Title: Physics
1Physics Chemistry of the EarthHeat Flow II
2Where Does Earths Heat Come From?
Planetary Accretion
- Accretion of the Earth
- Kinetic energy from impacts is transferred into
heat. - Early Heat Source
- Differentiation of the Earth
- Potential Energy is converted into heat through
differentiation of the Earth. (Especially the
formation of the core). - Early Heat Source
- Tidal Heating?
- Very small amount of heating
- Decay of radiogenic isotopes,
- Current Possibly Large Heat Source
Tidal Heating
Decay Rate
3Radiogenic Isotope Decay
Planetary Accretion
- Radiogenic Isotope Decay
- Some particles are only created by solar
processes - So, when the Earth formed, the particles were
trapped inside. - Some isotopes decay too fast to maintain Earths
Heat today. - 11Be Half-life 14 seconds
- Others decay too slow to keep Earth warm
- 147Sm ? 143Nd t1/2 106 Gyr
- 87Rb ? 87Sr t1/2 48 Gyr
- Ideal Candidates
- 232Th ? 208Pb t1/2 14 Gyr
- 238U ? 206Pb t1/2 4.5 Gyr
- 40K ? 40Ar t1/2 1.25 Gyr
- 235U ? 207Pb t1/2 0.704 Gyr
- The contribution of each isotope depends on the
intrinsic heat generation and initial abundance
4Heat Production
Planetary Accretion
- The contribution of each isotope depends on the
intrinsic heat production per unit mass and
initial abundance
5Vector Calculus Review
- Divergence Theorem
- The flow rate within the volume can be described
by the flow rate at the surface of the volume. - If q is heat flux (W m-2) and there is a
volumetric heat source or production Q (W m-3)
like heat released from radioactive decay, then - We can integrate both sides.
- Use the divergence theorem on the left side
If the whole Earth has the same volumetric heat
source or radioactive decay, then Or
q 82 mW m-2 QH 8.88X10-12Wkg-1
6The Earth is not Homogeneous
- The Earth is not homogeneous
- The core likely provides 10 of the heat to the
mantle (Qcore .1 Qmantle) - Plumes rise from the core-mantle boundary
- This heat source helps drive convection.
- The continental crust has more radiogenic
material than the rest of the mantle - Qcontinents 56 mW m-2
- Continents make up 87 of the Earths crustal
volume. - Qcrust 23 mW m-2
- The Earths temperature profile has changed over
time - The current temperature is a cumulative effect of
past heat loss and heat production. - Convection models suggest that about 20 of the
heat comes from the cooling history of the Earth.
q 82 mW m-2 Qmantle 5.56X10-12 W kg-1
7Steady State Solutions
- The easiest case is the steady state solution,
where there is not time derivative - Temperature derivative w.r.t. time zero.
- Velocity of material is zero.
- This satisfies LaPlaces equation
- or
- Given
- At zero depth,
- So,
V 0
- Now add a constant heat source in the layer
8Continental Heat Flow
- A good approximation of the heat source in
continental crust is - Where hf is the e-folding depth for decrease in
heat production. - The temperature profile with depth variable heat
production becomes
- The heat flow becomes
- where Q0 0, qs qL.
9Time Dependant Heat Flow I
- Start with the 1D heat diffusion equation
- Dimensionalize the 1D diffusion equation
- where L is the length scale, and ? is the time
scale. - So dimensionally,
- For an average rock (? 10-6 m-2 s-1) the time
scale can easily be converted to length scale per
year (about ? X 107 s yr-1) with
This is the time scale it takes to cool a slab
(subducted lithosphere, a batholith, etc ) by
10Time Dependant Heat Flow II
- Starting with a half-space cooling,
- The time it takes, ?, the material to cool from
the surface to some depth, L, produces a total of
qT Joules, - where L is the length scale, and ? is the time
scale. - The amount of energy removed must also be
Equating the two sides This result is
the same as the previous result.