.
Lucy, to whom harsh is hateful,
100 h2gt Lucia, nimica di ciascun crudele, 34 Lucia, the foe of every cruel one,

got moving, and came to the place
101 h2gt si mosse, e venne al loco dov i era, rose and came to the place where I was,

where I sat by Old-Testament Rachel,
102 h2gt che mi sedea con lantica Rachele. seated with the ancient Rachel.
and said, Beatrice, youre Gods true praise
103 h2gt Disse--Beatrice, loda di Dio vera, 35 She said,Beatrice, true praise of God,

and not rescuing the one whose loves undying,
104 h2gt ché non soccorri quei che tamò tanto, why dost thou not succor him who so loved thee

who for you left behind the crowds popular ways?
105 h2gt chuscì per te de la volgare schiera? that for thee he came forth from the vulgar throng?
Cant you hear his pitiful crying?
106 h2gt Non odi tu la pieta del suo pianto, 36 Dost thou not hear the pity of his plaint?

Or see death attack him by the overflowing river
107 h2gt non vedi tu la morte che l combatte Dost thou not see the death that combats him

the sea cant reach, and so takes no pride in?
108 h2gt su la fiumana ove l mar non ha vanto?--. beside the stream whereof the sea hath no vaunt?
No one ever in the world ran swifter
109 h2gt Al mondo non fur mai persone ratte 37 In the world never were persons swift

to profit or from pain
110 h2gt a far lor pro o a fuggir lor danno, to seek their good, and to fly their harm,

than I, once these words were delivered,
111 h2gt com io, dopo cotai parole fatte, as I, after these words were uttered,
left my heavenly seat. Down I came,
112 h2gt venni qua giù del mio beato scanno, 38 came here below, from my blessed seat,

all my faith placed in your honest words poetry,
113 h2gt fidandomi del tuo parlare onesto, putting my trust in thy upright speech,

which brings you honor, and the listener the
114 h2gt chonora te e quei chudito lhanno. which honors thee and them who have heard it.
And after shed said this to me,
115 h2gt Poscia che mebbe ragionato questo, 39 After she had said this to me,

she turned her shining eyesI could see
116 h2gt li occhi lucenti lagrimando volse, weeping she turned her lucent eyes,

which got me here the more hastily.
117 h2gt per che mi fece del venir più presto. whereby she made me more speedy in coming.
And so I came to you. She got her way.
118 h2gt E venni a te così com ella volse 40 And I came to thee as she willed.

You face a wild beast. I liberate.
119 h2gt dinanzi a quella fiera ti levai Thee have I delivered from that wild beast

(The shortcut up the beautiful mountains her
120 h2gt che del bel monte il corto andar ti tolse. that took from thee the short ascent of the beautiful mountain.
Well? What is it? How, how can you wait?
121 h2gt Dunque che è? perché, perché restai, 41 What is it then? Why, why dost thou hold back?

How can a heart give cowardice this bad a bed?
122 h2gt perché tanta viltà nel core allette, why dost thou harbor such cowardice in thy heart?

Why isnt freedom and fire all that you radiate?
123 h2gt perché ardire e franchezza non hai, why hast thou not daring and boldness,
When three such women, each blessèd,
124 h2gt poscia che tai tre donne benedette 42 Since three blessed Ladies

look after you from the court that is heavens,
125 h2gt curan di te ne la corte del cielo, care for thee in the court of heaven,

and so much is promised by what Ive said?
126 h2gt e l mio parlar tanto ben ti promette?. and my speech pledges thee such good?
The way little flowers frost over when it darkens,
127 h2gt Quali fioretti dal notturno gelo 43 As flowerets, bent and closed by the chill of night,

and slump, and seal up, and then in the white
128 h2gt chinati e chiusi, poi che l sol li mbianca, after the sun shines on them

open themselves on their stems, and each
129 h2gt si drizzan tutti aperti in loro stelo, straighten themselves all open on their stem,
so with me and my lack of fight.
130 h2gt tal mi fec io di mia virtude stanca, 44 so I became with my weak virtue,

My heart, like that, filled with such good fire
131 h2gt e tanto buono ardire al cor mi corse, and such good daring hastened to my heart

I began to speak like a man set free tonight
132 h2gt chi cominciai come persona franca that I began like one enfranchised
The compassion of my rescuer!
133 h2gt Oh pietosa colei che mi soccorse! 45 Oh compassionate she who succored me!

The nobility of your obedience
134 h2gt e te cortese chubidisti tosto and thou courteous who didst speedily obey

to her words (which couldnt have been truer).
135 h2gt a le vere parole che ti porse! the true words that she addressed to thee!
Ive got a heart now that has to experience
136 h2gt Tu mhai con disiderio il cor disposto 46 Thou by thy words hast so disposed

going there, and its thanks to your words
137 h2gt sì al venir con le parole tue, my heart with desire of going,

Im turned around, Im back, to where I was at
138 h2gt chi son tornato nel primo proposto. that I have returned unto my first intent.
Go thy will and mine are both in you.
139 h2gt Or va, chun sol volere è dambedue  47 Go on now, for one sole will is in us both

Youre leader, youre master, youre teacher to
140 h2gt tu duca, tu segnore e tu maestro. Thou Leader, thou Lord, and thou Master.

I told him that. And when he was moved to move,
141 h2gt Così li dissi  e poi che mosso fue, Thus I said to him and when he had moved on,

I entered my highheartlessjourney.
142 h2gt intrai per lo cammino alto e silvestro. I entered along the deep and savage road.
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