Title: It is like having a teacher in your pocket
1It is like having a teacher in your pocket!
- Ronda Stonecipher
- San Marcos CISD
- Coordinator of Instructional Technology
- Niki Konecki
- Coordinator of Bilingual/ESL and Innovative
Programs - San Marcos CISD
- Melinda Base
- Teacher, Newcomer Academy
- San Marcos High School
2Podcasting in the Bilingual/ESL Classroom
- Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Portable
3Accelerate Learning
- Go from Ordinary to Extraordinary!
4In This Presentation
iPods Can Be Used for Learning in the
Bilingual/ESL Classroom!
iPod is a great access device for learning
Podcasting and iPods simplifies content
5Why Use iPods
- Differentiation
- Scaffolding for new learning
- Portable anywhere anytime Learning
- Review and reinforcement
- Creativity imagination
- Collaboration
- Student centered
6Uses for Podcasting in Education
- to provide audience for student work
- for multi-lingual education
- for helping students with reading and/or other
disabilities - for distance learning
- to provide just-in-time help for all learners
- to facilitate self-paced learning
- for remediation
- to provide the ability for educators to feature
guest speakers from remote locations - Edit, revise and persist longer on published work
7News Coverage
8Learn by Listening
evolution genetic erosion plants physics
comprehension literacy vocabulary grammar
myths novels culture economics democracy
revolution functions statistics summarizing
evolution genetic erosion plants physics
comprehension literacy vocabulary grammar
myths novels culture economics democracy
revolution functions statistics summarizing
evolution genetic erosion plants physics
comprehension literacy vocabulary grammar
myths novels culture economics democracy
revolution functions statistics summarizing
evolution genetic erosion plants physics
comprehension literacy vocabulary grammar
myths novels culture economics democracy
revolution functions statistics summarizing
evolution genetic erosion plants physics
comprehension literacy vocabulary grammar
myths novels culture economics democracy
revolution functions statistics summarizing
evolution genetic erosion plants physics
comprehension literacy vocabulary grammar
myths novels culture economics democracy
revolution functions statistics summarizing
evolution genetic erosion plants physics
comprehension literacy vocabulary grammar
myths novels culture economics democracy
revolution functions statistics summarizing
evolution genetic erosion plants
- US Dept. of Education
- KEYE of Austin
- WOAI of San Antonio
- Texas Lone Star Magazine Cover Story
- San Marcos Daily Record
- Radio Interviews
- TexasISD.com
- Texas Legislature Presentation
10Reach All Learners
11Keys to Success
- Board Support
- Administrative Support
- Parent Involvement
- Professional Development
- Technical Support
- Apple Support
12Curriculum Resources
- Easily Shared Resources
- UnitedStreaming Video
- Teacher PowerPoint Lectures
- Educational Podcasts
- Audio books
- Audio of Vocabulary Spelling
- Music
- Student Created Projects
- Parent News
- Student Videos
- 50 showed improvement by 1 letter grade from
fall to spring (all subjects) - 98 showed improvement since inception of iPod
Project - 63 progressed 1 level TELPAS
- 100 show improvement in science
- Pre-K Bilingual
- High School ESL
- SSI grade levels
- Gifted and Talented
- Special Ed
15Lessons Learned
- Better able to meet State Expectations
- Improved Performance
- Confident Students
- Engaged Students
- Learning is Fun
- Nice but not all necessary
- 30 Gig Video iPod
- Charger
- Shock Absorbent Skin
- PC or Mac
- Microphone
- Digital Camera
- Digital Video
17QuestionsCreditsMaria Henderson of
AppleRonda Stonecipher of SMCISD
18Session ID