Title: GHG Inventory methods used by Annex 1 countries
1Inventorying Agricultural Soil Greenhouse Gas
Emissions Methods Used by Annex 1 Countries
Erandi Lokupitiya and Keith Paustian Colorado
State University
2Global commitment towards mitigating greenhouse
gas emissions
- Adoption of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1992 - Adoption of the Kyoto) Protocol in 1997 (Ratified
and implemented Feb 2005 - Member countries are expected to submit national
GHG inventories prepared using comparable
methodologies (IPCC revised guidelines and Good
Practice Guidance) - Annual submissions are made by Annex 1
(developed) countries
3Major GHG sectors under the UNFCCC/Kyoto Protocol
Industrial processes
Solvent and other product use
Land-Use Change and forestry
4Source/sink categories under the agricultural
Manure management
Enteric fermentation
Rice cultivation
Agricultural soils
Burning of agricultural residues
Prescribed burning of savannas
5IPCC inventory methodology
- Tier 1- simple equations and default emission
factors - Tier 2- default equations with country-specific
parameters that better account for climate, soil,
management and other local conditions - Tier 3- country-specific methods that may include
more complex models and inventory systems
6IPCC inventory methodology contd..
- Estimation of N2O emissions from agricultural
soils - direct N2O emissions from agricultural soils
- 2) direct soil emissions of N2O from animal
production (livestock grazing) - 3) indirect emissions of N2O from N used in
agriculture (losses from N volatilization and
leaching) -
7IPCC inventory methodology contd..
- Estimation of direct N2O emissions
EF1 FOS EF2 - FSN N input from synthetic fertilizer use
- FAW N from livestock manure applied to soil
- FBN total N input in N-fixing crops
- FCR N input from crop residues
- FOS Area of cultivated Organic Soils
- EF1 Emission factor for emissions from N inputs
- EF2 Emission factor for emissions from organic
soil cultivation -
8Evaluation of IPCC default methodology for N2O
- Universal, and allows comparability among the
national estimates by different countries - Likely statistical bias in data - for N2O. Most
studies have been done in temperate countries - Method does not reflect variation among different
crops, soils and climates that can influence N2O
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10IPCC inventory methodology contd..
- Estimation of emissions/ removals of CO2 from
agricultural soils -
- 1) Changes in C stored in mineral soils due to
changes in land-use practices - 2) Cultivated organic soils
- 3) Liming of agricultural soils
11IPCC inventory methodology contd..
- Estimation of changes in mineral soil C stocks
- ?SC (SCt SC(t-D) A/D
- ?SC annual SOC stock change
- SCt SOC stock at time t
- SC(t-D) SOC stock at time t-20 years
- SCR reference carbon stock
- FLU, FMG, FI stock change factors for LU and
management - D Duration (default is 20 years).
12Evaluation of IPCC methodology for estimation of
CO2 emissions
- allows comparability among countries
- Takes into account the spatial variability
associated with soil type, climate and management
regime. - Relatively high uncertainty in global default
stock change and emission factors
13CORINAIR (CORe INventory of AIR emissions in
Europe) methodology- European Union
- Includes an improved methodology for N2O based on
multivariate regression analyses incorporating
climate, weather and soil conditions, etc. - No alternative methodology suggested for
estimating CO2 emissions. But higher emission
factors compared to IPCC has been suggested for
CO2 released from cultivated organic soils - can be transformed to IPCC format based on the
information in the Annex 2 of the Volume 1 of
revised IPCC guidelines
14Country specific methods developed by certain
Annex1 countries
15- Australia
- National Carbon Accounting System (NCAS)
- A model-based accounting system, based on
resource inventories, field studies, remote
sensing and modeling - Full C Accounting Model (FullCAM) for estimating
land use change emissions associated with biomass
and soil C pools - Five component models 3PG (forest growth),
CAMFor (forest systems), CAMAg (agricultural
systems), GENDEC (microbial decomposition),
Roth-C (agricultural soil C) - Requirement of time-series consistency in
estimating GHG from land use change is well met
16Results from NCAS
Source Australian Greenhouse Office
17AustriaAustrian Carbon Balance Model (ACBM)
- Model covers five national subsystems including
agriculture - Agricultural soil C dynamics are estimated using
a three pool model. - Net emissions from agricultural soil using the
ACBM was 13 lower than estimates made using the
IPCC default method
18- Canada
- National C and Greenhouse gas emission
Accounting and Verification System for
agriculture (NCGAVS)
- Estimates soil C change and direct N2O emissions
from agricultural soils - Model-based system using integrated databases of
information on climate, land use change and
management - Basic geographic units are Soil Landscapes of
Canada (SLC) polygons - CENTURY based estimates showed an overall CO2
loss of 7.08 Mt. in 1990, and a net sink of 0.5
Mt in 2002
- Using two dynamic models for estimating NO and
N2O emissions - - Denitrification and Decomposition (DNDC)
model (for agricultural soils) - - Photosynthesis and Evapotranspiration-
Nitrification- Denitrification and Decomposition
(PnET-N-DNDC) model (for forest soils) - Better estimates from multi-year simulations at
regional scale - Consistent with IPCC default (ag soil estimates
only 10 higher compared to IPCC)
20New ZealandCarbon Monitoring System (CMS)
- to estimate C stock changes due to land cover
changes, based on a simple empirical model,
similar in concept to the IPCC Tier 1 approach - Soil C estimated for land cover/use categories in
18 different soil-climate classes - more detailed breakdown of climate zones, and
inclusion of an erosivity index compared to IPCC
method - encouraging results at local site scale, but
sometimes overestimated the observed soil C at
regional scale, due to variation in local factors
such as stoniness and slope - Major data gaps need to be filled before
efficient operation
21CMS and IPCC GPG/default soil C values (t C ha-1,
top 30cm) for arable soils (Tate et al., 2002,
IPCC GPG, 2003)
22SwedenIntroductory Carbon Balance Model (ICBM)
- a two pool model calibrated using long-term field
data, incorporated into a regional framework to
estimate changes in soil C - Conceptually simple can be run and optimized in
a conventional spreadsheet program - Input data- agricultural statistics, daily
weather data, climate region, soil type, crop
type, etc. - This model approach is still in the testing
phase, and currently only the emissions from
organic soils are reported in the NIR.
23United States
- a Tier2 versopm of the IPCC methodology with
US-specific reference C stocks and stock change
factors - (11 Tg for mineral soils and -9 Tg for organic
soils) - Dynamic approach using CENTURY model
- (23 Tg for mineral soils)
- incorporates information from National Resources
Inventory (NRI) data on land use, crop type,
irrigation, pasture management, soil type, etc.,
and tillage information - For estimating N2O emissions, a simulation based
approach using the DAYCENT model is being
developed. - DayCent estimates are about 10 lower than those
with IPCC default method
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- Currently, less comprehensive reporting of GHG
emissions and methods for soils - IPCC default methodology still mostly being used-
simple with default emission and stock change
factors - Country-specific methods, usually process-based
models, are being rapidly developed in several
Annex1 countries. - Simulation models with detailed activity data are
used in most country-specific methods. - One constraint for fully utilization of
country-specific methods is the lack of
comprehensive national databases.
- National Greenhouse Offices
- Consortium for Agricultural Soils Mitigation of
Greenhouse Gases (CASMGS) for financial support