Title: EIDHR European Instrument for Democracy
1EIDHREuropean Instrument for Democracy Human
Presentation By Cristina Martin Rodriguez-
Programme Manager Emilie Larese - Programme
Manager Ayman Goussous - Contractual Financial
Officer Asier Bengoa Geisler - Contractual
Financial Officer
AQABA 14/06/2009 MAAN 15/06/2009 AMMAN
17/06/2009 IRBID 18/06/2009
What is the EIDHR Programme ?
- In 1994, the European Parliament created the
European Initiative (became Instrument) for
Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) - Political recognition of the vital contribution
by Civil Society Organizations, and particularly
NGOs, in the development and consolidation of
democracy and the rule of law, and respect for
human rights and fundamental freedoms - This assistance is independent from the consent
of third country governments and other public
4Objectives of the EIDHR
- 5 objectives for the period 2007-2013
- 1 - Enhancing respect for human rights and
fundamental freedoms in countries and regions
where they are most at risk - 2 - Strengthening the role of civil society in
promoting human rights and democratic reform, in
supporting the peaceful conciliation of group
interests and in consolidating political
participation and representation (JORDAN) - 3 - Supporting actions on human rights and
democracy issues in areas covered by EU
guidelines, including on human rights dialogue,
on human rights defenders, on the death penalty,
on torture, and on children in armed conflicts - 4 - Supporting and strengthening the
international and regional framework for the
protection of human rights, justice, the rule of
law and the promotion of democracy - 5 - Building confidence in and enhancing the
reliability and transparency of democratic
electoral processes, in particular through
election observation
Reaching the Objective 2
- Mean 72 Country-based Support Schemes (CBSS)
are financed worldwide - An overall amount of 45.9M euros (1.8M euros for
Jordan) is being distributed in grants for the
period 2009-2010 - EC Delegations are organizing local calls for
6Call for Proposal in Jordan Component 1
- Human Rights Component
- To prevent any form of violence against women and
girls, in the perspective of the implementation
of the new EU Guidelines on violence against
women and girls - To raise awareness on issues related to children
(child labour, children in conflict with the law,
discriminations, domestic violence). - To advance rights and working/living conditions
of vulnerable groups subject to various forms of
exploitation, harassment, human trafficking and
other forms of violations of human rights
(migrant workers, refugees)
7Call for Proposal in Jordan Component 2
- Democratic Process Component
- To enhance women's political participation in
politics, particularly in the ongoing reforms in
the country to increase their representation in
politics to advance civil society lobbying
efforts for a legal framework that contributes to
eliminate any form of discrimination against
women to promote wider participation of women in
economic life and un-discriminatory access to
labour market - In view of 2011 elections, to promote voter
education on current national and local electoral
system and to raise awareness on the importance
of voting, especially among youth to support
fair and free election process.
8Who can apply ?
- Priority is given to Jordanian CSOs cooperating
with CBOs, Jordanian Royal NGOs or International
NGOs - Requirements
- direct experience in designing and managing
projects - stable financial capacity
9What kind of projects will be selected ?
- The EC will finance up to 90 maximum of the
overall budget - EC grants will range from 100.000 to 200.000
euros maximum this amount will constitute 90
maximum of the total cost - Projects will run from 12 to 36 months
- Focus will be on
- targeting vulnerable groups, nationwide (e.g.
remote areas) - supporting Civil Rights fora networks on
advocacy or awareness raising - promoting institutional sustainability and
multiplier effects (e.g. Training Of Trainers)
10How to apply to the Call for Proposal?
11Step 1 Registering in PADOR
- Applicants can submit only one proposal
- (with the possibility to combine both components
1 and 2) - Registration in PADOR is compulsory for
applicants and for partners - Website
- http//ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/onlineservices/
pador/index_en.htm - The Field offices of international NGOs can
register in PADOR only if they are legal
12Step 2 Transmitting the Concept Note
- Document of 4 full pages maximum (A4 size, Arial
10 characters with 2 cm margins (no specific
template see the Guidelines) - The CN is a photograph of the proposal, as clear
as possible and underlining why this proposal can
make a difference - It focuses on the substance of the project and
avoids details in all different components (ex
the detailed budget is not provided). - Messages to convey relevance of the action
description of the action and its effectiveness
sustainability of the action - To be received by the EC Delegation on Thursday
16 July 2009, 3.00 pm at the latest
13Step 3 Transmitting the Full Application
- If CN is short-listed, the EC Delegation will
contact you to submit the Full Application - Deadline Thursday 1st October, 3.00pm
- Structure
- Description of the Action
- Logical Framework
- Budget
- Applicant
- Partners
14Description of the action
- To be clear and precise on Title, Locations,
Cost, Summary, Objectives, Relevance, Description
of the action, Methodology, Duration and
indicative action plan, Sustainability, Logical
framework - To describe legally binding commitments (e.g.
activities to be implemented) rather than general
aspirations. - To include indicators of performance/milestones
- This document will be the Annex I of the grant
contract, if the proposal is selected.
- What is the difference between beneficiaries
and target groups? - Beneficiaries the people who will ultimately
benefit from the - project activities
- Target groups the people who will participate
directly in the - project.
- In some projects, they can be the same.
- Example proposal to raise the awareness of
judges and politicians about the rights of women, - the target groups will be judges and politicians,
- the final beneficiaries will be the women
- Expected results describe how the action
will improve the situation of target groups the
technical and management capacities of target
groups or partners (where applicable) - Outputs be specific and quantify outputs as
much as possible. - Multiplier effects explain the
possibilities for replication and extension of
the action outcomes.
- Partners
- Applicants have to act with partner
organizations. - The number of partners and/or associated
organizations is not limited but should be duly
justified by the logic and needs of the project. -
- Proposals with no partnership will be rejected
- What about the Methodology?
- Methodology refers to the structure and design of
the project - It establishes a clear link between proposed
activities and expected results - It justifies why these activities are the most
efficient method for achieving the expected
results - To fill methods of implementation
prolongation of a previous project potential
synergies with other initiatives
internal/external evaluation participation of
actors and stakeholders organisational
structure and team (by function no need to
include the names of individuals) ? main means
(equipment, tools) role of partners
- Duration and action plan
- Action from 12 to 36 months
- Indication of "month 1", "month 2", etc (not real
dates). - no detailed descriptions of activities, but just
their title.
- Sustainability
- 3 dimensions must be envisaged to evaluate the
expected short and long-term impact of the
Action - Financial level how will activities be financed
when the grant ends? - Institutional level will structures allowing
the activities continue to be in place at the end
of the action? Will there be local "ownership" of
action outcomes? - Policy level what structural impact will the
action have - e.g. will it lead to improved
legislation, codes of conduct, methods, etc?
21The Logical Framework
- The main tool in the preparation of the
application - Not a burden - but a help, a guide!
- It helps thinking about the different dimensions
and phases of the projects and about their
22EU Visibility
- Visibility is about raising awareness on the EU
support to the project - A special effort has to be made by applicants on
communication and visibility actions planned
during the projects lifetime - Projects should follow the new EC visibility
guidelines to ensure an appropriate written and
visual identity of the EU (e.g. use of the flag,
how to draft a press release) - Guidelines are available on AIDCO website
23How to transmit the proposal ?
- The Concept Note and then the Full Application
must be transmitted - in 1 original and 3 copies in A4 size, each bound
in electronic format (CD-Rom) - the Checklist and the Declaration by the
applicant must be stapled separately and enclosed
in the envelope. - in a sealed envelope the outer envelope must
bear the reference number and the title of the
call for proposals, together with the title, the
full name and address of the applicant, and the
words "Not to be opened before the opening
session - exclusively by registered mail, private courier
service or by hand-delivery - delivered to the Delegation of the European
Commission - Incomplete applications may be rejected.
- Deadlines
- Concept Notes Thursday 16 July 2009, 3.00 pm
- Full applications Thursday, 1st October 2009,
3.00 pm
24How is conducted the evaluation process?
- Step 1 administrative check
- Step 2 evaluation of the Concept Note
- - relevance x/15 (minimum 12/15), effectiveness
x/25, sustainability x/10 - - minimum 30/50 to pass
- Step 3 evaluation of the Full Application
- - Financial and operational capacity x/20
(12/20 minimum) - - Relevance x/25 (20/25 minimum)
- - Methodology x/25
- - Sustainability x/15
- - Budget and cost-effectiveness x/15
- Step 4 eligibility verification (supporting
documents) - Step 5 award of grants
25End of Part 1
- Useful links
- EC Delegation in Jordan - Programme Officers
- Mrs Cristina Martin Rodriguez, cristina.martin-rod
riguez_at_ec.europa.eu - Mrs Emilie Larese, emilie.larese_at_ec.europa.eu
- Visit our website http//ec.europa.eu/delegation
s/deljor/en/index.htm - EuropeAid Directorate-General of the European
Commission, in charge of the external aid - Website http//ec.europa.eu/europeaid
- Thank You for your attention
- Time to answer your questions
- Any more questions ?
- Kindly send by e-mail your questions by Thursday
25 June 2009 at the latest
26Contractual Financial Aspects
- Legal Entity Form
- Financial Identification Form
- Procurement
- Budget Preparation
- Financial Reporting
- Payments Request
- Audits
28PADOR how to apply and the procedures to follow
- Prior registration in PADOR for applicants and
their partners for this Call for proposal is
obligatory. - PADOR is an on-line database in which
organisations register and update their data. - Data in PADOR is used by the EC for checking the
eligibility of the organisations. - In PADOR, organisations introduce the same data
that is requested in the chapters II (for the
main applicants) and III (for the partners of the
main applicant) of the paper application form. - Data concerns the organisation itself, it is not
linked to the project proposal.
29PADOR how to apply and the procedures to follow
- Organisations obtain their EuropeAid ID after
having completed the registration process. - The registration process consists in encoding,
saving submitting data such as - Sectorial experience
- Geographical experience
- Financial data
- etc.
30PADOR how to apply and the procedures to follow
- Before starting the registration in PADOR, please
check - the Frequently Asked Questions
- the PADOR user's guide
- the e-training
- These 3 documents are available on the website
- http//ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/onlineservices/
pador/index_en.htm - Also, please check if your organisation is
already registered before. - Helpdesk for questions related to the functioning
31The Legal Entity Form
- If you have submitted LEF before
- No. 6000 ----
- Ask EC Delegation for your number (CF Officer)
32Bank Identification
- NGO Information
- Bank Information
- NGO Sign Stamp
- Bank Sign Stamp
- This is Contractual
- Changed by Addendums
33Procurement Regulations
- This is a thematic instruments. So Procurement
can be done from - The 27 Member States of the EC, from an official
candidate country or from a Member State of the
European Economic Area - From any developing country in the sense of the
(very long) OECD DAC list
34Procurement Regulations
- OECD List
- Development Assistance Committee list of aid
recipients - Rules of Origin exceptions- (Derogation)
35Procurement Regulations
- Contracts of 200 000 or more (N/A)
- Contracts under 200 000
- Service contracts worth less than 200 000 must
be awarded by means of a negotiated procedure
without publication, in which the Beneficiary
consults at least three service providers of its
choice and negotiates the terms of the contract
with one or more of them. - For services of a value of 10 000 or less, the
Beneficiary may place orders on the basis of a
single tender.
36Procurement Regulations
- Contracts of 150 000 or more (N/A)
- Contracts between 60 000 and 150 000 are
awarded by means of an open tender procedure
published locally. - Contracts under 60 000 must be awarded by means
of a negotiated procedure without publication, in
which the Beneficiary consults at least three
suppliers of its choice and negotiates the terms
with one or more of them. - For supplies of a value of 10 000 or less, the
Beneficiary may place orders on the basis of a
single tender.
37Budget Preparation
- At Concept stage you need an estimate and
- required from EC (80-90)
- Can not vary more than 20 when finalizing the
budget at Full Proposal stage.
38Budget Preparation
39Budget Preparation
40Payments Requests
- To Head of Delegation
- Type of Payment
- Amount
- Reporting
- Bank Account
- Signature
- 70 of previous payment and 100 of other payments
41Audit Reports
- Required with Request for payment of the balance
in the case of a grant of more than EUR 100 000 - Less than 100,000 can be audited by Delegation
Staff at any time
42- Thank You for your attention
- Questions???