Title: By: Cathy Callihan
2There once was a small kangaroo who was bad in
school. He put thumbtacks on the teachers chair.
He threw spitballs across the room. He set off
firecrackers in the bathroom and spread glue on
the doorknobs.
3Q How did he behave in school?
4A He was bad.
5This answer was found right there within the
text. There once was a small kangaroo who was
bad in school. He put thumbtacks on the teachers
chair. He threw spitballs across the room. He set
off firecrackers in the bathroom and spread glue
on the doorknobs.
6 Q What things did he do?
- Put thumbtacks on the teachers chair.
- Threw spitballs around the room.
- Set off firecrackers.
- Spread glue on the doorknobs.
8There once was a small kangaroo who was bad in
school. He put thumbtacks on the teachers chair.
He threw spitballs across the room. He set off
firecrackers in the bathroom and spread glue on
the doorknobs.
9This answer was found in the text but required
additional thinking and searching for information
from additional sentences.
10Q Why might the teacher be concerned about the
11A Firecrackers are dangerous. (answers may vary)
12This answer can not be found in the text. I must
answer the question on my own using my own
knowledge and experiences.
13Question-Answer-Relationships (QARS) enable you
to analyze information in order to answer
14Right There Questions This answer was found
right there within the text.
15Think and Search Questions The answers are
found in different parts of the text, so you have
to look a little harder.
16On My Own Questions The answers can not be
found directly in the text. You must find this
answer in your head.