Title: Representation of Terrain
1Representation of Terrain
2Topics to be covered by Jay
- Central role of terrain representation
- Digital Terrain Modeling vs. DEM
- Techniques for creating DEM
- Interpolation methods for DEM generation
- DEM quality measures
- DEM interpretation
3Central role of terrain representation
- Cardinal examples for many activities in GIS and
environmental modeling - A prominent role in the development of methods
for conceptualization and visualization of 3-D
data - Understanding of the nature of the earth surface
and atmospheric processes in subjective and
analytical terms
4Digital Terrain Modeling vs.
Digital Elevation Model
- Digital Elevation Model
- an ASCII or binary file that contains only
spatial elevation data in a regular gridded
pattern in raster format - Digital Terrain Model
- Allows the possibility of including landscape
attributes other than topography as a means of
improving the digital representation of a section
of terrain - Representation of Terrain
- DEM generation
5Elevation Source
- Surface specific point elevation data high and
low points, saddle points, and points on streams
and ridges make up the skeleton of terrain - Contour and stream-line data
- Remotely sensed elevation data
6Techniques for creating DEM
- Digitizing contour lines
- Aerial photogrammetry
- Stereoscopy using optical satellite imagery
- Laser scanning
- Radar techniques
7Digitizing contour lines
- derived from existing topographic maps
- various interpolation methods
- weighted moving averages, bicubic splines, and
finite elements - still the main source for creating DEMs
DEM through interpolation
Vector with elevation tag
8Aerial photogrammetry
- bundle block adjustment
- aerial triangulation
- GPS reduces number of ground control points
9Optical satellite data
- stereo SPOT Pan images
- two processing approaches
- geometric model of a CCD line scanner
- automatic matching techniques
10Optical satellite data (SPOT)
11Optical satellite data
- Modular Optoelectronic Multispectral Scanner
(MOMS) - stereo acquisition is along-track direction
- flown on the MIR station
12Optical satellite data (ASTER)
Begin Acquisition 3N
Complete Acquisition 3B
0 sec
6.7 km/sec
705 km orbit
0 km
Stereo Scene
13Optical satellite data (ASTER)
14Laser scanning (LIDAR)
- Avoids the problems of aerial triangulation and
orthorectification - Accuracies within 213 cm
15Laser scanning (LIDAR)
16Radar techniques
- Radargrammetry
- same area from two different angles
- used for long time with airborne systems
- some potential for RADARSAT data
- usually requires ground control points
17Radar techniques
- Radarclinometry
- also referred to as shape-from-shading
- inversion of the radiometric incidence angle
correction enables an estimate of local terrain
slope - filtering of data improves quality
18Radar techniques
(left) Height map derived using stereo SAR
technique only (right) Improved map created by
augmenting original stereo result with
shape-from-shading technique.
19Radar techniques
- SAR interferometry
- repeat-pass geometry (satellite)
- covering large areas in short time frame
- computationally intensive
- variety of data available
20Interpolation methods for DEM generation
- Point Elevation
- - Voronoi (Thiessen) polygon
- - TIN
- - Inverse distance weighting
- - Kriging
- - Spline
- Contour data
- - TIN
- - Topogrid (local adaptive gridding)
21Voronoi Polygon
- A polygon whose interior consists of all points
in the plane which are closer to a particular
lattice point than to any other.
22TIN based interpolation
- Triangulation locally fitting polynomials
- Based on elevation spot points, and contours
- TIN based linear interpolation
- Z a bx cy
23Inverse distance weighting
- assumes that the unknown value of a point is
influenced more by nearby control points than
those farther away - The degree of weight is expressed by the inverse
of the distance between points raised to a power
- The rate at which the variance between points
changes over space - Uses a weighted linear combinations of a number
of neighboring sample values to model the spatial
variation within a local area bounded by the
input sample points
- Thin-plate splines create a surface, which passes
through control points and has the least possible
change in slope at all points - Regularized Splines
- The approximation of regularized splines has the
following form -
- where a represents the trend function, and the
basis function R(r) is
- Iterative finite difference interpolation
procedure - Uses a nested multi-resolution computation
structure, starting with an initial coarse grid
and successively halving the grid spacing until
the final specified grid resolution is obtained
27DEM quality measures
- lineage (metadata)
- data history, processing, assumptions etc.
- positional accuracy
- root mean square (measure of overall accuracy)
- standard deviation (measure of precision)
- attribute accuracy
- data completeness
- error of omission (measurable)
- logical consistency
- structural integrity of the data
- fidelity of relationships
- semantic accuracy
- number of features, relationships or attributes
which agree with the selected model
28- temporal information
- type of update
- validity period of the data set
- accuracy of derivatives of height
- slope gradient
- maximum rate of change of altitude
- slope aspect
- compass direction of maximum
- profile convexity
- rate of change of gradient
- plan convexity
- rate of change of aspect
- Ground control points
- 20 interior and 8 edge points for determination
of RMS - points well distributed
- points representative for the terrain
29DEM interpretation
- Scale
- - Matching the resolution of grid DEM to
source data - - Spectral and fractal analyses of scale
- Terrain parameters
- Features
- - Catchments and sub catchments
- - Contour flow line networks
- - Multi scale feature model
30Thank you!!! Any Question?