Title: Colonization: Classroom Activities that Make it Real
1Colonization Classroom Activities that Make it
Part One Kenya Ngugi wa Thiongo Colonizing
half the classroom
Part Three Native Americans Zitkala-Sa George
Catlin John Gast
- Part Two Myanmar Australia George Orwell
Rabbit Proof Fence
- Part Four African-Americans, Asian-Americans,
Euro-Americans White and Nerdy? Me?
3The Berlin Conference 1884
4The Scramble for Africa
Blue France Pink Great Britain Yellow
Belgium Orange Spain Dark Green Italy Gold
Germany Light Green Portugal Gray Independent
5 Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy
divey A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
6Foreign Children by Robert Lewis Stevenson
(published in 1894)
- Little Indian, Sioux, or Crow,
- Little frosty Eskimo,
- Little Turk or Japanese,
- Oh! Dont you wish that you were me?
- Â
- You have seen the scarlet trees
- And the lions overseas
- You have eaten ostrich eggs,
- And turned the turtle off the legs.
- Such a life is very fine,
- But its not so nice as mine
- You must often as you trod,
- Have wearied not to be abroad.
- You have curious things to eat.
- I am fed on proper meat.
- You must dwell upon the foam,
- But I am safe and live at home.
7American Progress by John Gast, 1872
8George Catlin 1796-1872
9Wi-Jun-Jon, an Assinneboin Chief, Going to
Washington, and Coming Home