Smart Choices - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Smart Choices


Of today's high school students, 60% will work in jobs that do not yet exist. ... These innocent stereotypes can limit your child's opportunities. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Smart Choices

Smart Choices
  • for high school and beyond

A Parent Presentation . . .
designed to enlighten parents about the
  • Workforce and workplace changes in the 21st
  • Need for career guidance and career development
    throughout the educational process
  • Nontraditional training and employment
  • Planning for high school
  • High School Course and Program Options
  • Importance of Parental Involvement

The Ever-changing Workforce and Workplace
  • of the 21st Century

The purpose of this presentation is to give you a
glimpse of the future and explain how your child
can begin preparing now for the changes and
challenges of the 21st century!
Changes in the Workforce in the 21st Century
Spending 20 plus years with one employer is a
thing of the past due to many factors, such as
  • Rapid technological changes
  • Competitive global markets
  • Company downsizing
  • Mobile workers

Workforce Changes (continued)
Some of the changes in the workforce of the 21st
century are
  • Most new jobs will require education beyond high
    school, but only 20 of the jobs will require a
    four-year college degree.
  • Of todays high school students, 60 will work in
    jobs that do not yet exist.
  • New jobs will continue to shift to the service
    industries with more than half of the new jobs in
    health, business, and retail services.
  • In the next century, 44 of all jobs will include
    information management.

Workforce Changes (continued)
The way we do business will also change. For
  • Individuals will need to perform a variety of
    tasks requiring broader skill areas.
  • Individuals will find themselves working in more
    dynamic group environments.
  • Individuals will face the necessity of updating
    their skills in order to get and keep jobs.

Success in the Workplace
Success in the workplace depends on
  • Occupational Skill Level
  • Human Relations
  • Computer Literacy
  • Problem Solving
  • Excellent Math, Science, and Communication Skills
  • Ability to take Initiative
  • Decision-making Abilities

Success in the Workplace (continued)
Workplace success also depends on
  • Healthy self image
  • Job satisfaction - ongoing good career decisions
  • Positive perception of ones relationship to the
  • Ability to access the job market, negotiate or
    bargain for decent wages, and maximize

Success in the Workplace (continued)
Workplace success also depends on
  • Recognition of the importance of upgrading skills
    and retraining
  • Ability to make the most of changing
  • Ability to deal with gender and race role changes
    and conflicts
  • Ability to accept people in a variety of
    positions regardless of race, ethnicity, gender,
    class, age, or disability status
  • Ability of individuals, employers, and
    educational institutions to provide supportive
    structures to help employees combine work and

The Need for Career Development and Career
Guidance Throughout the Educational Process
Open the Door to Your Childs Future
Encourage career development and career guidance
throughout your childs educational process to
insure smart planning for high school and beyond.
Career Education Goals
  • Understanding self and others
  • Exploring occupations
  • Learning to make decisions
  • Acquiring work skills
  • Planning for beyond high school
  • Helping students to become lifelong learners

Guidance Curriculum
Provides a foundation of information for career
development and successful high school and
postsecondary educational planning
Guidance Curriculum Emphasis
  • Self Knowledge
  • Educational Occupational Exploration
  • Career Planning

Career Guidance Pointers
  • Provide self knowledge and career exploration
  • Encourage career planning before the selection of
    a graduation seal in 9th grade
  • Encourage challenging academic standards
  • Encourage periodic evaluations
  • Suggest work-based learning

What is Your Concept of Career Develpment?
Career development is much more than preparing
for an occupation. Rather, career development is
a dynamic process (not a one-time activity)
involving our
  • Beliefs Values
  • Interests Personality
  • Skills Aptitudes
  • Knowledge about the ever-changing work environment

This process concerns the whole person and spans
our entire lives.
Stages of Career Development
  • Career Awareness
  • Elementary Grades
  • Career Exploration
  • Middle Schools
  • Career Preparation
  • High School

Importance of Career Development
  • To help middle school students link their career
    interests to the available high school
  • To encourage students to test their interests in
    a career field by enrolling in a related course,
    participating in shadowing and/or mentoring
    experiences, etc.

Importance of Career Development(continued)
  • To educate students for a changing workforce
  • To enlighten and involve parents in their childs
    career development process.
  • To supply business and industry with the best
    trained workers in order to sustain economically
    strong communities.

Career Development Process
  • Who am I?
  • Where am I going?
  • How do I get there?

Career Choice is a Continuing Process
An interest is a preference for one activity over
another. Ones interest is the base upon which an
occupation is chosen.
An ability is a skill (or set of skills) that is
used to do something well.
Tomorrows workers will need more education and
skill to work with and manage technology
Remember that career development is a process.
Make sure that your child takes advantage of all
the career guidance resources available in
his/her school.
  • Guidance Counselor
  • Career Center
  • Career Exploratory Programs
  • Computerized career data banks (like GCIS)
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook (printed materials)
  • Career Fairs, etc.

Nontraditional Training and Employment
Encourage your children to think Outside the
Box in terms of future careers and the workplace.
Nontraditional Training and Employment
  • Preparation for occupations or fields of work for
    which individuals from one gender (male or
    female) comprise less than 25 of the individuals
    employed in each such occupation or field or
  • Some of these fields are in computer science,
    technology, and emerging high skill occupations.

Do you naturally think of males performing some
jobs and females performing other jobs? What
about the jobs below?
  • Auto Technician
  • Nurse
  • Child Care
  • Provider
  • Electrician
  • Female or Male?
  • Female or Male?
  • Female or Male?
  • Female or Male?

Many of us stereotype jobs according to womens
work and mens work. You may be thinking, so
what? These innocent stereotypes can limit your
childs opportunities.
Because of long-held stereotypes
  • A young woman who is good at math and science and
    loves the outdoors may never consider a career as
    a civil engineer.
  • A young man may want to work in the medical field
    and may genuinely like to care for people, but he
    might never seriously consider nursing.

We attribute behaviors, abilities, interests,
values, and roles on the basis of gender. We
often use language that pertains to males or
females when referring to roles and careers. For
  • Fireman instead of Firefighter
  • Stewardess instead of Flight Attendant
  • Chairman instead of Chairperson

Increasingly, gender stereotyping hinders the
career options of young women.
  • Over the last 20 years, the number of women in
    the workforce has risen by 21 million (95
  • It is estimated that women will account for 15
    million or 62 of net growth in the labor force
    between 1990 and 2005.

Increasingly, gender stereotyping hinders the
career options of young women.
  • Two out of every three new workers in the next
    decade will be women.
  • As a general rule, women and men spend comparable
    time in the workforce 41 years for single women
    and men and 34 years for married women with

Gender Stereotyping and Young Women
  • The lower paid, lower status jobs have
    traditionally been attributed to women.
  • Families maintained by women have increased
  • Women of all ages are more likely to live in
    poverty than men, and black women are nearly
    three times as likely as white women to live in
  • In the early 1990s, 54 of the poor families in
    this country were headed by women.

To a lesser degree, gender stereotyping affects
young men.
  • Economic stress, employment problems and
    unemployment are linked to domestic problems.
  • Nearly 80 of husbands are now with their wives
    in the delivery room compared to 27 a decade
  • Men are now the primary caregiver in one out of
    every five dual-earner households.
  • Men do about 33 of the domestic work up from 15
    in 1965.

In essence, a lot hasnt changed.
  • Men and women still face internal and external
    barriers to nontraditional work.
  • Womens role in the workplace is still perceived
    as secondary.
  • Womens involvement in the workforce is still
    seen as temporary.

A Lot Hasnt Changed (continued)
  • The wage gap has decreased, but not
  • The status of workers who are people of color and
    new immigrants has improved, but not dramatically.

Planning for High School
Middle School Credit
  • Students who take courses based on the Quality
    Core Curriculum (QCC) in middle school may
    receive Carnegie units toward high school

Help Your Child Understand High School Credit
  • Carnegie Unit - one unit for 150 hours of
  • Core Course - a course chosen from English, math,
    science, social studies or foreign language to
    satisfy graduation requirements
  • Seal - an attachment placed on a high school
    diploma indicating successful completion of one
    or more programs of study
  • Required Course - course that is mandatory
  • Elective - a course, beyond the core
    requirements, that fulfills Carnegie units for

High School Graduation Seals
Listed below are the four seals which can be
earned based on units of credit. Your child
should choose a College Prep seal or a
Technology/Career Education seal based on his/her
educational and career goals.
  • The College Preparatory (CP) seal requires 22
  • The College Preparatory with Distinction (CP)
    seal requires 24 units/3.0 gpa.
  • The Technology/Career Preparatory (TCP) seal
    requires 22 units.
  • The Technology/Career Preparatory with
    Distinction (TCP) seal requires 24 units/3.0 gpa

Your childs school may have additional
requirements for graduation. Be sure to check
with the guidance counselor or advisor for
specific local requirements.
Middle School Exploratory Programs
Many middle schools offer exploratory programs
which operate on six, nine, or twelve week
rotations. These programs allow students to
  • Develop life skills (classes in Family Consumer
  • Experience a number of fields (Technology,
    Business, Trades, etc.) to narrow career
  • Learn to work cooperatively to complete
  • Put classroom theories into practice through many
    hands-on activities
  • Determine courses/programs to pursue further in
    high school
  • Make informed decisions about the choice of a
    high school seal

Standards for Admission to University System of
Georgia Colleges and Universities
  • The Board of Regents is the governing body for
    all university system colleges and universities.
  • Board of Regents increased the number of College
    Preparatory Curriculum (CPC) requirements.
  • Admissions based on Freshman Index
  • (Verbal SAT Math SAT Core GPA x 500)

Standards for Admission to Georgia Technical
  • The Department of Technical and Adult Education
    sets the standards for admission to the technical
    schools in Georgia.
  • ASSET is the state-mandated test for entrance
    into these technical schools.
  • SAT and ACT scores are also accepted for
    admission. Applicants are accepted in regular,
    provisional, or developmental status and may
    exempt ASSET testing with the SAT or ACT scores
    specified by each technical school.
  • Additional criteria may be set by individual

Hands-on Learning Experiences
Your child can enrich his/her high school
education by participating in some of these
StructuredSummerWork Experience
High School Options
Three Options Which Can Lead Students to a Two or
Four Year Postsecondary Education
As students explore careers, they will be amazed
to learn that many of these high tech/high
skill/high wage careers require a two-year
Associate degree, not a four-year Bachelors
Students no longer have to choose EITHER a
technical school OR a college. Two years in a
technical school plus two more years in selected
Georgia colleges can lead to a four year degree.
Tech Prep
  • Two-year high school program of study plus two
    years of technical studies with options for a
    four-year degree.
  • Some courses may count for high school and
    technical school credit.
  • Preparation in fields such as engineering
    technology, applied science, mechanical,
    industrial or practical arts, or trade,
    agriculture, health occupations, business, or
    applied economics.

Tech Prep (continued)
  • Community mentors provided for chosen career
  • Academic skills in math, science, communications,
    economics, and workplace skills built through
    applied instruction.
  • Associate or Bachelors degree or a postsecondary
    certificate can be obtained in a specific career

Youth Apprenticeship
  • Combination of classroom and work-based learning
    in high school and requires postsecondary
  • Strong academic foundation in math and
    communication is provided through applied
  • Work-based component requires specific training
    plans, directly related to the career objective.

Youth Apprenticeship (continued)
  • Preparation in fields such as business, marketing
    and information management, environmental and
    agricultural sciences, human services, health and
    medical, technical/engineering, and arts and
  • Leads to an Associate or Bachelors degree or a
    postsecondary certificate in a specific career

Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Degree
  • Two-year program of study in high school plus two
    years in a technical school plus two years in a
    four-year institution
  • Credit transfers from one institution to the next
  • Georgia Southern University, Valdosta State
    University, and Clayton State University offer
    BAS degrees.

Parental Involvement
Talk with your child about different activities
of work.
Understanding the World of Work
  • Assist your child in investigating basic skills
    needed in occupations.
  • Discuss expectations related to cooperation,
    respect, and the value in the world of work.
  • Assist in finding labor market information.

University of Wisconsin
Career Preparation and Decision Making
  • Assist your child in developing a list of
    strengths and interests.
  • Help your child in making connections between
    current interests and future careers.
  • Expand your childs ideas about careers by
    encouraging career exploration.
  • Review and discuss requirements for middle school
    and/or high school graduation.

Interpersonal Skills
  • Help your child to develop problem-solving
  • Work with your child to develop effective
    communication skills.
  • Help your child to manage conflict and change.

Review and Discuss Academic and Career Plans
  • Visit your childs school counselor on a regular
  • Help your child become aware of educational,
    training, and work-based learning opportunities.

Become Involved
Parents are a very important part of the career
education and career development process. In
essence, help your child make smart choices for
high school and beyond!
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