CLIMBING OUT OF YOUR CAVE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1-The Revelation Of His Call ... In other words, instead of breaking under the pressures of the moment, David's ... Awake, lute and harp!I will awaken the dawn. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Todays Message
  • Part Two

  • Last week
  • Realities of the cave
  • 1-The Reality Of Sorrow
  • 2-The Reality Of Suffering
  • 3-The Reality Of Separation

  • 1-The Revelation Of His Call
  • As Davids props began to be taken away, one
    after the other, he probably began to doubt the
    promises that God had made to him so long ago.
  • But, after a while, people began to show up at
    Davids cave. First, his family came then the
    defeated and downtrodden men of Israel began to
    show up.
  • Davids family came out of fear of Saul the rest
    came because they believed David was Gods man
    for the future. They all cast in their lot with
    David. God used this motley group of people to
    show David that He still had a plan for Davids

  • (Note I dont know how God will do it, but
    somehow, while you are in your cave, He will come
    to where you are and confirm His faithfulness and
    His promises to you!
  • God will use your cave as a banner to write His
    love over your life!
  • Elijah had his ravens
  • Moses had his burning bush
  • Jesus had His empty tomb.
  • God has a way of showing us that it will be all

2-The Revelation Of His Character
  • When his family and the malcontents of Israel
    showed up, it probably added to Davids burden at
    first. Psalm 57, which was also written during
    that time, expresses that thought in verse 4.
  • Psalm 574 My soul is among lions and I lie
    even among them that are set on fire, even
    the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and
    arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.

  • But, David rose to the challenge and the truth of
    his character was revealed in what he did during
    those times.
  • He took measures to care for his elderly parents
    and he rose up and led his men.
  • In other words, instead of breaking under the
    pressures of the moment, Davids heart was
  • The leader rose to the challenge and led! But,
    it took pain and problems to squeeze that out of

  • (Note Just as it did in the life of David,
    suffering and pain will reveal exactly what we
    have in our hearts as well.

  • Take Job for example.
  • He suffered! Satan said, Let me squeeze him and
    Ill get lemon juice from him.
  • I will prove that what he appears to be on the
    outside is all a show. Let me squeeze him and he
    will get sour. I will get lemon juice from Job!
  • So, he squeezed him and when he did, he did not
    get lemon juice he got lemonade! Job did not
    get sour on the Lord he just shouted in the
    devils face and got sweeter,

  • Job 120 Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and
    shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground,
    and worshipped,

Job 121 And said, Naked came I out of my
mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither
the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away
blessed be the name of the LORD.
  • What comes out of you when you get squeezed?
  • Do you get sour and bitter when trouble comes?
  • Or, do you display integrity and keep on praising
    the Lord knowing that He is in control and will
    work all things out for His glory?
  • People and how they act! Suffering will expose
    your heart like few other things can!)

  • 3-The Revelation Of His Commitment
  • In spite of what the circumstances said about
    David and his situation, David held on to the
    promises of God,
  • Psa. 571-11.
  • Psa 571  To the Chief Musician. Set to "Do Not
    Destroy." A Michtam of David when he fled from
    Saul into the cave. BE merciful to me, O God, be
    merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You And in
    the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge,
    Until these calamities have passed by.Psa
    572  I will cry out to God Most High, To God who
    performs all things for me.
  • Psa 573  He shall send from heaven and save me
    He reproaches the one who would swallow me up.
    Selah God shall send forth His mercy and His

  • Psa 574  My soul is among lions I lie among the
    sons of men Who are set on fire, Whose teeth are
    spears and arrows, And their tongue a sharp
  • Psa 575  Be exalted, O God, above the heavens
    Let Your glory be above all the earth.
  • Psa 576  They have prepared a net for my steps
    My soul is bowed down They have dug a pit before
    me Into the midst of it they themselves have

  • Psa 577  My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart
    is steadfast I will sing and give praise.
  • Psa 578  Awake, my glory! Awake, lute and harp!I
    will awaken the dawn.
  • Psa 579  I will praise You, O Lord, among the
    peoples I will sing to You among the nations.
  • Psa 5710  For Your mercy reaches unto the
    heavens, And Your truth unto the clouds.
  • Psa 5711  Be exalted, O God, above the heavens
    Let Your glory be above all the earth.

  • David knew where to go to find refuge in the
    times of trouble. He did not give up, even when
    most others would have. He held on to the Lord
    and the promises of God. He knew that God would
    come through in His time!

  • (Note Oh, that we could display that kind of
    commitment in our own hearts and lives.
  • When the pressure is on, dont turn on the Lord.
    Remain committed to Him!
  • He knows what He is doing and He will not fail
    you! So, dont you fail Him!
  • Nothing demonstrates our level of commitment to
    God other than our continued obedience and
    faithful service, even when we are in one of the
    caves of life!

( Paul and his attitude Acts 1419-20 2 Cor.
  • Act 1419 And there came thither certain Jews
    from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the
    people, and, having stoned Paul, drew him out
    of the city, supposing he had been dead.
  • Act 1420 Howbeit, as the disciples stood round
    about him, he rose up, and came into the city
    and the next day he departed with Barnabas to

  • 2Cr 47 But we have this treasure in earthen
    vessels, that the excellency of the power may be
    of God, and not of us.
  • 2Cr 48 We are troubled on every side, yet not
    distressed we are perplexed, but not in
  • 2Cr 49 Persecuted, but not forsaken cast down,
    but not destroyed
  • 2Cr 410 Always bearing about in the body the
    dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of
    Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

  • Next Week Part 3
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